Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 806 Too scary


The elemental aura in front of Tinon vibrated, and the hammer appeared on his shoulder, spitting out an elemental bubble and turning it into a barrier to block the front.

However, this elemental wall was directly penetrated by the approaching sharp edge and shattered.

Tinon was horrified. The destructive power contained in this sharp edge was far beyond his judgment, and the hammer could not stop it at all.

His figure was still retreating, so he threw out another dragon skin sacrificial treasure from the bottom of the box.


The sharp edge collided with the dragon skin and was finally hindered, making a muffled sound like a drum.

But just in the time it took to breathe, cracks appeared on the surface of the dragon skin, and then it fell apart.

At the moment when the sharp edge was no longer hindered and suddenly approached Tinon's eyebrows, a hand came out of the void and suppressed the sharp edge in mid-air.

Cao Yan walked out of the void with sharp eyes.

The Void Hyena is a monster that lives in the biological spores that have differentiated from the core of Sky City. When Tinon was assassinated, through the hyena around him, the city core of Sky City could immediately generate a sensor and notify Cao Yan.

He used the hyena's location as the coordinates and traveled through the void, so he was able to appear in time and rushed over.

Boss Cao was very unhappy at this time.

It was just dawn, and he was still wearing a nightgown that he hadn't had time to change into. His hairy legs were exposed, and there was a big tent set up in the middle. Mmp... You bastard from the church, let me show you how angry I am when I wake up.

"Cao Yan, beat him, he's a bastard, I'm scared to death." When Tinong saw Cao Yan, he immediately came back from the cold edge and became full of energy.

That bit of edge was suppressed by Cao Yan and caught in his hand, but it was the tip of a slender war spear that shot out of the air. It shook violently in Cao Yan's hand, trying to break free from his shackles.

Cao Yan's arm shook slightly, and ripples filled the void in front of him, revealing an assassin hiding in it, holding a war spear in his hand.

It was a powerful angel with four wings on its back. No wonder it could kill the king's hyena with one blow and quickly kill many of Tinon's guards.

The four-winged angel was forced out by Cao Yan, and his expression changed slightly.

Not long ago, Archangel Tilmis was chased by Cao Yan, and the scene of her fleeing everywhere was seen by people on both sides of the war in the sky above the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.

Cao Yan can defeat the six-winged angels, so it is no problem to deal with the four-winged angels.

After the four-winged angel appeared, he immediately let go of the war spear held by Cao Yan, turned into a stream of light, and disappeared from the place, trying to escape.

But not long after he ran away, intertwined spider threads appeared in the void.

Sticky field!

The eggs appeared in the center of the spider web, and the compound eyes were scarlet.

Taking advantage of the moment when the angel was affected by the spider web and slowed down, Cao Yan approached him and punched him in the lower abdomen.


The angel looked in pain, and a ball of stuff welled up from his belly. He opened his mouth to vomit, but another big hand stretched out from the void and pinched his neck. The vomit that just came up was pinched back and swallowed. in stomach.

The hand stretched out in mid-air belonged to Oher. He immediately grasped the intersection of the angel's wings and body and lifted it upside down in his hand.

After research, Sky City's laboratory has determined that the intersection of angels' wings and bodies is the source of their power operation, which is equivalent to seven inches of a snake. Once pinched, their power operation can be affected. Easy to control.

Oher carried Angel and left first, and Eggy also disappeared.

"President, are you okay?" Cao Yan asked Tinong.

"It's okay, I'm just scared."

Tinon told the truth, no matter how many storms he experienced, he still broke out in a cold sweat at the critical moment of life and death.

"It's a pity that the devil dog you sent here sacrificed his life to help me block the first blow and bought me time to dodge."

Tinon said: "Do you still have that demon dog? Can you give me another one?"

Cao Yan laughed dumbly, stretched out his hand, and a hyena appeared in the void, still at the king level.

At present, the number of void hyenas on his hands has increased sharply, and after the biological spores colonize, it will have a promoting effect on the inhabited creatures, and with a certain probability, it can promote the evolution of individual hyenas.

Therefore, even if they were king hyenas, Cao Yan already had seven or eight of them, so it didn't matter if he gave Tinon one more.

Cao Yan looked at the dead guards and said, "It's a pity that these good guys from the association are here."

Tinon nodded.

Cao Yan looked at the dead king hyena again. The attack that pierced its body contained the fire of judgment, completely destroying the vitality in its body. Therefore, even if the hyena colonized by spores had amazing recovery capabilities, it was still destroyed by a Kill him or her, after all, the difference in strength is too big.

At this time, people from the association heard the noise and rushed in from all directions.

Cao Yan said to Tinon: "Then I will go back first. If you are free, come to the Sky City later. I am going to interrogate the captured four-winged angel."

After Cao Yan left, Tinong briefly explained the situation to the association personnel who came over, asking the association to strengthen internal defense.

Tinon then teleported to the Sky City with another team of guards.

Coming out of the portal is the City Lord's Mansion.

