Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 810 Demon King Cao


Cao Yan glanced at the war spear and said, "I don't want it anymore. Let it be used as a trophy and rewarded to the soldiers who have made meritorious service in battle."

Generally speaking, the grade of weapons corresponds to the professional level, and is divided into different levels such as entry-level, fine-quality, and master. Perfect-level weapons are the pinnacle of conventional weapons. The higher you go, the more advanced it becomes a divine weapon, which can break defenses and kill gods. It is also mostly used by gods, so it is called a divine weapon.

But Boss Cao is now a top dog owner, so he doesn't pay much attention to this artifact.

However, Dai Huanyu felt that this war spear was different and advised: "Boss, you have the divine power of life, and this war spear also has a name. Although it is enshrined in the war temple, its other name is called Destiny. spear.

I think it echoes the boss’s divine authority and is very suitable for the boss. "

The female secretary was kind-hearted, and the big dog took the spear in her hand.

The Nurbis Spear of Destiny has a slender body, less than the thickness of a child's arm, but is nearly two feet long.

The front end of the spear is different from the common single-edged spear, but has double tips, somewhat like a fork, the tip is extremely sharp, and the whole body is flowing with cold light.

The spear shaft was engraved with complex symbols and dark patterns, which seemed to be some kind of ancient spell, releasing mysterious power fluctuations.

Although Cao Yan has never seen the sequence and system of the symbol's dark patterns, his semiotics ability is at full level and his understanding of the symbol matrix is ​​rare. As the saying goes, different paths lead to the same goal, Boss Cao can see the dark patterns on the war spear at a glance. The mystery inside the tattoo.

He mobilized his mental power and flicked the spear shaft, and the countless symbols on it flickered.

Commander Cao used this process to send spiritual power into the different symbol sequences on the spear shaft in a specific order, thus conducting a preliminary ritual on the war spear.

A circle of energy ripples spread out from the spear tip silently.

Beautiful patterns appeared all over the Nurbis Spear, vibrating like a swimming dragon. A spiritual message was fed back from the spear tip into Cao Yan's consciousness, which was how to use this war spear.

Cao Yan closed his eyes for a moment, digesting how to use the Spear of Destiny. He exerted a little force on his hand, and the spear suddenly shrank, like noodles, and turned into a limp little whip only about a foot long.

Cao Yan waved his hand casually, and his spiritual power was integrated into the spear body. The spear grew longer, and returned to the hardness that metal should have. The length was more than three feet, much longer than before.

"It turns out to be a rare material made of liquid metal. It can shrink freely and can be soft or hard. This war spear is so sexy."

"My subordinates also feel that this spear matches the boss's temperament very well. It can be big or small, hard or soft. It looks so powerful." Dai Huanyu said with a slender beard.

It feels like this doesn't sound right.

Boss Cao glanced at his little secretary's slightly flushed face. Can you see the level of blushing just by looking at a spear?

"The length can be changed. Isn't this a golden cudgel?" Boss Cao happily played with the spear.

The little secretary said: "Boss, the war is about to end. Do you want to go out and take a look?"

"That's fine."

Boss Cao held the Nurbis Spear that turned into a small whip in one hand and walked out first.

Secretary Dai quickly followed.

The two of them left the city lord's palace and came to the edge of the city.

Standing here and looking out, the scene is particularly amazing.

At this moment, the war is raging around the Sky City and the Holy Mountain City.

Among them, the highest level of combat was between a figure shrouded in black energy and fighting an old man with a strange face and hair-like soft tentacles on his face and head.

The old man held an ancient metal book in his hand and kept flipping it, drawing out various magical powers from it to confront the figure in the black air.

"This old man is the chief priest of the Shenshan War Clan and one of the strongest people in the entire clan. He is holding another one of the three artifacts in this world, called the Book of Magic." Dai Huanyu introduced it to Cao Yan .

It was Oher who fought against the old man.

He activated the demonic power, and the black energy behind him turned into arms, with thousands of arms intertwined. The old man launched attacks one after another, but all of them were smashed to pieces by force.

The chief priest of the War Clan had blood on his mouth and was suppressed to death.

And he didn't know that there was an illusory, almost invisible gray air hovering above his head. He has been cursed, and his defeat can only happen in an instant.

Near the two cities of the two warring parties, there are flying giant dragons (two sticks), burning sun birds, and old turtles as huge as mountains. These legendary terrifying creatures have already smashed the city defense system of the sacred mountain city into pieces. The sieve is broken and air leaks everywhere.

Cao Yan stepped out from the edge of the Sky City and arrived inside the Holy Mountain City in one step.

"Look, it's City Lord Cao."

"City Lord Cao is finally taking action."

"What a waste of an attack. The opponent has been beaten to pieces and is about to lose. Why are you using City Master Cao to attack? He is here to receive the results of the battle."

Because of this war, the City in the Sky had already announced a half-month closure in advance, and non-residents of the city were temporarily prohibited from entering or exiting the City in the Sky.

The permanent residents of the city, who were our own people, all came over to participate in this cross-dimensional war.

At this time, in various places in the city, in addition to the combatants, there were also many residents of various ethnic groups, occupying vantage points, watching the battle progress with expressions on their faces.

Seeing Cao Yan appear, many people cheered collectively.

With Cao Yan's current reputation, he is equivalent to the spiritual leader of the Sky City. Seeing him come out, the morale of all the tribes will be boosted in the battle.

At present, the Holy Mountain City is filled with melees everywhere, with void hyenas running and biting, chasing the guards of the Holy Mountain City. There are also ant colonies that cooperate with the hyenas to cause trouble secretly, as well as warriors from all races in the Sky City, all fighting against each other.

