Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 822 High level configuration

Oher and the demon incarnation moved at the same time, spanning a thousand meters in an instant and appearing next to Michael.

The jungle goddess held an emerald scepter, followed closely behind, appeared out of thin air, and occupied another direction.

Another tall figure appeared. It turned out to be a strange-looking Poseidon, wearing black armor, majestic and ferocious, but with a monkey face and a trident in his hand.

This is an Internet celebrity monkey who has been evolving over the years, and it was not until he swallowed the devil's car that he underwent a fundamental change.

It has completed its evolution and for the first time participated in the fight with people as a thug.

Each of the four occupied one side and formed an encirclement around Michael.

Boss Cao appeared on the edge of the battle circle, Dandan and Laogui lying on his shoulders, facing each other tit for tat.

"Cao Yan."

This was the first time that Michael actually saw Cao Yan, but he had observed the green jungle world more than once before, and had seen Cao Yan's image through other channels, so he recognized Cao Yan at a glance .

He was surrounded by Oher and others, but his attitude was calm and he didn't even look at the people who surrounded him.

"Do it and tear him apart."

As soon as Cao Yan finished speaking, Michael also released a bolt of divine punishment lightning at the same time, directly poking Cao Yan's eyebrows, incredibly fast.

When the two sides met, they started to fight without any nonsense.


Michael's attack was blocked by a wisp of breath exhaled by the devil's incarnation. The two collided and were both destroyed.

Michael was a little surprised. With his strength, one of Cao Yan's subordinates was able to neutralize the attack?

However, in order to come to the green jungle world and prevent him from being detected by the great destruction creatures deep in the world, he had sealed himself at the level of an ordinary god and did not use the power of the main god. Therefore, it is not surprising that his attack was blocked by the demon incarnation.

Cao Yan stood aside with his sleeves rolled up, looking at Michael with squinted eyes.

The first moment he saw Michael, the fake system exposed Michael's self-imposed state in his consciousness.

Otherwise, with Boss Cao's caution, he would never rush forward to start a fight when he saw the main god.

Michael simultaneously responded to the attack of the jungle goddess and the attack of a three-headed dragon that evolved from the trident of the monkey-faced Poseidon, and collided with a punch from Oher.

Even if he suppresses his own power, a main god's combat experience and use of power are far superior to ordinary gods, and he can still fight with Auch and other four people with ease.

Every attack and defense from both sides caused the void to collapse into pieces.

Suddenly, Michael's body swayed slightly, and another self walked out of his body. He swayed like a ghost, forced himself in front of Cao Yan, and reached out to grab it.

However, several symbols jumped out above Cao Yan's head, and the shadow of the Temple of the Epoch was floating in the light of the symbols.

In the past year, Cao Yan's power has improved by leaps and bounds. One of the significant changes is that he can visualize more temple symbols.

The emergence of the temple image and the influence of Qi have also become relatively controllable.

At this time, when the shadow of the temple appeared, multiple symbols on the surface of the real temple far away from the endless distance glowed simultaneously, interweaving a ray of light, jumping through time and space, and shining from the shadow of the temple above Cao Yan's head. Pierced the differentiated body of Michael who was attacking Boss Cao.


The Temple of Era continued to shake,

The rays of light overlapped like a big net, pressing toward Michael.

"Era Temple!" Michael was startled, and his overestimation and contempt for Cao Yan who dared to lead people to besiege him disappeared instantly.

The aura of the temple separated and then merged into one, turning into a beam of light that shuttled above the rules. It traveled like a horse in the sky, with traces of birds and fish. It was impossible to capture and predict its trajectory. In an instant, it came to Mi In front of Caleb.

His divine power was shaken, and there was a light between his brows that shone like the sun, and he successfully withstood the temple's attack.

The problem is that although he resisted the attack from the temple, the power he used exceeded the ban limit on himself and he used methods at the level of the main god.

And at the moment when he increased his strength and lifted his self-imposed ban.

In the deepest part of the green jungle world, in the center of the foggy white chaos, a huge and boundless creature sensed and slowly opened its eyes through a slit.

The pupils in the gap seemed to have opened from the beginning of eternity, but in an instant they crossed the dimensions of space and landed on Michael.


Michael was horrified, his soul seemed to be frozen, and under the gaze of those eyes, he even lost his ability to think and react.

At the same moment, Boss Cao began to take advantage of the loophole.

When he showed up to surround Michael, the fake system acted as a dog-headed strategist and proposed a plan to harm the Lord God. First, Cao Yan shook the temple and forced Michael to use the power of the Lord God to lure out a certain person deep in the green jungle world. An existence, using its power to further suppress Michael.

At this time, Cao Yan was preparing to implement the second half of the plan. The dark power in his hands was flowing, the stars were shifting, and time and space were overturned.

Everything around him was dragged into darkness.

The Kingdom of Darkness, with the God of Darkness sitting there, doubled in power. Michael's consciousness was suppressed by the existence deep in the world, and he was immediately dragged into the Kingdom of Darkness like a walking corpse.

The fake system and Cao Yan conspired to plot Michael's plan, which was closely linked.

When Michael was dragged into the Kingdom of God, a sigh sounded in the temple in the center of the Kingdom of God.

