Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 904: elf call

The magic ceremony room is the most important unit facility in the residence of most magicians, second only to the meditation room.

Although it's called the 'ceremony room', the most powerful defensive magic, sealing magic, and detection blocking magic that a magician knows will be used here. Anyway, it can be arranged as firmly as possible. Because the official purpose of the ceremony room is to allow magicians to summon creatures from different planes, demons, and demons. So from the layout of a ceremony room, you can probably understand the level of the magician.

After all, summoning such a thing, if there is a mistake, it is mostly a major event, and rarely a small matter. In order to prevent those unexpected things from happening and spreading to the outside world, the ceremony room has the function of sealing the inside and blocking the outside. In this way, try to keep things that should not have happened but happened within the enchantment as much as possible. Of course, it's not unheard of to play off.

And because the protection of the ceremony room is so strong, sometimes magicians or apprentices want to experiment with a new magic, but they are unwilling to spread too much; or to prevent inadvertent disclosure, or to be prying into the secrets of their own spells, they It will also enter the ritual room to perform magic. This is an incidental use of the ceremony room.

But... for someone and the lich, the normality of others is not something these two would do. Of course, there is a magic ceremony room in the home of the holy city of Estali, but the layout inside is only quite satisfactory. It is just a few magic apprentices such as Hallomi, Kaya, Leonardo, and the Marquis Baran, which can be used to test the level of their magic, and there is no further strengthening of the protection strength.

In someone's words: So far I haven't been able to find a defense method that can resist anti-power magic attacks, so before the anti-power magic is researched, all protective magic is a piece of shit, so don't worry too much.

In the words of the Lich: there is nothing that I cannot solve. If so, what protective magic is there against such things.

In short, the two monsters, which were so destructive that they didn't know how to defend themselves, didn't pay much attention to the ceremony room. But there are still times when they are useful, like today.

It was rare for the two of them to be fully armed, carrying all the weapons they could carry, and Lin even hid a 'little cricket' in his arms. If it weren't for the heavy sniper rifle with anti-power magic at its core—Youwo Wusheng is too big, Lin would want to carry this heavy sniper rifle with him.

Although Fen had thought of bringing his most powerful subordinate—the original suture corpse Stone, but the body he possesses now is a living flesh. This means that Stone has all the needs and weaknesses of normal creatures. On the contrary, it is not like the body of the undead in the past, who can go to all kinds of strange environments without any worries. Anyway, if the body is broken, if it is not repaired, it will be fine if it is replaced.

In short, the loyal subordinate stood outside the magic circle in the ceremony room, and there were only two people standing opposite each other in the circle, who were about to cast... the three-ring apprentice-level magic—Spirit Summoning.

According to the current level of the two people in the magic circle, the elf summoning is a magic that can be completed with a flick of a finger. It stands to reason that there is no need for such a big battle, and they even nest in a specially prepared magic circle to cast it. But for Lin, summoning the elemental spirits is not the focus this time around. The key point is to go back to the source in the process of summoning, find out where the summoned elf came from, and then come to visit.

If you can't find it once, then call the second and third times. I guess I'll keep trying until my patience wears off. At least the method in front of me feels much easier than finding the magician family with the coordinates leading to the elemental world and forcing the other party to hand it over.

Speaking of which, it was quite a long time ago that the two of them used the magic of elf summoning last time.

Before Lin settled in the Tower of the Great Sage, during the time when he was often out on adventures and fighting with uncivilized goblins, he often summoned low-level earth elemental elves to serve as human shields. After that, the ability to escape will increase greatly, and if there is a disagreement, you will run until you disappear. Of course, you don't need a meat shield to be in the back.

As for Fen, probably after he learned to summon undead creatures, he no longer summoned elemental creatures. Because the two are similar in purpose and opposite in nature, the elemental creatures don't know which tendon is wrong, it is not right with the undead creatures. Nine out of ten times out of ten when he was summoned by a lich, he immediately started making trouble. So it was at least a thousand years ago that Fen cast the magic of summoning elves before, when she was still learning magic.

Although the two of them were not cautious about casting spells after a long time, they were still very cautious. They followed the spell-casting steps in memory and completed them step by step. No rush, no rush.

First of all, sprinkle some small fragments of Hongyao magic stones in the center of the magic circle. This is the sacrifice for summoning the elves, and it is also the price for making the elemental elves visualize in the lost world. Basically, the higher the value of the sacrifice and the richer the power it contains, the more powerful the elves can be summoned.

But just like what I said before, what Lin paid attention to was the process, not what was summoned. Coupled with the possibility of repeating the summoning countless times, Lin didn't intend to waste too many resources in such a small place.

Fern held a clod of soil and gently placed it in the magic circle calling circle. This is to provide the summoned elemental spirits. After the land is concretized, they can possess them. live. The strength of the elf that is summoned and materialized is of course also related to the possession body. Even clods and mud can only summon the lowest level of earth elemental spirits.

This is also the result of Lin and Fen's discussion. It is not only for a specific element attribute, but in the order of earth, water, fire, and wind, and the magic of summoning spirits is cast in turn. On the one hand, it is also hoped that in the process of change, the difference between the magic of summoning elves before and after is compared, and then the position of the elemental world can be calculated.

The chanting of the mantra was slow and low, slowly chanting word by word. The thin power that was floating in the air was stimulated by the sound of the incantation, bursting out a little bit of fluorescence, and gathered towards the fragments of the Hongyao magic stone. And the power contained in the magic stone fragments turned into a colorful trickle and floated into the soil.

After a while, the clod of soil vibrated, and then began to rotate left and right in layers. During the vibration and rotation, the clod of soil changed its shape and stretched out its limbs. All of a sudden, it becomes a human form.

The three elements that affect the summoning of elves, in addition to the aforementioned sacrifices and possessions, the third element is the strength of the summoner. And the summoned elemental spirits, the clearer their image, the stronger their strength. The worst, of course, is a bunch of low-level mobs like ooze monsters, ghost fires, and slimes that can't be distinguished.

However, the elemental elves summoned by Fen and Lin with such great care will not be low-ranking miscellaneous fish. Although he is a little smaller, only the size of a palm, his hands, feet and waist are quite obvious. Although it has no eyes, it seems that it is very interested in the environment it is in from the head that looks around.

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