Cao Yan walked on the long street, seemingly slowly but actually very fast, approaching the center of the city.

"Boss, after this city is captured, are we going to declare war and occupy other areas of the world?" Dai Huanyu asked.

Cao Yan: "That's not necessary. This is not our world. Even if we rule this place because of our temporary strength, it will not be a long-term solution. We will continue to be resisted by various forces in this world. They will regard us as The alien invaders will fight until death."

Dai Huanyu nodded. Reluctantly ruling this world would only increase consumption and distract the power of the Sky City, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

Cao Yan pointed to the sacred mountain city at his feet: "But we can change the way. This sacred mountain city will become ours. We can make it a holy place in this world, and then find indigenous agents in this world. , support them to rule here."

Dai Huanyu drew inferences and said: "We hide behind the scenes and act as big bosses. Every once in a while, we ask the agents for benefits and ask them to contribute various tributes to the Holy Land.

This method is good, you can get the maximum benefit with the minimum consumption. "

Cao Yan glanced at the female secretary with a smile on her face: "You seem very excited to start this war."

Dai Huanyu didn't hide it at all: "Yes, my subordinates never thought that one day, I would be able to command a war across dimensions, and would soon control the resources of this world and the life and death of countless lives. The impact of this kind of power is indeed Make your subordinates very excited.”

After a pause, he added: "The excitement is second only to getting the boss's affection."

Cao Yan burst into laughter. Dai Huanyu has always been an ambitious girl. Now she can conquer cities and territories in another world and overlook all living beings. This kind of rush obviously fascinates her, the rhythm of the peak of life.

Being ambitious is not a bad thing, especially when such ambition clearly ranks below loyalty to Boss Cao.

At this time, at the corner of the street ahead, a general from the Shenshan War Clan rushed out, wearing black armor, with heavy power fluctuations surging outside his body.

When he saw the two intruders, Cao Yan and Dai Huanyu, he roared with anger and rushed towards them.

Boss Cao punched him head-on. There was a sharp crack, and his hand began to shatter. The attacking general's skull was cracked by Boss Cao's terrifying punch, and he was instantly chilled.

In the distance, the melon-eaters in Sky City kept their eyes on Boss Cao.

They were standing on the edge of the Sky City, and the angle was just right to see Boss Cao knocking out a general from the Shenshan War Clan with one punch, and they immediately burst into cheers: "The Lord of the City has boundless supernatural power. He will rule the world for thousands of years... "

Oh my god, the cheerleading team actually has a rhythm, and the slogans are unique enough. They will dominate the world for thousands of years... This kind of joke is actually heard here.

Cao Yan remembered that when the old monster Ding Chunqiu of Xingxiu came on the stage, the content of countless scoundrels waving flags and shouting was similar to these lines.

Cao Yan said to the little secretary: "Later, do some psychological training for the residents of our city. Let them see me take action in the future. Don't shout shameful slogans like Qianqiu Zai, Unify the World. We have to keep a low profile." .”

"Oh." Dai Huanyu nodded.

At this time, another defeated army of the Zhan clan appeared and attacked Boss Cao. Boss Cao once again punched and smashed heads, punched and smashed heads, punched and smashed heads, killing several people in a row. Then the cheers from the direction of the City in the Sky became louder and louder: "The Lord of the City is so mighty that he has ruled the world for thousands of years, with boundless magic power and vast supernatural powers..."

This time he shouted out everything... Boss Cao put his hands on his face, hid his face and ran quickly, rushing into the War Temple in the center of the Holy Mountain City.

"The Shenshan War Clan is also called the Demon Clan, and some people call them Demon Blood, Evil Demon, etc. Their strength is actually not weaker than our Sky City, but they have too many enemies, long-term internal fighting, and serious consumption. And we We devoured the hyena group beforehand, and we grasped the timing of our attack well, which resulted in the current results."

Dai Huanyu explained the origin and ethnic structure of the Shenshan War Clan:

“The leader of their tribe is called the Demon Blood Emperor, also known as the Demon King, and he is the strongest person in the tribe.

In their tribe, parallel to the status of the Demon King is the chief high priest of the Theocratic Council, the old man who fought against Auch. Below the Demon King and High Priest, there are also race elders and powerful men at all levels. "

The central temple of the Holy Mountain City is dedicated to Nurbis, the god of chaos and war.

The war spear in Cao Yan's hand is said to be one of Nurbis' weapons.

The central temple of the Holy Mountain City has a square base and an arched structure at the top. It is magnificent, magnificent and resplendent.

When Cao Yan walked in, there was also a fight in the palace.

Two giant men of about four meters with bulging muscles joined forces to blast an extremely burly Shenshan tribesman who was covered in black and gold armor.

Those two giants are the storm giant and the chaos giant who have shrunk in size.

The tribes they commanded were also fighting with the last elite of the Shenshan clan.

Seeing Cao Yan coming in, the Storm Giants, Chaos Giants and other Sky City tribes were in high spirits and kept shouting, seeing that the battle was about to end.

"The one surrounded by the storm and chaos is the contemporary demon king of the Shenshan Demon Clan." Dai Huanyu said.


Boss Cao suddenly threw the spear of destiny in his hand.

As if a thunderbolt flashed, the void was torn apart by a silver line, and the layers collapsed.

There was almost no time barrier. At the same time as the True Caoyan Great Demon King took action, the silver thread formed by the Spear of Destiny came to the Demon King's chest with incredible speed.


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