Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 855 Cao Yan became the main god?

In the Earth Lung Abyss, the light was dim, and the battle quickly became intense.

A huge roar shook the entire abyss.

Abyssal species such as demon-hunting spiders, lemures, and crypt creatures fled in panic, far away from the terrifying fluctuations in the center of the war.

From Cao Yan's observation, the abyssal beings fighting against the hunting team looked similar to the monsters in Journey to the West.

Their skin color is close to dark gray, as if they were made of rock, and there are half-moon-shaped textures on the surface of their skin.

Living in the dark and lightless underground abyss for a long time, their eyes have degenerated to a certain extent, are very small, and have no whites like demons, and are cold and frightening.

The powers controlled by these gods of the abyss are all evil. Darkness, tearing, erosion and other skill attributes often appear when they take action.

Fortunately, after everyone in the hunting team entered the Realm of Gods, they quickly became rich by relying on gangsters. Their strength improved significantly, and they always took the initiative after the battle.

Especially with the cooperation of Dandan and other magic pets, the advantage of the hunting team is even more obvious.

Soon, the gods of the Abyss God System were stuck in the spider webs and became prisoners.

There is a temple made of black crystal under the abyss, and the hunting team fights with their opponents in the square in front of the temple.

At this time, heavy footsteps came from the temple, and a tall figure wearing dark armor and a ferocious face walked out slowly.

He held a pitch-black war gun in his hand. The void at the front of the gun collapsed into pieces, and it was extremely sharp.

Oher stepped towards the god holding a war spear and spoke a long sentence in devilish language.

The abyss god was surprised when he heard this, and frowned at Oher.

"Pure-blooded devil!"

He whispered softly, spoke back, and started a conversation with Oher.

But after only saying three or four sentences, a wave of divine power suddenly appeared between his eyebrows, and a black godhead slowly emerged, like a third eye. There is a hidden crack in the middle of the godhead, as if a bottomless abyss is sealed.

With the emergence of the godhead, the breath of the entire Earth Lung Abyss seemed to boil, and it collapsed towards its location.

The dark war gun in the god's hand was buzzing continuously, and the aura was rising steadily. In the blink of an eye, there was a trace of terrifying fluctuations at the level of the Lord God.

Boss Cao peeked at the screen to watch the battle.

Secretly thinking: Looking at the situation just now, it was obvious that Oher wanted to use his identity as a demon to communicate with this abyssal god system, but in the end the talks broke down, and the other party wanted to use more tricks to fight to the death.

Cao Yan suddenly disappeared from the study.

At this time, Auch in the abyss also had a solemn expression. This down-and-out abyssal god system actually hid such a strong trump card. That war gun is obviously an extremely powerful artifact, otherwise it would be impossible to condense fluctuations close to the main god level.


The war gun separated into wisps of thin black threads and shot towards Ohe and the hunting team at a speed like lightning.

The black energy outside Oher's body surged wildly, and the figure of the ancient demon loomed in the rolling demonic energy. Ripples rushed out of his mouth, facing the black line released by the war gun.

At this moment, Boss Cao rushed over via teleportation.

A ball of pure and dark breath surged in his hand, a kingdom of gods floating and sinking in that darkness.

The black line emitted by the abyss war gun was instantly dragged into the Kingdom of God in the darkness, assimilated and disappeared.

The next moment, darkness flowed back, fading away from Cao Yan's hands.

The whole place suddenly fell silent.

There are eight gods in the Abyss God System, three of whom have been captured. The remaining four surround the Abyss God holding a war gun and confront the hunting team.

Everyone's eyes fell on Boss Cao.

After he appeared, Auch and everyone in the hunting team bowed with respect, immediately showing Boss Cao's status as a top boss.

The gods of the Abyss God System couldn't help but be surprised.

You must know that the devil's unruly nature is unchangeable.

I have never heard of a pure-blooded demon surrendering to any race or individual other than the non-demon clan.

"Can this human being in front of me conquer a pure-blooded demon?!" the gods of the abyss thought.

"Oh, what did you say to them just now? Why did the conversation suddenly break down?" Cao Yan asked in a low voice.

The reason why he teleported here was because he had just peeked at the screen from a distance and used the rule attribute of the Divine Power of Destiny to predict the outcome of this battle in advance. Although they won in the end, six giants would be severely injured by the abyss war gun. Four of them died on the spot and two others were seriously injured.

Boss Cao only has such a small amount of money now, and each one is consumed less. This kind of loss must be avoided as much as possible.

Cao Yan came here just to change the outcome, so he used the Kingdom of Darkness as soon as he appeared.

"It's not that the talks have broken down. Their leader said that if I can withstand the attack he launched with the artifact without getting hurt, he will consider accepting my suggestion and cooperating with us."

Oher: "What I didn't expect was that they actually possess an artifact like the Abyss War Gun, which is so powerful."

It turns out to be Jiang Zi. Cao Yan thought that he had made the world of gods simple before. Unexpectedly, a dilapidated Abyss God System also had such a powerful trump card. It was not as easy as imagined to annex them, and it almost overturned, causing irreversible consequences.

