Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 850: The Head of the Three Holy Artifacts

The genius remembers the permanent address of this site in one second:

The Lord of Light and Darkness never expected that Cao Yan would capture the Pope.

He stared at the Pope with an expression of disbelief, bewilderment, and despair. Something deep in his heart seemed to collapse suddenly, and his three views were forcibly refreshed several times.

The Pope was also a little surprised: "You are still alive?"

His eyes fell on the eyebrows of the Lord of Light and Darkness, and he suddenly showed anger: "You have betrayed your own belief!"

"I don't." The Lord of Light and Darkness was afraid of the former big boss, and denied it without thinking.

"You have."

Pointing at the Lord of Light and Darkness, the Pope was furious: "All heretics will eventually die under the light of God. The present suffering is nothing but God's test for us."

The Lord of Light and Darkness murmured: "But now even you have been arrested. Your faith is pure and devout, there is no doubt! You are God's apostle in the world and fully represent God's will. If this is the case, why didn't God save you? Let you fall into the hands of City Lord Cao. If this is a test, why does the god test his most devout believer?

If this is not a test, then if God cannot protect you, let alone a congregation like me. "

What the hell said it made sense, the pope froze for a moment, but was speechless.


Boss Cao couldn't hold back, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry, you continue."

What greeted him was the Pope's glare and the Lord of Light and Darkness shrinking his neck, uneasy because he didn't know whether his words were right or wrong.

After waiting for a while, seeing that the two of them were silent, Boss Cao said again: "Your Majesty, the so-called everyone has his own aspirations. Your belief is firm, but you cannot force everyone to be like you."

He added: "I have a suggestion, I want to talk to His Majesty."

The Pope straightened his hair that was messed up by Cao Yan, and waited for him to continue.

"Please sit down, Your Majesty."

Cao Yan first found a seat by himself, and sat down very salty, crossing his legs:

"My proposal is that both of us stop fighting temporarily, and your majesty will draw up a divine edict,

Let’s just say that the Church of the Kingdom of God will shrink its sphere of influence from now on, and will only operate within the territory of the Holy Empire (the country where the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God is located). If you agree, I will invite all forces to witness together, and we will sign a contract with the gods for a period of one hundred years.

What do you think about renewing the contract every 100 years and renegotiating the conditions? "

In all fairness, Cao Yan's conditions were not harsh, especially since the Pope was his captive at this time.

The content of his condition is to ask the church to shrink its sphere of influence. Of course, many interests are involved in this, such as the various resources and territories of the church outside the Holy Empire, which must also be given up accordingly.

Cao Yan's plan is to obtain a buffer period in which he can fully develop himself, so that the green forest world is relatively stable and has no worries.

The advantage of doing this is that you can reduce your own consumption and save the time of continuing to entangle with the church.

This is the most sensible decision when neither side has an overwhelming advantage.

The Pope's eyes were deep: "I will not negotiate conditions with heretics, no matter under what circumstances."

Cao Yan: "Listen to me first. If you don't agree, we will fight to the end. The oracle door for you to communicate with the Kingdom of Light is based on your Great Code of Light, and it is now in my hands , I will close the door of the oracle first, cut off your connection with the Kingdom of Light, let the Ninth Angel Army become a lone army, and at the same time order to attack and kill the top leaders of the church."

St. Gregor's face was expressionless, but his heart sank directly.

What Cao Yan said, closing the door of the oracle, and killing the church's high-level officials with all their strength, and paralyzing the church's command center are both very maneuverable for him, and the chances of success are very high, so it is more important. Deterrent.

In the past, the arrival of the Ninth Angel Army would have been enough to suppress and even destroy Sky City, but now that the ant colony is restraining the angels, if the gate of the oracle is cut off and the connection with the Kingdom of Light is lost, The consequences are indeed unpredictable.

"Think about it, Your Majesty, I'm leaving first."

Cao Yan got up and walked out: "Light and darkness, take care of His Majesty the Pope."

The Lord of Light and Darkness hurriedly agreed, sent Cao Yan away, and looked awkwardly at the Pope when he returned.

Only then did the Pope breathe a sigh of relief, and began to look at the space as wide as an underground temple, and was surprised at the first glance.

The four walls of the space are all angels housed in transparent closed cabins, or bound on prison racks.

In addition, there are several angels with dead gray wings, busy walking around in the space, the whole space is like a huge underground laboratory.

Those gray-winged angels seemed to be walking dead, they didn't feel anything about the Pope's arrival, and didn't even glance at it.

However, their auras are very powerful. On the gray wings behind them, elemental forces intertwine to form clusters of small storm vortices, which then collide with each other and explode, and recombine after a while to form a new storm cluster.

With the Pope's eyesight, he could tell at a glance that these tiny vortices were the elemental field formed by the powerful power in the Gray Winged Angel.

The collision of the vortexes can almost tear apart the space, and the destructive power is astonishing, but these vortexes collided and exploded on the wings of the gray-winged angels, but they could not cause any damage to them, and they could not even leave traces.

