Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 811 Taking over the sacred mountain


The Demon King of the War Clan only had time to raise his arm and use his arm armor to deflect the Spear of Destiny a little, before the spear's edge penetrated his abdomen.

While screaming, his feet lifted off the ground, and the power contained in this spear was directly nailed to the wall on the side of the temple.

The spear of Guabi directly brought the battle to an end, shocking both the enemy and ourselves.

The Demon King was severely wounded, and the other war tribes in the palace were frightened, and their morale dropped sharply.

The people from Sky City took the opportunity to take action and quickly secured the victory.

"Boss, what should I do with this guy?" The Storm Giant and the Chaos Giant walked to the Demon King who was nailed to the wall.

"Since he can stop me from being killed by a spear, then keep him for another use."

Cao extended his hand and an invisible force pulled the Nurbis Spear out of the Demon King's abdomen and retracted it through the air.

"Spear of Nurbis, how can you control it?"

The demon king was escorted by two giants and came not far from Cao Yan. His eyes hidden under the armor were staring at the Spear of Nurbis, full of confusion.

This divine spear has been in the hands of the Zhan clan for a long time, but it has always been silent and cannot be awakened.

Cao Yan was able to use the divine spear once he got it, which shocked the Demon King.

He spoke in a rough voice, speaking a completely different racial language from the common language of the Green Jungle World.

However, for professionals at the level of gods, by shaking the spiritual origin, they can understand the meaning even if they don't understand the language.

Cao Yan ignored the Demon King's inquiry and motioned to the two giants to uncover his visor.

The Demon King was tall and tall, no shorter than the two giants who had shrunk in stature. He wore heavy black and gold armor, and his whole body was covered in armor. Although he was injured by Cao Yan, he stood there with the power emanating from his body still surging and powerful. Clusters of small storms and arcs evolved outside his body, colliding with his armor, forming a cloud of sparks, extremely violent.

His armor is obviously also a treasure. If it weren't for the Spear of Nurbis, it would be difficult for other weapons to penetrate it.

The demon king's chest and abdomen were pierced by the war spear, and blood was gushing out, but he was completely unaware of it. A pair of eyes stared at Cao Yan like a wild beast.

At the moment when his faceplate was ripped off by the Chaos Giant, the Demon King's eyes were full of murderous intent. In the midst of lightning and stone fire, he opened his mouth and spit out a ray of black light, which went straight to the center of Cao Yan's eyebrows.

Everyone was caught off guard, but Boss Cao also opened his mouth and spit out a white light, which collided with the black light.

There was a loud bang and the entire temple shook.

The black light was impacted by the white light, exploded instantly, and fell to the ground, but it was an olive-shaped black metal ball.

Cao Yan spit it out, what was the white light that collided with the black ball?

Everyone looked down and found that the thing that shattered the black metal ball was spit. The spit stars were scattered on the fragments of the metal ball. They had to be carefully identified to see it.

The demon king's visor was uncovered, revealing a face full of anger.

Although the War Clan are also humans, they are quite different from normal humans. Their hair is as thick as tentacles. The Demon King's face is covered with short tentacle-like manes, which looks ugly and vicious.

He was shocked that Cao Yan was able to resolve his killing move with just a spit of foam, and a look of horror appeared on his face uncontrollably: "Who are you, and why do you want to invade our clan?"

This is his biggest doubt,

Regarding the Sky City that suddenly appeared and launched an offensive, he and the entire war clan under his command were confused. They had no idea why they were invaded, and they had no idea when they had formed such a powerful opponent.

This war was fought in confusion for the war clan.

"The invaders will be invaded by all," Cao Yan said.

The two giants twisted the devil's arms and pushed him down.

The remaining Zhan tribe members in the palace have also become prisoners.

At the same time, the high priest who was fighting with Oher in the sky above the city also pounced. The demonic power invaded his body and fell down out of thin air.

Next comes a series of finishing work, counting battle losses, collecting spoils of war, taking over the city of the sacred mountain, etc.

The stars twinkle.

In the wilderness, a group of elite warriors were guarding a vehicle frame and evacuating in a hurry.

They were the only team to escape before the complete defeat of the Holy Mountain City.

There are more than a hundred people in the entire team, all of them are elite and have strong fighting ability.

In the middle of their team was a black vehicle frame, pulled by the unique double-headed short-winged pterosaur in this world, flying close to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

Curtains were hung on all four walls of the vehicle frame, making it airtight and one could not see what was inside the vehicle.

However, just as the team was escaping, ripples suddenly appeared in the surrounding void, and hyenas jumped out and attacked the team.

The two sides collided without any buffer, and the fight was fierce, with blood and flesh flying everywhere.

In the distance, a big bird was flapping its wings. On the back of the bird were warriors from all races in the Sky City.

They jumped off the backs of the birds one after another and cooperated with the hyenas to form a siege on the deserters from the war clan.


A hyena's spine was broken by a warrior from the War Clan with a war hammer, and the entire back half of its body was smashed to pieces.

