Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 823 Moms, get up quickly [2-in-1 Chapter]

Kingdom of Light.

Michael returned to the palace where his angel army commanded, covered in blood.

The sun was shining brightly in the Kingdom of God. He stood by the open window and looked up, with a lingering fear on his face, looking into the deep void. Then he lowered his head and looked at his chest and abdomen. There was a thick layer of darkness there that would not dissipate.

Just when he lowered his head, a black snake with only one eye suddenly evolved out of the darkness. It opened and closed its single eye, and looked at Michael with a hint of ridicule.

"The Darkest Snake, the one resurrected in the Dark Temple is the Darkest God!"

The light in Michael's hand shone brightly, strangling the one-eyed black snake into nothingness.

However, in the injured area of ​​his waist and abdomen, the black energy still lingered, and in the blink of an eye another black snake evolved, swimming around and probing its head, repeating the same process.

Michael sighed softly. This time he entered the green jungle world. He was really in a ditch (harmony) and was plotted by a little heretic.

What made him even more unexpected was that he had escaped from the Kingdom of Darkness, but after escaping, unexpected changes occurred on the way back to the Kingdom of Light.

For unknown reasons, the Temple of Era pursued him.

He was seriously injured and fled all the way back to the Kingdom of Light. He was looking into the void with lingering fear just now because he was chased by the light of the era from the Temple of the Epoch along the way. His injuries became more serious and he almost fell cold.

"Era Temple, that old dragon... seemed to have some back-up plans before he died.

The temple is chasing me because I touched the heretic Cao Yan... Why is he so important? "

Michael pondered for a moment and said, "Here comes someone."

There was a faint light in the void behind him, and an angel with pale golden wings appeared.

"Pass my order, I need to conduct a retreat, and my shrine will be temporarily closed."

The golden-winged angel bowed in agreement and was about to retreat when Michael said again: "There are heretics and blasphemies in the green jungle world, and their power cannot be underestimated. Make arrangements and send the Angel of Divine Punishment to capture the heretic Cao Yan.

Remember, it's to capture him, don't kill him. But all the heretical forces under his command must be wiped out, and the people he knows and are close to must be captured together. "

After a pause, he added: "There must be at least four divine punishment angels coming. The heretic Cao Yan has secrets hidden in his body. What is known so far is at least related to the Temple of Era and the Remnant of Darkness. He can borrow the secrets of the temple and the Kingdom of Darkness. Strength, so to capture him, the attack must be sudden enough and don’t give him the chance to borrow the power of the temple.”

The golden-winged angels were greatly surprised, and four divine punishment angels descended at once. This was a rare occurrence.

Michael personally gave instructions on how to capture a heretic, and the importance he attached to Cao Yan was also the first time this golden-winged angel, who had followed him for thousands of years, seen him.

The angel glanced at the blood on Michael's body, and couldn't help but have a thought: Could the injuries on the Lord God be related to the heretic named Cao Yan? !

Michael thought for a while: "You still have to make one preparation. If the Angel of Punishment fails to capture Cao Yan, he will send the ninth angel legion into the green jungle world for reinforcements to prevent the light power of the world from being invaded by heretics." suppress."

The golden-winged angel became more and more surprised.

Michael's meaning was obvious. He was not sure whether he could truly capture Cao Yan by sending the Angel of Divine Punishment.

His evaluation of Cao Yan was higher than what the angel had previously judged.

"Okay, you go down and give the order."

The angel agreed in a low voice, bowed and retreated.

"Daddy, I'm hungry, daddy, I'm hungry, daddy, I'm hungry..."

As soon as Cao Yan opened his eyes from his sleep, he saw the little chubby girl floating in front of him with her wings flapping, her little mouth pursed and howling over and over again.

But the fat girl knew the importance. In order not to wake up the two sleeping mothers, she vibrated her mental power to specifically target Cao Yan's voice, so Boss Cao's left and right, Luan Mian and Xiang Xiang Xiang were still asleep. Very familiar, eyes closed, eyebrows picturesque.

Boss Cao came back late yesterday. He hugged Wang Li and let Baoyue lead him upstairs and then fell asleep without doing anything.

However, Baoyue did not leave after sending Wang Li back to the house with him last night. The three of them slept in the same bed (preventing harmony), so the two women were by Boss Cao's side at this time.

Before going to bed last night, Boss Cao still thought about the rare opportunity. While his girlfriends were all here, he might be able to make up for classes tomorrow morning and try the operation of three-person Landlords.

Unfortunately, things didn't work as expected. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a fat girl.

Boss Cao lay still and made a silent gesture.

