Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 815 Large-scale ‘slap in the face’ scene

"When the Sky City launched an attack on the Holy Mountain City, the giants were one of the legendary races that rushed out of the city. There were about two hundred giants who rushed out at that time." Phoebe responded.

"Two hundred people?!"

Dundalk, Nuzuo and others also saw darkness before their eyes.

The wave of giants that just passed by had almost forty people, and they were already so terrifying!

Two hundred giants couldn't break the sky!

Dundalk and Nuzuo's expressions changed continuously and became extremely ugly.

While everyone in the Hera tribe was talking, the Chaos Giant had already dragged the knocked out four-legged beast, and he and the other giants were on the road again, running towards the Sky City.

The airship carried by the Hera people also arrived near the Sky City not long after.

From a closer look, you can especially feel the city's various atmospheres, with numerous buildings and spectacular places that look like palaces where gods live.

The Thunder King approached the Sky City, flew to the center of the city on his own, and soon disappeared.

After the Hera airship landed near the edge of the city, people from the Sky City came out to receive it. Dai Huanyu, as the deputy city lord, personally led the crowd to greet it.

For the City in the Sky, the Hera tribe is likely to become an agent of Cao Yan's support, and its position is quite important. Therefore, all tribes in the city also sent people to accompany Dai Huanyu to greet them, giving the Hera tribe enough respect. .

Of course, the presence of so many races in the city is also a deterrent to the Hera tribe and a display of their own strength.

The Hera tribe got off the airship and looked at the races coming out of the city to greet them.

Phoebe's eyes first fell on Dai Huanyu, who was surrounded by many races in the city and was wearing a scarlet mage robe, as bright as a cluster of flames.

The two women's eyes intertwined, and they both hated each other inexplicably, and at the same time they gave each other a roll of the eyes.

Next, there was a polite exchange between the Hera tribe and the welcoming team, and then under the leadership of Dai Huanyu, they headed into the city.

Officially entering the city brought shocks to Dundalk and other Hera tribesmen.

Before, they took an airship and traveled from far to near. Due to the numerous buildings in the city, the viewing angles were different, and they were attracted by the appearance of the giant. They did not see that there were other things hidden around the Sky City in the clouds, such as If we talk about the mythical beast that protects the city.

At this time, when they actually entered the city, they discovered that there were creatures of the level of True Dragon and Sun Golden Crow appearing in the sky above the city.

As you move forward in the city, you encounter even more powerful races.

Even some underage races in the city are surprisingly powerful.

A young boy from the giant tribe emerged from nowhere and stood on the street watching the Hera tribe enter the city.

This little giant had an upper body and legs covered with black hair like a gorilla. He only had a piece of animal skin slanted on his waist, but it didn't have much blocking effect at all. The 404 exposed under the animal skin made the man Seeing the silence made women cry.

What shocked the Hera tribe was that the aura fluctuations in this giant child's body reached the peak of the lord level.

This is a strength that only senior generals at the core level possess in the Hera tribe.

While moving forward, Dundalk suddenly heard Phoebe beside him reminding him: "Chief, look at the sky."

Dundalk looked up when he heard this, and immediately panicked when he saw him.

The clouds were billowing that day,

Protruding from it was a head that was too big to be seen clearly. It had short horns and looked like a giant dragon. A pair of eyes were like two lakes hanging in the sky, shining like the sun and the moon, staring at the Hera tribe coldly.

The clouds rolled with the wind, and the body of the giant beast was faintly revealed. It was as huge as a star hanging in the sky, covering most of the sky.

This giant beast is an old turtle, and its aura is so majestic that it makes everyone in the Hera tribe have difficulty breathing and feel uneasy.

Dundalk quietly took out a small figure that looked like a stone figurine from his arms. He glanced at the figure's eyebrows and found a dark red light emerging from it. His mouth was full of bitterness in an instant, and he put the figure away calmly.

Nu Zuo on the side asked in a low voice: "What level is this giant turtle?"

"The dark red light emerging from the ancestral artifact indicates that this giant turtle is a mythical creature that has exceeded the measurement limit of the ancestral artifact..."

"What?" Nu Zuo looked horrified, and his heart was filled with turmoil that could not be calmed down for a long time.

Dai Huanyu has been paying close attention to the expressions of everyone in the Hera tribe. Some of what the Hera tribe saw and heard after entering the city was deliberately arranged by her. So far, the effect is pretty good.

"We obviously misjudged the strength of the Sky City before. Their strength... is strong enough to easily eat the City of the Holy Mountain and our Hera tribe." Dundalk said in a solemn voice.

"If they are so powerful, why would they choose to cooperate with us? Wouldn't it be better to control all the territory and resources of the War Clan by ourselves?"

Nu Zuo said in a muffled voice: "This is not consistent with common sense. I don't believe they are really that strong."

Dundalk shook his head. He had no idea what the Sky City had planned.

