
Chapter 131 129 Russell’s last words

Chapter 131 129. Russell’s last words

Russell, who had just passed out, woke up again, opened his eyes with force, and forced a smile towards the two tentacle monsters. At this time, few patches of skin on his body were intact.

"Thank you, thank you."

"It's okay, Russell, it's me who should thank you." Black Feather's neatly dressed dress collar trembled slightly in the wind.

He knew that if it weren't for Russell, he would have been a low-level member of the White Wolf Club who could be bullied.

"We will escort you to the campus hospital!" Clara also said.

Russell nodded slightly.

He himself was in a state of near-death. The soul energy of the wind chime was almost exhausted, and it was attached to Russell and no longer had any combat effectiveness. He could only rely on his companions.

Suddenly, a demon with bat wings rushed out of the trees and flew towards the three-person and one-tentacle monster in the air.

Subway raised the Desert Eagle with his right hand and gave the Devil a few shots.

Several holes appeared on the demon's body, but they healed immediately without causing any harm.

The flying demon rushed over, its claws about to grab Russell and Subway.

Black Feather immediately pushed forward with his right palm, and an invisible force pushed the flying demon away.

Although Russell did not turn on his spiritual vision now, he could guess that Heiyu must have used psychic skills, and several ghosts forced the flying demon away.

Black Feather temporarily understood a small amount of basic demonology knowledge by relying on the ghost of a scholar who had possessed him in advance and had profound knowledge of demonology. He turned to remind Subway, who still wanted to shoot with the Desert Eagle:

"It's useless. Demons are extraordinary creatures from other planes, dark entities from other dimensions. Pure physical attacks without extraordinary power are ineffective against them. You can't hurt them at all if you shoot them."

"Thanks for letting me know." Subway realized its mistake.

He used his spellcaster's ingenuity to enchant the Desert Eagle and fired a few more shots at the flying demon.

The flying demon's wings were pierced by magic attacks and fell from the sky.

At the same time, Clara used "mental comfort" and "suggestions" on Russell to relieve his pain.

"Thank you, Clara. But actually, I don't feel any pain from now on." Russell cast a grateful look and smiled slightly.

"This means that you are in a very good state of mind now?" Subway asked.

"No. It means I'm reflecting back on myself now."

After saying that, Russell's eyes darkened, he completely lost his strength in Subway's arms, and closed his eyes.

"Russell!" Black Feather exclaimed.

Tears appeared in dozens of Clara’s eyes: “Russell is dead, he died like this?”

Russell was woken up by Black Feather and Clara, and said weakly:

"Can you please stop being stupid? If I die, the academy alarm will go off. By the way, I have a bottle of healing potion in my dimensional pocket. If you feed me earlier, I won't have to die."

"Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing earlier?" Heiyu was confused.

"Because you can resurrect if you die in the academy. So it's not the most important thing."

Speaking of death being a process, not a moment, how is the academy boundary determined?

Russell thought about this serious question, gained a deeper understanding of the system of death and life, subconsciously practiced transcendence, and received spiritual feedback.

Spirituality is ascending, and the spiritual river is surging. Russell had a vague premonition that he was about to enter the middle of his sophomore year!

Russell's spirit was stimulated by the escalating near-death experience, his eyes darkened, and he passed out again.

The alarm still didn't sound, which meant Russell was not dead.

Clara and Black Feather stopped screaming and searched for the bottle of healing potion in Russell's dimensional pocket.

"This backpack is too messy. Where did Russell put the healing potion?"

Russell felt the movement on his body and woke up again:

"Oh, by the way, one more thing."

"Russell, can you tell me everything at once before you pass out?" Subway, who was looking for healing potions, was a little impatient.

"Let's start with the most important thing first!" Black Feather reminded.

But according to my experience, if a dying person wants to tell important information, there is a high probability that he will die if he tells half of it... As a "player", Russell has rich experience in this kind of routine.

After a brief hesitation, Russell decided to use his last strength and said:

"Tell Professor Black Amber that I can guess how the demon believers completed the blood sacrifice in secret. As long as, as long as..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Russell died.

The shrill siren rang through the night sky, representing the student's death. The soul-binding barrier that enveloped the academy also protected Russell's soul, preventing it from drifting away and turning into a mindless wandering soul.

Almost at the same time, Subway, Clara and Black Feather finally flew to the door of the school hospital.

"There are students who need to be resurrected!" Subway fell to the ground and shouted loudly.

A school nurse on night shift hurriedly came out to greet:

"The deceased is resurrected. Emergency! Emergency! See the doctor first and then make up the registration. Don't miss the best golden time for resurrection! Bring the patient, uh, the patient's body in quickly..."

