Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 831 That Man

Long before the war with the church started, Sky City had been emptied internally. Except for the residents of the city, only personnel from several major associations and alliances were allowed to enter and exit.

At this time, taking advantage of the darkness, some of the elites in the city were transferred to Internet celebrity accounts. The entire city immediately shrank its spatial dimension, visually turning into a glimmer of light, and plunged into the depths of the void, heading towards the sacred mountain realm.

In the city lord's palace, Boss Cao is working hard, with a constant frequency of movements.

Before he went to the Night Raid Church, he informed the female supporters that he was going out and did not need to wait for him, so they all fell asleep. Boss Cao worked hard in the study room, playing with himself, constantly reaching out and turning the pages in front of him. interface screen.

The development of Sky City has now entered a relatively stable period. It is no longer possible to continue to recruit legendary races into the city and maintain the momentum of rapid progress.

The legendary races are rare in number, and even recruitment across planes is rare, so the city's strength improvement has slowed down.

Cao Yan shifted the idea of ​​continuing to improve the city's power to expanding domestic demand.

While flipping through the interface screen, he discussed with the fake system: "Is there any genetic potion that can increase the fertility rate of these legendary races in the city? For example, the giants have a low fertility rate and may not be able to give birth to an heir in their lifetime. After taking the potion, This situation can be changed so that they are no longer restricted by family planning.

If these races in our city could have a huge base of 1.4 billion people in Greater China, I would be able to overthrow the gods in no time. "

Fake system: "Increase the fertility rate of the races in the city... Why would the host have such an idea?"

"Even angels have genetic weaknesses, and their problems can be found through research. Then the fertility status of giants is not good, find out the problems through research, and then make adjustments, let them turn off the lights and drive, frantically create little people, and have high births and high yields. What's weird?" Boss Cao asked.

"Adjusting fertility status..."

The fake system said: "In theory, the genetic map of all living things can indeed be fine-tuned to promote its optimization. The fertility rate of giants can also be appropriately increased, but the cycle is too long. Regardless of the gestation time of giants, it is only If a giant wants to grow up, it will take at least several decades."

"Actually, there is another way to promote the host's subordinates' combat effectiveness to continue to grow."

The fake system said to itself: "Giants have a long gestation period, but Void Hyenas are different. After certain adjustments, they can quickly expand the size of their group."

"Hyena..." Cao Yan's eyes lit up and he started discussing with the fake system.

Time flies.

The City in the Sky moves forward in the boundless ocean of space, getting closer and closer to the sacred mountain world.

It is raining in the Shenshan Realm, the rain is pattering, and the sky is dark.

The former Demon Concubine Phoebe Lomis, wearing a long crimson palace dress, was sitting in the Demon King's Palace leaning against the window sill. A pair of long legs were slightly exposed from under the skirt, as white as jade, with delicate and delicate toes. Wearing a pair of light silver shoes with transparent decorations.

She stared blankly at the rain curtain outside, listlessly like a flower that was about to wither due to lack of water.

The Hera clan left her in the empty Demon King's Palace and wanted to dedicate her to Cao Yan, but she knew very well that the man had no interest in her at all.

The Demon King's palace was empty, and Phoebe felt like she was in prison.

Strangely enough, she had been worried that Cao Yan was like other men.

Taking possession of herself, now that Cao Yan obviously didn't take her to heart, she felt inexplicable resentment.

A few days ago, news came from the clan, telling her that with the promise and support of that man, the clansmen were destroying cities and villages in various places in the sacred mountain world, taking over the territory of the Zhan clan, and their power was growing rapidly.

But another piece of news sent at the same time was that the Demon King was not dead, and had gathered the remaining power of the War Clan to compete with the clansmen overtly and covertly.

The current situation in the Shenshan Realm is that the two major forces, the Zhan Clan and the Hera Clan, are in conflict with each other, and several other smaller forces are eyeing them.

This situation was obviously promoted by that man. As long as the Zhan clan remains alive, the clansmen will need to rely on his support and be honest puppets in his hands... Phoebe's IQ is not low, and through the clan Based on the news sent from within, Cao Yan's purpose was roughly determined.

However, she still underestimated Boss Cao's methods and didn't know the nature of Boss Cao as an old cunt.

The means he arranged in the Shenshan Realm were far more than these.

Not only did he let the devil go and take over two families, he also laid many hidden lines in the sacred mountain world.

More than a month has passed, and the father-in-law's Hai clan tribe has entered the ocean of the sacred mountain realm and begun to occupy the territory.

In addition, the world's business landscape is also quietly changing. Dogarosh, Leto, together with Wang Li, Fang Nan and others, are gradually infiltrating and mastering some important resources in this world.

Cao Yan is preparing to control the lifeline of the world from both commercial and military aspects.

Although he is not in the sacred mountain world, in the past month, various arrangements have been steadily advancing in the sacred mountain world and slowly taking root.

