Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 812 Strolling With Girlfriends

"Professionals in this world, after learning that the concubine was robbed to the city of Shenshan, almost every day someone spontaneously broke into the palace of the devil, trying to rescue the concubine."

Kang Qingyue introduced the origin of Concubine Mowang to Cao Yan, and stepped forward to open the box.

In the opened box, a huge space was sealed, and a woman in a long black dress was lying on her back, sleeping in it.

With a flick of Cao Yan's hand, the woman was taken out by a force and suspended above the box.

Cao Yan could feel that the woman was under restraint, that's why she fell into a deep sleep. If there is no correct way to wake her up, she will sleep until she dies.

Why the devil is not willing to let this woman be buried, and arranges elites to protect her to break through, it is pure nonsense.

The devil wants to keep her. If he is not dead, he can continue to enjoy the fresh abalone. If he dies, no one will know the correct way to awaken this woman, so he will be buried with the devil, so as to avoid someone wearing the devil's clothes. hat of.

This devil's rank is too low, this method, if you meet someone who likes candied fruit, why don't you still wear the hat... Cao Yan thought to himself.

Of course, a low-level demon king can't trouble Boss Cao.

He walked closer and stared at the woman's eyebrows.

"Young Master Yan, is there a problem?" Kang Qing asked more carefully.

"This woman has been restrained and needs a special method to wake her up. If she uses the wrong method, she will die immediately." Cao Yan said.

Kang Qing was more startled, and then looked at the woman's face, and felt her head buzzing, her eyes stuck to the woman's face, and she could hardly move away.

"Too beautiful."

The woman in the box was about twenty-four or five years old, her skin was fair as fat, and she was tall and tall. Apart from the original stalwart chest, because she was lying on her back and the altitude was subsidence, the real scale could not be determined. There were some flaws in the ointment. any shortcomings.

Although she was unconscious and her eyes were closed tightly, she had a special aura, as if she possessed magical powers, which made people's minds captivated.

She has a beautiful nose and a beautiful mouth, her closed eyes are deeply embedded in the eye sockets, echoing the straight bridge of the nose, making the face very three-dimensional, with a sculptural classical beauty, and because of the eyebrows, the corners of the eyes, and the slightly raised lips. The style is lively and lively, enchanting and charming.

Her appearance and figure, even the most picky face control party, can't find any flaws.

"There is such a beautiful woman in the world...and there is more than one."

Kang Qingyue had seen the invincible looks of the boss ladies, so he used 'more than one' to describe the woman's appearance.

However, Wang Li is alluring, she likes to look amazing, but the woman in front of her has a temperament formed by the combination of external and internal charm, which can especially arouse the primitive desire of men. She and Dai Huanyu are similar types, commonly known as coquettish bitch vixen.

Kang Qingyue only took one look, and then became unsteady, and even her breathing became uncontrollable.

He was able to adjust his position very well, took a deep breath quickly, and forcibly looked away.

In his opinion, this woman has become Boss Cao's girl, and he must not covet it, otherwise he is looking for death, no matter how beautiful the girl is, her life is not as important.

"This woman is really unusual. Fortunately, I, Kang Qing, was more witty and cautious along the way, and secretly sent her to Yanshao. Otherwise, if Miss Wang or Princess Baoyue knew that I sent such a vicious girl to be with you They compete for favor,

I'm done. "

This guy had a lot of drama in his head, so he sneaked a glance at Cao Yan, but saw Boss Cao's face was calm, and he couldn't see the slightest move by this woman's monster-like appearance.

He pulled a ray of spiritual power, formed a brand, landed on the woman's eyebrows, and merged into her consciousness.

A few seconds later, the woman's breathing became a little short, her eyelids closed, and finally slowly opened her eyes.

The devil's concubine had closed her eyes before, which made people feel glamorous, but now she opened her eyes, which is even more unbelievable.

She had a pair of dark brown pupils. After she opened her eyes, she stood there and looked around calmly. She was not too surprised when she saw Cao Yanshi, but only showed a slightly thoughtful expression.

A simple expression appeared on her face, but it could give people a charming impression.

"Are you the one who captured the city of the Demon Blood Clan's sacred mountain?"

Concubine Mo's voice is slightly deep, clean and pleasant, with a strong sound texture.

Kang Qingyue raised his chin, his face full of arrogance: "This is the city lord of our sky city, the invincible city lord Cao Yancao. You were banned by the power of the devil king and fell into a deep sleep. You could never wake up. It is our city lord." Shot to save you."