A quarter of an hour later, more than ten core figures from the Hera tribe followed Dai Huanyu into Cao Yan's study.

Everyone in the Hera tribe looked at the young Lan Yin sitting behind the desk at the same time.

Because they had heard Phoebe's description before, they could directly identify who Commander Cao was.

Baoyue next to Cao Yan made everyone in the Hera tribe a little surprised. They were surprised to meet women who were not as beautiful as Feibi one after another.

His Majesty the Sea King sat on the other side of his son-in-law with a golden sword, and glanced at the people of the Hera tribe who came in with a stern look.

Auch stood behind Cao Yan with his hands lowered. The black energy outside his body was beating independently, like a demon, which was extremely frightening.

Cao Yan politely stood up from his seat to greet him and started a conversation with him.

It is worth mentioning that Boss Cao, Dai Huanyu and others have used the past few days to master the lingua franca of this world, so communication between the two parties is not hindered.

In the next few days, Cao Yan invited many powerful forces in this world to meet him, so time was tight and the tasks were heavy. After Boss Cao stood up, he said a few simple words of courtesy and quickly turned to the topic:

"I asked Phoebe to convey my message and invite you to come all the way. The matter to be discussed is related to the distribution of benefits after the city of the Holy Mountain is occupied by us. This should be a good thing for you Hera tribe. .

Of course, this needs to be based on our successful cooperation. "

Face to face with Commander Cao, Dundalk felt an inexplicable pressure.

He organized his words and then said:

"What City Lord Cao means is that you have captured the City of the Holy Mountain, but you are not prepared to take over other cities controlled by the Zhan Clan. Instead, you want to use our Hera Clan to take over the remnants of the Zhan Clan and rule them. And you, the Sky The city will stand behind our Hera tribe and support us?”

Dundalk was invited to take a seat opposite Cao Yan, and the rest of the Hera people stood behind him, putting on a tit-for-tat negotiation posture.

Dundalk, Nuzuo and others no longer wanted to eat the Sky City at this time. After all, they were not fools.

The slaps on the face along the way into the city were extremely brutal. If you still think about swallowing up the Sky City at this moment, you are just looking for death.

Cao Yan nodded slightly and confirmed Dundalk's inquiry.

Dundalk asked again: "How will the benefits be distributed?"

Cao Yan: "Twenty-eight points, eight of us, two of you."

Dundalk, Nuzuo and other Hera people all changed their expressions.

This distribution ratio clearly means bullying the Hera tribe. Cao Yan does not regard both parties as equal partners at all. In the future, the Hera tribe will be responsible for all the affairs of this world, including competing with many forces, but most of the benefits gained will be taken away by Cao Yan, who is basically just a wage earner.

This distribution ratio is too bullying.

"It's impossible for us to accept the distribution ratio you proposed, City Lord Cao." Dundalk took a deep breath and said.

Cao Yan had a good time: "You might as well think about it from another angle. Without our Sky City, you will continue to be suppressed by the Zhan clan. Once the Zhan clan recovers a little, you will probably face the end of annihilation. In comparison, you What I got now was the opportunity to stand on top of the world.

From this point alone, we occupy a larger share of the interests. I think it is very fair. 20% is already a lot. "

"In other words, without our support behind you, even if you take over the legacy resources of the War Clan, you will not be able to stand firm and will soon be overthrown by other races."

Dundalk opened his mouth, but for a moment he couldn't refute.

Because what Cao Yan said is true. The current Hera tribe does not have the strength and prestige to rule a plane independently.

"But if we Hera people don't agree, you can't find a better collaborator at all, and... if you push us Hera people, once we stand on the opposite side of your Sky City, you want to find other forces It will become more difficult to rule the world," Nuzo interjected.

His meaning actually contained a bit of threat.

Cao Yan laughed dumbly, "Let me tell you a truth. All negotiations are actually based on strength. If you want to threaten me, you must first know whether you have the qualifications."

After speaking, Boss Cao threw a beast ball and it fell into Dundalk's hand.

Dundalk looked at the animal trap in his hand doubtfully.

The trap ball thrown by Cao Yan was in an open state, and he could see what was inside the ball through the 'window' on the ball.

Dundalk lowered his head to check the situation inside the ball. His face suddenly changed. He put one hand on his chest and handed the ball to Nuzuo with an expression of heartache that made him unable to breathe.

After Nuzuo saw what was going on with the ball, he immediately retreated and blurted out: "This is impossible."

The people of the Hera tribe took the animal trapping balls one by one and looked at the situation inside.

Phoebe was the last one to receive the animal trapping ball. After reading it, she suddenly raised her head and stared at Cao Yan: "This is impossible. How did you do it?"

The old father-in-law kept asking Dai Huanyu to help translate the conversation between the two parties. At this time, he couldn't help but interjected: "Please help me translate and tell these natives that my son-in-law Cao Yan has the status of a god king, and his methods are beyond their ability to guess. Things have happened and they still think it’s impossible, which is really ridiculous.”

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