Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 816 Girlfriends’ Decision


What was in the animal trap that could make these natives so shocked after seeing it... The old father-in-law didn't know the details. He was a little curious and turned to look at his daughter, but Baoyue did not respond.

However, Dai Huanyu had the foresight to take a step forward, took back the beast ball from Phoebe's hand, and handed it to Neptune.

The scene inside the ball even surprised my father-in-law.

The space inside the beast-trapping ball was vast and crowded, and it actually contained an armored and sharp army.

This army is the tribe of the Hera tribe.

You must know that when Dundalk and others set out to the Sky City, there was also a group of Hera tribe members acting secretly. They gathered the elites of the tribe and planned to use some of the arrangements they had arranged in the Holy Mountain City in the past to secretly teleport over to raid the Sky City. .

What was contained in the animal trapping ball at this time was the team of the Hera tribe that had secretly gathered to prepare for a raid.

They were supposed to be on standby in the territory of the Hera tribe, but instead they appeared in the animal trapping ball taken out by Cao Yan and showed it to Dundalk and others. It was simply unbelievable.

Everyone in the Hera tribe was overwhelmed with fear and fear.

The most elite tribe in the clan fell into the hands of Cao Yan, making Dundalk and others even more passive.

But when it comes to agreeing to Cao Yan's proposal and working for the City in the Sky, Dundalk is still a little unwilling.

"We, the Hera tribe, are resigned to City Lord Cao's methods. But cooperating with Sky City is related to the fate of our entire tribe. I want to discuss it with my tribe before making a decision.

Can City Lord Cao give us some time? "

Cao Yan: "Of course, my people will take you down to rest."

Dundalk stood up from his seat, hesitated for a moment, bowed and saluted Cao Yan, and then led his clan members to follow the attendants of the city lord's palace and walked out.

Most of the other people of the Hera tribe have not yet come to their senses, and Nuzuo is the most devastated. He is thinking over and over in his mind: How did he do it? This is simply impossible. Is it possible? A kind of deception, a mental illusion...

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, the Hera tribesmen were arranged to settle in the original Demon King's Palace in the City of the Holy Mountain.

A group of people settled down and gathered in a hall, looking at each other in silence.

This visit to the Sky City was so different from their expectations that everyone was in a state of confusion.

The accompanying guards of the Hera tribe were checking everywhere in the room to confirm the safety of the room.

Dundalk said: "No need to waste any effort. With Cao... the city lord's methods, if he wants to deal with us, he can just do it directly. There is no need to make unnecessary moves and make arrangements in the dark."

Then he said: "Everyone, tell me, what should we do next?"

"My thoughts are confused right now and I need to think carefully."

"It was ridiculous that we wanted to attack the City in the Sky..."

Everyone's spirits were shattered by Boss Cao's operation. At this time, they became inexplicably Buddhist, resigned to fate, and did whatever they wanted. Since they couldn't resist, they accepted it calmly.

"We must first determine whether the situation in the space ball is true or false. I still don't believe it is true. Even if he is a god and demon, there is no way he can do this." Nuzuo said.

Dundalk glanced at him, secretly surprised.

In a short period of time, Nu Zuo's eyes were already bloodshot, and the veins on his forehead were bulging.

The appearance is extremely ferocious.

Dundalk was suddenly worried that Nuzuo would die suddenly, and hurriedly comforted him: "It's possible what you said. If anyone comes, please contact the clan immediately and ask what happened. Let's delay it for a few more days, and everyone will think about it carefully. Do you want to cooperate with Sky City?"

An elder of the clan sighed and said: "If we had refused before, we might still have a chance. Now we have arrived at the City in the Sky. If we finally tell people that we are not prepared to cooperate with them, we are just here to take a look. Isn't this funny? ?

With City Lord Cao's methods, now that we are here, it will be difficult for us not to cooperate, otherwise we will die. "

Everyone in the Hera tribe fell into a state of collective worry.

Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

The city on the sacred mountain, the Demon King's Palace.

The core layer of the Hera tribe gathered again.

The worries on everyone's faces were unabated. They had determined that something had indeed happened to the tribe members gathered in the clan. They were swallowed up by the sudden collapse of the void and disappeared collectively.

This situation corresponds exactly to the scene in the animal trap given by Cao Yan.

Nuzuo was completely crazy, sitting there with disheveled hair and dull eyes.

In fact, it is not surprising that Cao Yan was able to capture all the elites of the Hera tribe into the animal trapping ball. When Auch sent Phoebe back, he secretly sneaked into the Hera tribe to investigate, leaving an ant colony in Hera City in the process.

Before Dundalk and others arrived at the Sky City, Boss Cao used the ant colony as a coordinate and dispatched his totem-level experts to attack in groups, teleport there, and capture a group of Hera warriors. This was just a basic operation.

"We need to discuss a decision and we can't delay it any longer."

Dundalk looked around at everyone: "The City in the Sky not only invited us, the Hera tribe, but several other forces also received their invitations. In the past two days, forces have rushed to the City in the Sky to contact the Lord Cao.

If we hesitate, once City Lord Cao chooses another force, our situation will be even worse. "

"I heard from the leader that he wants to agree to Cao Yan's proposal?" said an elder from the clan.

"Otherwise? Does Elder Narrow have any better suggestions?" Dundalk asked.

The elder known as Na Luo thought for a while and said: "We can agree to Cao Yan, but we still need to fight for the distribution ratio of benefits. 20% is too low."

Dundalk said without confidence: "The elite members of our clan are still in the hands of Cao Yan. What can we use as a bargaining chip to make conditions with Sky City?"

Several elders thought hard, and finally looked at Phoebe in unison.

Dundalk checked with several elders and looked at Phoebe.

What they were thinking of was Dai Huanyu and Bao Yue whom they had seen in the Sky City before. Cao Yan always had these two beauties with him, and he was most likely a Bao lover.

With Phoebe's appearance, she is as good as any other woman. It will obviously be easier for her to communicate with those who love Bao, and it will be easier to make progress.

Phoebe felt a little aggrieved: "I..."

Dundalk waved his hand: "That's it, no discussion. Phoebe, you were kidnapped and occupied by the Demon King. Our Hera clan declared war on the War clan without any hesitation. But the situation is different now. I hope you can understand us. difficulties."

Phoebe pursed her lips tightly and stood up slowly: "Okay..."


Castle in the Sky.

Boss Cao met Phoebe in the study.

Phoebe was dressed up in a starry sky blue dress. She bit her lip and was led into the study by Dai Huanyu shyly.

The long skirt with a belted waist perfectly shows off the perfect proportions of Phoebe's bust, waist, hips and legs. The delicate collarbone and round shoulders are exposed from the top of the skirt. On the outside, it is seductive yet attractive. Not overly explicit and therefore kitsch.

Phoebe obviously put a lot of thought into her outfit.

She walked in at a leisurely pace, with a bit of shame and anger in her heart and a reluctance to bow her head under power. Especially under Dai Huanyu's obviously sarcastic gaze, Phoebe's face turned red, and even more so. Some charming and charming charm.

Cao Yan: "You came to me about the Hera clan?"

Feibi agreed softly, looked at Cao Yan and said: "Our tribe has reached a consensus and wants to cooperate with you, City Lord Cao. But we have two conditions. One is that you must release the tribesmen of our tribe who have been imprisoned by you; the other is that we cooperate. We hope that the income can be higher. The income distribution ratio of 7.5 and 2.5 is our requirement.

If you can agree, our Hera tribe will work wholeheartedly for the City of the Sky, and... I, Phoebe Lomis, am also yours. City Lord Cao can do whatever he wants with me. "

Phoebe finished speaking in one breath, and then looked at Cao Yan nervously as if she was waiting for a verdict.

