Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 814 So cruel

"How come my father-in-law has time to come to my city in the sky?"

Cao Yan and his father-in-law met together and walked towards the city lord's mansion.

The deep-sea country has been in constant friction with its surrounding maritime countries recently, and several wars have broken out in succession, but the scales are not large. Neptune has the legion of the God's Guards, the Sea-Eye Tribe, which he obtained from the land of Poseidon inheritance. In addition, his son-in-law is a bastard, and his reputation is too great, so everyone is wary of it.

Therefore, my father-in-law is invincible in the world under the sea, and he is very high-spirited during this period.

It stands to reason that my father-in-law is busy with his own business and should not leave the Hai Clan's base camp.

But Cao Yan conquered the city of the sacred mountain and took the dominance of this plane. After getting the news about such a big cake, the father-in-law took time out of his busy schedule and came over just to drink hot soup with his son-in-law and share some of the benefits.

This is more than what he gained from working hard in the deep sea.

As for why Neptune could get the news in time?

You must know that the followers around Baoyue are all people from the Deep Sea Kingdom. Cao Yan has occupied a plane. For such a big matter, it would be strange if Baoyue's followers could resist not thinking about the Sea Clan.

At this time, Baoyue's thoughts changed slightly and she figured out the key.

She looked at Wang Li on the other side of Cao Yan and sighed softly.

Wang Li comes from an ordinary background, and the people in his family don't have that much desire. Unlike His Majesty the King of the Sea, who has so many tricks and loves to take advantage of his son-in-law, Bao Yue is a little embarrassed.

The King of the Sea said to Cao Yan: "My father heard that my son-in-law, you defeated the strongest force in a plane in three days and occupied their base camp. This kind of achievement is unmatched by anyone in the world, which shows that my son-in-law Cao Yan has the appearance of a divine king, and he is also happy as a father."

My son-in-law, Cao Yan, has the appearance of a god-king. I always feel that these words sound a bit familiar... Cao Yan blinked his eyes: "Father-in-law, please tell me if you have something to say."

"Well, I thought about it and felt that just by expanding the territory around my deep-sea kingdom, I will never be able to surpass my predecessors and become a holy master whose name will last forever." Poseidon said.

"So how can my son-in-law help?" Cao Yan said, handing the ladder to his father-in-law.

"My dear son-in-law, is there any sea in the world you occupy?" asked the old father-in-law Tuqiongdagger.

"Yes, I have had people explore it. The ocean of this world surrounds the continent and is boundless. Does your father-in-law want to expand the territory in the ocean of this world?" Cao Yan asked.

"Exactly, my father wants to expand my deep-sea kingdom into this world and open up the ocean here into our country's territory in the parallel world." The father-in-law said with great ambition.

His proposal did not conflict with Cao Yan's layout of the world. On the contrary, it had some auxiliary effects.

There is also intelligent life in the oceans of this world, but in a certain historical period, there was a fault in the inheritance of underwater civilization, and there seemed to have been natural disasters, resulting in a large loss of life in the sea.

Therefore, the marine civilization of this world is far less long and complete than the inheritance of the green jungle world. If you want to occupy marine resources here, the resistance is relatively small.

And Cao Yan is preparing to become the mastermind behind the world. Controlling marine resources is a very important part, which can check and balance the forces on land and maintain long-term peace and stability.

Neptune revealed his plan, and Weng and his son-in-law hit it off immediately.

Cao Yan promised to support his father-in-law to enter the ocean of this world and expand the territory, and his father-in-law was responsible for sending the elites of the sea country to implement the plan.

The two of them were whispering,

Muttering, he returned to the city lord's mansion.

The father-in-law was satisfied, and then he remembered that he still had two daughters. He looked back at Baoyue and Ferrier, who was pouting and looking unhappy.

Baoyue said: "Father, when Cao Yan comes back from his trip, he has to contact some forces in this world and has many things to do. You are tired from coming so far, so my daughter can take you down to rest."

"I don't."

Neptune shook his head: "It is rare for a father to come out of the deep sea. Since a good son-in-law wants to contact the forces of this world, the father should also follow and observe. The daughter can rest assured that the father understands etiquette and will not interfere with Cao Yan's actions. He will just watch," then He followed Cao Yan into the study.

Wang Li had other things to do, so he left first.

Baoyue was worried that her old father was a monster, so she stayed with her and entered the study with Cao Yan.

Auch had been waiting in the study for a long time. When he saw Cao Yan, he bowed and reported:

“Boss, the people from the Hera tribe will arrive at our Sky City in about a quarter of an hour.

After escorting Phoebe back to the city, my subordinates secretly sneaked into the city of Hera and investigated them. By the time I left, they were secretly mobilizing elites and could approach the sacred mountain city of Barabara through teleportation at any time..."


High in the sky, four airships, one big and three small, followed closely behind the Thunder King, rushing through the clouds and chasing the sun, approaching the City in the Sky.

"The aura of this thunder bird is truly astonishing. It has already approached the level of a god (totem). How many magical beasts are as powerful as it in the Sky City?"

