Magic Tech’s Lair

Chapter 856 Time flies

The abyss of earth and lungs.

Knowing that Boss Cao was a 'chief god' and had the status of a god-king, Tanari and several of his subordinates did not dare to sit back down after they stood up, and responded honestly:

"When we activate the godhead, we can sense the space-time location of the believers in the plane who offer us the power of faith, and then use it as a coordinate to push the godhead to lower the spiritual projection and manifest miracles, which can enhance the believer's faith level. In this way, believers can harvest the power of more pious faith, and ultimately achieve the purpose of improving their own divine power."

Cao Yan: "It sounds pretty fair. You and the believers each get what you need."

Tanari echoed: "Collecting the power of faith can increase divine power more quickly, and it is also the best way to expand the scale of the pantheon, so it is used by most gods. However, although this method is convenient, it is not as good as relying on oneself. Cultivation has reached the level of stability that comes from the realm of the Lord God.

Using the power of faith to promote the growth of divine power has an unavoidable drawback, which is that it will never reach a state above that of a god king. "

Tanari paused, then knelt down and said naturally:

"My lord, you can achieve the master god by relying on self-cultivation. You are truly a genius. I have never seen it in any god."

Cao Yan smiled noncommittally.

Relying on the power of believers' faith to improve oneself has the advantage of quick results, but the disadvantage is lack of stamina, which almost eliminates the possibility of entering the realm above the God King.

But having said that, even if you don’t use the power of faith to improve yourself, how many gods can really reach the level of hitting the realm of God King or above?

Therefore, whether you use the power of faith to improve yourself or not, there is a high probability that you will not be able to touch the realm above the God King. This is why most gods rely on the power of faith of their believers to help increase their own strength.

Of course, Cao Yan has no need for this at all, and his increase in supernatural power mainly relies on cheating.

His two big men, Auch and Ju, as well as his personal secretaries, all relied on the attendant system to become fake agents. They also did not need to consider the issue of improving their divine power, as long as they had enough points.

"Lord God, I have a question."

Tanari asked cautiously: "We are hiding here, how did you find us?"

Cao Yan: "I have a group of demon pets that can rely on devouring to obtain some of the memory fragments of the devoured ones. They recently ate a flying monster in the Sunset Wasteland. From the memory fragments of this monster, they discovered It has seen your figures moving near the Lung Abyss.

Then Oher and others came to investigate,

Until your hiding place is determined. "

Boss Cao is talking about the ant colony. The birth of Queen No. 2 has given the ant colony another opportunity to evolve as a whole.

Their abilities in various aspects also increase accordingly. After devouring certain creatures, part of the memory of the eaten creatures will be briefly 'read' by the ant colony.

This memory will be transmitted to the brain of the ant colony - the queen through biological connections. The queen will filter out the important parts and report it to Cao Yan.

No matter how careful these gods of the Abyss were, they would never have thought that they would be exposed because of the memory fragment of a bird that accidentally discovered their traces.

This method is equivalent to amplifying the search ability of the ant colony countless times in a diffuse manner. The disadvantage is that it is full of randomness and is actually not very practical.

Boss Cao explained briefly, and the gods of the abyss were dumbfounded.

Is there such an operation? !

"You have deep hatred against the Kingdom of Light. Have you ever considered how to fight back against them?" Cao Yan said.

Tanari said bitterly: "Of course we have thought about what the Lord said, but the power of the Light God System is too huge. The method we come up with will not be able to shake them at all. Instead, we will be hunted down by angels for revealing our traces, which will lead to the annihilation of the clan. disaster."

Cao Yan pondered for a moment and said to Auch: "You are responsible for the follow-up matters here. Remember to be cautious first and do it step by step. I'm going back." After saying this, he opened the door of space projection, stepped into it, and disappeared in an instant.

"How many Abyss Demons can you control under your command?" Auch asked.

Tanari: "We have more than 20,000 abyss lemures under our control, and an order of demon-hunting spider knights, with a total of more than 3,000 members. However, their combat power can only deal with beings below gods, and they are of no great use. "

Oher: “It’s enough to be able to probe around and act as an informant.

The boss is currently advancing a plan with the goal of annexing the weak gods that are hostile to the light gods. If you know the hiding places of other gods, please report them first, and we will select the next target from them.

If you don't know, send your demon slaves out to the west along the wasteland, in the opposite direction to the Kingdom of Light, and conduct a secret investigation. "

Tanari realized that Cao Yan's annexation of various divine systems, integrating small ones into large ones, was probably to go against the Light God System, and couldn't help but ask: "My lord, your ultimate goal is to shake the Light God System?"

