Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 799 The egg hatched

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Abalone's plan is divided into two parts. First, he uses his own Void Hyena as an old trick to attract more hyenas to capture.

Sky City has been doing this kind of operation, but it uses the method of boiling a frog in warm water. Abalone's suggestion is to expand the scale and become more intense. The purpose is to quickly eat away at the Void Hyena population and eventually annex them.

The second step is to drive the hyenas after devouring the hyena group and turn against the group behind the scenes that raises the hyenas.

In summary, this plan is to drive away the wolf and eat the tiger, and the dog bites the dog. It is a poisonous plan.

"The boss has read my memories and should know that the race that exists in the world I came from has an aggressive nature and has massacred countless other intelligent beings.

The boss does not need to bear any burden in dealing with them. "

Bao Yu vigorously conveyed his mental fluctuations: "The world I came from is currently experiencing internal strife. It is a good opportunity to deal with them."

Cao Yan: "You suggested attacking them just because they sent void hyenas to hunt you down after they abandoned you, and you wanted to take revenge. Don't beep anything else."

Baoyu responded calmly: "Aside from revenge, I mainly think about the boss and our Sky City."

"What are the characteristics of the ethnic group you once regarded as your main group, and what level is the strongest?" Cao Yan asked.

Abalone: ​​"Their leader is the top king, but their tribe can stimulate their potential and transform into demon-eaters. Their combat power can increase by one level out of thin air, which is roughly equivalent to the totem level. It is because of this talent that they have the ability to invade many races and Other worlds.”

Cao Yan: "The first half of your plan, to lure more void hyenas to capture, can be launched immediately. The second half of the group invasion, put it on hold for now, let me ponder."

In the following period, some forces under Boss Cao began to trap void hyenas in large numbers.

Abalone, the goddess of the jungle, led thousands of hyenas and joined in the capture.

Time passed quietly.

In mid-to-late July, the underground studio of Sky City.

Boss Cao is immersed in writing and drawing on the enchanted paper. The animal bone pen made of dragon bones has good magic transmission properties.

One after another, complex symbols are formed under the pen and imprinted on the paper.

Many symbols overlap each other to form structural matrices, emitting stable elemental fluctuations.

The studio was very quiet, with only Ji Wen, Gyang Zi and others watching.

They all saw that Cao Yan was designing a brand new animal trapping ball, and the matrix structure he constructed was different from any previous animal trapping balls.

"What kind of beast ball is this?" Gyangzi asked in a low voice.

Ji Wen shook her head: "I don't know, I can't understand the operating rules of the structure, but it is obviously different from the regular animal trapping ball. It doesn't seem to be used to capture monsters."

In the corner of the studio, the shrunken Eggy was also there. It had weaved a spider web and was lying on the web, its beady eyes staring in a direction not far away.

There lay a turtle as big as a palm, with its neck stretched out, and its small eyes staring at each other from afar.

Spider looked at Bastard and checked his eyes. Both of them felt the strength of the other.

After the old turtle captured by Cao Yan gained the ability to shrink in size, the relationship with him became friendly. Although there was no contract signed, the old turtle, like the Sun Golden Crow, chose a Warcraft Tower in the northeast corner of the Sky City (Cao Yan The living space built for Warcraft is equivalent to a special beast-trapping ball, with its own space inside for the Warcraft in the city to inhabit and settle down.

The old turtle settled in the tower and became one of the mythical beasts that protected the city.

In addition to Dandan and Laogui, there is also a chubby dog ​​in the studio with gray-blue short hair that is as shiny as satin.

It lay down next to Cao Yan, holding a bone in its mouth, pressing the bone with its fat front paws, its bright eyes full of concentration, and chewing with relish.

At this time, a half-finished animal trap appeared in Cao Yan's hand, with complex element patterns flowing, symbols and nodes connected in series, exquisite and beautiful.

"Teacher Xiao Cao, what kind of beast ball are you making? I see you revised the drawings several times."

Gyantse has grown from a young girl into a sweet, mature and charming woman, but her temperament still retains the coquettishness of her teenage years.

"This is actually not a beast-catching ball, because it does not have a beast-catching function. It is a plug-in and has not been completed yet."

Cao Yan explained casually and then left the underground studio.

"What does plug-in mean?" Jiang Zi closed his eyes and asked.

Ji Wen said confusedly: "I don't know either."

After Cao Yan left, Dandan and Laogui also disappeared out of thin air. When they appeared again, they occupied Boss Cao's left and right shoulders respectively, lying down firmly.

The little fat dog waggled its tail and ran beside Cao Yan like a flower.

After a while, Boss Cao returned to the study and met Tinong and other presidents of several major associations.

There was also a demon pet lying on Tinon's shoulder, a chameleon with bright patterns, which was his main pet hammer.

From the moment Cao Yan entered the house, Hammer stared at the old turtle on his shoulder, his body shaking constantly, as if he suddenly caught a cold.

Tinong asked curiously: "Cao Yan, where did you get that little tortoise? What kind is it? Hammer seems a little afraid of it?"

You are the little bastard, and your whole family is the little bastard... The old turtle on Cao Yan's shoulder can understand human speech, and stared at Tinong angrily.

Dandan was not used to showing up in front of others. When Cao Yan returned to the study, it had disappeared.

Cao Yan: "This is the old turtle I discussed with you before."

"Is this the legendary ancient turtle? Why has it become so small?"

Tinon's eyes lit up and he said in surprise.

