Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 817 Rewards for female votes

The night is beginning to fall and the evening breeze is blowing.

Cao Yan is listening to reports from two secretaries:

"The portal connecting the Holy Mountain City and our Sky City has been generated and can be activated at any time."

Dai Huanyu said: "Other things ordered by the boss are also progressing at the same time. We have released the Demon King, and he is gathering the remaining soldiers of the War Clan scattered throughout the Shenshan Realm, trying to regroup..."

The Demon King was severely wounded and captured by Cao Yan, but he was released by him at this time. The condition of release was that after the Demon King agreed to gather the remaining troops, he would also use the resources in his hands to pay tribute to Cao Yan regularly and cooperate with Cao Yan's layout of the Shenshan Realm.

In order to save his life, at least on the surface, he was willing to become a pawn of Cao Yan.

In this way, the Hera clan and the Zhan clan were in conflict with each other, and at the same time, they both became Cao Yan's subordinates.

For Boss Cao, the two aspects restrain and oppose each other, which is conducive to his layout and control, and at the same time allows him to occupy a large amount of resources in the sacred mountain world in the short term.

The devil's plan was obviously to endure the humiliation and save his life to wait for the opportunity to counterattack.

In his opinion, surrendering and paying tribute to Cao Yan was just a temporary strategy.

But he didn't know that a microorganism was already living in his body.

From then on, he was like a white mouse that was captured and released into the wild, with a monitor installed inside his body.

Every move he makes will be monitored by the Sky City, and he will become a pure tool man who will never have a chance to stand up.

Cao Yan's arrangement for the Shenshan Realm is unfolding.

The two female secretaries reported one by one:

"We have left a team of more than a thousand people from all races in the city in the Holy Mountain Realm. They will take turns in the Holy Mountain City. If something unexpected happens, we can support them at any time through the portal. In addition, we are already in the Holy Mountain City. The world has launched a recruitment plan to recruit legendary races in this world to join our city in the sky."

"In the battle of the Holy Mountain City, the total number of void hyenas we gathered exceeded 300,000. After being inhabited by biological spores, they are more powerful than before..."

Boss Cao was very satisfied with the work of the secretaries. He stood up lazily and stretched himself:

"It's getting late, so let's do this today. The supervision of the Hera clan can be improved step by step, there is no need to rush.

This time they came to our city in the sky, they were very frightened, and they would not think of making any small moves in a short time. "

Dai Huanyu responded, and when he saw Cao Yan stretching again, he said with a bitchy smile: "Boss, your waist has been uncomfortable recently. Is it because you work too hard?"

Cao Yan pretended not to understand her connotative sentence and walked straight out.

My female secretary is becoming more and more promiscuous, flirting with her boss whenever she has nothing to do. If she continues like this, it’s time to take out the golden cudgel to suppress the female seductress.

When Boss Cao walked to the door, he threw a trapping ball to Taohua: "Build several space towers around the city of the Holy Mountain City to provide habitat for monsters. The monsters in this trapping ball will be placed there. Raise in the City of the Holy Mountain.”

The beast-catching ball given by Boss Cao contains some powerful monsters that he has captured in the past, as well as his second-tier alternative group of monsters, including a sacred sycamore tree that has been training in the past few years and lives in the heritage ball. Above, there are powerful magical beasts such as divine birds with the blood of the true phoenix.

These monsters will be transferred to the Holy Mountain City and become the city's defense force.

"The boss's waist is uncomfortable.

Do you want your subordinates to help you press it? "Dai Huanyu asked softly.

You don't want to help me press my waist at all, but you are greedy for my body... Boss Cao ignored her, left the study, and drove back to the palace.

Humming a little tune all the way, Boss Cao returned to his residence in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Before entering the house, I heard the sound of sweet music flowing in the house. There were singing and dancing in the hall on the first floor. The Dabeng December Square Song and Dance Troupe was invited by my girlfriends to hold a concert at home, and they were performing hard. .

The girlfriends and sister-in-law were sitting on one side as the audience, and there were a lot of delicious food in front of the three of them.

Boss Cao squeezed in between the two wives, put his arms around each one, and said with a smile: "What are you so happy about?"

Wang Li peeled off a grape and handed it to his mouth, "I heard from Dai Huanyu that there is a Hera woman named Phoebe, who is the most beautiful woman in the world of the Holy Mountain."

Baoyue and Wang Li sang in unison: "Facts have proved that Cao Yan, you are a good comrade who can stand the test. In view of your performance this time, we have decided to give you a verbal praise."

Boss Cao was pleasantly surprised: "With verbal praise, you finally agreed." His eyes passed over the girlfriends' moist mouths like fresh fruits, and he was delighted.

His girlfriends had been hanging out with him for a long time, and they all became female drivers. They heard the hidden meaning in it, and they all spat in his face.

A family of three...four people had dinner together. Boss Cao took the female supporters back to the house and asked for verbal praise.

I won’t go into the specific method of praise... In short, it’s just a repetitive process of spitting out fragrance and going in and out, which is actually not interesting.

Early in the morning, Boss Cao got up refreshed.

Well, last night was a landmark night.

Baoyue was sleeping soundly on the bed next to him. Under the first ray of morning light, her thick eyelashes stretched out a fine shadow, casting a white and smooth face like fine porcelain. Her face was peaceful and peaceful, making all flowers envious.

