Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 832 嘤嘤嘤

When Phoebe and Dundalk walked in, the scene in the living room showed Boss Cao sitting at the main seat, and sitting next to him was Wang Li, who was dressed in white and had black hair tied into a ponytail on the back of her head.

On the right side of Boss Cao are Dogarosh and Leto.

Several people are discussing some business arrangements for the layout of the sacred mountain world.

Kang Qingyue stood crouching at the gate, like a eunuch guarding the palace, waiting for His Majesty's orders at any time.

There are two monsters lying on the left and right of Boss Cao's feet.

One is a hyena, and the other is a little tortoise with mysterious patterns on its back.

Although the hyena was lying at Cao Yan's feet, looking like a pet dog, the fluctuations it emitted blended with the void, so that its body and the void were inseparable, appearing and disappearing, and even at a very close distance, it could not be seen. See its specific form.

This hyena, who can control the attributes of space as easily as breathing, is obviously the king of the hyena clan.

Legend has it that this hyena is the most powerful king-level monster in the sacred mountain world. Now that he has witnessed its control over the rules of space, Dundalk can't help but feel trembling when he walks into the hall. He secretly thinks that this king of the hyena clan, I'm afraid it's not just the top level of the king as rumored by the outside world.

The little tortoise lying on the other side of Boss Cao, even more so than the hyena, was obviously a totem-level legendary monster.

Dundalk's thoughts were ups and downs, and he became more and more shocked as he connected the circumstances of entering the Sky City twice.

Phoebe walked into the hall, her eyes naturally fell on Wang Li, and she unconsciously had some comparison thoughts.

She had met Baoyue and Dai Huanyu before, and she was quite surprised at that time. Now she was more than surprised when she saw Wang Li again.

Wang Li happened to turn his eyes and glanced at her sideways.

Phoebe looked away unnaturally. This was the first time she lost the courage to look at someone of the same sex.

Of course, this is related to the two people's positions at this time. Their status is like the difference between the real wife and the coquettish bitch (harmony) who comes to the house and proposes herself as a bed mat.

The key point is that the main wife is still an invincible level tyrant, and she beats all kinds of beauties. As Phoebe, who comes to the house and wants to seduce other gentlemen, she is inherently at a disadvantage.

Wang Li was also slightly surprised by the appearance of this famous woman in the sacred mountain world, and turned around to look at her male partner.

I found Boss Cao talking to Dogarosh, and didn't even look at the few people who came in. I couldn't help but be quite satisfied with Boss Cao's reaction. He smiled brightly and was full of charm.

The last time Cao Yan rejected Fei Bi, the maid in the city lord's palace passed it on to Dai Huanyu, and then passed it on to the ears of the ladies. In the evening, Boss Cao got a reward of 'verbal praise' when he came home.

Boss Cao got the advantage, and now he wanted to repeat his old tricks and perform hard in front of the female supervisor to make Wang Li happy. At the same time, he was wondering if he could upgrade his verbal praise skills when he went home in the evening.

At this time Dundalk had already taken out the gifts he had prepared in advance.

Only then did Boss Cao turn his attention to them.

Dundalk took out a space box, opened it and said respectfully: "Learning that City Lord Cao is recruiting some ancient races in this world, we collected information from many sources and found some clues about the ancient races.

I recorded it as my first gift to City Lord Cao.

In addition, we also know that the city lord is good at raising and training monsters. He specially let people enter the magic forest and found several pet eggs with good potential.

Give it to the city lord to express your feelings.

The last thing is that I learned that the city lord likes to collect the skeletons and remains of various creatures, so our clan specially found the remains of some precious species and other related items.

I hope Mr. Yan will like the above items. "

The three different gifts sent by this product are all catering to Boss Cao's preferences, and the gift giving is very thoughtful.

His title for Boss Cao is also quite interesting, starting from City Lord Cao, then City Lord, and finally Master Yan, getting closer and closer, but keeping his attitude very low.

This shows that this patriarch is a talented person who can bend and stretch.

Boss Cao nodded and said: "The patriarch has his heart. I like these things very much. I will remember the patriarch's wishes."

Kang Qingyue stood at the door of the hall and glanced at Dundalk calmly. He felt that this guy had low moral integrity, thick skin, and was so good at licking. He was really a strong enemy and might threaten his position as chief dog. I immediately gave Dundalk a five-star negative review and was extremely disgusted.

"Do you have a strong habitat for flying monsters in the sacred mountain world? The more the better?" Cao Yan asked Dundalk after receiving the gift.

The Sky City uses earth dragons as riding beasts and has built an earth dragon cavalry regiment, which is extremely powerful in combat.

Boss Cao was thinking that if there was a chance, he would form a flying knights group, which could not only show off his strength but also enhance the combat effectiveness of his subordinates, a win-win situation.

However, the Flying Knights require a large number of flying beasts, which is quite difficult to assemble.

In the past, I had captured a few griffins, pterosaurs and other mid-range monsters. Their combat effectiveness was barely adequate, but in other aspects they were far from meeting Boss Cao's requirements.

So he tried it and all of them were released again.

