Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 903: Elemental world

Remember in a second【】

How to get to the Elemental Realm?

The formal method is to build a good relationship with the elemental lord, so that the other party is willing to invite a magician - who has the ability to summon elemental spirits, and also summons an elemental lord-level elf, which cannot be an ordinary person or an ordinary magician - to go to his domain guest.

Ordinary people invite people to visit their home, of course they have to give their address, so that the guest will know where to go. What the element lord gave was a set of coordinates that could be used by the teleportation magic circle.

However, teleportation coordinates are dead, as long as a magician who is proficient in teleportation magic array gets it, he can send himself to the element lord's home that gave the coordinates. But the magician who can obtain this set of coordinates usually has an agreement with the elemental lord, or even a contract. These are all recognized people, not anyone who comes through that set of coordinates will get the same recognition from the elemental lord.

And the elemental lords are very interesting. They didn't recognize the magician they recognized at first, but the blood of the magician. In other words, even if the magician died at the beginning, their descendants would still have a way to deal with these elemental lords, even if this descendant was a mess.

There are various factors for recognizing bloodlines instead of people in this way. The main reason is that the lifespan of human beings is too short. In comparison, elemental lords are almost immortal. In addition, they are blind to the appearance of human beings, so they only look for the parts they can recognize.

However, for those uninvited strangers, except for a very small number of elemental lords with considerable personality and temper—usually fire elemental lords have such problems, most elemental lords are still welcome. The reason is that these almost immortal beings are willing to deal with a powerful magician, that is, resource exchange.

The local specialties of the four major elemental worlds may not fully meet the needs of elemental creatures, and there are always some places that cannot be taken into account. To fill these, you need to start from the outside. It can be plunder, of course, it can also be a transaction.

In other words, from the very beginning, the element lords would be willing to deal with magicians, focusing on the resources that the element world does not have. That being the case, it doesn't matter who you deal with. If you just change the partner, of course the originally negotiated conditions will not count, and you will have to renegotiate.

From this point of view, it seems that the teleportation coordinates leading to the elemental world should be all over the world. The elemental world also opened its doors, welcoming all magicians to visit.

Actually not.

Elemental lords need special resources that are not available in the elemental world, but that are available in the lost land. For this reason, of course they have to use the special products of the elemental world to trade with the lost magicians. So for a lost magician, having a coordinate leading to the elemental world means having an endless supply of resources in the elemental world.

These are everywhere in the elemental world, and the value of things that are similar to garbage is brought to Midi, and the value is more than doubled. Although the things I have to give are not necessarily rare magic materials; but no matter how rare they are, they are no more than those obtained from the elemental world, and they are nowhere to be found in the Lost Land.

In other words, a teleportation coordinate leading to the elemental world represents an unimaginably huge benefit, and it is sustainable. Under such a premise, how could a mage or mage family who possessed the teleportation coordinates of the elemental world reveal this chicken that lays golden eggs to the public. It must be hidden and covered, and no one else will know. …

As for another possible way to go to the elemental world, it is the half-failed teleportation magic. You can teleport people, but you don't know where they will be teleported. There is always a chance that you will be sent to the elemental world by chance...

Basically, you have to believe in this probability. Maybe you are standing in an open area on a sunny day, and suddenly a thunderstorm sounds out of thin air, just like that, killing people. The probability of this kind of thing happening is relatively high.

"So, are you suggesting that we rob a certain magic family?" Although Fern was just asking, what he was doing was different from what he said.

She is preparing her own weapons, including a lightsaber and a magic gun that has not been used for a long time. And adjust the tightness of each part of the four spirit suit, as well as the assembly that is not suitable for combat. And began to use the index system designed by Kaya based on the forum backdoor loopholes to start such a magic family. After all, not everyone would say in a high-profile manner how their family's wealth came from.

Judging by Fen's demeanor, she looked like she was going to rob, and someone had no choice but to find a way to stop this lich. Because if the former Lord Demon King really finds any clues, the other party will definitely find that hapless magic family and grab the things first.

If the thing you're looking for is real, you can still persuade the other party to steal it. Anyway, with the flashing technique, you can go straight to the highest level in the thieves profession, that is, the realm of the thief.

It's a pity that what I want to know is not a physical item, but a piece of information. So in order to confirm who knows, the easiest way for the Lich is to torture the 'soul' of the insider. Don't think that this is a recoverable and reversible operation. The soul that would obediently answer the truth under the hands of the Lich must belong to the dead, and this is also because undead magic cannot control the soul of the living.

"Calm down for a moment. I won't talk about the second way to get lucky, and I don't plan to take the first way. Besides, no matter who you want to rob, if you have a way to guard this big cake, you don't have to. What kind of good will it be. Maybe it is better than evil, we are not necessarily afraid of each other now, but why bother? They didn't provoke us."

After spitting, Fen complained: "I dare say that you just said a lot of words, it's all nonsense."

"What nonsense. If there are no such details, how can it be shown that I have used a different method, not only

^0^Remember in one second【】

Clever, saves trouble and effort, is more powerful than those magicians who are not enterprising and go astray. "Someone said proudly.

"Yes, yes, it's even more powerful. So what is the method that makes you so confident? Don't tell me that you haven't thought about it yet. My will hit others involuntarily On the head, the kind that smashed the brain out."

Seeing that his life was threatened, Lin didn't have the guts to dare to show off, and said directly: "The answer is very simple, it is to play a bad flashing technique."

To this unexpected but seemingly expected answer, Fern kept silent, waiting for someone to explain.

"With the distance and dimension data, the flash technique can theoretically lead us anywhere. This is the most common method we use. But as long as there is data of space transmission, or the phenomenon we can observe, we can go back and find the teleportation The source of the world is not difficult. So as long as there are instances of being transported from the elemental world to the lost place, then it is only a matter of calculation for me to find the exact location of the elemental world."

"How could there be..." Instinctively wanting to object, Fen, who was halfway through speaking, thought of another possibility, and said in a skeptical tone: "Three-ring apprentice-level magic, elf summoning?"

"Yes, just using this apprentice-level magic, you should be able to reverse the position of the elemental world. Don't you think that this method is much easier than robbery or something." Lin said bewitchingly.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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