He entered the primeval forest yesterday and found a lot of good things, which he could use to bribe the little fat girl and fool her away first.

Cao extended his hand and took out the elemental fruit obtained in the primitive forest area from the space badge.

Little Fatty's eyes immediately lit up.

She could feel the powerful elemental aura contained in the elemental fruit. She hugged the fruit, which was slightly larger than herself, flapped her wings and flew away happily.

But when she flew to the door, she turned back and looked around on the bed. Boss Cao, who was planning where to start, suddenly shouted:

"Moms, get up soon, moms, get up soon..."

Seeing Wang Li and Baoyue being awakened by her shouting, Boss Cao's good intentions came to nothing, and the little girl ran away without a trace with a giggling voice.

Cao Yan was stunned. This unlucky kid seemed to need a beating.

After breakfast, send the ladies out.

Wang Li went to the Demon Pet Home.

Baoyue is now married to her husband and has become a splash of water in the deep sea kingdom. However, Boss Cao is not prepared to raise his wife as a vase, so Baoyue has been familiar with the operation system of Sky City recently.

She is one of the commanders of the army in the Sea Clan.

Cao Yan is ready to let her gradually take over part of the armed forces of Sky City. At the same time, His Majesty the Sea King has promised to incorporate a bodyguard regiment that Baoyue previously commanded into the Sky City as a dowry.

Early that morning, this bodyguard army, led by two deep-sea giants, Dabai and Erbai, and a total of 300 giant whale warriors from the sea tribe, entered the city.

Boss Cao personally went to stand up for his wife and welcome the arrival of the team.

The giant whale warriors, who all had their feet on their feet, wrapped their bodies in elemental water polo, floated into the city, and the team of giant whale warriors looked impressive and powerful.

Baoyue was wearing a battle armor and holding a trident in her hand. She was surrounded in the center of the team with a heroic appearance.

After being taken into the car by Boss Cao, she worked hard day and night, and her figure was extremely developed. The originally slim and well-proportioned figure became a little plump, and her waist wrapped in the armor was straight. Only Boss Cao knew that the female ticket looked slender. The willow waist, toughness and durability are so good.

The buttocks under her waist are as round as the full moon, and continuing down is a pair of long, white, straight legs that fit perfectly...

Boss Cao was itching to see his daughter's queenly temperament when she was commanding the army. He wanted to break through the moon and ride on a fish.

After his wife led the team into the city and settled down, Boss Cao entered the jungle again and continued to explore the primeval forest area.

After entering the jungle, he took out the animal trap ball and first released a monster with white fur and golden markings. It was the winged tiger that he had caught during the night shift yesterday.

The winged tiger was now in a miserable state, with a black nose and swollen eyes. There were several huge swellings on the tiger's head, which was strong and hard. Half of its face was also broken open, and the injuries were so deep that the bones were visible.

There were also many places on the body where the fur fell off and blood dripped.

The more powerful a monster is, the harder it is to tame.

At this point, even high-level pet masters have no good way to deal with wild and untamable monsters like big cats, other than giving them enough benefits to lure them into actively agreeing to form a relationship. Partnerships.

Another method is to release mental power to intimidate them while beating them severely until they are subdued.

When this white tiger with wings was caught yesterday, he refused to obey and resisted with all his strength.

Later, Dandan took action and got stuck on the Internet, and was beaten violently by Boss Cao's thugs. This giant tiger was appointed humiliatingly.

The injuries on its body were caused by violent beatings.

This winged tiger is more than ten meters long, and its body is as if made of iron. It is extremely powerful.

It is at the critical stage of a king's breakthrough to the totem level, and has the talent to control two supernatural powers: gold element and storm.

Its claws and sharp teeth are extremely sharp with the blessing of the gold element, and it has the ability to attack mountains and open up new areas.

When we captured this winged tiger yesterday, the claw blade it swung out cut off more than a hundred giant trees in a row, and the roar of the tiger shook a low hill in the jungle, which shows its terrifying fighting power in tearing apart lesser experts.

But when the tiger saw Cao Yan, he quickly clamped his tail, met Boss Cao's eyes, and immediately trembled, his face full of grievance and fear.

"It seems that you are really convinced. If you still refuse to accept it, I will let the ants eat your penis." Boss Cao said with a smile.

The intelligence of high-level monsters is not weaker than that of humans, and they are fluent in human language. When they heard Boss Cao's words, the giant tiger's face turned green with fear.

Yesterday, it wanted to fight to the end, but it was because Boss Cao wanted to use the gangster's special skills to prevent it from becoming a male tiger, so it chose to give in. It was so scary!