Tinon had been weathered for a long time and was used to the storms. He quickly adjusted his mentality, recovered from the shock of the assassination and the sadness of the guards dying for him, and suppressed his emotions in his heart.

The sun is rising.

Tinon met Cao Yan in the official study room of the city lord's mansion.

Boss Cao was having breakfast, and it was the tofu brain fried dough sticks that Tinong wanted to eat before.

The old man was not polite and sat down to eat four bowls of tofu and more than ten fried dough sticks.

Well, professionals consume a lot of energy and eat more.

While eating, Taohua came in and delivered an intelligence document.

Cao Yan read while eating, and then handed the information to Tinong after reading it.

The content of the information is that before and after Tinon was attacked, senior officials of several other major associations, and even important figures from some large forces within the alliance, were also assassinated to varying degrees, resulting in considerable losses.

Fortunately, Cao Yan had a certain degree of anticipation and preparedness for this. Some important figures were surrounded by hyenas arranged by him as hidden protection.

As for the angels responsible for the assassination, except for the four-winged angel who dealt with Tinon, the rest were ordinary angels with two wings. They did not have as good hiding and attack capabilities as the four-winged angels.

Before these angels took action, most of them were smelled of danger by hyenas and issued warnings.

Therefore, most of the important figures in the alliance had a near-miss. The situation was similar to that of Tinon, and they were not assassinated.

However, there were still many people who were assassinated. Some second- and third-ranking figures from various major forces were assassinated one after another, either dead or injured. The losses were considerable.

"The patriarch of the Luo family in the Central Region...Lanna, the vice-president of the Mage Association, and all seven of his escorts were killed, as well as the Mechanics Association..."

After reading the information, Tinon let out a long breath, pondered for a moment, and suddenly asked Cao Yan: "Have you already judged the attack and assassination of the church? Otherwise, why did you arrange hyenas around each of us as a warning and protection? , If it weren’t for these hyenas, we old guys would have been stabbed to death.

The situation in our alliance will soon get out of control. "

Cao Yan denied: "The hyenas are arranged just as a precaution."

Tinon shook his head: "No, I feel like you didn't tell the truth. A few of us are fine, but if others are assassinated and die, it will arouse everyone's anger and attack the church with all their strength.

Is your boy using this assassination to guide the direction of the current situation? "

Cao Yan said: "I did consider beforehand that the church might jump over the wall in a hurry, and assassination is their old routine. But I never thought about pushing you to the front to experience the danger of assassination, nor did I think about the church. The scale of this assassination would be so large. Fortunately, the hyenas were arranged before, so you and the other presidents are fine, otherwise it would have been overturned this time."

Tinon nodded: "I believe what you say. So what are you going to do next?"

Cao Yan: "Let's interrogate the four-winged angel first. His status is not low. Let's see if we can find out anything."

Tinon: "As far as I know, angels are God's most loyal warriors. They will never betray their faith. I find it very difficult for a four-winged angel to speak."

A few minutes later, Cao Yan and Tinon arrived at the underground laboratory of the City Lord's Mansion, which is the underground space where angels are studied.

Tinon came down for the first time and saw a long line of angels imprisoned indoors. He was immediately shocked: "You kid has captured so many angels!"

The four-winged angel who had just been captured was tied to a torture rack in a corner, looking depressed.

Immediately afterwards, Tinon discovered another thing that shocked him: "Lord of Light and Darkness! Why are you here?"

The Lord of Light and Darkness, who had been imprisoned here doing odd jobs, trotted up to Cao Yan and said respectfully: "Mr. City Lord." Then he said to Tinon: "I had some misunderstandings with the Chairman before, and everyone was his own master. Now I Abandoning the bright and turning to the dark side, working under the command of City Lord Cao, please ask the president to ignore the past grudges and support me more in the future."

"Hold the grass."

Tinon's outlook on life was shaken, and he stared blankly at the Lord of Light and Darkness.

Boss Cao walked towards the four-winged angel and said, "I'm going to ask you a few questions. If you respond truthfully, you'll save yourself some trouble."

"You won't get any news from me." The four-winged angel had a tough guy expression on his face.

The Lord of Light and Darkness advised: "What City Lord Cao is asking you, you should tell it honestly. The torture methods here... are not something you, a four-winged angel, can resist. Look at the other angels imprisoned here, City Lord Cao Now they just say whatever you ask them, and what do you think the reason is?”

That day, he stared at the Lord of Light and Darkness with contemptuous eyes, unmoved at all.

Tinon's curiosity was aroused, and he asked Cao Yan in a low voice: "The Lord of Light and Darkness said that these angels will say whatever you ask them. Is it true or false? Do you have any special means to make them speak? ?”

Cao Yan: "The best way to deal with angels is to attack the heart first. I can break the straight ones into crooked ones. They are very afraid of this."

Tinon was stunned for a moment, and after thinking for a long time, he vaguely understood what Cao Yan meant. His heart was pounding. This was so scary.

The old man hurriedly made a gesture with an expression on his face that he was ready to eat melon. The idea was to let Cao Yan perform. He wanted to see what magical means he could use to break the straight ones into curved ones.

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