The power of these angels exceeds the Pope's previous estimate.

He stared at the gray wings on the backs of these angels, his expression solemn, and thoughtful: "Gray wings... fallen angels!"

"Your Majesty is right, they are indeed taboo among angels—fallen angels!

This underground laboratory established by City Lord Cao has been conducting research on angels, and the toxin that can destroy the stability of genes in angels is researched here. "The lord of light and darkness observed his words.

What he said was incomplete, the laboratory research on the underground laboratory of Sky City is just one aspect of the medicine that destroys the stability of the genes in the angel's body. More importantly, Cao Yan learned of the defects contained in the angel's genetic structure through the exchange of the spaceship.

The combination of the two forms the toxin that can kill angels.

Pope: "How long has this laboratory been established?"

"It's been several years. Since City Lord Cao first dealt with angels, he has started to study angels."

The Lord of Light and Darkness hadn't spoken to anyone for a long time, and now he opened up the conversation box, saying very happily: "These angels have lost their faith after they became fallen angels, and the director of Cao Cheng calls them tool men."

The Pope frowned frequently, not only because of the fallen angels found here, but also because of the tone of the Lord of Light and Darkness.

One bite at a time, City Lord Cao, paralyzed, this guy has rebelled from the inside to the outside, and has turned his back on the glory of God.

"How did Cao Yan do it? I mean these angels are God's most loyal fighters, how could they rebel?" the Pope asked.

"It's beyond their control. After they are captured, we will first destroy their pride and make them dislike their bodies. This is the first and most important step," said the Lord of Light and Darkness.

"Destroy the pride of angels?" The pope was still puzzled.

Angels are perfect warriors created by God. They have self-confidence and a sense of superiority from the depths of their blood. Their pride is inherent, how could it be easily destroyed? !

"To destroy the pride of the angels, you must first make them bend straight... There is a kind of dog punishment that can do it." The Lord of Light and Darkness said mysteriously.

"Straight to bend?" The pope looked confused.

Lord of Light and Darkness: "This is not easy to explain. After all, at your age, Your Majesty, you can no longer straighten, and you can't understand how to bend."


The pope said angrily: "My wisdom has been blessed by the gods. Is there anything I can't understand? I can't understand what it means? Then can you understand?"

The Lord of Light and Darkness straightened his back: "I'm sure I can be straight, but I don't want to bend, so I surrendered to City Lord Cao."


Cao Yan left the underground space and returned to the study. Secretary Dai and Tao Hua also followed in, their eyes shining brightly: "Boss, did you really arrest the Pope?"


Boss Cao nodded, and took out the Great Canon to learn about it.

As soon as the great light code appeared, it immediately vibrated and glowed, trying to break free from his control.

Cao Yan also felt a wave of hostility coming from the classics.

"This Great Canon of Light has been integrated with the spirit and faith of successive popes and countless believers in the church for a long time, and it is almost perfect." Cao Yan murmured.

The two little secretaries came to the left and right behind their boss, leaned on Cao Yan's shoulders, and watched the Great Light Code together: "This code is said to be the scripture handed down by the King of Light when he entered our green forest world. , is the most important inheritance of the church, and the head of the three holy relics."

Cao Yan turned his head and said, "You two stand back, the things on my shoulders are too heavy."

The two secretaries smiled, as if they hadn't heard, and didn't leave.

The moment Boss Cao opened the Codex of Great Light, an accident suddenly occurred.

Because the law code was opened by him, in the pictures carried on some of the pages, the figures of gods began to glow, and there were the voices of priests chanting scriptures.

The pictures in the Codex seemed to come alive, and they attacked Cao Yan at the same time.

One of the gods roared in the pages of the book, throwing the spear of judgment in his hand, and another god bent his bow and set an arrow, and the golden arrow shot straight to the center of Cao Yan's eyebrows.

In an instant, the study room was filled with radiance and lightning intersected.

Hundreds of millions of scripture civilizations in the classics were destroyed, branded in the void, and beams of light shot up into the sky.

Boss Cao stretched out his hand and flicked it, and the power of theocracy circulated with his fingertips, promoting the power of the dark kingdom of God, and suppressing all kinds of attacks that rushed out of the code.

Those attacks were shrouded by the power of darkness and fell into his hands, shooting and agitating, but they couldn't get rid of his control.

"Although the Great Canon of Light is miraculous, if it loses its users, it is like water without roots, everything will be broken."

Cao Yan asked the two heavy little secretaries: "Can you absorb this great book of light?"

Dai Huanyu and Taohua regretted: "The power of faith contained in it is too thick. Compared with it, our spiritual power is like the difference between gravel and Xiongfeng. If we rashly absorb the Great Light Canon, it will be plundered and swallowed by it instead." our spirit."

At this time, Cao Yan suddenly had a special feeling for a page in the Great Light Canon.

He looked down, doubts flashed across his eyes, he stretched out his hand to grab something, and he grabbed something from the space where the pages were sealed.

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