
Apology for system operation errors

Ah ah ah ah ah.

Sorry, sorry, sorry, there is another problem with system operation.

When I posted chapters at noon, some parts were repeated from the previous chapter. Fortunately, they were changed in time.

I feel like my brain is a little confused. There have been too many misoperations on the system recently!

This time, I moved the content of the previous chapter to the next chapter and wanted to collect a thousand convenient chapter cards. As a result, the operation of deleting the content before was not saved successfully, but the operation of adding new content in the next chapter was saved successfully, resulting in Duplication occurs.

The last update was when the timing of all subsequent chapters was re-adjusted——

Change the time of 12 noon to 9 o'clock, change the time of 6:30 pm to 12 noon, change the time of 9 o'clock in the morning to 6:30 pm of the previous day, and change the scheduled time and date of the next dozen or twenty chapters.

As a result, I accidentally misplaced the time/date of a certain chapter, and there were problems when I actually posted it.

Now I only time content for the next two days instead to avoid mistakes.

I can't figure out why I keep having problems with system operation and what's going on. Although I encountered similar problems from time to time when I wrote the first two books, they were not as frequent as now.

Volume 1 was finished when it was released in late September. I have been sending out saved manuscripts, but when I paste them from Word to Writer Assistant, various problems always appear. I really don’t know why this is happening. Maybe it’s a drawback of saving a lot of manuscripts in advance? But not entirely.

I want to give up writing in Word and write directly on PC Writer Assistant, but the saved manuscript in Word is not easy to move.

If you directly transfer all the saved manuscripts to the PC version of Writer Assistant, then the saved manuscripts of hundreds of chapters will be very confusing.

If the chapter number of any chapter is wrong, or if a chapter is missed when copying and pasting, the numbering of dozens of subsequent chapters will be wrong.

People are a little confused now, so we have to think of something.

The current solution is as follows:

It is only scheduled for the next two days, with a total of 6 chapters. To avoid making mistakes.

The word count of chapters will not be readjusted.

When copying from Word to Writer Assistant, check whether the end of each chapter matches the beginning of the next chapter. In order to avoid missing a chapter or adding an extra chapter when copying and pasting.

All in all, I apologize once more and bow to everyone!

I checked it a few more times and made sure that this chapter was a chapter review and that it had not been posted as a VIP chapter by mistake, otherwise it would have become a joke 55555.

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