The presidents of several other major associations had also heard of this legendary creature, and they all looked at the old turtle with curiosity.

"It has evolved the ability to change its body shape." Cao Yan responded.

Tinon clicked his tongue in surprise: "Is this totem-level turtle? Cao Yan, how many totem creatures are there in your sky city now?"


Totem-level combat power was his trump card. Even for Tinon and others, Cao Yan had reservations and reduced the number of totems under his command by more than half. Even so, Tinon and others were still very shocked.

Prior to this, the Green Jungle World had not seen a confirmed totem-level professional (Warcraft) for thousands of years. Now that five have appeared at once, you can imagine the shock.

"I see you are living a leisurely life every day, how come your power is growing so fast?" The president of the Warriors Association felt like he was in a state of confusion.

Take it easy daddy!

I can't tell you why my strength grows so fast. After all, you haven't died yet...

"We have something to discuss with you."

Tinon and other big bosses began to complain collectively: "The number of forces under our alliance is increasing, and many problems have arisen. Just like this attack on the church, more than half of the forces want to evade the task of attacking the church and find various excuses to reduce their own consumption. "

"We had anticipated this situation before, but the complexity it presented still exceeded our expectations."

"There are also some forces that are just being clever and don't put in the effort. They let them attack the church. It's all a feint attack and no real attack at all..."

Cao Yan thought for a while and said: "This is not difficult to solve. All the big guys can unite and appropriately reduce the forces that have already joined. It is not too expensive to be more valuable, and kick out some of the fishing forces, which will give us a good balance." The remaining forces are intimidated, don’t think that everything will be fine if you join.”

Tinon thought: "How many forces do you think it is appropriate for the alliance to retain at this stage?"

"There are more than 150 now?" Cao Yan asked.

Tinon and others nodded.

"It is enough to retain 50 to 60 powerful elite forces," Cao Yan said.

"Cut off so much at once?"

Several presidents looked at each other: "This matter is not as simple as you think. It is not so easy to eliminate some forces. If it is not handled well, it is likely to turn against each other. So we came to find you and relied on your influence. It will be easier if you use force to promote this matter, and they will not dare to fall out with you."

"Fuck..." Cao extended his hand to his forehead, knowing that something was wrong.

After discussing with the big guys for a while, after they left, Cao Yan also left the Sky City and came to a fault plane connected to the abyss below the Divine City, the headquarters of the Pet Master Association.

Abalone was hunted down by the Void Hyena here. Later, Sky City trapped the Void Hyena here.

At this time, Abalone and the Jungle Goddess, responsible for trapping a large number of Void Hyenas, also started here.

When Boss Cao came over, countless green vines were intertwined on the nearby ground, ancient trees were rising from the ground, and a small jungle was born out of thin air, lush and green.

The jungle goddess stood on a tree in the middle of the jungle. Looking around, the emerald green armor was flowing, and the divine power symbols of the wooden element were surrounding her like stars.

In the jungle she formed, illusory shadows shuttled back and forth, appearing and disappearing at a speed too fast to catch.

These shadows are the hyenas of the void, and the vegetation realm established by the jungle goddess is to restrain them.

"How come there are so many hyenas?" Cao Yan came to the jungle goddess and took a rough look. There were probably not tens of thousands of hyenas in the jungle below.

"Our City in the Sky has been trapping hyenas in the past few years, which has long aroused the alarm of their tribe. This time we increased the scale of capture, hoping to lure more hyenas into ambush. Unexpectedly, these beasts are very smart. They took advantage of their plan and dispatched A lot of hyenas came and wanted to kill us in turn."

The jungle goddess frowned slightly and pointed in the distance: "Boss, look over there. There are endless hyenas. I don't know how many there are?"

Cao Yan had long discovered that there was a space anomaly at the edge of the jungle realm, which was like ripples of water. Hyenas ran out of it and quickly rushed into the jungle realm to fight with the hyenas on the Sky City side.

There were hundreds of hyenas in that area, surrounded by a ferocious and strong hyena with black and blue short hair, who was obviously the leader of their group.

"These hyenas are like an army. They hunt in groups and are not afraid of death."

“Where did the abalone go?”

"It sneaked to the other side of where the hyena came out to investigate the situation." said the Jungle Goddess.

"With so many hyenas involved in the confrontation, it's a good opportunity to train the demon pet."

Boss Cao released all the demon pets with levels below the totem level such as Huan'er:

"Zhuan'er is responsible for the strong attack, attacking the hyenas' position through the air head-on, without giving them a chance to buffer and deploy. Pegasus uses speed to surprise the hyena leader. Dog and big cat cooperate to deal with the injured and lone hyenas. , the ant colony supports the whole audience.”

The demon pets quickly followed the order and dispersed.

Boss Cao took out a handful of melon seeds and observed them while eating them.

The fault plane lacked sunlight and the temperature was low. After a while, Cao Yan ordered a pot of hot tea from the dining machine of the spacecraft.

The jungle goddess couldn't help but roll her eyes. As soon as the boss came over, she immediately became a supporting role on the battlefield: "Boss, has the monster egg you got a few days ago hatched?"

Cao Yan hummed and took out an egg half the size of a human: "It just hatched at noon today. The eggshell is still in the process of breaking, and the little guy inside hasn't come out yet."

For the convenience of reading next time, you can click "Collect" below to record the reading record of this time (Chapter 800: The Egg Hatched), and you can see it next time you open the bookshelf!

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