
Chapter 121 119 Master Bai punches the Arctic Wolf (this chapter was missing a paragraph when it was

Chapter 121 119. Master Bai punches the Arctic Wolf (this chapter was missing a paragraph when it was first released, but it has been added)

"Wait, what is that?" Subway seemed to have seen something and pointed to a small hillside not far away in surprise.

Suddenly, four figures rushed out from behind the hillside.

"Lightning strike!"

Silver Tiger rushed at the front, his hand like a whip, swiping at the fake Russell disguised as an Arctic wolf. A silver-white thunder whip shot out from his hand and rushed towards the Arctic Wolf with a crackling sound.

"Huh?" The Arctic Wolf, who used illusion magic to look like Russell, felt a chill on his back and quickly hid aside. Lightning struck the small tree on his right, turning the entire tree black.

However, the Arctic Wolf was in a hurry and was unable to completely dodge the attack. It was struck by lightning, and a part of the silver-white electric current wrapped around its body. Electricity snaked up and down its entire body, and its body twitched sharply.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

What a powerful lightning strike, even if it hits directly, it is so powerful. It's stronger than the lightning strike spell I used before. Could it be an elite in the late second grade... Behind the big tree, Zhen Russell's thoughts were filled with thoughts when he saw this scene.

The Arctic Wolf barely recovered from the pain of the lightning strike, feeling shocked and confused:

"You are……"

Before the Arctic Wolf could finish speaking, the Wolf Spider rushed after him.

Wolf Spider used the Giant Transformation Technique on himself in advance. He was now more than three meters tall. He used one step as two steps and ran with long strides. He rushed straight in front of the Arctic Wolf disguised as Russell and grabbed the Arctic Wolf fiercely.

"Watch me crush your bones!"

Arctic Wolf felt that the body that had just been passed through by the electric current was very painful from being hugged by the wolf spider. He was also a deformation and transformation system. He did not hesitate and used the "shrinking technique", and his body suddenly shrunk to the size of a palm.

After shrinking, the Arctic wolf nimbly escaped from the wolf spider's arms, circled behind the wolf spider, grew into the wind, and returned to its original size again.

After all, he is also the boss of the White Wolf Club! No matter how bad his level is, he can't compare to the first-year students in the same major.

In the darkness, Wolf Spider didn't even see clearly what happened, and disappeared while holding Russell.

"Tarantula? Why are you? Shiro, Emerald guys?"

The Arctic Wolf broke free from the restraints, looked around, and saw his younger brother Bai, as well as his younger brothers Silver Tiger and Jade Cat rushing towards him from all directions, his eyes were blank.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! Stop! I am your boss..."

Before he could explain clearly, the spells of Jade Cat and Bai also hit at the same time, and two balls of blue cold energy attacked the Arctic Wolf.

Bai is also a student of the Department of Elements and Energy!

A strong chill spread throughout his body, and frost appeared on the Arctic Wolf's upper body, and his mouth was sealed by pure white frost.

"I told you to talk nonsense, I told you to talk nonsense, and you still mocked me for saying something sarcastic?" The Emerald Cat roared viciously, venting his anger.

This is thinking that I am Russell... The Arctic Wolf was about to cry without tears. He reached out and grabbed the blazing glue around his waist, hoping to melt the ice with this alchemical liquid that would ignite when it encounters air.

Silver Tiger, the strongest among the four, had already finished his spell buffering period. He still wanted to resist when he saw "Russell", so he clenched his right fist at the Arctic Wolf.

A large mass of cold current surged forward, solidifying the ice on the Arctic Wolf's upper body. The white frost deepened, freezing his hands around his waist.

The four of them punched and kicked the Arctic wolf in the middle without using any spells.

It seems that only fists and kicks can best express anger.

Bai seemed to be affected by some mysterious causal power, his intelligence was reduced, he laughed like a stupid villain, and said the familiar lines of Arctic Wolf:

"Hahahaha, Russell, this is what happens if you offend our White Wolf Club! Do you know how powerful our White Wolf Club is? How dare you go against us!"

Help, I'm your brother. I got the wrong person. Oops... The Arctic wolf was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his eyes were full of resentment.

After being beaten for a while, he spit out ice from his mouth, seized the opportunity, and wiped it on his face, terminating the "disguise illusion" and "changing appearance" spells, and returned to his original appearance.

The boss Arctic Wolf, who looks handsome, wears leather shoes, fashionable white clothes, and has a strong murderous aura, but has a bruised nose and face, appears in front of everyone!

