Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 830 A trap within a trap


"Thoroughly investigate all parts of the church to prevent heretics from lurking; expand the prevention area..."

Teams of angels shuttled back and forth, taking action.

The Pope and others were preparing to return to the central temple when an accompanying Angel Army general suddenly shouted: "Your Majesty, be careful!"

The pope himself also felt the sensation. The intense heart palpitations made his whole body tense and his scalp became cold.

Not far from him, a shadow appeared.

Dandan lay on Cao Yan's shoulder, and the two emerged from the shadow state.

"Cao Yan's disappearance just now was an illusion to attract Shu Geer to chase him. Not only did he not leave, he even came closer and wanted to attack His Majesty..." The Lord of Judgment and others were shocked.

Cao Yanlai's night attack to kill He Bo was only the first half of the routine. The sudden reappearance at this time was the climax of the second half of the routine. The target was the Pope!

The beast ball beside Cao Yan was spinning, and the power of the egg, big stick, circle, jungle goddess, and abalone were woven together, turning into a powerful torrent of energy, hitting the Pope head and face.

A spider web appeared on the surrounding ground simultaneously.

Dandan tried his best to activate the sticky field, and the Lord of Judgment and others were like mosquitoes caught in a spider's web, struggling hard, but unable to save the Pope in time.

Cao Yan's eyebrows were also shaking, and a faint light flickered, as if the third eye was slowly opening.

That was the light of the epoch at the Temple of the Epoch being at work... the combination of many forces, Cao Yan's attack was unparalleledly powerful.


Scriptures appeared on the Pope's body, forming a defensive wall of light.

This is the last resort he uses as the Pope to save his life, a chapter of blessings and blessings from the gods!

However, when this protective light wall collided with Cao Yan's power, cracks appeared in an instant and it suddenly collapsed.

Cao Yan's punch power drove forward.

The pope was oppressed by its power, his eyebrows were split, and there was blood seeping out.

However, at this moment, the dim light flickered around the Pope, and the disappeared Shugel reappeared, waving his hand and colliding with Cao Yan.


The void collapsed, and the surging elemental power swept through the surrounding area like a storm.

In Shugel's other hand, the shadow of a spear of judgment appeared. The spear's edge was swallowed and split into wisps of light of judgment, which were indestructible.

Cao Yan waved his hand and cut across.

A shadow intertwined with darkness broke away from its hand. That was when Dandan's shadow cutting and the power of the Dark Kingdom were pushed by Boss Cao at the same time, colliding with Shugel's Spear of Judgment.

The attacks of both sides were as fast as lightning, and in the blink of an eye they had already exchanged several offensive and defensive moves.

Before being further entangled by Shu Geer, Boss Cao calmly retreated, merged with the void, and disappeared again.

"This person is so powerful."

Shugel's face was solemn, and he stood beside the Pope. His eyes were as solid as his eyes, and he scanned the surroundings. He was obviously worried that Cao Yan would repeat his old tricks and was still lurking nearby.

"Commander Shu Geer, has Cao Yan left?" the Lord of Judgment asked.

After a while, Shugel nodded slightly.

"Fortunately, the legion commander returned to defense in time. The situation just now was really dangerous." The Lord of Judgment said fearfully.

The pope reached out and touched his eyebrows. The moment of life and death was still fresh in his memory: "Cao Yan's growth rate is the most terrifying.

The last time I fought him, he couldn't break through my god-given defense. "

At this time, the Lord of Judgment suddenly reacted and said:

"The legion commander saw through Cao Yan's plan from the beginning and pretended to be lured away by him. In fact, he did not really pursue Cao Yan, but hid around. Therefore, when Cao Yan attacked, the legion commander was able to appear in time. Instead of Fight?"

Shugel nodded again.

The series of changes just now were as fast as lightning.

He was able to show up in time to stop Cao Yan. It is true that he saw Cao Yan's plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain from the beginning, so he used the trick and hid in the dark, hoping to set up a trap and kill Cao Yan.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to appear next to the Pope in such a timely manner when Dandan released the sticky field.

In a short period of time, the two sides competed with each other in a battle of wits and courage, with multiple calculations hidden behind them.

"Report, Lord Commander, we found blood stains in Hells' room. Judging from the signs at the scene, she may have been kidnapped." An angel reported.

Hells is also a member of the Angel Army and is a commander-level angel.

The Lord of Judgment and others looked at each other: "In addition to Cao Yan and the demons and giant bears under his command, there was also a hidden line that attacked the church at night. It never showed up, but it kidnapped the angel Hers."

Cao Yan came to the church this time to carry out an assassination, and the process was fictitious and real. Auch and Quan'er were responsible for attacking the church openly and attracting everyone's attention, but the purpose was not to cover Cao Yan's sneak into the church as judged by the Lord of Judgment and others.

The reason why Cao Yan was able to enter the church and kill He Bo without alerting anyone, even Shu Geer was not aware of it beforehand, was because he spent points to cheat and directly carried out precise delivery to reach He Bo's location.

At that time, He Bo retreated to the apse for repairs and was warming up the divine power of light in his body.

When Cao Yan was sent over, Quan'er suddenly broke out and roared like thunder.

The moment He Bo heard the sound and looked in the direction of the circle's roar, Cao Yan suddenly appeared like a ghost and hit He Bo with a punch.

