
Chapter 132 130 Card Drawing Techniques

Chapter 132 130. Skills in drawing cards

Darkness, endless darkness.

Russell felt that he had had a very long dream.

In the darkness, he could only hear his own heartbeat.

I don’t know how long it took, maybe minutes, maybe centuries, before the beginningless darkness was broken by a ray of light.

He saw the light.

"Russell, Russell, are you awake?"

Russell reluctantly squeezed his eyes open.

The blurry scene in front of me finally became clear after a while.

White bed, white ceiling, white walls, this is the school hospital.

Sitting in front of the hospital bed was a middle-aged man with stubble.

"You finally woke up. Do you remember me, Russell?" The middle-aged man was surprised and happy to see Russell wake up, with a smile blooming on his face.

"Who are you?" Russell was just about to ask, then carefully observed the middle-aged man's facial features.

Why does the outline of this facial features look familiar?

"Russell, I'm Subway! You've been in a coma for 22 years!" In his middle age, Subway's tone also had a sense of age.

"It took me so long to rescue, oh no, resurrect?" Russell looked confused.

"That's not true. Resurrection doesn't take long." The middle-aged Subway shook his head, his face showing a hint of vicissitudes of life, "But your spirit body was burned by the fire of the abyss - Doctor 22 years ago That seems to be what he said. You have been in a coma since your resurrection and have been sleeping until today."

Russell was silent for a few seconds and then asked: "Can you tell me what happened to me in the past 22 years?"

The middle-aged Subway raised his chin slightly and recalled the past with a lot of emotion, as if he had returned to the prosperous years before Russell's coma.

"By the way, Russell, do you remember? There was a student in the Department of Astrology and Numerology with the pseudonym 'Old Man'. He was really an old man, and he had been repeating the first grade for decades.

"During the final exam of the year you were in coma, the old man was successfully promoted to the second grade! I have never seen the old man so happy.

"I still remember the scene that day. The old man said that he had a student friend named Duncan a long time ago who disappeared in the college and his whereabouts remain unknown.

"He has now entered the second grade and has become one of the best students in the junior college. He can use this identity to ask the school again. Maybe the school will help him find out the whereabouts of his missing friend.

"I didn't follow up on what happened next, so I don't know."


Russell's heart tightened when he heard the name of this old man's friend.

He knew very well that he did not tell Subway the secret that "the student Duncan disappeared and disappeared from all files." Subway must have really come into contact with the old man.

Ever since Russell heard the dull thunder in the library 22 years ago, he was basically certain that there must be real elements in the campus ghost stories, and it may involve secrets that some colleges are unwilling to disclose, and it is not entirely embellished. Nonsense.

As he said that, Subway pulled himself back to his body again, his eyes filled with emotion as he recalled the past:

"Russell, during the years when you were in coma, I was successfully promoted to the peak of power in the late fourth grade. I can break mountains and cut rivers with just a single move.

"Now I have graduated from the academy and become the best member of the Sai family.

"The new book I wrote, "Instant Noodles with Braised Eggs Sensates the Whole Internet, The God of Cooking Comes to Pay Respect!", also known as "Live Broadcast Doing Handicrafts, Water Rockets Scare Eagle Sauce!" has also become a hit in the world of ordinary people."

"Have you ever written a book? The title is quite unique." Russell smiled and sat up from the hospital bed.

He gathered his thoughts, hugged his knees, and recalled the days before coma.

The past events are vivid in my mind, as if they were yesterday.

"It's such a pity to say it. I still remember that 22 years ago, one of the purposes of going to the library was to find books related to the final exam of the Principles of Witchcraft class. Starting from the principles of sympathetic witchcraft, I summarized the method of drawing cards in metaphysics. Skills. Unfortunately, after so many years, this knowledge is of little use."

Hearing Russell mention the dusty past, Subway's expression changed and he suddenly became interested:

"Russell, that day seems like yesterday to you. Have you summed up the skills of metaphysical card drawing? Share it and see."

Russell recalled the records in the book 22 years ago and the rules he summarized, and said:

"There are many methods. The first method is to take advantage of the witchcraft infection rate.

“The person who draws the card must summarize the nature of the current up character, such as which friends he has in the country and region he belongs to in the story, what items and foods he likes, what hobbies he has, the meaning of his name, etc.

“Drawing cards from these angles can effectively increase the probability of drawing the current up character.

"For example, prepare friends or siblings of the UP character in the card pool in advance, and draw cards at a time that is relevant or commemorative to the character's name to fully connect the corresponding mysticism and increase the probability of shipment."

Amid Subway's suppressed smile, Russell still looked serious and couldn't help but say slowly:

"The second method is to make use of the rules of 'equivalent exchange' in the extraordinary realm, by sacrificing precious things to distort reality and realize wishes. A typical sacrifice is Yangshou, because lifespan is the foundation of life.

"The standard sacrificial sentence consists of two sentences. The first sentence explains what you want to sacrifice; the next sentence explains the content of your wish.

"Typical sacrificial statements are as follows: 'I would like to offer Subway ten years of life, and make a wish that so-and-so will not be crooked.'

Ignoring Subway's widened eyes, Russell paused for a second and then warned seriously:

"Of course, this kind of sacrifice is quite dangerous. Because we are truly extraordinary beings, every word can be a spiritual message, and a word may become a prophecy. Therefore, we should try to say as few words as possible. If we are not careful, it may become a fact. "

The corners of the middle-aged Subway's mouth twitched.

Russell looked indifferent and calmly talked about the third method:

“The third method is simpler, by establishing occult connections with other people who have successfully shipped goods, so that you can also successfully ship goods.

"It's like primitive wizards asking women who want to get pregnant to contact women who have given birth. Similar techniques are very common in primitive witchcraft. Because the mobile card game relies on the Internet to exist, so with the help of the Internet and goals It is also most appropriate for the subject to establish an occult connection.

“First of all, you have to find a forum post where the goods are shipped and posted, and then complete the symbolic interaction by replying to the post, copying the corresponding fate from the target.

“For reply content, it is best to use a three-paragraph prayer statement and follow strict format requirements.

"The first sentence uses words to describe a fictitious physical contact scene, replacing real physical contact, and establishing a mystical connection; the second sentence emphasizes copying luck from the other party, getting involved in cause and effect, and exerting the law of witchcraft contact; This sentence explains the direction of use of the luck that is contaminated, that is, the wish you want to realize, and the power of wish."

Subway sounded a little impatient: "It's so troublesome. Can you give me an example?"

Russell casually gave a simple example:

"A typical three-part prayer sentence is as follows: The Emperor of Europe sticks to the stick, soaked in European energy, and wishes that such and such a person will not be crooked."

Subway, who was sitting in front of Russell's hospital bed, nodded lightly and felt that the methods Russell described were indeed card-drawing techniques based on the principles of sympathetic witchcraft. They were similar to the methods he used to pass the final exam, but they were more theoretical. , Systematization.

Subway turned around and raised his head slightly.

He looked at the sunlight coming in from the window, drawing a path of light through the air, creating the Tyndall effect.

Memories of the glorious past come to mind.

Suddenly, a familiar female voice came from beside him:

“Subway, are you done?

"Russell is awake, right? I'm here to talk to him."

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