"You've got the wrong person. I'm your boss Arctic Wolf! Brother, it's your brother and me!"

The four people stopped punching and kicking.

They were stunned, staring at the Arctic wolf surrounded in the middle.

Fortunately, okay, the misunderstanding was finally resolved... The Arctic Wolf panted heavily, feeling lucky to survive the disaster.

Bai Xiemei smiled and snorted coldly:

“Russell, I thought you had some brains to concoct such a clumsy lie!

"You want to deceive us by changing your appearance? I asked the giant bear before I came here. You have a contracted spirit body that can transform into a disguised person!"

"If you are really the boss, how can you not even beat us four first- and second-year students? Next time, make up a more normal lie."

Wolf Spider, Jade Cat, and Silver Tiger also laughed together.

"Keep beating me!"

Bai waved fiercely to the other three people.

Another round of punches and kicks.

In the dark forest, there is a small wooden house with one-legged chicken feet.

As a legend of the psychic and illusion department, Thorn Bird, dressed as a widow in a black dress, was flipping through a book at the table.

Suddenly, her expression condensed, as if she felt a message coming from the distant beginning.

That was the early warning spell that the Thorn Bird once set on the Arctic wolf, which would be triggered when the Arctic wolf suffered a serious injury.

As long as the Arctic Wolf is not in another dimension when he is severely injured, she can feel it, so that the servant will not die inexplicably.

The Thorn Bird flicked his wrist on the page, using the supernatural connection between himself and his servants to see the current situation of the Arctic Wolf.

The original writing on the page disappeared, and the scene next to the Arctic Wolf in the junior high school appeared.

Four people, including Arctic Wolf's younger brother Bai, were punching and kicking Arctic Wolf!

From time to time, they would say things like, "Let you pretend to be the boss," or "Pretend to be my brother if you can't pretend to be someone else."

"So that's what happened..." The Thorn Bird looked at the dynamic pictures on the page and immediately understood the Arctic wolf's situation.

"If that's the case, then I have no choice but to..."

The Thorn Bird held its chin with its right hand and watched the dynamic pictures in the book with great interest. There was a faint smile on the corner of its mouth, as if it was watching an interesting live broadcast.

"It's quite interesting..."

behind trees.

Subway and Russell watched silently.

"Hahahaha, Russell, this husky is so stupid. He just changed back to his original appearance and said he was the husky of the White Wolf Club. Isn't that the end of it? He had to disguise himself as the Arctic Wolf, the boss of the White Wolf Club. Who would believe this? Huh? Arctic Wolf is a powerful fourth grader, how could he be beaten like this by four first and second graders?" Subway covered his mouth and suppressed his laughter.

Russell, who knew the truth, twitched the corners of his mouth and rolled his eyes.

He turned to ask:

"Do we need to help the husky?"

"Is it necessary? You are really a good person." Subway curled his lips.

Ever since they heard that Clara was bullied by the people in the White Wolf Club, Subway didn't have any good impressions of the White Wolf Club as a whole. They treat their own people beating their own people as if they were just watching a show.

From Subway's perspective, the White Wolf Club has done a lot of disgraceful things, from initiation ceremonies to bullying. As one of their "Huskies", even if they have not done anything bad, they should still sit together.

"But if it's so one-sided that Bai and the others beat the Huskies, wouldn't it be an advantage for Bai and his younger brother?" Russell proposed a new thinking angle.

"And 'myself' was beaten the whole time and had no ability to resist at all. It always leaves a bad impression."

"What you said makes sense, what should I do?" Subway seriously considered Russell's proposal.

Without hesitation, Russell opened the liquid compartment of the dimensional pocket and issued instructions with his consciousness to activate the "invisible flight potion" inside.

——This is a "flying potion in which only the potion itself can fly" based on "invisibility potion in which only the potion itself becomes invisible".

It is a magic potion with two functions: invisibility and flight!

An invisible stream of clear water flew out of the backpack and attacked the chaotic battlefield.

Russell raised his left hand, put it to his mouth, and gave instructions to the two spirits possessing him:

"Wind Chimes, Hidden One, obey my orders..."

Immediately afterwards, Russell took out a golden pot-shaped magic lamp from the dimension pocket.

Wishing magic lamp!

Over the past period of time, Russell conducted many experiments on the magic lamp.

The tester is of course not himself, but the spirit of the wind chime.

Russell promised that no soul would be harmed during the experiment.

The test results show that the djinn is an elemental creature, with strength comparable to that of a second-year student, mastering some magic in the fields of wind and cloud, and has the ability to teleport over short distances.

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