"We have a cooperative relationship. I will naturally release you people from the Hera tribe. The proportion of profits from the cooperation will be as you say, and I will give up another 0.5 share. As for you, there is no need to wrong yourself, I did not bully you. The habit of men dominating women. If you have nothing else to do, you can leave."

Fei Bi was stunned, never expecting that Cao Yan would be so talkative and agree to her conditions.

When she returned to the Hera tribe and told the story of her meeting with Cao Yan, Dundalk and others were also confused.

Cao Yan gave them the impression of being extremely strong and domineering.

In fact, they no longer expected Cao Yan to give in. When they learned that Cao Yan was willing to give up 0.5 of his share and reached a cooperation intention at the ratio of 7.5 to 2.5, everyone in the Hera tribe was overjoyed and actually felt a little grateful to Boss Cao. of generosity.

In fact, Cao Yan was not giving in.

He first stated the distribution ratio of 28%, and then took a step back and gave up a small amount of benefits. This was the plan he had planned from the beginning.

People's hearts are often like this. If Cao Yan gave a distribution ratio of 2.5 and 7.5 from the beginning, the Hera tribe would still feel that they got less and wanted more.

Cao Yan has given out 0.5 more from the previous 28, and the situation has changed subtly. The Hera tribe will have much less resentment, which will be more beneficial to the stability of future cooperation.

The operation of the experienced driver is easy to do and has always been coquettish.

The King of the Sea came to the Sky City for two days. Before returning to the Sea Clan, he said to Cao Yan: "Next time, my dear son-in-law, if you conquer a certain plane, remember to tell me and I will come again."

Come back... Cao Yan pursed his lips, okay, after all, it's right to ride his mermaid (daughter) every day so that his father-in-law can get some advantages.

Time flows quietly.

Three days later, the city on the sacred mountain, the Demon King's Palace!

Phoebe stood in the empty palace and looked up. The city in the sky above was disappearing, and eventually turned into a void origin without a trace.

Cao Yan left and returned to the green jungle world.

The people of the Hera tribe also left, feeling satisfied with the support of Sky City.

They will attack the city for the sake of the Sky City and the growth of their own race, taking over the territories, cities, and ethnic groups they rule left behind by the War Clan.

From then on, every once in a while, the Hera tribe would come to the city of the sacred mountain to pay tribute to Boss Cao.

The City of the Holy Mountain not only supports the Hera tribe, but also supervises them, becoming the hidden center of power in this world.

Of course, regarding the layout of this world, Boss Cao did not just arrange the Hera people as a chess piece. Other arrangements will gradually unfold. Pushing the Hera people to the surface is only the first step.

The Hera people left, but Phoebe was left behind in the city of the sacred mountain.

This was a unanimous decision between Dundalk and the core of the Hera clan. Phoebe went to see Cao Yan, and Cao Yan made a concession, which obviously gave rise to some associations with the Hera clan.

They kept Feibi, which was equivalent to giving money to Cao Yan. To some extent, they also hoped that Feibi could stay with Boss Cao and gain some benefits for the Hera clan.

Only Feibi herself knew that from the day she met Cao Yan to the day she left Sky City, Cao Yan had no contact with her, which showed that Cao Yan really had no interest in her.

Phoebe stared at the place where Sky City disappeared, feeling suddenly sad and tears welling up uncontrollably.

She had previously thought that Cao Yan, like the Demon King of the Zhan Clan, had designs on her, but now that she recalled it, this thought had become a great irony.

In contrast to Phoebe's sadness, there was a lot of joy and laughter in the Lord's Mansion of Sky City at this time.

Through Dai Huanyu, the girlfriends found out that Phoebe had recommended herself as a pillow mat, but was decisively rejected by Boss Cao, and they were very happy about this.

The girlfriends discussed it and decided to reward Boss Cao...

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