Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 849 No good, the pope was taken away

The genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

The two warring parties unanimously stopped fighting and looked at Cao Yan, the Pope and others who were facing each other in the air.

Pope St. Gregory looked gloomy, squinted at Cao Yan, and did not respond.

Instead, the Lord of Light and Darkness by his side stepped forward and scolded angrily: "Everyone knows that Your Majesty is not good at force. Cao Yan, you challenged His Majesty in public, which shows that your intentions are sinister and despicable."

"You're pretty good at beeping. You do what you want. Come on, come on. The Big Three are good at force. I'll give you a hand. Come here." Cao Yan said calmly.

The Lord of Light and Darkness immediately lost his temper and his face turned red.

Everyone in Sky City, in the sky and the earth, roared with laughter, and Boss Cao's name as the three giant killers is also known to everyone in the world.

The Lord of Light and Darkness was terrified of Cao Yan from the bottom of his heart, and asked him to fight Cao Yan, which was equated with suicide, and he would not dare to borrow his courage.

After Cao Yan finished speaking, the new Lord of Light and Darkness of the church did not dare to respond, but turned his gaze to Tillmis on the other side of the Pope.

Shu Geer's troops were away, and he was not in the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God at this time. The commander of the Angel Army, Tirmis, and several senior generals of the Ninth Legion had the highest force values.

Under everyone's gaze, Tiermis took a deep breath and stepped forward: "I'm here to accept your challenge..."

Cao Yan interrupted: "We fought last time, and you were no match for me."

Tirmis' face froze. The last time she fought against Boss Cao, she lost her armor and was hunted down for several days. In the end, she almost ran naked (harmoniously).

She hasn't forgotten the fear of being dominated by Boss Cao at that time, and if it wasn't forced by the situation, she wouldn't want to stand up.

At this time, it was quite embarrassing to be blocked by Cao Yan's words.

Cao Yan's eyes flicked across the faces of the Pope and others one by one.

He opened his mouth to invite a fight, but the church had no one to fight, and the ones he forced to send were his defeated generals.

Looking at such a scene, the members of Sky City all felt that their faces were bright and proud.

Cao Yan's invitation to fight is equivalent to putting the pope on fire.

If he does not dare to fight, the prestige of the church will be severely damaged.

It is hard to estimate, and more forces will definitely stand up and openly oppose the church in the future.

Conversely, if the pope agrees to confront Cao Yan, he will take even greater risks. What if he loses? !

At this time, a majestic angel beside Tirmis strode forward and shouted violently: "Heretics, who don't know the vastness of divine power, are so arrogant."

He walked forward out of nowhere, his whole body was glowing, and every time he took a step, the light on his body became more and more powerful, and an astonishing momentum spread, like mountains and seas across the sky, pressing towards Cao Yan.

"What is your identity?" Boss Cao asked.

Magnificent Angel: "The Deputy Chief of the Ninth Angel Army, Flame Angel Della Morin."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a stream of light, rushed to Cao Yan in an instant, embraced his hands, and sacrificed a beam of light.


A green band of light appeared outside Cao Yan's body, and a spear shot out of the air, miraculously facing Della Morin.

The tall and fit jungle goddess, dressed in emerald armor and holding a world war gun, appeared beside Cao Yan.

After the battle gun in her hand collided with De La Molin, she followed the trend, and seven or eight vines spread out from the end of the gun, rolling towards her opponent.

The two sides fought together in a blink of an eye.

During the staggered ups and downs, Della Molin spread out his palms, as if holding a round of scorching sun in his palms, shining brightly.

Beside the goddess of the jungle, a phantom of the world tree manifested, slowly spinning.

The light from Della Molin's palm fell on the tree, and the trunk of the World Tree cracked and burned, turning into fly ash, but at the same time, there was an emerald green divine power circulating on the trunk, filled with powerful vitality, and was destroyed by burning Parts are quickly reborn.

The two couldn't compete.

"Old Pope, since you dare not fight, I have no choice but to take the initiative to find you."

Cao Yan jumped off his horse and disappeared abruptly.

"Your Majesty, be careful!"

Cao Yan reappeared like a ghost, and was already close to the Pope, so he grabbed it with his hand.

St. Gregory stretched out his hand to flip it, and the light in the Great Light Code was like a tide, and the scriptures were intertwined, forming a wall of light, protecting him in it.

Several angels around, including Tirmis, attacked Cao Yan at the same time.

However, the power in Cao Yan's body surged, and many trapping balls appeared around him.

He blends with the power of magic pets by virtue of his ball skills.

At this moment, Dandan, who was far away in the realm of the gods, the big stick in the ocean of the realm of the gods, as well as the circle, and the abalone all jointly transmitted a force, which was used by Cao Yan.

At the same time, the power of the Jiyuan Temple was also taking effect, and symbols lit up in Cao Yan's sea of ​​consciousness, like stars twinkling.

A beam of era light emanated from between his brows.

Several angels, including Tirmis, were affected by the light of the era, as if they had fallen into a maze of time and space. They only felt that the surrounding space was upside down and chaotic, and Cao Yan seemed far away from them and could not be approached.

Boss Cao used the power of the Jiyuan Temple and the magic pets when he made a move, almost without reservation, thunderous, in order to make meritorious deeds with one blow.