He Bo was severely injured, but not dead. He was so shocked that he directly smashed through the outer wall of the building and tried to get out to seek help.

Only then did the Lord of Judgment and others see the scene where He Bo was chased and killed by Cao Yan.

Then Boss Cao disappeared, and it looked like he had retreated after succeeding. In fact, he spent his points again and suddenly appeared in front of the Pope with his balls, hoping to kill the Pope and then destroy the Oracle Gate.

Unfortunately, Shu Geer saw through his intentions and used the trick to plot against Boss Cao. The two briefly fought, but neither one took advantage.

No one thought that in addition to Auch and Quan'er, Cao Yan secretly arranged for a third party to steal an angel leader silently.

Everyone was shocked by Boss Cao's continuous tricks, and couldn't help but wonder: What was Cao Yan's purpose in capturing an angel? Did he want to interrogate him and learn about the situation of the angel army?

Shu Geer frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "Come here, check the surroundings thoroughly. Every detail must be carefully checked. There must be no omissions."

He himself also released his divine power, covering the entire church, and began to search and investigate every inch of the void.

Ten minutes later, in front of Shugel, there was a report from Angel Hui: "Under the ruins of some buildings in the church and in some hidden corners of the ground, the acid flying ants that attacked the angels were searched and found... They were found..." After discovering it, they attacked us, a small number of them escaped, and the rest all died and could not be captured."

All the angels gasped.

Cao Yan's night attack was a trap within a trap. It was not only divided into two parts, but also had a follow-up. Acid flying ants also came, apparently preparing to plot against the angels again.

After the angels learned the truth, they all expressed that the heresy was deeply entrenched and that we wanted to go home.

Shu Geer is indeed worthy of being the commander-in-chief of the Angel Army. He has every plan and has seen through Boss Cao's schemes one after another.

"Send the order, troops are approaching the city in the sky, take action immediately." Shu Geer said.

A general of the angel army asked in confusion: "Didn't your Excellency say before that you are not prepared to fight them on a large scale before you figure out how they poisoned the angels?"

Shu Geer: "Cao Yan personally led the attack. If we don't respond, similar attacks will become endless. This battle must be fought."

"Damn, I really have met the enemy of my life. Are the commanders of the Angel Army so difficult to deal with..." In a secret place in the void, Boss Cao felt a little pained.

"Boss, should we stay here and wait for the opportunity, or should we leave?" Oher asked.

A total of three of them came tonight. They were carrying abalone and were secret agents. They were responsible for jointly capturing prisoners. The purpose was to understand the situation of the Ninth Legion and act according to the opportunity.

Now the three of them gathered together, holding an unconscious female angel in Curse's hand. She was dressed in a light metal silver armor, with a slim figure, undulating posture, and long golden hair. She turned out to be a very beautiful female angel.

"There is still a daddy left. We have made such a scene, and we won't cause much trouble if we wait any longer. There is a risk of the car overturning if we are not careful. Evacuate immediately."

Cao Yan glanced at the female angel he was holding in his hand: "Why do you want to capture a woman?"

"I'm thinking about catching a female angel. After the interrogation is over, I can sell it to Dogarosh and Leto and make another profit." Curse Spirit calculated carefully.

Cao Yan was impressed: "That's good, that's good. Catching the female angel is worth performing. We must keep it up in the future."

Curse happily agreed, "I will remember it."

It was already midnight when the three of them withdrew their troops and returned to the Sky City.

Boss Cao casually handed He Bo's body to the hill giant.

His original intention for tonight's action was not to avenge the old giant, but simply to protect the calf. The people below were killed. If he didn't take advantage of this, he felt panicked.

Feeling comfortable now.

He didn't intend to win people's hearts by giving away the body of He Bo, the elder of the giant clan, but the effect was unprecedentedly good. After receiving He Bo's body, a giant knelt down solemnly and kissed Boss Cao's instep devoutly.

This is a gift from the hill giants. They have worshiped and appreciated Boss Cao as their faith.

Boss Cao returned to the city lord's mansion and summoned Dai Huanyu: "Is it time to go to the Shenshan Realm to collect protection fees? Let's leave tonight and go out to avoid the limelight. The angel army was attacked by us at night and will probably pursue us and fight back. .”

Secretary Dai asked: "Has our battle with the Angel Army been changed to guerrilla warfare?"

Then he said: "What if we leave and the Angel Army turns to attack several major associations, or the forces under the alliance?"

"Leave the Internet Celebrity Account and most of the city's elites stay on the Internet Celebrity Account to maintain mobility. Once the Angel Army wants to attack several major associations, the Internet Celebrity Account can provide support according to the situation and join forces with the attacked forces to attack the Angel Army. Or they may raid other locations of the church, attacking from the east and from the west."

Cao Yan said: “Several major associations have been passed down for thousands of years and have their own wisdom for survival, so they cannot be destroyed so easily.

As far as I know, there are special arrangements hidden in the Star Abyss where the headquarters of the Pet Masters Association and the Mechanics Association are located. Once activated, the headquarters of the two major associations can be completely hidden, which is enough to ensure their safety for a period of time. "

That night, Sky City set out to run away and went to the Holy Mountain Realm, allowing the angel army that followed to catch up.

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