Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 818 Attendant+1


The scorching sun moves westward, and the sunset reflects the sky.

The Pope stood by the window, gazing at the sun in the distance.

He suddenly had a feeling that he was like the westward sun, which was gradually losing its vitality and was about to set.

There is a faint sadness spreading in my heart, what a painful realization.

Today's Pope is getting older and older, with a stooped back, frosty white beard and hair, and even the deep pupils of the past are filled with the color of twilight.

What remains unchanged is his neat appearance, calm demeanor, and a hint of wisdom in the deepest part of his eyes.

"The Sky City disappeared and reappeared. Where has it been these past few days? Have you figured it out?"

"No. After Cao Yan came back, he summoned the closest forces to meet. Our people failed to infiltrate. In addition, only the residents of the city who disappeared with the city knew its whereabouts, but with Cao Yan's methods, if we If he directly attacks the residents of the city and launches an investigation, he will probably notice them.

So we still don’t know where Sky City will go after it disappears. "

The person who responded to the Pope was the new Lord of Judgment among the Big Three.

He is a middle-aged man with an ordinary figure, but he has a majestic attitude, a mountain of momentum, and sharp eyes.

But when he talked about Cao Yan, he seemed extremely cautious.

Cao Yan has used his past actual actions to prove that he is the hunter of the Big Three. All the church bosses who have sat on the throne of the Three Big Three have fallen under his butcher knife one after another.

After the new Lord of Judgment next door also rushed to the street, the remaining Lord of Judgment and the Lord of Light and Darkness became more and more cautious. When Cao Yan was mentioned, he immediately became extremely cautious.

The Lord of Judgment added: "For a city as big as the Sky City, there was no trace left during its disappearance. This in itself provides us with clues. Judging from the judgment of my subordinates, if the City in the Sky wants to disappear so completely, only Two possibilities;

One is entering an uninhabited land deep in the ocean or jungle;

There is another possibility that Sky City has gone to other worlds. "

"Other worlds?"

"Yes, Cao Yan has currently mobilized all the power he can in our green jungle world. He wants to continue to improve the strength of Sky City. The fastest and most effective way is to find resources from other parallel worlds." The Lord of Judgment explain.

The Pope thought: "If Cao Yan gets involved in the parallel world, it will be an opportunity for us...

When the City in the Sky disappeared, the entire city's residents also disappeared with it. What so many people knew could not be kept secret for a long time. You pass the order and find out where they went during their disappearance as quickly as possible. "

The Lord of Judgment bowed and bowed, then quietly retreated from the room.

The Pope returned to his desk, sat down, and opened the Canon of Light.

On the pages of the classics, the golden light dispersed, revealing a tall and magnificent door. In the center of the door, the aura of the space rippled. On the pillars on both sides, countless scripture symbols flash, creating endless changes.

The Oracle's Gate is about to take shape again.

The pope continued to turn the pages of the books.

The image of the City in the Sky was reflected in the pages of the book again, like the moon floating in the water, hazy and blurry.

The city in the sky on the page is half dark and half light gold, and the two colors coexist.

And just as the Pope turned the pages of the book,

The darkness in the city suddenly grew, overwhelming the other half of the pale gold, and then the entire page was shrouded in darkness.

The Pope tightened his grip on the Great Light Canon, "The darkness from ancient times was awakened after the change of the era. It's such a strong aura. How could Cao Yan be so stupid? No one can control the power of darkness. He is seeking his own death. …”


Divine space.

Cao Yan stood on the bow of the Death Boat and looked at the God of Darkness lying not far away.

He could feel that the mental fluctuations of the Darkest God were rapidly increasing. He seemed to be coming back from the long river spanning time and space from ancient times.

At this moment, the entire Kingdom of Darkness was in turmoil.

In the space of the Kingdom of God, there are countless death guards wrapped in dark power. At this time, black air was steaming out of these corpses, as if they were cheering to welcome the return of their master.

Under Cao Yan's gaze, the Dark God's eyes trembled slightly, opening at a slow but constant speed, and his body stood up straight from lying down.

He has eyes similar to Oher's, pure black with no whites, and extremely intimidating.

His eyes closed, he scanned the surroundings, and finally his eyes fell on Cao Yan opposite.

Cao Yan felt that all the hairs on his body were exploding, his hands and feet were cold, and he almost fell to the ground with his knees weak.

This is not fear, but a kind of mental pressure caused by the huge gap in rank.

"Fake system, why can't I sense the spiritual connection with Mao Mao? If he wakes up, will he have a soul connection with me and become a new attendant? I feel that he... seems to want to kill me!" Cao Yanzai Said in consciousness.

The fake system is silent and does not respond.

Damn it, he kept silent at such a critical moment... Cao Yan pushed his own power, used the ball-playing technique, and combined with the power of the demon pets, his own aura surged, and in an instant, he crossed the shackles of levels one after another, improving himself to an unprecedented level of power.

At this moment, Cao Yan's destiny was shaken, and he controlled and transcended his own destiny.

It was also at this moment that he felt a trace of his own spiritual imprint within the Darkest God.

It was like a seed. As his strength increased, the seed grew stronger and stronger, and only then could he be contacted.