Baoyue feels a little sorry that her father-in-law came all the way from the deep sea to take advantage of her son-in-law. She has been working very hard to compensate Boss Cao recently and does whatever he is asked to do. It consumes a lot of energy and she is exhausted, so she cannot wake up until midnight of.

The only regret that Boss Cao feels is that his girlfriends are still very resistant to the three of them getting together to play Landlord. Boss Cao has always been running on both sides, unable to switch gears freely.

The Sky City has restarted after being closed for nearly half a month. People from all over the Green Jungle world are swarming into the city through teleportation. Overnight, the Sky City became as lively and prosperous as ever.

At a quarter past eight in the morning, Boss Cao came to the study and took out a transparent elemental ball.

There is a huge ship sealed in that ball, with nine floors on top, but it is the demon king's vehicle that he used in the sacred mountain world.

This demon king's ship is made of ancient sacred wood unique to the sacred mountain world.

The life of the sacred tree exceeds tens of millions of years. The entire ship is hollowed out and carved from the main trunk of the sacred tree, and its value is immeasurable.

At this time, Boss Cao took it out and flicked it with his fingers. The space in front of him suddenly cracked silently, and a small gap appeared.

Cao Yan pushed the Demon King's ship in his hand into the gap in space, was wrapped in an undercurrent of space, and disappeared instantly.

After a while, the Demon King's car appeared on the other side of the void and arrived on the Internet celebrity number located deep in the endless sea.

At the bow of the ship, the monkey-faced Poseidon, who was inhabited by the internet-famous monkey, suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes blazing, and he opened his mouth to swallow the elemental ball that sealed the Demon King's ship.


At the same time that the Demon King's car was swallowed, the Internet Celebrity shook violently and made a dense sound. The power of the wood element increased rapidly, and the shadows of the ancient magical war trees appeared on both sides of the ship, growing taller and thicker.

The monkey-faced Poseidon also changed, as if he really came to life. Black hair appeared outside his body and was also growing crazily.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the Internet celebrity is about to be promoted to a higher-level ship and become a junior ocean pet nest..."

What the hell is the Ocean Pet Nest... Boss Cao muttered.


City in the Sky, noon.

Feng Qiwu and Exaggerated Man followed a maid and walked through the city lord's palace.

"The City in the Sky has disappeared for more than ten days, and I don't know what it did. It's so mysterious. I guess Cao Yan didn't hold it in well when he asked us to come here. We have to be careful, don't let him dig a hole and bury us. , that guy is definitely a big cunt." The exaggerated man muttered.

Feng Qiwu raised the corner of his mouth: "What can you do to make Cao Yan plot against you? Why should you be careful?"

After speaking, he quickened his pace and followed the maid into a conference room.

When the two brothers and sisters entered, there were already many bigwigs sitting in the room, including Dogarosh, Little Black Fatty, the core members of the four major associations, representatives of two powerful families, and Archbishop Binso of the Dark Bishop Sect. .

These factions are the closest to Cao Yan in the alliance, and they are all their own.

The exaggerated man was beeping loudly outside. When he entered the house and saw all the big guys, he immediately shrunk his neck and followed his sister to accompany the last seat, pretending to be ready to eat melon, and listened to the conversation of the big guys.

"So the Sky City disappeared in the past few days, and it went to a parallel world..."

"Cao Yan, you captured a parallel world? In just ten days?"

"Their world is suffering from internal strife. It's not considered a conquest, it's just an occupation of a royal capital of the world's ruling race. I've supported a force and let it take over all kinds of resources in the world..."

The exaggerated man had questions in his head.

parallel world? Occupy the city and support the forces? Take over the world's resources?

The flamboyant man blinked his eyes and asked his sister in shock: "Is Cao Yan bragging or telling the truth?"

Feng Qiwu looked disgusted and ignored him at all. She listened intently to the conversation between Cao Yan, Tinong and others, but her eyes became brighter and brighter. She had already guessed why Cao Yan asked her to come here.

Soon, Cao Yan turned his attention to their brothers and sisters: "Feng Qiwu, the mercenary group should do its best to cross planes, make huge profits, and continue to grow. Right now, I am in urgent need of manpower, so I will give your mercenaries It was an opportunity for the Corps, and I gained the dominance of a parallel plane.

If you want to get involved, we can talk about cooperation. "

It has always been Feng Qiwu's dream to achieve the ultimate goal of the mercenary group. Cao Yan's words about chicken soup, which is not chicken soup, hit her right spot.

"Cao Yan, if you think I can do it well, I will give it a try." Feng Qiwu's face was filled with excitement.

Cao Yan only made the decision in recent days to involve several major associations to share the interests of the sacred mountain world.

Dogarosh, the fat little black man, and his father-in-law all participated in the division of interests in the sacred mountain world. They simply brought in Tinon and others, and joined forces with several major associations to make the plate bigger.

After all, the world of the Holy Mountain is a huge plane with a population of hundreds of millions. Cao Yan is short of manpower and cannot carry out many things. Only by bringing in several major associations can he get more resources.

So after Cao Yan came back, he called everyone to meet and talked about the world of the sacred mountain.

A group of people started a heated discussion.

In the afternoon, Tinong, Feng Qiwu and others followed Taohua to the Shenshan Realm for inspection.

Boss Cao entered the space of the Kingdom of God, and the God of Darkness awakened...

:. :

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