The open space in front of the library.

Professor Black Amber teamed up with two other teachers belonging to the "Transformation and Transformation Department" and the "Civil Engineering Department" to cast powerful spells one after another.

A solid iron wall rose from the ground, blocking a large number of low-level demons; the Balrog was deprived of a lot of physical strength by the black rays shot by the black cat; the Shadow Demon was transformed into a little white rabbit, with red eyes and big ears, jumping around Very cute.

The large group of demons were barely repelled by 3 teachers.

"I didn't expect the number of these demons to be so large." Black Amber sighed, and happened to see the direction of the library. Amid the red firelight and billowing smoke, another figure came over, walking past the library that had been torn down long ago. Exterior wall location.

Behind the figure in the thick smoke, one demon after another followed him.


The three teachers suddenly looked solemn.

A humanoid demon with a high status in the Demonic Abyss?

The leader of this group of demons?

A gust of night wind blew away the thick smoke, revealing a figure walking in front surrounded by many demons.

Wooden puppet!

Constructing a puppet as a librarian? Is it still alive? Why do so many demons follow him? The three teachers were all a little surprised and confused.

Behind the wooden puppet, the demons shouted loudly at it, with mixed demonic words intertwined.

"Well, there are more Cubas." The wooden puppet responded calmly.

The demons screamed louder.

"Lokakutis." The wooden puppet's tone was filled with excitement and ecstasy.

The goat-headed demon, fly demon, blade demon, and ape demon shouted wildly.

So the demons stopped fighting and just sang and danced around the wooden puppet, leaving the three teachers stunned.

"Librarian, these demons don't seem to be hostile to you? What are you talking about with them?" a teacher asked.

The wooden puppet came over, spread his hands, lowered his voice, and said tremblingly:

"I can't figure it out either. I just learned a few commonly used universal sentences in devil language and started using them. In fact, I couldn't understand what these devils were saying at all, but each one of them seemed to have encountered a century-old difficulty. Looking for a close friend."

As he spoke, the wooden puppet displayed the two objects in his hands. He wore a simple iron-black ring on his left hand, and held a golden magic lamp in his right hand.

"These two seem to be things dropped by classmate Russell in the library. The demons gave them to me in order to please me. As a librarian, I have an obligation to return the items left by classmates in the library. Oops , This lamp kettle is a little dirty, let me wipe it."

The wooden puppet tried to touch the magic lamp in his right hand with his left hand, which was wearing a simple ring, and wipe the ashes off it.

"Na na na -" The ring on his left hand was stimulated and made a strange sound.

"Gulu gulu."

From the magic lamp in his right hand, black clouds surged out.

The black clouds condensed into a djinn with a bare upper body and dark skin.

As soon as the djinn appeared, he cried and begged for mercy:

"Stop it, stop it, don't burn it, don't burn it. Let me go. I don't need you to fulfill my wish. I can even help you fulfill it, as long as it's not more difficult than bending down to tie your shoelaces. , I can make any wish come true..."

The wooden puppet and the three teachers had blank faces and were all stunned.

"The items that classmate Russell left in the library are quite interesting." The wooden puppet shrugged.

Soon after, support from the Academy arrived, and all the demons raging in the academy were eliminated.

The crisis is temporarily over.

Such a vicious incident involving the Demonic Cult occurred, and the entire academy was placed under martial law.

The damaged library was repaired by the teachers and students of the Civil Engineering Department and restored to its original state, except for the loss of many books.

The magic circle used by the Red Chaos cultists to summon demons was found in a quiet forest. But the magic circle has exhausted its energy and is worthless.

There were no corpses or bloodstains at the scene, and processing was done to interfere with prophecies and divination. It is no longer known what method the cultists used to secretly complete the blood sacrifice and activate the summoning circle.

On this night when demons were raging, apart from destroying the library, injuring several students who were wandering outside at night, and killing Russell, the demons did no other major damage.

The demon cultists of Chaos Red did not take advantage of the chaos to carry out any harmful actions.

It was as if, as long as they summoned demons to the academy, their purpose would have been achieved.

The school searched a large number of suspected students and staff, and combined some of the clues provided by Russell and other spies to capture a total of 7 demon cultists of the Red Order of Chaos.

It is a pity that the seven members are all black-robed cultists, and the key memories have been banned. They cannot reveal the core information without permission. Forced detection will only cause these prisoners to self-destruct, and their souls and bodies will be destroyed at the same time.

The school did not arrest the two Chaos Red Cultists who were mainly associated with Russell, Nocturne and Vermouth.

Professor Black Amber hopes to wait for Russell to wake up, continue to start from now on, officially join the Red Order of Chaos, and catch the real big fish!

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