The boat of death shuttled through the darkness and suddenly appeared beside Michael.


Michael was hit by the boat of death, and his body cracked, but the power of light circulated on its own, and his body reorganized instantly, and his injuries recovered as before.

However, what appeared together with the Death Boat was a spear thrust out from the depths of the temple. It was an attack from the Darkest God himself.

This spear penetrated Michael's waist and abdomen directly, and the divine blood poured down like rain!

Deep in the world, that powerful and mysterious existence closed its eyes again at this time.

Michael finally broke free from the suppressed state of his consciousness, but he had been severely injured and was covered in blood.

His strength increased layer by layer, turning into a sun with endless light. His figure rushed up, intertwined with lightning, blasted open the space wall above the Kingdom of God, rushed out of the Kingdom of God in a blink of an eye, and disappeared.

"That made him run away."

Cao Yan felt that it was a pity that the power of the main god far exceeded his judgment. He joined forces to besiege and used the fake system to make suggestions. He proposed to use the existence deep in the world to suppress Michael, but he still failed to kill him!

Michael's escape will leave a lot of trouble for Cao Yan.

This operation is losing blood... Cao Yan thought.

At this moment, the fake system suddenly warned: "Be careful."

A bolt of lightning appeared in the sky, tearing through the darkness, like a sharp blade cutting through the heaven and earth, hitting Cao Yan directly between his eyebrows.

In this situation, Michael actually fought back.

In the flash of lightning and stone fire, the beast-trapping ball beside Cao Yan swirled, combining with the power of his demon pets, forming an elemental pillar to meet the falling lightning.

But the lightning only slowed down for a moment, and then continued to strike.

Fortunately, the old turtle raised his neck and spit out a bubble, wrapping Cao Yan in it. Turtle shell patterns appeared on the surface of the bubble, which was as thick as a mountain and indestructible.

When lightning strikes the surface of the bubble, Egg releases the power of sticky space and time, blocking the speed of lightning.

Cao Yan took the opportunity to shake the Consciousness Sea symbol again and emit the light of the temple, which truly offset the lightning of divine punishment dropped by the Lord God himself.

Cao Yan was covered in white hair and sweat. As expected, a god-level existence should not be underestimated.

Not only did he lose blood this time, he almost overturned.

"The experience of the past few years has made me develop a certain kind of inertia. I underestimated my opponents. I have to take this as a warning in the future." Cao Yan reflected in his heart.

"The Lord God is a being who has gone through many disasters. This time, he took advantage of his contempt for the host and tricked him. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to hurt him. The host must be more cautious when facing them in the future." Fake system explain.

Cao Yan exited the Kingdom of God and looked up at the sky, where the stars were swaying.

He was originally going to teleport back to the Sky City, but before leaving, he received news that the ant colony had been detected again.

Somewhere in the primitive forest area, they discovered a special magical beast that they had never seen before.

When the pet master's assistant pushed the monster discovered by them from the perspective of the ant colony, Cao Yan suddenly had no intention of leaving.

The lost mulberry tree is harvested in the east corner. Qiufeng, who wanted to defeat the main god, failed, but he gained an unexpected harvest in the search for the magical beast.

The monster discovered by the ant colony was a giant white-haired tiger that controlled the element of gold and had golden markings all over its body!

The city's protective beasts in the sky currently include the True Dragon Two Sticks, the Sun Golden Crow and the Old Turtle, and the rest are slightly inferior.

If you get another white tiger, you can piece together a high-end configuration of the four great mythical beasts: Qinglong White Tiger, Suzaku Xuanwu.

Although the Golden Crow and the golden-striped white tiger in front of me are not authentic, the Golden Crow is no worse than the Suzaku, and the same is true for the white tiger in front of me. Although Cao Yan only took a look at it through his pet master's assistant, he found that the white tiger was different. The golden markings spread all over the body and evolved into a pair of golden wings. It flapped its wings in the jungle and flew close to the ground. It was very fast. batch.

The ants actually chased it away, which rarely happened.

A tiger with wings is obviously a top-level monster.

Boss Cao was delighted to see the hunter, his interest was piqued by the giant tiger, and he immediately led his team to track it.

With his current strength and the arrogant lineup of many thugs under his command, this golden tiger will naturally not be able to escape from his grasp.

However, it was already midnight when we found the giant tiger with wings and tried our best to capture it successfully.

Boss Cao teleported back to the Sky City, thinking about the Lord God Michael all the way.

Since Michael escaped this time, some planned arrangements should be implemented at a faster pace to nip them in the bud.

It was almost early in the morning, and the lights were still on in the backyard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Cao Yan walked a few steps quickly and entered the house, where he found that the women were waiting for him to come back.

Baoyue was fine, but Wang Li was so sleepy that she fell asleep on the sofa.

Boss Cao stepped forward, picked up the girl, and whispered to Baoyue: "Hold me, let's go back upstairs to sleep."

Baoyue: "You have both hands to hold Wang Li, how can I hold you?"

Boss Cao: "Aren't there other raised spots on your body? Look for them carefully."

"Bah." Bao Yue rolled her eyes at him, turned around and walked upstairs. Her slender waist under her skirt was like a willow, and her buttocks were like a peach, swaying with all kinds of charm as she walked.

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