Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 807 Licking a dog turns out to be a form of torture

Cao Yan told the Lord of Light and Darkness: "You will be responsible for the execution."


It was obviously not the first time that the Lord of Light and Darkness had done this. He took out a tube of blood-red potion from a long table beside him, walked over to the four-winged angel, and stuck the potion on its wings and The spine where the body meets.

Cao Yan explained to Tinon: "This medicine is made after we researched angels. It can moderately amplify angels' fear."

Tinon: "Didn't you just say that to deal with angels, the most important thing is to attack the heart? Do you also need to use medicine?"

"Pharmacions are just auxiliary." Cao Yan said.

The Lord of Light and Darkness finished injecting the medicine, walked to the experimental table on the side, and took out another animal trap ball placed there. The light flowed on the ball, and two muscles protruded. The majestic hyena stood up close to the height of a human being. Released.

These two hyenas are different.

They are ready to reproduce and are in a state of excitement, ready to get on the bus at any time.

"These are two breeding dogs, the strongest male dogs in the group." Cao Yan said.

Tinon looked strange. He looked at the two big dogs and the angel, thoughtfully.

When the two hyenas began to approach the four-winged angel, with their mouths wide open and their tongues sticking out, showing a greedy expression, the four-winged angel also realized something, and his face gradually turned pale.

Dog day angel... Tinon thought.

"Did you also feed these two hyenas medicine?" Tinon asked.

"That's not true. The two hyenas are interested in Angel because of the medicine they just injected into Angel. That medicine can induce the smell of a female dog in heat." Cao Yan said.

At this moment, two hyenas suddenly pounced on him. One stuck out its tongue from the front and licked the angel's thigh.

Tsk! The white robe on the angel's body was broken and cracked by the hyena's barbed tongue... Another hound held one of the angel's legs from behind, working hard and rhythmically...

There are two hyenas in tandem, one is responsible for licking and the other is responsible for 404.

The person in charge of 404 is still gradually adjusting his position and making breakthroughs layer by layer.

"Oh my god, I don't dare to look at the picture below. Cao Yan, you are such a beast."

While complaining, Tinon lowered his voice enthusiastically: "Let me tell you, are you serious, or are you just trying to scare me? If you are serious, how far can these angels usually go? They have actual operations with real swords and guns. ?"

Cao Yan also responded in a low voice: "We are decent people, and I still want things like integrity."

"So you are trying to scare people, not the real thing." Tinon looked a little disappointed.

"There are parts that are true."

Boss Cao said: "Because of the potion, the fear and senses of these angels have been amplified by the potion. In their opinion, they are really in trouble. Of course, the reverse is also true.

With the pride and racial speciality of angels, in their understanding, once this happens, it is not only a blasphemy to themselves, but also the greatest blasphemy to the God they believe in. Their souls will be polluted, cast aside, and will never have a chance of redemption.

To a certain extent, this situation is the 'torture' they fear most, which can strip away all their dignity and pride and make them completely collapse. "

Tinon suddenly understood that this was the so-called method of attacking the mind: "You still know how to play,

These angels have been ruined by you. "

Cao Yan pointed to several other angels, "Generally, most angels will collapse before the real start. But there are also die-hards who have to do it once a day according to the routine, and they will collapse after doing it three or four times..."

The Lord of Light and Darkness said: "Almost all angels who have experienced the punishment of dog-licking have fallen.

The president saw that their wings had begun to turn gray, which meant that their souls and bodies had fallen into darkness. In a few days, we will start trying to make Fallen Angel our Sky City deployment. "

Tinon said submissively: "Anyone who has experienced this kind of head-to-head thing will be transformed. But I still don't understand, is there a real process?"

"This can only be understood, it all depends on how you understand it."

At this time, the communication between the two big dogs and the angel had reached a critical moment. The movements of the two big dogs made the four-winged angel tremble all over and make his hair stand on end.

If he could choose to die, he would give his life without hesitation and never let the two beasts succeed.

"Whatever you want to know, I can tell you as long as it doesn't involve the gods."

Before it really started, the four-winged angel on the edge of the cliff gave in.

The first time this kind of thing is compromised, there will be a second time. The dog-licking operation against the angel is enough to be fatal.

Half an hour later, Cao Yan and Tinong left the underground space.

They already knew what they wanted to know, and Cao Yan casually asked for a few news about the Kingdom of Light where the gods lived. The angel who was licked and trembling all over knew everything.

Night falls again.

In the far north of the Arctic, there are continuous buildings on the snow-covered peaks.

In the main hall of the Starry Sky God Cult, a famous and powerful religious force in the Northern Territory, blazing flames are burning in the brazier.

Pope Gilago of the Starry Sky Sect looked solemn.

He was looking at a piece of letter that suddenly appeared on his bedroom desk at noon.