"Miss Phoebe, there have been abnormal changes in the city. Those Void Vicious Dogs spontaneously gathered in the square in front of the Demon Palace, and even the king of their tribe made a rare appearance."

A young woman dressed as a warrior walked into Phoebe's room holding a bright silver war gun.

This woman is the chief female warrior of the Hera tribe. She is only above average in appearance, but has a strong body and a pair of long legs that are strong and perfectly fitted. As soon as people see her, they will know that she is the kind of famous woman who can cut sugar cane and is a killer of men. . new town

The Hera tribe sent a team of female warriors to stay in the Demon King's Palace in the City of the Holy Mountain with Phoebe.

This female warrior is the leader, named Dona Hera.

Phoebe rose from her seat and walked to the other window on the opposite side of the room.

As she walks, the upper and lower parts of her body are as round as the full moon, simultaneously presenting an alluring scenery of undulating shapes.

Even Donna, a woman, couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

Phoebe walked to the window and looked out, and was surprised.

You can see the main square of the Demon King's Palace from the window.

At this time, the square was densely packed with hyenas. The number was astonishing, tens of thousands of them.

In front of all the hyenas, stood a strange hyena with an illusory figure. Although it stood there, its full appearance could not be seen clearly.

"That is the legendary king of the hyena clan, the void hunter at the pinnacle of kings! Even the demon king of the war clan must respect him enough when he sees him." Phoebe thought.

She turned her gaze to Donna and asked, "Why are these hyenas gathering?"

"how could I know?"

Dona Hera shrugged and pointed upward again: "Look up again."

Phoebe looked up and saw a sacred bird burning with flames flying above the city. The raindrops came into contact with the burning flames beside it, emitting a dense mist, which filled the air with steam, as if it were real or illusory.

There was also a mass of black air spreading in the air, and among it was a black magical beast with two horns on its head, like a giant sheep.

These are the second-line echelon of magical beasts that Cao Yan left behind last time and became the protective divine beasts of the sacred mountain city.

"The city lord of the Sky City doesn't know what shocking means he can use to subdue these king-level terrifying creatures for his own use."

Donna looked at the sky and sighed: "I heard that the Sky City came that day, and there was an old turtle accompanying it in the sky. It was so huge that it couldn't be seen, and the legendary real dragon appeared. The lady was in the city at that time. Are these rumors true? "

Feibi nodded slightly, thoughtfully: "Counting the days, it has been more than a month since the Sky City left. In the past few days, people from the tribe have come from far away to enter the city. It should be the date they made an appointment with City Lord Cao."

Donna was surprised: "Miss, are these monsters also waiting to welcome the arrival of the Sky City?"

"What else could it be?"

Phoebe said: "Have you ever asked about the team in Sky City that stays with us on rotation?"

Donna was indignant: "Those people left behind in Sky City are so indifferent to us. How can we get news from them?"

After a pause, he couldn't help but get excited: "The arrival of the Sky City is an opportunity for the young lady. Don't forget the clan leader's instructions."

The task given to Phoebe by Dundalk, the leader of the Hera tribe, is to ask her to take the initiative and trap Boss Cao, and to use her knowledge to gain some benefits for the tribe.

"You have never met City Lord Cao. He has no interest in me at all." Fei Bi said in a seductive voice.

Donna disagreed: "I don't believe that anyone can resist the charm of Miss, and the Lord of the City in the Sky is no exception. Unless he is not a man, with his power, he will never let a woman like Miss go. "

Phoebe's face turned slightly red, and she suddenly discovered a strange scene.

In the square in front of the Demon King's Palace, tens of thousands of void hyenas all lay down and turned over, their bellies turned sideways, exposing the shameful part of their lower abdomen.

This is a hyena's gesture of complete surrender, which means the same thing as a human kneeling down.

Phoebe's heart moved. She looked up and saw ripples in the air rolling like a tide. A huge city burst out of the sky. It stretched out from a little light and suddenly turned into a majestic giant city. This brought about The visual shock is overwhelming.

Around the floating city, mythical beasts soared, real dragons raised their necks, roared, and the world was turbulent.

"Oh my God!" This was the first time Donna saw the Sky City and she was stunned.

Most of the Shenshan world will become busy due to the arrival of Boss Cao.

Two hours later, Phoebe took Donna to the city lord's palace in the Sky City, asking to see Boss Cao. Others who were traveling with her knew that Boss Cao was coming in the next few days, so they rushed to the city in advance to wait for tribute and gifts. Dundalk, the leader of the Hera tribe, and others.

After entering a palace in the city lord's palace, Donna first looked at the center. Sitting there was a calm and pretentious Lan Yin.

"City Lord Cao, look what I brought."

When Dundalk saw Cao Yan, he smiled happily and took out the carefully prepared gift with great satisfaction.

But Phoebe's gaze was directed at a woman sitting next to Boss Cao.

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