Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 819 Attendant + One More


There are gods riding chariots burning divine fire in the sky. On the ground, countless angels lined up in an army, ready to go.

This is the Kingdom of Light, where the gods live.

At this time, there was a chilling atmosphere in the Kingdom of God.

In the floating palace in the sky, the gods sit high on their thrones.

"The Holy Artifact of Light monitors the heavens. It vibrated a warning not long ago, showing a kingdom filled with darkness. It seems that darkness has really revived!"

There are seven main gods sitting in the temple.

They are seven of the twelve main gods of the Light Department. The other five main gods patrol outside and are not inside the Kingdom of God.

In other words, all the seven main gods in the country were alerted and gathered in the Hall of the Gods.

"We moved the sacred weapon to release the divine punishment and conducted a test. The Dark God Kingdom immediately disappeared into the depths of time and space and disappeared. This shows that not only the Dark God Kingdom was born, but also the remnants of the Dark God System are still alive and are controlling the Dark God Kingdom. .”

"Does the God King know this news?"

"He is deducing eternity in the land of light. He will not come out in a short time, and we cannot enter..."

"Actually, you don't need to be nervous. The remaining power of darkness will have abnormal fluctuations in almost every era, and it will start again and again. This is the law of the universe."


The Lord Gods gathered to discuss and soon reached an agreement.

Michael, who was sitting on one of the divine thrones, said: "Come here, order the seven angel legions to find the hidden location of the Kingdom of Darkness, and focus on exploring the green jungle world and its surrounding time and space."

"Green Jungle World?" asked the Lord God.

"It is an ancient world that the God King personally pays attention to, and I am specifically responsible for. It has complete rules and billions of creatures. This world was born in the initial period of heaven and earth and is one of the first primitive worlds." Michael said.

"Oh, Green Jungle... I remember the God King once warned that no being above the Lord God is allowed to enter this world. He also said that this world has countless secrets, and there are primitive creatures of the Great Destruction level sleeping deep in the world. If they are awakened, It will cause an uncontrollable disaster." Another old and majestic Lord God had a solemn face.

Michael: "Yes, the primitive world has its own rule system. Entering it will be restricted by the rules of that world, and its power will decline. The green jungle world is indeed dangerous.'s not that you can't enter. "

"Michael, do you want to descend into the green jungle world?"

"Yes. I once used the eyes of the gods to observe the core of the world. There are some things there that I am very interested in..."


"Greed is a kind of original sin. The host has signed a contract with the Darkest God, and still wants the ancestor of the devil. Your spirit cannot bear the coexistence of two attendants of this level, and it is easy for them to backlash. The host is playing with fire. "

The fake system criticizes and educates: "Only children who lack social beatings will want to have everything and be greedy. Adults should be more cautious in their thinking and choose one or the other."

"What you're talking about are normal children and adults, not including me - the idiots all make their own decisions, and just listen to what others say. The Darkest God and the Demonic Dad can't have them at the same time, but they can change. ways to achieve the same goal." Boss Cao said firmly.

The fake system immediately pretended to be ready to eat and wait and see.

No more words.

Cao Yan said: "I choose to exchange for the gene fragments of the Demon Ancestor, but not directly exchange for the finished product."

"Not redeeming the finished product?" The fake system was a bit unexpected.

"One hundred thousand points are exchanged for the genetic fragments of the demon father, and then the spaceship is responsible for cultivating them until the final god-level demon ancestor is born and becomes my attendant. The whole process is the same as the original exchange for Oh and the curse, right?" Cao Yan said.

"That's right."

"When I say not to redeem the finished product, I mean to omit the process of cultivating the spaceship into shape and only redeem the genes of the ancestor of the devil."

Cao Yan: "How many points will be consumed if there is no need to redeem the finished product?"

Fake system: "Cultivating servants into shape, excluding the technical aspect, consumes a lot of various resources. If you omit it, it will cost 70,000 points to exchange for the Devil's Ancestor Gene alone.

Is the host doing this to give the exchanged demon ancestor's genes to Auch, so that his genes will return to his ancestors and his strength will increase by leaps and bounds?

Doing so can indeed merge the Demon Ancestor and Oher into one, and in another way, allow the host to have both the Demon Ancestor and the Darkest God at the same time! But the chance of overturning is very high. Oher may be completely replaced by the genes of the Demon Ancestor, and cause mental damage to the host. "

Cao Yan calmed down: "No, Auch's demon blood is very pure and his spirit is extremely tough. I have had this idea for a long time and have been observing him. I believe he can bear the genes of the demon ancestor.

Now, I choose to exchange for the genetic fragments of the Demon Ancestor. "

"Ding! The 70,000 points have been deducted, and the elementary genes of the Demon Ancestor are being pushed..."

At the same time, in a core area inside the spacecraft, in a special airtight space, there were more than ten small black boxes placed.

They are placed in the grooves of a long metal table.

The long table is engraved with energy symbols that are as dense as stars and intertwined with rules and order.