Correspondingly, the Darkest God's murderous intention towards Cao Yanruowu began to subside and eventually disappeared.

The pressure on him also decreased.

"Did you wake me up?"

A ray of mental fluctuations sounded in Cao Yan's consciousness.

There is no need to speak. Communication at a purely spiritual level is a higher level of communication between living things and is not restricted by species or even language.

After becoming a god, Cao Yan was also able to communicate spiritually, so he responded and confirmed the Darkest God's inquiry.

"After the war of the gods, I slept for a long time throughout the era. I never thought that you could wake me up and conclude a double contract with me between godhood and soul..."

The dark eyes of the God of Darkness stared at Cao Yan, which made Boss Cao feel terrified.

When he moved his eyes away from Cao Yan, he immediately turned to the temple in the center of the Kingdom of God.

At the same moment, he appeared at the main entrance of the temple. The process of movement was completely based on the rules. It neither consumed time nor was restricted by spatial distance. It was wonderful.

He moved again, entering the depths of the temple.

Cao Yan saw that in the temple, in the darkness that was so thick that it could not be dissolved, an ancient and gorgeous throne that stood like a mountain emerged.

The God of Darkness sat on the throne, and the black energy circulated outside his body, turning into a pair of dark armor.

There was also a dark scepter in his hand.

He closed his eyes again on the throne and remained motionless.

"Is this...sleeping again?"

Cao Yan waited for a long time but saw no other movement from the God of Darkness.

"My awakening has alarmed the light system. I need to sleep to speed up the recovery of my power." The spirit of the Darkest God fluctuated.


The Kingdom of God shook again, and the boat of death turned into a ray of light and came to the body of the Darkest God, moving around him.

Outside the Kingdom of God, the passage at the bottom of the largest abyss connecting the Dark Source World suddenly collapsed. The endless dark atmosphere in the dark source world is like the sea hanging upside down, collapsing towards the location of the God of Darkness.

In the deepest part of the abyss, the outline of a huge creature moved under the thick black air and entered the Kingdom of Darkness.

It shrank in size, finally entered the temple, merged with the aura of the Darkest God, and disappeared out of thin air.

"It's the remains of the mysterious creature at the bottom of the abyss."

When Cao Yan first entered the abyss of the dark source world, he saw the remains of a giant creature in the darkness at the bottom, which seemed to be some kind of ultimate dark creature.

At this time, the God of Darkness awakened and introduced him into the Kingdom of God.

In a daze, Cao Yan also saw a dark coffin on the head of the mysterious beast.

When this behemoth entered the kingdom of God, the entire Dark Source world seemed to have lost the Dinghai Shenzhen. Everything in the world began to collapse, turning into thick black energy, flowing in time and space, and pouring into the body of the Darkest God.

"Can this guy eat the whole world?"

Cao Yan was a little flustered.

He felt that the power of the Darkest God was rising endlessly, but the spiritual connection with him was getting weaker and weaker.

If this continues, the attempt to make the Darkest God a servant will definitely result in a loss of money, and it may even turn into a story about Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf.

It would be terrible if the God of Darkness turned against him and killed him.

At this time, rays of light intertwined and appeared in front of Cao Yan.

When Cao Yan first entered the abyss of the Dark Source World, he also saw the remains of the gods of the light system, many of them at the main god level, including the corpse of a certain god of light.

At that time, the Temple of Era even came to fight for it.

At this moment, these light spots that appeared in front of Cao Yan's eyes contained the weapons, armors, codexes and other personal belongings of the gods of light.

These things can resist the invasion of time and have been preserved to this day. They are all important weapons. They were obviously assigned to Cao Yan by the God of Darkness. Perhaps he was thanking Boss Cao for waking him up from his deep sleep.

Boss Cao quickly put away the many light spots.


At this moment, a bright dark gold lightning penetrated the boundless time and space and struck on the periphery of the Kingdom of Darkness. Then more lightning appeared, hitting the wall of the Kingdom of God like falling rain, flickering brightly and extinguishing.

"God's Punishment Lightning! The awakening of the Darkest God was so quickly noticed by the Light God System, and an attack was sent across time and space. This is at least a method that can only be used by the Lord God level or above." Cao Yan frowned slightly.

The next moment, time and space were reversed, and he was pushed out of the Kingdom of Darkness by a force and returned to the study of the City Lord's Mansion.

He also felt that the Kingdom of Darkness was also moving, blending with the darkness, and getting rid of the attack of God's Punishment Lightning.

Boss Cao tried to make a spiritual connection. Fortunately, after leaving the Kingdom of God, the spiritual connection with the Darkest God became clearer.

He thought for a while and decided to arrange some back-ups so that he could not put all his treasure on the God of Darkness, so he asked in his mind: "How many points do I have left now?"

"One hundred thousand and two hundred." The fake system appeared in response.

"You old man, are you awake?"

Cao Yan angrily complained about the fake system's lack of response just now: "You said before how many points are needed to redeem all the demon's dads?"

"One hundred thousand points are required to redeem the genetic fragments of the Demon Ancestor."

Fake system: "The host still has two hundred left after redeeming it."


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