At this time, Oher looked at the gods of the abyss and talked to them in devil language again.

"...Bara Bala..."

Boss Cao didn't understand a word, but he could roughly guess that Auch was asking the other party to surrender, otherwise he would destroy the Abyss God System.

Since a long time ago, the Abyss family was a vassal of the devil, they themselves were also a branch of the devil, and there was a hidden connection between the two races.

It is not unacceptable for the gods of the abyss to submit to a pure-blooded demon.

Therefore, it is appropriate for Auch to persuade them to surrender.

At this moment, the demonic energy in Ohe's body rose, and the ancestor of the demon suddenly differentiated.

He pointed at the ancestor of demons, and the demon language in his mouth was low and powerful, as if he was reciting some kind of sacrificial language unique to demons. When the gods of the Abyss God System saw the Demon Ancestor, their faces were full of disbelief and disbelief, and then quickly turned into expressions of fear and awe.

Several abyss gods looked at each other, and then bowed their heads to Auch and the Demon Ancestor, and saluted.

They then discovered Auch and the Demon Ancestor, turned around and stood behind Boss Cao, and once again showed Cao Yan's identity as the leader.

Several gods of the Abyss God System were shocked. The Demon Ancestor was already the most noble and powerful legendary existence they knew in countless eras.

Even the incarnation of the ancestor of demons has to stand behind a human youth!

What is the identity of this young man?

Several abyss gods buried their heads again, this time saluting Cao Yan, Auch, the ancestor of demons at the same time.

The attitude of these abyss gods after meeting the Demon Ancestor showed that they already agreed with Oher's meaning.

After that, Oher will conclude relevant contracts with them, and everyone will become a small cooperative partnership from now on. They will be subject to Oher's rule to a certain extent.

To put it simply, this recruitment operation was very successful, and the Abyss God System initially joined Boss Cao's evil gang.

Everyone immediately entered the somewhat dilapidated Abyss Temple not far away.

The temple was dimly lit, but fortunately everyone was a god and their eyes could be used as light bulbs, so they didn't care whether there was any light or not.

Boss Cao was at the top of the list, with his balls resting on his shoulders. The other demon pets had already been taken back into their trapping balls. Auch and Ju, together with everyone in the hunting team, sat on his left side in turn, and on his right were the gods of the abyss who had just joined.

They were new members, and they were a little confused about the boss Cao's temper. They sat there with their butts on half of the chairs, expressing that they were scared and did not dare to be on an equal footing with Boss Cao.

"Let's talk about your situation first." Cao Yan looked at the several gods who had settled down.

"Okay, Your Majesty the Lord God."

The eight gods of the Abyss God System are headed by the god who holds the Abyss War Spear.

He has a middle-aged appearance, is about ten feet tall, burly and powerful, and his god's name is Rosh Tanari.

Tanari is an ancient surname that has been passed down for a long time in the Abyss family. It was once very glorious and was a noble in the Abyss family.

Of course, it can’t be done now, it’s a miserable group.

He opened his mouth to call Cao Yan by the Lord God, which was actually a kind of temptation.

Cao Yan had just used the power of the Kingdom of Darkness to easily deflect the attack of the Abyss Tearing War Spear. Tanari felt that the power Cao Yan used at that time should be at the level of a main god. Because Cao Yan can borrow the power of the Temple of the Epoch and the Kingdom of Darkness, his own aura is unpredictable.

Tanari couldn't sense Cao Yan's level at all, so he took the opportunity to test it out.

He was overjoyed to find that Boss Cao accepted him as the Lord God calmly.

With their current strength, to be surrendered by the Lord God and become a subordinate, not only is it not embarrassing, but it is also an honor to be embraced by the Lord God.

Tanari was a little excited: "Dear Lord God, I have fifteen levels of power and am about to break through and reach the realm of gods.

There are seven gods under my command. We are suppressed by the light god system and are gradually declining, so we are hiding in the abyss of this earth.

We have descended from other planes with the projection of divine power, and the total number of believers we have recruited is less than one million, so our divine power is growing slowly. Lord God, please help us, and we are willing to be loyal in return. "

"What are the benefits of the projection of gods in other planes? Please tell me in detail." Cao Yan said.

Tanari asked in surprise: "Didn't your strength come from gathering faith, but rather relying on your own practice to reach your current state?"

If Cao Yan's power was gathered by the power of faith, it would be impossible for him to not understand the benefits of plane projection. So when Cao Yan asked this question, Tanari was so shocked that he almost knelt down and offered Cao Yan his knee.

Cao Yan nodded calmly and responded.

Tanari and several of the gods under his command stood up excitedly: "Sir, with your own cultivation, you can reach the level of the main god. You really have the status of a god king. You may have the opportunity to touch the eternal realm."

Cao Yan smiled secretly: I didn't say that I was the main god. If you insist on thinking so, you can't rely on me.

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