On the largest magic airship, Dundalk, the leader of the Hera tribe, asked Phoebe.

"I don't know the exact number, but it should be a lot." Phoebe said.

Dundalk frowned, pondered for a moment, and then asked:

"The Demon King of the War Clan has been defeated. Do you know whether he is alive or dead now? You said before that you observed Cao Yan with the Eye of Hera. He is stronger than the Demon King. How much stronger? Do you have any judgment?"

Phoebe shook her head: "I don't know whether the Demon King is alive or dead, and I can't tell how strong Cao Yan is."

Nu Zuo pondered: "According to my inference, even though Cao Yan is stronger than the Demon King, it will never be too much. We can handle it by shaking the ancestral weapon."

Dundalk hummed, his idea was similar to Nuzuo's judgment.

At this time, the Thunder King flying in front let out a long cry and slowed down.

At the end of the horizon, majestic mountain peaks appear.

And on the top of the mountains, there is a city, which is the City of the Holy Mountain!

The destination has been reached.

What shocked everyone in the Hera tribe was that an even more magnificent city was suspended above the city on the sacred mountain, looming in the clouds, making it a spectacle.

Nuzo and Dundalk squinted their eyes at the same time, looking at the city in the sky.

Nuzuo said in a suppressed voice with great ambition: "If we can capture the Holy Mountain City and the Sky City in one fell swoop, the strength of our Hera people will immediately expand several times, surpassing any force."

Dundalk nodded in agreement.

The temptation before them was too great, and it was worth risking everything to gain this wealth.

However, Dundalk did not lose his cool: "This is indeed an opportunity, but we cannot act rashly. If Cao Yan takes the initiative to invite us, he must be persistent. Look at the weather in the Sky City, it is by no means simple. We should be careful after entering the city. .”

Nuzuo's eyes were sharp and he pursed his lips with some disdain.

He was about to speak when he suddenly heard a companion beside him say: "There are many giants over there!"

Tall figures appeared one after another from behind the several peaks surrounding the City of the Holy Mountain.

They are generally over forty meters tall, as strong as a mountain, with only a piece of animal skin around their waists, and all of them exude a powerful and wild aura.

Some giants are dragging one or several magical beasts on their shoulders or hands.

This was obviously a giant hunting team returning from a hunting trip.

After Boss Cao occupied the Holy Mountain City, his first order was to have the hunting team capture the world's monsters and earn points.

In the past few days, the giants have found some aboriginal people in this world as guides, and have gone out in groups to capture the magical beasts in this world.

When they returned from hunting, they happened to meet the Hera tribe.

The leading Chaos Giants and Storm Giants glanced at the Hera tribesmen on the airship, and then looked away indifferently. Amidst the shouts, they led a group of giants and rushed towards the Sky City.

"I heard that the Lord of the City is back. Let's go faster."

The sound of the giants running was like muffled thunder striking the earth, and the whole world seemed to be shaking as they ran.

On the airship, Dundalk and Nuzuo observed the giants from a distance, both looking shocked.

"What the giant is dragging seems to be the notorious dragon Hanur, a terrifying creature close to the level of a god (totem)..."

A Hera tribesman pointed at the storm giant and dragged it into his hand. It was a ferocious creature nearly a hundred meters long with twelve pairs of wings on its back, shaped like a centipede.

"The purple flying python dragged by the giant over there is very similar to the legendary sky-swallowing python in the magical swamp... It is said that this evil python has reached the level of a god, and they actually captured it!"

"The tallest giant is also holding a four-legged Domdragon, the overlord among earth beasts..."

Just as the Hera people were discussing, a four-legged beast that looked a bit like Godzilla was caught in the hands of the Chaos Giant. It roared suddenly and struggled violently, trying to break free from the Chaos Giant's shackles, but was punched by it. On the neck, the blow made me dizzy.

The Chaos Giant exerted force with both hands, and the Godzilla-like four-legged beast was thrown into the sky amidst the screams, rolling and getting higher and higher.

All the giants laughed together and stopped to watch the fun.

"What kind of giant is this? That four-legged beast is probably worth the weight of a mountain. It was almost thrown into the clouds by him. It's such an amazing power..."

After throwing out the four-legged beast, the Chaos Giant jumped up and whizzed past the Hera tribe's airship. He instantly caught up with the beast that was thrown into the air and kicked it out with a bang like thunder. Explosion.

The four-legged beast was kicked and fell sharply, hitting a mountain peak.

The mountain peak was torn into pieces, with debris flying everywhere.

The four-legged giant beast's densely scaled skin was cracked, its vision went dark, and it kicked off its legs and fainted immediately.

How cruel!

Nuzuo and other Hera tribesmen were shocked by the violent aesthetics of the Chaos Giant beating the four-legged monster, and their hearts sank.

The strength of Sky City has revealed the tip of the iceberg, and it is far more powerful than they expected. To them, the strength of these giants was equivalent to a sap being pulled over their heads, hitting them with stars in their eyes.

"Phoebe, do you know the origin of these giants?" Dundalk said solemnly.

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