
Chapter 168 Occult Flu

"I know a perfect proof method, but there is a word limit for speeches in this forum, and the blank space is too small to write."

"I think it's a result of childhood trauma and reflects the Oedipus complex of primes."

"Expresses the homesickness of prime numbers."


ah? Subway was completely confused by the strange answers of these pen fairies.

Some of the answers were so unique that Subway suspected that the answerer was the ghost of a well-known historical figure.

Russell shrugged:

"There is no way, some ghosts are like this, they always like to answer questions that are wrong. If you want to get more accurate answers, it is best to open a high reward.

“But don’t worry, if you wait a little longer, you may get a higher quality answer.

"There are a little more Bi Immortals waiting for answers. The magic weapon mobile phone that incorporates part of my soul can synthesize the answers of each Bi Immortal and give a perfect answer. Modern AI technology is used in this."

Subway didn't want to wait for other pens' answers, so he couldn't wait to take his phone and posted a new question:

"When will Feng Chime return to the dormitory?"

"Additional question: The wind chime here refers to the contracted spirit of Russell, the mobile phone and app developer."

Immediately, an account named "Wind Chime" responded with a message:

"I'm downstairs, I'll be right up."

The next moment, the female ghost wind chime emerged from the floor of the dormitory, with her snow-white hair floating around.

As the female ghost who was half a third grade level appeared, a chill filled the dormitory, dispelling the stuffy heat, which was very helpful to Subway.

"Did the work in the haunted house end so early today?" Russell asked doubtfully when he saw the wind chime coming back early.

The wind chime shook his head: "In order to curb the spread of the epidemic, the haunted house has been closed early."

Russell nodded thoughtfully.

He knew that influenza had been spreading in the elementary school in recent days, and many students had been infected. Those who are infected are basically relatively weak first-year students. In order to curb the spread of influenza, many gatherings and public places have been restricted.

And this flu is a little strange, and different students have different symptoms.

Subway also knew about this and raised its own confusion:

"Speaking of which, why are infectious diseases still prevalent in a community like ours where extraordinary people gather?"

From a mystical perspective, after reaching the first-year level, the life energy aura of an extraordinary person will be much thicker than that of ordinary people, making it difficult for "sickness" to invade the body.

How can ordinary pathogens be defeated by immune cells filled with spiritual energy and possessing extraordinary power?

"This situation is indeed rare this year, but it is not impossible." Russell analyzed based on his knowledge of herbalism and the new knowledge of witchcraft learned this school year:

“Just like cats, dogs, vegetation, and inanimate objects, they may be exposed to supernatural power and become extraordinary creatures. They may even awaken spirituality and wisdom and transform into fairies, enchantments, and spiritual plants.

“Then the same can be done for pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses!

"The recent raging in the academy may be the extraordinary influenza virus that has become sperm. This flu can also be called mystical flu."

When Subway heard this, he rolled his eyes and pretended to be serious:

"It seems that we have encountered a flu virus of late first-year strength. I didn't expect that a mere virus could cultivate to this level. It's really scary!"

The wind chime interrupted the two of them:

"Oh, don't worry about the causes of infectious diseases. Russell Russell, infectious diseases are prevalent now. This is a good opportunity for you to show your talents as a herbalist!"

As he spoke, Feng Chime gestured with exaggerated gestures:

"Did you know? I just heard that the All Things Society has cooperated with the people from the Green Moss Sisterhood, setting up stalls near the offline trading area to treat patients, and monopolizing most of the medical potions. The money they make is called a bucket full. The bowl is full."

Russell also had this intention, and he lowered his head and thought for a while.

Will all things meet?

Why are they again?

He remembered that last year, the Wuwuhui had a monopoly on the sale of extraordinary items on the official website, and Xinghuo also had quite a conflict with them after leaving the Wuwuhui. Russell didn't have a good impression of this associational force.

As for the Green Moss Sisterhood, they are much smaller and more powerful.

Subway said puzzledly:

"If you want treatment, why not go to the campus hospital?"

Russell shook his head slightly and explained:

"The infectious diseases circulating in the elementary school this time are very strange. Each student has different symptoms, and they often need to be prescribed the right medicine. Faced with the raging flu, the school hospital is also overwhelmed.