The more powerful flying monsters are rare creatures and cannot be scaled up at all, so the formation of a flying cavalry group is still in the conceptual stage.

Dundalk asked: "In Master Yan's eyes, what level of flying creatures meet the requirements?"

"Above level 10, the flight speed is fast and the balance of other abilities is the best." Cao Yan said.


Dundalk, Donna and others screamed mmp in their hearts... The tenth level is the king level. It is difficult to find a king level flying creature. Cao Yan wants as many as possible. Where can he find them?

Phoebe's eyes moved slightly, as if she was hesitant to speak.

Dundalk looked ashamed: "I really can't think of a place in our world where king-level flying creatures gather. I'm going to let Master Yan down."

Cao Yan also asked casually and didn't take it seriously: "Okay, you can go down. Deputy City Lord Dai will handle other matters with you."

Boss Cao finally looked at Phoebe: "Miss Phoebe actually doesn't have to stay in the Demon Palace all the time. You are free and can leave at any time."

Phoebe bowed down and saluted, then turned around and walked out silently. Cao Yan's attitude obviously hurt her self-esteem.

He came to the door and recommended himself as a pillow, but was rejected by others. Anyone else would not be able to stand it. It was simply a disgrace.

Dundalk looked a little embarrassed, glanced at Wang Li with Donna, and then retreated.

The time comes in the afternoon.

Dundalk and other Hera tribesmen and Dai Huanyu completed the handover process of paying tribute, and then left the city of the sacred mountain without stopping.

The Hera tribe is currently expanding around the world, and Dundalk is busy slapping his feet on the back of the head.

No matter what Cao Yan said, in Dundalk's view, Phoebe had been given to Cao Yan by him, and he could not and did not dare to take Phoebe back easily, so Phoebe remained in the Demon King's Palace and imprisoned.

The next day, Dundalk, who left the City of the Holy Mountain, came to a majestic city in the north of the Holy Mountain Realm, and met Nu Zuo, a famous general of the Hera tribe in the city. It was the same person who went to the Sky City with him to meet Cao Yan last time. At first he suggested attacking Sky City together to strengthen himself, but later he was shocked by the power of Sky City and almost went crazy.

"Chief, how is the situation?" Nu Zuo asked.

Dundalk glanced around subconsciously before speaking. For some reason, he always felt that there was a pair of invisible eyes beside him, watching his every move at all times. He even spoke carefully and sighed: "The strength of Sky City is indescribable. At the this stage, the more settled we are, the wiser we will be."


After seeing Cao Yan, Phoebe returned to the Devil's Palace, fell on the bed and fell asleep with her head covered. It was not until early the next morning that Donna came to wake her up.

The former devil concubine lay in bed unable to get up, moaning: "I can't afford it, I can't afford it, just let me sleep to death. I was so embarrassed yesterday, why do I have the face to live, eh, eh, eh, eh..."

Donna lifted the quilt and saw a face full of pear blossoms: "I'm really crying. Phoebe, I can't blame you for this, there's nothing to cry about.

Then Cao Yan is not a man at all, he is so cruel, treating you like a weak woman like this. "

"But he is obviously a man, otherwise why would there be so many beautiful women around him?" Phoebe continued.

"He is definitely not a man, and the women around him must be living miserable lives." Donna curled her lips disdainfully.

"He belongs to a man, I can feel it..." Phoebe emphasized as she kicked her legs on the bed.

The two of them debated for a long time on the boring question of whether Boss Cao was a man, and suddenly found a hyena in the room, staring at them with cold eyes.

The two were startled and discussed behind their back whether Boss Cao was a man and was discovered by the hyena. This matter was big or small.

The room fell silent for a moment, and the two women and the dog looked at each other silently.

The two women immediately saw the hyena raising its paws at them and pointing to the Sky City above, meaning to ask them to follow it to the Sky City.

"Cao Cheng wants to see us?"

Yingyingying wiped the tears on her face and sat up from the bed, revealing her infinitely beautiful upper body curves.

The hyena nodded its head humanely.

"Look, I said that no man would let a woman like Miss go. Yesterday, the situation didn't allow it. As expected, he secretly summoned Miss again." Donna looked like she had seen the truth.

Yingying's face turned slightly red, and she quickly stood up and cleaned up.

Half an hour later, she and Donna met Boss Cao again.

Boss Cao sat in the same seat as yesterday with a happy face.

He had a great time last night. Although the younger wife went to the ocean in the sacred mountain world due to something else and was not with him, he and the equally happy elder wife cooperated tacitly and unlocked a lot of new knowledge.

When Phoebe and Donna walked into the hall, they saw the little tortoise they saw when they came yesterday, crawling around in the palace, as if looking for something, and behaving very strangely.

What surprised and horrified them was that Cao Yan saw a terrifying man as majestic as a mountain standing in their palace, dressed in black armor and with an aura as violent as a wild beast—the Demon King!

The Demon King of the Demon Blood War Clan!

Why is he here? !

Fei Bi's heart was beating fast. At this moment, she naturally knew that she had overthought just now. Cao Yan asked her to come over. It was obvious that she was not here to do secret operations, but for something else...

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