
Chapter 152 All 150 members fell into the abyss!

Chapter 152 150. Everyone falls into the abyss!

The 18 eyes of the Hydra opened at the same time, and its 9 heads suddenly raised, roaring at the same time, and it was impressively seven or eight meters tall.

The Sphinx also sensed that someone was coming here, and immediately opened its eyes, opened its huge wings, and set off a biting wind.

Mr. Dragon, who was lying on the ground, rolled over and continued to sleep. But the snoring was louder than before.

Boom boom boom.

Boom boom boom.

Russell heard the familiar "thunder" again. But without the barrier of the rock formation, in this open space, the snoring sound was many times louder than the last time I heard it in the library.

Sure enough, it’s your purring!

Russell greeted the three monsters in front:

"Hello, I have no hostility. Professor Opal asked me to come.

He raised his left palm at the same time, and a bright red symbol slowly appeared there——

This is the mark left by Professor Opal on Russell in the dream. As long as he wears this mark, the three giant beasts guarding the seal will regard him as an ally and will not attack him.

Russell showed the mark and stepped forward step by step:

"Do you remember me? I'm Russell, and this is Subway. We met in the dream during the entrance exam!"

The Sphinx is the most mature and stable of the three beasts. It has a clear memory and immediately recalled:

"Russell, Subway... you just jumped over eight trolley problems! Are you both here?"

Hydra's intelligence in reality seemed not as high as in the dream. It looked at Russell and Subway several times with a suspicious look on its face, and finally thought about it:

"How many heads do I have now?"

"Nine," Russell answered.

"Have the extra heads fallen off again? We need to replenish them quickly!"

After saying that, the Hydra began to use the sharp teeth on one head to bite the other head. Every time a head was torn off, two heads would grow back.

Boom boom boom.

Mr. Dragon ignored the sphinx and the ten-headed snake, snoring and talking in his sleep:

"My stocks, my funds, my futures, my options, many, many..."

The sphinx felt that it was embarrassing for its companion to be like this. He spread out his soft claws and said to Russell helplessly:

"Hey, this dragon's nature is hard to change. He talks in his sleep thinking about his treasure."

Among the three people, the old man was the least familiar with Mr. Dragon and was greatly shocked. He felt that the treasures of the Dragon in the 21st century were quite keeping pace with the times.

"Wake up, don't sleep, someone is coming!" The eleven snakes hit the dragon with their eleven heads.

But Mr. Dragon just rolled over again, and his snoring became even louder.

"It's useless to call him that." The experienced sphinx imitated Mr. Dragon's sleep talk and shouted:

"The Dow Jones fell below 1,000 points!"

Hearing that someone was going to take away his treasure, the dragon woke up with a swish.

Russell and Subway greeted Mr. Dragon again and explained their intentions. Mr. Dragon had a good impression of Russell and was very happy to see his old friend in his dream.

"I see, you want to take a look at the existence in the sealed space..."

The giant dragon murmured and looked at the magic circle about 10 meters in diameter behind him, which was engraved with incantations and mysterious patterns. This mountain-like body actually showed a little fear:

"Once he is released, the entire academy will be turned upside down!"

The Sphinx is also quite serious:

"But it doesn't matter. We can just communicate the inside and outside of the sealed space and make the magic circle transparent, so that you can see the existence behind the seal and even communicate with him, but we won't really lift the seal."

The Sphinx walked towards the sealing circle and put its front paws on the magic circle on the wall. The entire array suddenly lit up, and golden light flowed between the lines.

"Okay, okay." Subway, who always likes to watch the excitement, jumped up excitedly, wanting to see who the academy sealed?

The old man behind him was a little confused.

What is after the seal?

Why did the professor want him to come and take a look?

Suddenly, the ground shook, and the entire underground cavity area trembled.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

The 32 eyes of the sixteen-headed snake are full of confusion.

Meanwhile, four different orientations of the library.

Martha, as well as the three red-robed demon priests Nocturne, Blood Moon, and Black Star, four powerful spell casters, simultaneously raised their hands or magic weapons towards the library.

A large magic circle suddenly appeared in the library building and the surrounding area hundreds of meters in diameter, with purple light flowing endlessly. The whole earth was shaking.

"Get up."

Martha's hands, which were red and covered with scales due to her semi-demon transformation, turned her palms upward and made a slight upward movement.


The earth was torn apart, and the thick soil and rock formations hundreds of meters deep and hundreds of meters underground were uprooted together with the library above the land!

The huge sound resounded throughout the night sky and spread thousands of meters away.

A huge piece of earth and stone, hundreds of meters long, wide and high, flew into the night sky.

The fourth grade almighty is so terrifying!

Whether it is the underground area of ​​the library, guarded by three giant beasts, which seals the terrifying existence, or the library itself above, they are all like children's toys, floating in the starry night sky. .

"What happened?"

Many teachers and students stationed in the college discovered the strange changes. Some teachers have already started communicating and are discussing ways to deal with and solve the problem.

In the library, Clara and the six members of the White Wolf Club felt the tremors of the earth at the same time, the upward acceleration of the entire library and the sudden feeling of overweight, maintained by the extraordinary agility and balance of the extraordinary. Stay in shape.

The Arctic Wolf who was just at the edge of the window hurriedly looked out the window and happened to see the earth suddenly sinking and the surrounding woods and buildings falling rapidly.

No, they're not sinking.

The library and the land below have risen into the sky!

"Ah? What on earth is going on?"

Just at this time, Arctic Wolf saw figures in red robes rising into the air one after another and landing on the giant earth and rocks in the air.

"People from the school will be here soon. The library and underground parts are already under our control. Let's start the next step quickly."

Martha folded the dark red bat wings on her back, and together with the three red-robed demon priests, recited the final spell in a low voice. After a series of rapid chants, she calmly uttered a devilish word:



When this loud noise sounded, the huge clod of soil floating high in the night sky erupted into a purple light that was so dazzling that it illuminated the entire night into day, and the originally stable space was sharply distorted.

When the light dissipated, the huge clod of earth disappeared together with the underground cavity inside and the library above.

The summer night sky became empty again, dotted with stars on the black velvet night.

This is the plan of the devil cultists, to banish the entire library, together with the secret room below, to a corner of the devil's abyss!

In this way, people from the school will not be able to interfere or support during the process of lifting the seal!

In the southwest corner of the college, everything was business as usual.

The dark night was silent, as if nothing happened.

Only the huge hole left after the earth was torn apart and the library that suddenly disappeared told of the horrific changes that had just occurred.

Ten seconds later.


Next to the huge hole on the ground, a large cloud of teleportation light mist burst out, and several teachers walked out of the misty teleportation light mist.

"Oops, it's still too late.

"The library, along with the ground below, has disappeared. Find where they were transported as soon as possible!"

Inside the library, feeling the violent jolts and turbulence of space, Arctic Wolf knew something was seriously wrong.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to the bathroom first."

After saying that, he hid in the bathroom, took out his cell phone and tried to contact Miss Thorn Bird.

Thorn Bird is the only two fifth-year students in the history of the academy, and they are legendary level spellcasters! If it were her, there must be a way.

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