“Furthermore, the average school doctor is a second-year transcendent, so he doesn’t have much advantage over the elite students in the college.

"This allows these businesses of treating people to operate."

Halfway through, Russell suddenly remembered something, his pupils expanded slightly, and he said seriously:

"Do you think it's possible that the flu in the junior college was caused by people from the Society of All Things and the Green Moss Sisterhood?"


Hearing Russell's bold guess, Feng Chime and Subway looked shocked at the same time.

But immediately, Russell denied his thoughts:

"No, it's impossible!

“Although they have gathered students who are good at alchemy, herbalism, and magic, and have the ability in this area, the risk is too great.

"This is tantamount to openly causing trouble under the eyes of the school. The risks and benefits are seriously unequal. No matter how courageous the All Things Society is, it would not dare to do this."

Wind Chime, who had just been frightened by Russell's bold idea, gasped:

"I was scared to death. I thought I had encountered another big conspiracy?"

Russell looked at the relieved wind chime and remained calm.

He had such thoughts just now because he knew that the seal set by Principal Duncan on him had been loosened.

His abnormal physique that caused waves of fate will take effect again, and he is likely to encounter various important events and run into some huge conspiracies in the near future.

Putting aside his previous speculation, Russell stood up and accepted Feng Chime's suggestion:

"Now that the course is almost over, I will also try to set up a stall and treat other students. This is a good way to practice extraordinary. I can also use the new Bixian app to assist in diagnosis."

After about a year of research and exploration, Russell basically figured out how to get spiritual feedback from practicing herbalism.

In addition to experimenting with developing new drugs, there are two other ways of practicing extraordinary things.

The first is that "drugs should be used by people and meet people's needs", and feedback should be obtained from the emotions and psychology of drug users.

The second is to "prescribe the right medicine according to the situation and refine different medicines to solve the problem."

Setting up a stall to see a doctor is undoubtedly a good choice for practicing herbal medicine.

Early the next morning, in the physical transaction area of ​​the junior high school, Russell's medical booth became crowded.

He took out the tables and chairs from his dimensional pocket and sat in front of his stall, waiting for customers who needed medical treatment.

Wonderful doctor!

The medicine cures the disease!

——Wind chimes place the gold-lettered sign created by Subway himself.

Russell's medical consultation stall undoubtedly attracted the attention of passers-by and other stall owners around him.

Directly opposite Russell's stall, there is a small clinic jointly run by two major college associations, the Everything Society and the Green Moss Sisters -

This joint clinic was temporarily built by students from the Department of Civil Engineering and has a unique decoration and gorgeous appearance. There were more than a dozen extraordinary people from the two major colleges gathered inside.

In comparison, Russell's consultation booth was much shabby.

"Is there anyone so eager to grab business?"

"Open directly opposite?"

In the small clinic, several students acting as doctors looked suspiciously at the consultation booth directly opposite which had only one table and one chair.

Pedestrians passed by one after another, and some students who had the flu and wanted to see a doctor unconsciously cast their eyes on Russell's stall, but after hesitating for a moment, they still walked into the small clinic that looked more formal.

Russell ignored the strange looks from the pedestrians around him and the competitors across the street, and just fiddled with his phone while debugging the newly developed BiXian APP.

Suddenly, a pale and hazy human-shaped shadow appeared at the bottom of the phone screen.

The voice of the shadow is layered and ethereal:

"I surrender, I surrender! Sir, I am willing to be your contracted spirit.

"Please let me go, don't torture me anymore!"

After seeing this pale and hazy shadow finally surrendering to him, Russell snorted coldly in a tone without any emotion:

"Who are you?"

"I am the Sleep Demon!" The pale and hazy shadow once again made a layered and ethereal voice.

"So you can talk..." Russell then remembered the identity of the other party.

It is the spiritual demon that was captured from Nocturne 8 months ago and has been locked in the mobile phone - Sleep Demon!

After being locked up on the phone, the sleep demon was still not very obedient. In order to subdue it, Russell put the photos of the sleep demon and the compressed exorcism and evil files in a folder.

As a demon, the sleeping demon experienced the baptism of various exorcism scriptures at close range, as well as the sacred aura exuded by the videos and audios of eminent monks, Taoist priests, bishops, and patriarchs presiding over exorcism rituals, which made him miserable.

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