It was almost noon, the weather was fine, and the white clouds were like water, rushing with the wind.

A golden roc shuttled among the clouds, and the arcs on its feathers jumped, as if it had spirituality.

On Pengniao's back, Phoebe looked down at the ground, her dress fluttered in the wind, and her white and long straight legs were looming under the skirt.

A look of excitement gradually appeared on her face.

Pengniao took her all the way across the mountains and rivers, starting from the city of Shenshan, and crossing thousands of miles in a few days. At this time, she finally brought her back to her long-lost hometown!

A majestic city appeared on the horizon in front of it. The city wall was paved with huge cold gray rocks, standing like a mountain.

The cold gray rock is the unique gray gold rock in this land. It is as strong as iron and has an extremely high density.

And in the city with the towering city walls in front, the buildings are scattered and unique in shape. It is the ancestral city of the Hera people, Phoebe's home.

"The place is here, go down." An indifferent voice sounded from behind Phoebe.

Sending her back to the Hera clan is related to Cao Yan's layout of the world, so Aohe personally sent her back.

Auch disappeared all the way, only Phoebe stayed alone on the back of the golden roc, unexpectedly Auch suddenly appeared like a ghost at this time.

Phoebe was taken aback, and after calming down, she saluted Auch: "Please go back, and thank City Lord Cao for letting me come back."

Aohe said indifferently: "You go back and immediately convey the meaning of our city lord to the tribe. I will wait for the news nearby. If your tribe does not respond within a day, I will think that you have automatically given up the boss's proposal. At that time, I will automatically give up the boss's proposal. will leave."

When Phoebe and Auch were talking on the back of the bird, there was already great commotion in the city of Hera below.

The whole city seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and many experts of the Hera tribe quickly came to the top of the city and looked up.

"What kind of creature is this? Such a strong thunder wave... pass it on, and the whole city is on alert."

"There is someone on that bird's back..."

The Hera people in the city discussed in awe.

You must know that the Pengniao who came back with Phoebe on his back is Aohe's Warcraft friend Lei Wang. Its wings cover the sky, and within a few miles of its location, there are dense and intertwined thunderbolts, which are extremely powerful and terrifying, but it is a pity that the Hera people who have to understand the situation will face a big enemy.

Just as they were taking precautions, King Lei raised his neck and yelled, the sound cracked the sky, and a huge lightning bolt fell from the sky.


Surrounded by lightning, Phoebe was pushed to the top of the city out of thin air.

In an instant, the entire city of Hera seemed to be quiet.

"Phoebe Loomis!"

A middle-aged man at the top of the city was shocked: "God's most beloved daughter, you... are finally back."

The brief silence did not last, and bursts of cheers erupted from the top of the city.

With Phoebe's beauty, when she was in the clan, she was chosen as the saintess of the Hera clan to serve the gods they believed in, and she had quite a status in the clan.

Because of this, when she was robbed and occupied by the devil, the Hera clan would be furious, feeling that the face of the whole clan was swollen by the devil, so they fought against the city of Shenshan at all costs.

At this moment, the people at the top of the city recognized Phoebe and brought her into the city amidst cheers.

In the air, Thunder King turned into a bolt of lightning, went straight into the clouds, and disappeared.

When the Hera tribe learned of Phoebe's return,

Surprised and jumped for joy, there was a lot of excitement.

It wasn't until an hour later that the emotions of the Hera people calmed down a little.

In the main meeting hall in the center of the city, high-level Hera people gathered together.

Phoebe was also sitting among them, and told the reason why she came back: "The changes that have taken place on the mainland in the past few days have spread throughout the world, and everyone should know that the city of Shenshan has been captured... the other party is a flying monster that can fly in the air. There are many legendary races in the city, and on the third day after they appeared, they occupied the city of Shenshan.

Their leader is a man named Cao Yan, who wants to invite the patriarch to meet in the city of Shenshan. "


The high-level members of the Hera tribe sat around a long circular table, a total of more than 20 people, brainstorming and guessing about Cao Yan's purpose.

Sitting at the head is an old man, dressed in a dark purple chip armor, looking forward with his eyes, as bright as electricity, with a fierce and majestic aura.

He is the leader of the Hera, Dundalk.

On his left are the twelve elders of the clan, and on his right are the generals and important members of the Hera clan.

Based on Phoebe's report, these people quickly analyzed Cao Yan's purpose.

"The force called Sky City, after capturing the city of Shenshan, is likely to be unable to expand the results of the battle."