Concubine Mo frowned slightly, she didn't show much gratitude to Cao Yan for waking her up.

In her opinion, it is the same whether it is Cao Yan or the Demon King, there is no essential difference between rescuing her and robbing her, they are nothing more than greedy for her body.

Men are like geoducks, they like to stretch and stretch, and it is their nature to eat abalone.

Concubine Mo twitched the corners of her mouth sarcastically.

Cao Yandao: "What should I call you, or just call you Mofei?"

"Phoebe Lomis." Mofei said.

Cao Yan: "I heard that you were forcibly taken to the city of Shenshan by the devil king and became his concubine."

The sarcasm on Concubine Mo's face became more and more obvious. She asked if she was snatched here, and the next step was to repay her kindness, saying that he occupied the city of Shenshan and saved herself. She has seen this kind of routine a lot.

Cao Yan: "What race are you?"

"I was originally from the Hera tribe, but I was taken captive by the devil, and I have been separated from my family for two years."

The concubine Mo concubine narrowed her eyes slightly: "I hope City Lord Cao will not imprison me like the devil king, forcing me to become your concubine."

"You think too much."

Cao continued: "I'm more interested in the Hera tribe you came from, can you still contact them?"

Concubine Mo hesitated for a moment before saying: "If you let me pass on the news, of course I can."

"Okay, you write a letter immediately, explaining the situation that the city of Shenshan was captured by me in the letter, just say that I invited the leader of the Hera tribe you came from to meet. Remember to tell him that this is a big deal for him. A good opportunity, a chance to gain at least half of the world's dominion. If he is willing, let him come to see me in the city of Shenshan."

Cao Yan thinks that Phoebe's tribe is suitable to be his agent in this world, and he considers it from many aspects.

First of all, the Hera tribe and the Zhan tribe turned against each other because of the captivity of the demon concubine.

Secondly, since the two sides have a deep hatred, if they support the Hera tribe from Phoebe to become the agent of this world, the conflict between them and the remaining forces of the Zhan clan scattered in this world will become even more irreconcilable.

Their struggle will continue for a long time.

For Cao Yan, who is preparing to become the master behind the scenes of this world, the consumption and struggle between the two aspects will form various powerful situations.

The above reasons alone are enough to make Phoebe's background a candidate for the agent.

Besides, Cao Yan had other considerations.

Of course, the specific situation needs to be in contact with each other to be further determined.

Cao Yan: "My people will take you down to settle down. Please think about what I just said and reply to me as soon as possible."

"What if I disagree with your proposal?" Phoebe asked.

"I will send you back to your tribe." Cao Yan said.

"Oh?" Phoebe smiled, she didn't believe that Cao Yan would let her go.

"This woman looks so pretty when she smiles." Kang Qingyue pondered in her heart, and immediately left Cao Yan's study with Phoebe.

Time flies, the next day.

Phoebe made a condition to Cao Yan, saying that she wanted to go back to the Hera tribe of her own origin in person, and told Cao Yan's request to the people in charge of the tribe.

This was a kind of temptation for Cao Yan, and she did not expect that Cao Yan would really agree.

However, to her surprise, Boss Cao readily agreed to her condition and asked someone to escort her back to the Hera tribe to convey the news.

It takes about a week to go back and forth.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, Boss Cao wanted to go out for a walk, see other parts of this world, capture the monsters in this world by the way, and earn some points.

When plotting against the God of Darkness, a total of 100,000 points were consumed. Commander Cao's wallet has shrunk severely, and his desire for points is very strong.

Boss Cao also invited his girlfriends to go out together, and the group left the city of Shenshan in a mighty way.

In the air, at noon.

A giant ship like an airship is floating in the air. This giant ship is majestic and has nine floors of pavilions, like a palace.

This is the travel car of the Demon King, which was taken by Cao Yanque and Jiujiu, and used as a means of transportation for going out for a walk.

On the ground below the floating ship, groups of hyenas acted as guards, roaring and running, and all kinds of creatures encountered along the way saw so many hyenas traveling, they were so frightened that their livers were torn apart, and they fled in all directions.

On the boat, Boss Cao and his girlfriends stood side by side, overlooking the boundless mountains, rivers and land outside the boat.

Three days passed in a flash, and in the other direction of this world, Phoebe Lomis returned to the Hera tribe where she was born.

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