Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 800 3 Moms

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The jungle goddess took a step forward and looked down at the egg that Cao Yan took out.

At this time, the eggshell had been broken, and a hole as big as a fist was opened on the surface. When the jungle goddess lowered her head and looked inside, there was a pair of big eyes looking at her in the eggshell.

The eyes have blue pupils as clear as the ocean, pure, clean, and round.


The eggshell continued to crack, and a small head popped out from inside, with energetic facial features, super beautiful golden hair, fan-like long eyelashes, a straight and delicate nose bridge, and a chubby face, like a doll.

At first glance, you might think it is a human child, but it is not.

The little head came out of the eggshell, looked at Cao Yan, and then at the forest goddess, then stretched out a pair of chubby hands and crawled out of the eggshell.

There are two pairs of wings stained with mucus on her back, like the thin wings of a butterfly or a dragonfly.

She suddenly flashed her wings, tremblingly detached from the egg shell, and flew around the egg shell. There was a faint layer of elemental light around her naked, chubby body.

Well, it's a female creature, no chicken.

What creature looks a bit like a baby, but has wings and can fly? !

"This is an ancient elemental elf, the darling of God, also known as the elemental angel. This creature has a pure soul and has unparalleled elemental affinity."

The jungle goddess looked a little surprised and looked at the fat elf girl in front of her.

She flicked her fingers, and a dark green symbol of divine power appeared on her fingertips, blending into the elf's eyebrows.

"I wash his body with divine power as a birth gift to this little guy."

The Pet Master Assistant also pushed a message about this elf:

[Name] Elemental Elf, Elemental Angel (Level 12)

[Species] Spirit biological world, elemental class, primate order, intelligent life department, elf genus creature

[Habits] Elemental elves have an innate long life, with a natural lifespan of more than 100,000 years.

They are born with knowledge, are born with a keen sense of touch, can sense the psychological activities of most intelligent beings, and are proficient in the languages ​​​​of hundreds of different races of creatures...

[Skills] Roar, high-frequency sound waves, scream, scream +1, scream +2, scream +3

Cao Yan was a little confused after reading the message given by his pet master's assistant.

It's said that this is a magical elf with strong elemental affinity. Why are all its skills just screaming and not even a decent ability?

"Hosts don't need to be surprised. These skills are the characteristics of young elves. As for magical abilities, they are the innate abilities of elves and are not skills for them." The fake system gave an explanation.

"Jiligulu, gurgling..."

Just as Cao Yan and the Jungle Goddess were sizing up the elf, she suddenly spoke. Her voice was crisp, tender and pleasant.

She was speaking in the ancient Elf language. Cao Yan didn't understand, but the Jungle Goddess understood it and said with a smile: "She was born with the inherited wisdom of the elemental elves. What she just said was converted into human language, and she was calling the boss. Dad, he also said...she is hungry."

This little elf is a talented person. He has a distinguished father since he was born.

However, it was not surprising that she showed closeness to Boss Cao when she came out and called her daddy. After all, it was Boss Cao who fed her every day during this period, and even used his spiritual power to guide the blood of the Lord God into her body, which helped She will break out of her shell soon.

If it were placed in the dragon and beast hall, without the nourishment and integration of divine blood and Cao Yan's spiritual power, this elf might not be able to hatch in another thousand years.

"I'm hungry. Then eat the eggshell. Isn't this a fixed routine? Whenever a powerful creature emerges from its shell, it will turn around and eat the eggshell." Boss Cao pointed to the eggshell that the elf had just emerged from.

The fat elf girl looked at the eggshell, tilted her mouth, and looked aggrieved. Apparently she wasn't too interested in eating eggshells.

But she still stretched out her stubby little hands, obeyed Cao's father's words, picked up a piece of eggshell, put it into her mouth, tasted it, and then... spit it out with a sound, indicating that it was not delicious, and looked at him with big eyes. Cao Yan then turned to the jungle goddess: "Jiligulu..."

"What are you talking about this time?" Cao Yan asked curiously.

The jungle goddess blushed slightly and avoided answering.

Cao Yan's heart moved, "She calls me dad and she calls you mom?"

The jungle goddess nodded, stretched out her hand, and an emerald-green fruit sprouted from the tip of her finger. The little fat girl's eyes lit up immediately, and she grabbed the green fruit at an astonishing speed. She opened her little mouth, and the whole fruit was a miracle. She stuffed it all into her mouth, her cheeks bulging as she ate it.

After eating the fruit in two or three mouthfuls, the little fat girl twisted her butt, flapped her wings, sat on the shoulders of the jungle goddess, spread her little hands, and said for the third time: "Eat the fruit."

This time Cao Yan understood. She was speaking normal human language. She obviously heard the conversation between Cao Yan and the jungle goddess and changed her language accordingly.

Cao Yan wondered why the message sent by his pet master's assistant said that this little thing knew hundreds of languages ​​of different races. Sure enough, he was born knowing them and was a born academic master.

A second fruit appeared in the hands of the jungle goddess. The little fat girl happily took it and repeated the steps of eating the fruit just now.

At this time, the battle below became more intense after Cao Yan released his demon pet.

Huan'er roared loudly and ran towards the location where the hyenas gathered with terrifying momentum. All obstacles encountered along the way were knocked away by it with brute force.