Oher: "It's your duty to do your own thing and don't ask questions when you shouldn't."

Tanari nodded and said: "As far as I know, the Earth-lung Abyss where we live is like a natural barrier. After passing this abyss, there is a vast wilderness behind, and at the end of the wasteland there is Luochen Mountain. The geomagnetic environment in the mountains is complex. Some mountains hang directly in the sky, like ladders to heaven. If you climb them, you can enter a ruined divine kingdom in the starry sky.

There seems to be an unknown divine system hidden there, and I will arrange for someone to investigate. "

Two quarters of an hour later, on one side of the cliff in the Earth Lung Abyss, there was a figure who looked a bit like a caveman. He was short and agile, with a short tail of abyss lemures behind him. They crawled out of the abyss in an endless stream and headed towards the outside of the abyss. Running to the end of the wasteland.

Not long after, hyenas and ant colonies rushed out of the abyss and scattered to explore.

This abyss will become the first stable landing point for the hunting team after entering the world of gods.

Boss Cao's plan is now fully launched in the world of gods.

Time flies, and two years pass by in a blink of an eye.

Two years later, in the green jungle world, the Cathedral of the Kingdom of God.

Shugel, the commander of the Ninth Angel Army, was sitting in the study room of the former Pope's palace.

After two years of precipitation, the Ninth Army has basically taken over the affairs of the church, and the church that was destroyed several times has been restored to integrity under their reconstruction.

Currently, Shugel is temporarily acting as the pope and is in charge of various official affairs of the church.

At this time, he suddenly had a feeling and turned his head to look not far away.

The space wall there fluctuated unsteadily, rippled, and slowly parted sideways. Aether in a white robe broke through the space wall and walked out.

Shugel's eyes lit up and he blurted out: "Where have you been in the past two years? Why are you back now when there is no news?"

Ether entered the depths of the eternal jungle two years ago and put the artifact of faith given by the Lord of Light into the chaos. At first, it unfolded smoothly.

But just when he was about to retire after his victory, the chaos suddenly expanded, ignoring the distance, and enveloped him in an instant.

Eta was shocked, he knew how terrifying the thing sleeping deep in the chaos was.

If he wakes up, he won't even have a chance to resist.

Fortunately, things weren't as bad as he expected.

He was dragged into the chaos, feeling only a majestic pressure that made his whole body burst, but there was no other danger.

After he calmed down, he reorganized what happened and came to a guess. The reason why Chaos expanded was probably because of the expansion effect caused by the breathing of the terrifying existence sleeping in it.

With this guess, Aether stood still and did not move rashly.

If his judgment is correct and the expansion of chaos is caused by the breathing of the beings in it, then there will be expansion and contraction, and staying in place is the safest way to deal with it.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the terrifying existence in the chaos breathed again, and the chaos shrank, sending the ether standing there again like a receding tide.

Aether breathed a sigh of relief and immediately left the vicinity of the chaotic area, preparing to return to the church.

What he didn't expect was that he felt like he had only been in the chaos for a few minutes, but in fact the order of time and space in the chaos was abnormal and could not be measured by common sense.

In the time that the Green Jungle World was in that chaos, two years had passed, which was unbelievable.

This is the reason why the ether has been silent for two years and has not returned until this moment.

He gave Shu Geer a brief explanation, and then asked: "What changes have occurred in the Green Jungle World in the past two years, and what is the situation with the heretic named Cao Yan?"

“We have been having conflicts with the local forces in the Green Jungle World.

But the Sky City... disappeared more than a year ago! It has never appeared in the past year. No one knows where it went. Cao Yan also disappeared along with the Sky City. However, there is a huge warship belonging to the Sky City, which appears and fights with us from time to time. "

"The Sky City is missing?" Aether was surprised.

"Yes, I tried looking for traces of it, but I couldn't find any useful clues."

Shugel said solemnly: "In the year before it disappeared, we found that the power of Sky City grew very rapidly, and the number of powerful gods under their command increased significantly.

More importantly, the number of ants that can cause harm to angels has grown at an alarming rate.

The Sky City attacked us for the last time before disappearing. The ants that appeared covered the night sky, like a natural disaster. We lost over four thousand angels in that battle. "

"so much……"

Aether frowned and said, "Let me try and see if I can find any trace of the Sky City."

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