Boss Cao immediately summoned the troops to explore the primitive forest area. Oh, the devil incarnate, Curse, the jungle goddess, and the hyena were all transferred over.

Cao Yan is ready to increase his exploration efforts and go deep into the primitive forest area.

Oher and others immediately spread out to explore the forest area.

At the moment when his subordinates dispersed one after another, Boss Cao's expression suddenly changed, and there was a warning sign.

Spots of light appeared in the sky, and when they stretched out, they turned out to be streaks of golden divine punishment lightning.

At the same time, in the void in front of Boss Cao, without any warning, a foot shining with golden light came out and kicked directly between his eyebrows.

"Michael's people came so quickly!"

Cao Yan made a judgment instantly.

He dug a hole for Michael last night, and today a 'killer' came to counterattack!

There was light coming out of Cao Yan's eyebrows.

This was not because he reacted in time, but because he always cherished his life and always carried life-saving things with him. The light between his brows was a magical defense item he had redeemed before. When he was in danger, he would trigger the protector on his own.

Fortunately, Boss Cao spared his life and was prepared in advance. Otherwise, the attack would have been sudden and violent, and it would have been very difficult to resist.


The magic defense that appeared between Boss Cao's eyebrows was kicked by the toe protruding from the void, and it cracked in an instant.

But it was this moment of buffer that gave Boss Cao a chance to react.

An old turtle appeared on his shoulder, opened his mouth and spit out a turtle shell bubble to resist the lightning of divine punishment falling from the sky.

The beast-catching ball outside Cao Yan's body rotated, fused with the power of his demon pet, his own strength surged, and he reached out to grab it. Dandan also mobilized his strength to cooperate with him. The kick that appeared through the air was affected by the hysteresis field, and there was an instant stagnation.

Cao Yan took the opportunity to grab the ankle that was kicked in front of his eyebrows.


A tall angel was pulled out from the space. Cao Yan pulled it down and poured it to the ground.

This blow combined all his strength, causing the earth to shake instantly, and spider web-like cracks appeared on the ground under the huge impact.

Boss Cao's movements were smooth and smooth, his kicks were like lightning, and he kicked the angel in the waist and ribs.

There was a pop, and the angel's mouth was filled with blood, and he was horrified.

Before they came to attack Cao Yan, they had been warned that their opponent was strong and difficult to deal with, so once they launched, they used all their strength. The divine punishment lightning in the sky appeared simultaneously with the angel who used special tools to hide his figure and lurked in front of Cao Yan, trying to overwhelm Cao Yan and make him unable to deal with it.

As long as Cao Yan hesitates for a moment, the subsequent routines will continue to fall on him one after another.

It's just that they didn't expect that the emergency defensive items on Boss Cao's body were obtained by cheating. They were foolproof and responded in time. The lightning and the attacking angel were delayed for a moment by the defensive wall, giving Cao Yan a chance to counterattack.

At this time, Auch and others discovered that something had happened, and they all returned to the defense and approached Boss Cao.

At the same moment, with the lightning falling from the sky, several other angels appeared one after another, and happened to collide with Oher and others who were returning to defense.

A huge battle broke out in this forest area.

Amidst the sounds of collisions, the jungle collapsed, the vegetation turned to ashes, and giant trees the size of mountains were thrown away like grass. Wisps of light smoke were rising in the void, which were traces of being struck and burned by lightning.

Nearly half an hour later, the battle came to an end.

After Boss Cao borrowed the power of the temple, two angels escaped and the other two angels became prisoners.

The captured angel was trampled on the ground by Oher and the demon incarnation. Boss Cao had a sinister expression on his face and wiped the blood from his injured thigh.

The four angels who attacked were so powerful that even though Boss Cao tried his best, he was still injured.

What frightened him was that he almost touched his little brother at the injured position, mmp... Although some people who have mastered the divine power of life and have strong ability to recover from injuries can regrow, the original ones will always be better. It just doesn't feel right.

This is like a position obtained by usurping power. The name is not justified and the words are not justified.

"Cast these two angels." Boss Cao is ready to treat others in the same way as others.

Oh, why? "Boss, most angels are the same as our subordinates. We all rely on blood differentiation to pass on life, so it's useless to be young. These two angels haven't grown up at all, how can they be castrated?"

Boss Cao was stunned. It turned out that these two angels were also miserable people. He said angrily: "Then forget it."

Ps: This chapter is two in one, the extra part is for additional updates. Thank you again for the support and reward from Big Bowl Green Tea. I will add more when I have more time! Happy reading everyone~

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