A hyena tried to intercept it, emerged from the void, and launched an attack on Huan'er, but was affected by the power field it released and slowed down unknowingly, so it was hit head-on by Huan'er and passed by him.

However, the circle soon fell into the siege of more hyenas, and the speed also slowed down.

At this time, a golden light flashed in the void, and suddenly it came to the top of the hyena leader. The giant hooves of the Pegasus protruded from the golden light, and kicked towards the hyena leader's head.

In the other direction, big cats and little fat dogs are also taking active actions.

The big cat exhaled wisps of black air from its mouth, dreamlike, and penetrated into the eyebrows of some injured hyenas. In a short time, these hyenas were invaded by the big cat's unique dream ability and fell into a deep sleep.

The little fat dog was responsible for following behind the cat father and biting the throat of the sleeping hyena one by one.

These two products are specially selected for soft persimmons, and the effect is quite good.

The ant colony is still dormant in the dark and has not yet begun to move.

"Quan'er is a magical beast with pure power attribute. In my memory, there is no god who has the power of power. If Quan'er can enter the totem level, I wonder what changes will happen?" the jungle goddess said while looking at the battlefield.

At this time, the void in the distance suddenly collapsed, and tentacles like angry dragons protruded from the space, which were abalones.

Seven or eight tentacles extended out from the surface of its body, five of which strangled a hyena to death. It was obviously under siege.

And just as the abalone returned through the sky, a dense number of hyenas rushed out from behind the cracked void, making people's scalp numb at the sight.

At the same moment, a layer of darkness appeared on the ground, like a wave, and collided head-on with the hyenas that rushed out.

That darkness is a colony of tens of millions of ants.

They started a head-on group war with the hyenas, and the first contact was extremely brutal.

A lot of life is lost every second.

Next to Cao Yan, the jungle goddess stepped across the air, shortened the distance, and appeared in the center of the hyena group. After the void shattered, a king-level hyena leader rushed out, strong and fierce, with a powerful aura.

The jungle goddess pointed out and stabbed the king hyena between the eyebrows.

Her powerful divine power spread out, suppressing the hyenas around her and making it difficult to move.

The chubby girl on her shoulder swayed her short legs leisurely, showing no fear of the bloody battlefield. She blinked and looked around.

The war between the enemy and ourselves continued into the evening with no winner yet. With Huan'er's bravery, he was already covered in blood, and with the big cat's cowardice, his bloody nature was also inspired, and he turned into a black mist and charged head-on among the beasts.

The little fat dog has a copper skin and iron bones, but it is also covered in scars.

Blood gushed out from Pegasus' neck, which was the result of bites from other hyenas when it killed the hyena leader.

The ant colony also suffered heavy losses.

Cao Yan has been paying attention to the battle situation. He has never released the more powerful Dandan and other magic pets to suppress these hyenas.

The training of demon pets requires this kind of head-on collision and fighting. This is the best opportunity to help them grow and evolve.

As the battle lasted longer, more and more hyenas were killed. Cao Yan took out the biological spores spawned by the urban core of Sky City and began to inhabit the dead hyenas.

More and more hyenas are coming back from the dead. After being colonized by biological spores, they have turned their backs and attacked their original brethren.

At night, the battle situation began to stabilize.

Cao Yan also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was always watching the battle and did not take action personally, it was not easy.

When the demon pet fights, he is closely connected with the spirit of the pet master. He can feel the pain of every injury to the demon pet, as if he has participated in a hard battle, and he can only relax a little at this moment.

Night falls.

Boss Cao left the jungle goddess, abalone, ant colonies, and many rebellious hyenas behind, and continued to fight against the hyena tribe, while he left and returned to the Sky City.

The demon pets were all injured to varying degrees, but Boss Cao did not provide them with timely treatment.

Frequent use of medicine for treatment will increase the dependence of the magic pet on medicine, reduce the wildness and its own recovery ability. If things go on like this, it will not be a good thing for the evolution of the magic pet. When the injury is not very serious, Cao Yan chooses to let them recover on their own.

When I got home, the eldest wife, the younger wife, and my sister-in-law were all there.

They saw a chubby girl sitting on Cao Yan's shoulders and wondered, "Is this a little girl? Why does she have wings? She's so cute."

The little fat girl spoke for herself, and said crisply: "Dad."

Wang Li was surprised and said: "This little girl calls you daddy?"


When the little fat girl saw Cao's father walking over and pulling Wang Li and Baoyue's hands, she quickly called Wang Li's mother, making everyone laugh: "It turns out this little guy likes to call people mom and dad."

The little chubby girl looked at Baoyue and called out: "Mom!"

Baoyue was stunned.

Cao Yan almost laughed like a pig, this little fat elf was so funny.

The fat girl turned her attention to Ferrell again and thought for a long time: "You want to be my third mother, I can feel it."

Cao Yan's heart skipped a beat: "This little girl's talent is that she has a pure soul and can sense what's in people's hearts. If she says anything she finds out without restraint, what the hell, isn't she a troublemaker?"

"I'm not a troublemaker."

The little fat girl immediately sensed Cao Yan's thoughts and said angrily: "On the way back, Dad kept thinking about sleeping with two mothers at night, but I didn't say it out loud. I'm not a troublemaker."

Cao Yan's face turned green. How dare you say that you are not a troublemaker?

(Eight hundred chapters...)

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