Magic Tower Starry Sky

Chapter 905: Elemental Spirit

The summoned earth elemental spirit is using its small size, which is not at all commensurate with the word 'bulky', to hit the barrier of the magic circle.

This magic wall is just a wall, there is no redundant function such as anti-injury. At best, he was on guard against the little thing in front of him, who just wanted to run outside when he was summoned.

In the eyes of other knowledgeable people, this earth elemental spirit has reached the height of the 'Holy Spirit'. Don't look at it as weak and small, but when it comes to the integrity of its body, it is beyond the reach of most magicians who summon spirits. Using the terminology of a certain crossover, even if it is a novice monster, this one can be regarded as an elite monster or boss of Novice Village.

However, a traveler has no time to boast at this time, he is browsing the spatial fluctuation data recorded just now from his own field of vision. To use the relevant knowledge of the flash technique to reverse the source of the arrival of the elemental spirits, these fluctuation data that ordinary people cannot see are crucial.

Fern waited quietly and patiently. She understands the character of the man in front of her very well. As long as the direction is not deviated, the other party will do things in an orderly and fast manner. At this time, urging the other party is almost always a matter of scolding. When obsessed with something, this daring guy doesn't care if he is sitting in front of him.

The waiting time was not long, and it could even be said to be shorter than the lich expected. The person in front of him laughed twice and said, "Sure enough, it's about the same as what I guessed."

"Have you found the coordinates of the Earth Elemental World?" Not only Fen, but also the four magic apprentices staying at the periphery, and some children who were interested in magic and came to watch with permission, were also curious about what someone said.

Lin did not answer directly, but said: "There is no rush. Let's summon the remaining three elemental spirits to verify my thoughts. Only then can I be more sure."

Regardless of the earth elemental world, or the three elemental worlds of water, fire, and wind, Fen has to go there. So Fern had no objection to someone's opinion. He beckoned and asked his apprentice to bring in the second set of materials, and at the same time take out the earth elemental elf who was having a great time hitting the wall. This little guy at the 'Holy Spirit' level is not in a hurry to disperse it, and save it for a time when it may come in handy.

The second thing to be summoned is the water elemental spirit, and the material of the possession body is a bowl of pure water without impurities. Following the same steps, what was finally summoned was an ultra-small water elemental body resembling a mermaid. It leaned against the mouth of the bowl, looking at everything around it with the same curiosity.

I heard that after being summoned, powerful water elemental creatures can swim in the air like fish. But this little mermaid obviously doesn't have this ability, so she can only sit in the bowl, leaning on the edge of the bowl.

The third is the fire elemental spirit, which looks like a snake. It was quite nerve-wracking to roam around at first, but when they saw the water elemental spirit, the two confronted each other as if they were enemies, and they were extremely jealous.

The Fire Snake slipped to the side of the big bowl, coiled its body several times, held its head up, and yelled at each other with or without the mermaid in the bowl. However, the sound between the elemental spirits is a wavelength that ordinary people cannot hear. But even those who could hear it didn't hear the complete sentence. It felt more like two dogs who didn't like each other, whining with their voices in their mouths.

The fourth wind elemental spirit is more troublesome, because with ordinary methods, you can't see each other at all. In addition, the enchantment barrier protecting the magic circle is not a particularly powerful and comprehensive magic circle, but just above the level of ordinary magicians, so the wind elemental spirit found a loophole and got out.

This mischievous naughty ghost seems to understand his own advantages. I didn't even think about running outside, I just wandered around the ceremony room. Laughter like silver bells resounded around the crowd, and the clothes and hair of several apprentices and children were pulled from time to time. This is also the reason why most magicians don't like to summon wind element spirits. It is too difficult to control, but those who know how to use them can have miraculous effects.

"Hehehehe, you can't catch me." The summoned wind elemental spirit provoked the people present with a non-standard lingua franca. Compared with the first three elemental spirits, the rank of this wind elemental spirit is undoubtedly higher.

When someone summons the wind elemental spirit, he doesn't want to order it to do anything, but just wants to find out the location of the wind elemental world. And by observing the direction of air flow, he could easily grasp the position of the wind elemental spirit.

In Lin's vision, the wind elemental spirits were like a group of small human-shaped tornadoes. They kept changing positions in the non-airtight ceremony room at a speed that ordinary people's naked eyes could hardly keep up with, and never thought of running out.

And the earth element spirit, which is the opposite of it, is not even lazy to look up at this guy. Maybe it's knowing that I can't catch up, or other reasons. Anyway, the wind and earth elemental spirits don't face each other like the water and fire elemental spirits.

While this little thing didn't do any damage, it was annoying. All kinds of ridicule, map cannons fired randomly, no matter how good-tempered someone is, he can't stand this noisy little thing. Not to mention that the current personality is also different from the past, even though someone is not aware of it.

So Lin didn't even think about it, a special use of the flashing technique - fetching objects from the air, and grabbed the wind elemental spirit in his hand. Then keep moving towards the direction where the wind elemental spirit wants to escape, filling the endless space. For a moment, this restless little thing seemed to be imprisoned in his own Let me out, let me out! Do you know who I am, human. I am the child of the great Elemental Lord Britt. All your disrespectful actions will eventually be avenged by my father, an elemental lord! "

Seeing the anxious appearance of the wind elemental spirit, someone suddenly thought, is this the way that Sun Monkey can't escape from the Tathagata's palm? However, facing the threat of this little thing, Lin curiously asked the Lich beside him, and said, "Elemental elves can pass on their families? Otherwise, how could there be fathers and sons and children."

Although not familiar with the elemental world, Lich still knows some common sense. She just shook her head and said: "How could the elemental elves have those behaviors. But they like to imitate. Imitate the appearance of creatures, imitate the behavior of animals, and imitate the behavior of human civilization. Maybe those relationships that cannot exist are actually also It's just a representation they imitated."

What Fern said is also the common perception among lost magicians. It is also precisely because the stronger the summoned elemental spirits are, the more specific the image of their dependent bodies will be. This has also become a way for lost magicians to measure their own understanding and proficiency in 'summoning spirits'.

However, no matter whether the relationship between elves is real, or just imitating the behavior of human society, I don't care whether the conversation between two humans is related to seeing through their own behavior. The captured wind elemental elf cursed unceremoniously, and the more he cursed, the more fluent he was, and all the words he didn't say came out.

The person being scolded didn't think much, and reached out to touch his left shoulder. Draw the knife, wave it! Then the world went quiet. The box-cut version of Rambo Knife was quietly held in someone's hand, hanging beside him, without even a word of coquettishness.

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