The speaker was Nuzuo, a well-known general of the Hera tribe, about forty years old, with a thin body and a stern face.

This person has a strong personality and is a representative figure of the new generation of Hera people.

He said: "Sky City invited us over at this time, and sent Phoebe back to show sincerity, at least for now, it should be goodwill. They probably want to cooperate with us, or use our power Do things for them, like deal with the remnants of the WarClan, and they want to hide behind the scenes and make a profit."

Nuzuo's analysis, combined with the current situation, is very convincing and very close to Cao Yan's real purpose.

"The city of the sky treats us Hera people as fools, how can we let him do what he wants." Another general said disdainfully.

Nu Zuo pondered for a moment, then looked at the leader Dundalk: "This may be an opportunity for us."

"Why do you say that?" Dundalk's expressionless face made it hard to see what was going on in his heart.

Nuzuo organized his language, and talked eloquently:

"The strength of Sky City is obviously very strong, but no matter how strong they are, attacking the city of Shenshan and fighting with the Zhanzu for several days will be a huge consumption. Their loss must be quite heavy, otherwise the most important thing they should do now , is to take over the power of the Zhan Clan in its entirety, instead of inviting us at this time and wanting to use our power."

The eyes of several Hera people suddenly lit up:

"You mean that the city of the sky and the city of the mountain will lose a lot of power. We can pretend to follow Cao Yan's proposal and enter the city of the mountain. Once the opportunity is right, we will eat the city of the sky and plunder the benefits." ?”

Nuzuo: "That's right, this is an opportunity given to us by God Hera.

With the power of our Hera tribe, as long as we arrange it properly, this matter can be very promising. "

Phoebe frowned and said, "General Nuzuo's proposal is probably inappropriate.

Although my cultivation level is not high, I have been blessed by the gods. When I met Cao Yan, the lord of the Sky City, I secretly used the Eye of Hera to observe him and found that his power was unfathomable. above. "

He said again: "After the battle between Sky City and Zhan Clan, I fell into a deep sleep because of the soul-locking curse cast by the demon king, and I didn't see the final result, but I remember very clearly the scene where Sky City appeared above the city of Shenshan. There are countless masters coming out of their city, and they are all at the level of legendary creatures.

Their power is too formidable, and if we misjudge, the consequences could be dire. "

"As I said just now, it is certain that the Sky City will be able to defeat the Zhan Clan. It must be powerful, but in order to capture the city of Shenshan, they must suffer heavy losses. This is unavoidable. So the current situation is very delicate. As long as it is arranged properly, anything is possible.”

Nu Zuo looked around: "We still have a natural advantage, that is, we have been fighting with the Zhan Clan for a long time, and we have already made a lot of secret arrangements in the city of Shenshan. These arrangements can definitely catch the city of the sky by surprise."

"And even if we make a mistake in judgment, we will play by ear, and the initiative to advance and retreat is in our own hands, and we will not suffer much loss."

"well said."

With bright eyes, Dundalk agreed with Nuzuo's suggestion.

The Hera tribe finally decided to divide their troops into two groups, one in the light and the other in the dark, following Cao Yan's proposal on the bright side, and set off for the Sky City.

Another way is to advance secretly, mobilize the elite of the Hera tribe, ready to attack the city of the sky at any time, and earn the fruits of victory.

Phoebe became inexplicably uneasy, but she had been captive for several years, and her position in the clan was also very delicate when she returned home.

If you continue to express objections, it may cause unnecessary suspicion and suspicion.

In the afternoon of the same day, the patriarch of the Hera tribe, Dundock, personally led the team, accompanied by Phoebe, Nuzuo and others, and used several large magic airships to follow Lei Wang to the city of Shenshan.


After wandering around for three days, in addition to catching monsters from other worlds, he also trained his own pets. Counting the time, Boss Cao also embarked on his way back to the city of Shenshan.

When the Hera tribe was about to arrive at the city of Shenshan, Cao Yan returned to the city first.

After several days of rectification and rectification, the city of Shenshan at this moment, at least on the surface, has returned to calm.

Boss Cao and his girlfriends got off the demon king's car and encountered an accident just after entering the city.

"My son-in-law, you are finally back!"

Sea King Neptune actually appeared in the Sky City, surrounded by many sea tribes, and he spoke happily when he saw Cao Yan and his daughter.

Cao Yan asked Baoyue in a low voice: "Why is my father-in-law here?"

Baoyue: "I don't know either. I haven't sent the news back to the clan that you captured the city of Shenshan."


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