The scary thing is that he was resting in the palace at that time, closing his eyes and falling asleep. In other words, someone sneaked into his bedroom and put down this letter while he was resting.

What this means is self-evident.

Gilago's hands and feet were cold all afternoon.

The letter was sent by the church. The content was very simple, telling Gilago that someone would come to visit him tonight.

The Starry Sky God Sect and the Church of the Kingdom of God are enemies rather than friends. The church came to visit with a hostile relationship and even sent a letter in advance as a notice. This was a contempt and warning to the Starry Sky God Sect.

Gilago was very angry about this, and at the same time he was shocked and frustrated.

At this moment, in the center of the Starry Sky Cult's buildings, in the Temple of the Stars, there were only two people, Gilago and the second-in-command in the cult, the Lord of the Stars. This was also included in the letter sent by the church, explaining the place where I wanted to visit.

It was close to midnight.

There was silence in the temple, and the two of them suddenly felt a powerful coercion, enveloping the entire temple.

In the void, a golden halo filled the air, and a total of four angels appeared in different directions of the temple, their figures hanging in the air.

The powerful divine power of light filled every inch of the void in the temple.

In front of Gilago, the space was rippling, and Dominic walked out with his hands behind his back. He was wearing a black robe with gold edges, and he looked like a big boss with piercing eyes.

He glanced around the hall, then set his sights on Gilago, and said bluntly: "Pope Gilago, do you know why the Starry Sky God Cult has been unable to leave this cold place in the Northern Territory for thousands of years since its establishment."

Gilago snorted coldly.

Their Starry Sky God Cult has repeatedly tried to spread their teachings to the Central Domain and other areas, but they have always been suppressed by the church and cannot go out even half a step.

By asking Dominica, he was not only showing the strength of the church, but also reminding Gilago to recognize the situation.

“I am here this time to convey His Majesty’s will on behalf of His Majesty the Pope.

We, the Church of the Kingdom of God, are willing to open up the central region and allow you to go in and preach. "Dominican said.

Gilago's eyes flashed: "What do we have to pay?"

"To become an affiliated religion of the Church of the Kingdom of God, all members of the Starry Sky God Religion must recognize the Light God System as the main God system." Dominic said.

"This is deprivation of divine rights, impossible! If I agree, I will immediately be abandoned by the glory of God."

Gilago refused and couldn't help but retort: ​​"The battle between you and Sky City is still in doubt. At this time, we can continue to wait and see. If you are defeated by Cao Yan, everything will turn into dust. The Green Jungle World There will be no more Kingdom Church.”

Dominican sneered: "Cao Yan has too much time to take care of himself. In less than ten months, their alliance will exist in name only. Cao Yan will pay the price of death to repent for his blasphemy."

The Lord of the Stars interjected: "Cao Yan is the only invincible strong man in our green jungle world for thousands of years. The Church of the Kingdom of God has fought against him and been defeated repeatedly. Lord of Judgment, you are arrogant. I wonder where you get the confidence? "

Dominica said calmly: "In my eyes, Cao Yan is just an arrogant fool with some fighting ability. In a month, you will know whether what I said is right or wrong."

"It won't take as long as a month. The boss asked us to capture you and meet you in the Sky City now."

The moment Dominica finished speaking, another cold voice sounded in the temple, and Oher suddenly appeared in the temple like a ghost.

The black energy outside his body was churning like a demon with thousands of hands and arms, which was extremely frightening.

Dominica's expression changed suddenly. His whereabouts were kept secret. How could the people of Sky City find him?

He quickly glanced at the four angels who were on guard not far away, and suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, feeling chilled from head to toe.

A deathly gray curse aura appeared above the heads of the four angels. Their bodies were wrapped and bound by green vines and a dark aura, and they were already cold.

Dominica offered up its code of law, and the scriptures flashed.

Under the blessing of the light of the scriptures, his figure became illusory and wanted to escape.

However, a green little tortoise crawled out of the void in front of him and slapped him in the face with a claw.


This time the bastard waved his claws, containing incomparable power. Dominica was pinned in the air and watched helplessly as the bastard's claws slapped his face. He felt as if his head was hit by a huge mountain. His vision went black and he fell to the ground in an instant.

The little bastard transformed into an old turtle, released a force, dragged Dominica behind him, turned around and broke through the void, slowly got into it and disappeared.

From the time Oher appeared to when Dominica overturned his car and was caught, the whole process only took two or three breaths. It was so terrifying that Gilago and the Lord of the Stars looked confused.

"Our boss hopes that your Starry Sky God Cult will know how to advance and retreat." Ochs said solemnly.

Gilago said sternly: "Please reply to City Master Cao, I, the Starry Sky God Religion, will never be the enemy of the City of the Sky."

Before he could finish his words, Oher disappeared.

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