No matter what kind of creature it is, being attacked to this extent is life-threatening and will immediately lose its ability to attack.

However, where the hyena's spine was broken by the hammer, strips of white thread-like muscle tissue quickly grew. The injured area was filled with this substance, and it recovered in the blink of an eye.

The white thread-like substance intertwined with the hyena's injured area, and the injured hyena suddenly stood up.

The warrior who attacked it was caught off guard, and the hyena pounced on it and bit it's throat.

The differentiated resident spores at the core of Sky City are constantly evolving as the city upgrades its level again and again. After being parasitized by it, the hyena's recovery ability has also been enhanced. As long as its central nervous system is not destroyed, it will transform into an immortal monster, and its combat effectiveness will be increased by more than one step.

It looks like a tragic battlefield, but in fact, after being injured, hyenas can quickly recover and fight again.

Soon, the battle came to an end.

The Sky City soldiers who got off the back of the bird walked towards the carriage in the middle that was supported by the team...

The long night passes, and the morning light appears.

Castle in the Sky.

Kang Qingyue walked briskly and moved quickly inside the city lord's palace.

The battle is over, others are responsible for finishing the battle, and Boss Cao has returned to the city lord's mansion.

Kang Qingyue came outside his study, leaned down and knocked on the door. After waiting for a moment, he saw an elf maid opening the door from the inside and making a silent gesture to him.

When Kang Qingyue followed the maid into the study, he heard someone talking. It was Dai Huanyu who was reporting the post-war situation to Cao Yan:

"The City of the Holy Mountain that we captured is the largest political center in the world. The Demon Blood War Clan uses the City of the Holy Mountain as their capital and rules 596 large cities and their surrounding areas in the world. They are the largest force in the world, and they have jurisdiction over There are more than 700 races...

We urgently need to implement the boss's plan in this world, find agents among the indigenous people, and take over the territory ruled by the War Clan and the cities under its jurisdiction. "

Kang Qing felt his temples pounding more and more.

After this battle, to what extent will the power of Sky City expand?

Taking over the legacy of the Zhan Clan is equivalent to gaining the right to rule this world to some extent. This kind of thing has exceeded Kang Qingyue's cognitive limit.

He walked into the study and saw Boss Cao sitting elegantly behind the desk. Dai Huanyu and Taohua stood beside him on the left and right, and Dogarosh and the fat little black man Leto were sitting on the sofa opposite. .

There were many attendants standing behind the two, and all of them looked surprised at this time.

"It has been less than half a month since we left the Sky City last time. Cao Yan, you have conquered a plane in such a short time?" Dogarosh said in disbelief.

"It can't be called a strategy. It's just a victory over the city of the Holy Mountain, the largest city in the world." Cao Yan said.

The fat little black man continued: "So what is the purpose of asking us to bring people here?"

Cao Yan: "There are many resources left behind in the City of the Holy Mountain. I want to take over these things, but I don't have enough manpower under my command. I will borrow some people from you first to use them."

The two Dogaros had not yet fully recovered from the shock, so they nodded subconsciously.

"Do you have any good suggestions on how to arrange the next step for the city on the sacred mountain?" Cao Yan asked.

Dogarosh and the fat little black man looked at each other, and the group of people began to communicate with each other.

Soon after, Dogarosh and the little fat man with their entourage hurriedly left behind Dai Huanyu and Taohua, preparing to visit the City of the Holy Mountain.

After everyone else left, Cao Yancai asked the loser standing aside: "What do you want to do here?"

Kang Qingyue sneakily ran to the door, took a look outside, and waved to the outside. After a while, someone came in carrying a large box.

"Young Master Yan, before we attacked the Holy Mountain City, a team escaped from the city. This box is what our people captured and defeated and snatched back. It is said to be the Demon King's favorite treasure. When I found out, I quickly sent someone to deliver it to Master Yan." Kang Qingyue expressed his gratitude with a smile.

"The devil's favorite thing?"

Cao Yan looked at the box.

The box was made of a special material and had the function of sealing demons. Even with Cao Yan's mental strength, he couldn't sense what was inside.

Kang Qingyue lowered his voice and said: "Young Master Yan, inside the box is the most beautiful woman in the world, the Demon King's princess."

Boss Cao suddenly lost interest. Firstly, he did not have the habit of being a receiver, and secondly, he had a lovely wife at home, or two, both of whom were stunningly beautiful in the world. Insatiable greed will lead to retribution.

"The beauty of this princess is well known in this world. When the devil learned her name, he snatched her away. He was fascinated at the sight and regarded her as a treasure. When the city was destroyed, the devil could not bear to let her be buried with her. , sending his confidants to support her in breaking out, which shows how much the Demon King values ​​her.

I heard that she is a very charming woman. "

Kang Qingyue inquired about these gossips and said: "The Demon Princess's family is also a powerful clan in this world. Because the princess was robbed, they had many battles with the War clan before our arrival. Both sides suffered heavy losses."

Boss Cao's heart moved slightly.

He was preparing to support an agent in this world, and the race from which the Demon Princess came seemed to be a suitable candidate.

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