The opportunity is fleeting. If the pope is given more time to react, the variables will increase accordingly, which runs counter to the purpose of Cao Yan's attack this time.


Under the impact of Cao Yan's fusion of all the demon pets and the power of the Era Temple, the bright wall outside the pope's body was covered with cracks.

Cao Yan's follow-up attacks followed.

He shifted his center of gravity down, sent his shoulders forward, and hit him directly.

With a bang, the pope seemed to be hit head-on by a heavy truck, his body lost his balance and fell, and the outer wall shattered.

But the crown on his head dropped a second curtain of light to protect him again.

"Fake system, consume points, and open the pope's defense for me." Cao Yan said in consciousness.


He released five rays of light from his fingertips, it was the black box operation of the fake system that assisted him.

The five beams of light, like sharp swords, instantly penetrated the Pope's protective means at the bottom of the box.

Cao Yan grabbed the Pope's neck.

Since he took the shot, a series of actions were as fast as lightning, and when the divine light of the era dissipated, it was too late for Tiermis and others to help the Pope.

The pope was restrained by Cao Yan, and everyone in the church changed their expressions in horror.

This old bastard finally fell into Lao Tzu's hands... Cao Yan chuckled lightly, holding the Pope in one hand, his figure was erratic, and he returned to the back of the Pegasus in an instant.

Cao Yan found that the pope was silent after being captured, and looked down, only to realize that it was because his hands were too tight.

The pope's face was sluggish, his face was flushed, and he had already lost his breath. After a while at night, he would probably be strangled to death by him.

Cao Yan let go, letting the pope breathe a sigh of relief, then first snatched the Great Light Code from his hand, and put it in the pet master badge on his chest.

The pope was captured alive, and the people in Sky City began to burst into cheers like a tsunami: "The city lord is invincible, invincible, invincible."

"My lord, the divine power is boundless, the holy blessing will be enjoyed forever, and the life will be as long as the sky..."

Cao Yan blinked, feeling a little ashamed. Who the hell brought up this slogan? It was the same last time. It was exactly the same as Dongfang Bubai and Xingxiu's old monster.

Boss Cao patted Tianma, meaning hurry up, let's go home.

The celestial horse ran with hooves raised, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The goddess of the jungle also withdrew at the same moment, with a series of charming smiles, disappeared into the void.

Tillmis and the Lord of Light and Darkness looked at each other face to face, and they could all see the horror and panic on each other's faces. The Pope has been kidnapped, what should we do? Waiting online, we are in a panic now, very urgent.

"Listen, the people of the Sky City, continue to attack the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God, but within one hour, don't love to fight, and evacuate on time."

Cao Yan's order floated back from afar, and it was strange that it only sounded in the ears of the people in Sky City, without exception, everyone could hear it very clearly.

Everyone agreed with a bang, with momentum like a rainbow.

The reason why Cao Yan said the one-hour limit was because before he came, he had a clear grasp of the whereabouts of Shu Geer, the commander of the Ninth Army, and knew that he was not in the Cathedral of God.

At this time, Shu Geer has received the news of Cao Yan's attack and is rushing back.

If the soldiers of Sky City collide with Shu Geer who has returned in a rage, they will definitely suffer heavy losses, so Cao Yancai accepts as soon as he sees it, and asks the soldiers under his command to evacuate as soon as possible.

Sure enough, nearly an hour later, shortly after the people in Sky City evacuated, Shu Geer led the crowd back to the church, his face full of shock and anger.

The Lord of Light and Darkness and others came forward in a panic: "Legion Commander, it's not good, Your Majesty was captured by Cao Yan, what should we do?"

"I'll kill the city of the sky together and bring back His Majesty the Pope." Shu Geer said in a deep voice.

"Master Legion, please wait. Before Cao Yan left, the sound transmission told me that as soon as he saw us appearing in the Sky City, he would immediately kill the Pope, and then fight us again." Tiermis said.

Shu Geer was incompetent and furious, his chest heaved violently, and he couldn't help asking himself three soul questions:

Cao Yan is so shameless, what should I do?

If I ignore his threats and attack Sky City, will I save the Pope?

If you don't attack the city of sky, how will the pope save it?

Cao Yan left multiple choice questions, but unfortunately there was no correct answer.


Castle in the Sky.

Cao Yan left the battlefield, returned directly to the city, and then came to the underground space.

The former Lord of Light and Darkness was kept underground by Boss Cao, and he had been in charge of guarding the angels for a long time. In his own feeling, the previous experience of being the Lord of Light and Darkness in the church seems to be a matter of his previous life, and his integrity has long been exhausted.

When he saw Cao Yan coming, he rushed up to greet him: "My lord, why are you free? Have you caught a new angel?"

Cao Yan asked without answering, "How are these angels doing?"

The Lord of Light and Darkness said flatteringly: "After tortured by the means of the city lord, how dare they be dishonest."

"That's good."

Cao Yan nodded and said, "I'm here to send you an old partner."

"Old partner? Have you captured someone from the church again?" The Lord of Light and Darkness deliberately moved forward, wanting to see who Cao Yan had captured and whether he recognized him.

The next moment, he almost collapsed to the ground, staring blankly at the man released by Cao Yan from the trapping ball, he lost his voice and said, "Your Majesty Saint Gregory!"

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