
Chapter 122 120 Russell’s Magical Props

Chapter 122 120. Russell’s magical props

The five members of the White Wolf Club, Bai, Fengling, Jade Cat, Wolf Spider, and Silver Tiger, were punching and kicking "Russell".

"Rubbish Russell, let you pretend, let you pretend. Now you know how powerful we are. Take a punch from me!" Wind Chime punched out.

In the chaotic night, no one noticed that her fist passed directly through "Russell's" body.

Suddenly, Bai felt an unbearable choking sensation.

There seemed to be a mass of cold liquid soaking into his nasal cavity and invading his trachea.

Cough cough cough.

Bai coughed violently as if he was choking on water, but he didn't see any water in the darkness.

"Master Bai, what's wrong?" Yinhu stopped his fists and asked with concern.

"Did Master Bai choke on his own saliva?" Feng Ling also stopped moving and turned around to ask.

"Cough cough cough... what saliva, don't talk nonsense... cough cough cough, breathe..." Bai coughed desperately and tried his best to expel the liquid from his nose and mouth, but he could not succeed.

In desperation, Bai put his hands on his mouth and nose, where the rich elemental energy gathered.

Water can be evaporated using fire magic!

But before actually casting the spell, Bai hesitated for a second.

He didn't really see the water, and he suspected that he might be under some kind of curse or spiritual suggestion that caused him to feel suffocated by the water. Using elemental magic indiscriminately would only hurt himself.

The four members of the White Wolf Club brought by Bai stopped beating the boss, Arctic Wolf, and looked at Bai with concern.

Master Bai is the boss's younger brother, so nothing can happen to him!

"Master Bai, this is the wishing lamp. You can make a wish to the lamp god to relieve your choking problem."

The wind chime held up the golden wishing god and handed it to Bai.

Seeing that his younger brother had a solution, Bai didn't hesitate at all. He took the magic lamp and rubbed it twice.

He had seen this extraordinary item before and knew how to use it.

Blue clouds and mist float out from the mouth of the magic lamp and gather into the lantern god. The upper body of the genie is a man dressed in traditional Arabic clothing, and the lower body is a cloud-like vortex that is connected to the mouth of the lantern.

"Human, since you summoned me, you must grant my three wishes!"

The djinn looked at Bai and let out a greedy, weird laugh.

Seeing that the djinn came with bad intentions, Yinhu made a forward push with his right palm.


A gust of wind blew up, blowing away the lantern and the magic lamp below, and pushed it towards the small lake sparkling in the moonlight.


The genie fell into the lake.

Just as a few people were about to breathe a sigh of relief, the space in front of them became distorted, and a blue cloud surged out of thin air, condensing into the appearance of the djinn once again.

"Human, I won't give up until you fulfill my three wishes!" The genie is disciplined, perseverant, and unyielding.

Silver Tiger took the emerald cat and the wolf spider to fight with the djinn. The strong wind stirred up a large cloud of dust in the dark night.

Seeing the chaos caused by the djinn, the Arctic wolf, who was beaten with a bruised nose and face, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked around and found that no one was paying attention to him, so he quickly stood up and left the scene step by step.

Suddenly, the Arctic wolf's body disappeared from head to toe, as if it had been erased by an eraser, and it entered a state of invisibility.

Russell drove the ghost of the dinosaur to capture the invisible, blind and overwhelmed Arctic wolf behind a big tree.

"Come back, Hidden One."

The hazy gray shadow emerged from the Arctic Wolf's body and returned to Russell's left hand. The Arctic Wolf also escaped from the state of invisibility and blindness.

after awhile.

"I'm sorry, gentlemen, I was wrong, I was wrong, please spare me. Stop fighting, stop fighting, there is no need to fulfill my wish."

The djinn, whose skills were inferior to those of others and was beaten all over, begged loudly for mercy and ran away in a hurry.

The lower body of the genie turned into a high-speed rotating vortex of clouds and mist, flew up into the night sky and disappeared.

"What a strange djinn."

He cursed in vain as he no longer felt like he was choking on water.

"No, Russell ran away!"

Jade Cat exclaimed.

"It doesn't matter, I just taught him a lesson, that's enough." Bai waved his hand, sneered, and left the woods with the three of them.

Behind the big tree, seeing his men and brother finally walking away, the Arctic Wolf finally relaxed and panted heavily.

"These guys, I really misjudged them. It's a shame that I still treat them as brothers." The bruised and swollen Arctic wolf beat the ground angrily.

Then, the Arctic Wolf turned his head again and looked at Russell, who had just rescued him.

Facing the young man in front of him, he had mixed feelings for a moment. He didn't know whether he should be angry or grateful.

"Thank you, thank you." After a complicated psychological struggle, Arctic Wolf chose to express his gratitude.

"Do you need me to heal your injuries?" Russell looked calm.

He took out a staff made of white birch wood from his dimensional pocket: "This is a healing staff that can release continuous healing spells. This continuous healing effect lasts for half a minute each time. But..."

"Then thank you even more!" Arctic Wolf took the staff and tapped it on himself impatiently.

His body suddenly emitted a faint healing white light.

"Ah, it's so itchy."

Russell finished his words slowly:

"However, the disadvantage is that it will be more itchy during treatment. It is normal for wounds to be itchy. If you are not willing to bear the side effects, don't use this staff. You are an alchemist, so you should carry healing ointment with you. Potion.”

"Then you should have told me earlier!" The Arctic wolf scratched his whole body vigorously.

"You grabbed it too quickly." Russell spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.

Behind the two of them, Subway couldn't hold it in any longer, holding his stomach and rolling while laughing.

At this time, Russell felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. He took out the phone and saw new text appearing on it.

[You used your rich knowledge of herbal medicine, chose the right potion on the right occasion, helped others through the potion, and solved the problem. 】

[You have successfully practiced herbal medicine and received certain spiritual feedback. 】

Only then did Russell realize that he had indeed received extraordinary feedback from his practice. His spirituality had been slightly improved, and he was getting closer to his peak at the beginning of his second year.

So, is this another way to practice herbalism?

Russell narrowed his eyes and stared at the message on his phone.

"Using his rich knowledge of herbalism, choosing the right potion for the right occasion, and helping others through potions" refers to...

Use potion to make Bai choke and save the Arctic wolf?

He felt that this passage was completely correct, but the way it was described was very artistic.

Seemingly aware of Russell's speechlessness, the phone responded promptly:

[The magic weapon mobile phone is a magic weapon bound to the owner's soul. It represents the owner's subconscious and will use the expressions that the owner subconsciously likes to use.]

[If this way of expression brings any trouble to the owner, please adapt to it as soon as possible. 】

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