At this time, one of the black boxes opened silently, and a wisp of black breath escaped, which was captured by a test tube that emerged out of thin air.

Then the test tube disappeared, the small black box in the space slowly closed, and calm returned.

In front of Cao Yan's eyes, a faint light flickered, and the test tube filled with black energy was pushed out.

The test tube was only slightly larger than a thumb, and there was a slowly swirling dark aura inside.

"The genetic fragments of the Demon Ancestor are in a gas state?" Cao Yan was slightly surprised.

At this time, the void around him fluctuated, and Oher walked out of it: "What is the boss's order when summoning his subordinates?"

Cao Yan shook the test tube in his hand, "Can you feel what's in this test tube?"

As a pure-blood demon, Oher felt the power contained in the test tube as soon as he entered, making his soul throb.

"My inherited memory tells me that this test tube contains the oldest demonic aura, which is probably related to a certain original demon." Auch said.

Cao Yan: "This is the genetic fragment of the ancestor of demons. The source of all demons' power is related to this."

Auch's mind was shaken, and many ferocious visions appeared in the black energy outside his body.

Cao Yan handed the test tube to Auch: "It's yours. But you must know that this thing may come back to devour you. If you are not sure, don't use it immediately."

Oher reached out to take it and knelt down on one knee: "Boss, please don't worry."

In front of Cao Yan, he inhaled the black gas in the test tube into his nostrils without hesitation.


The surrounding void collapsed in pieces, and Oher jumped into the depths of dark time and space and disappeared instantly.

"Boss, I need to build a demon nest deep in the void to digest the power of the demon ancestor. It will take about four or five days..." Auch said.

Cao Yan's vision penetrated the darkness of time and space, chasing Auch's movement trajectory, and found that he finally entered the depths of time and space.

Where he stayed, a mass of black energy rolled and intertwined, turning into a giant cocoon, getting bigger and bigger, boundless, as if an independent small world was taking shape.

Around the giant cocoon, streaks of demonic energy extend in all directions like rivers, as if they can extend into different worlds to absorb the breaths of many worlds to nourish themselves.

"What would happen if Ohe absorbed the genes of the demon ancestor?"

Cao Yan thought with some anticipation, "The points are almost all used up. We should publish a message and let all the forces come together to give gifts. We should first accumulate a wave of points. I also have to go out and do some activities."


A no man's land deep in the eternal jungle.

A skinny hyena was running at high speed in the jungle.

There was a lord-level jungle lemur in front of it, leaping as fast as flying. Seeing the hyena behind it getting closer and closer, the lemur became wild and suddenly turned around and launched a counterattack, rushing towards the hyena.

The hyenas that were chasing it suddenly stopped, and the void beside them was rhythmic. What greeted the lemur were more than thirty hyenas that jumped out of the air, and instantly tore the lemur into pieces, leaving no hair left. .

Hyenas are monsters that hunt in groups. Let the weakest looking companion be responsible for hunting, which is equivalent to bait. Once the prey takes the bait.

They will immediately start the group fight mode, emerge from the hidden state in the void, and fight with the prey collectively. They are extremely ferocious and fearless of death.

This is the hyena hunting routine.

This team of more than 30 hyenas hunted in the jungle for more than half an hour and ate more than 20 prey.

The hyenas barely ate half full.

The leading dog leader howled, and the entire hyena team immediately stopped hunting, turned around and ran in one direction, preparing to join another group.

Eating only half full is a hyena at its best!

Overeating will create inertia, and without hunger, even combat effectiveness will be imperceptibly impaired.

If you eat too little, you will lack the strength to run and hunt. Eat just enough to be half full. This is the hunting rule of hyenas. It is the experience summed up by their group from countless hunting, and it has become instinct.

When acting, every hound will abide by the rules. Once violated, he will be bitten to death by his companions immediately, which is extremely cruel.

At this time, many hyenas were constantly changing their formations while running, criss-crossing and keeping alert.

After they ran for a few minutes, they could see a blue silver figure that was as vigorous as a cheetah and also moving quickly in the jungle in front of them.

This team of hyenas had a perfect tacit understanding and dispersed silently, rushing into the jungle or disappearing into the void. With the man as the center, they formed a cone-like assault formation, weaving through the jungle at high speed, and continued to move forward.

The other team of hyenas, after this hyena team returned, evacuated on their own and went out to hunt.

The handover between the two canines was completed on the move without any chaos.

The man surrounded by hyenas was naturally Commander Cao. He ran into the jungle to train his magic pets and captured the monsters by the way.

Right now he was hunting, with a circle to his left and right, and a little tortoise running very fast on all fours.

A tortoise actually ran faster than Bolt, which was inexplicably funny.

Boss Cao spent the whole afternoon wandering in the jungle. In the evening, he was about to teleport back to the Sky City, but he received a message from his assistant. A few days have passed, and Oher has completed the fusion of the demon ancestor's genes.

The next moment, ripples appeared in the void beside Cao Yan, a wave of darkness surged out of it, and Auch came through the sky.

Next to him, there was another figure!

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