
Chapter 169 The 1st Customer

In the next eight months, Russell ignored the incident and almost forgot about the demon on his phone.

"Since you are willing to repent, then I am not unable to accept your surrender." Russell said righteously.

With his super-sensory perception as an extraordinary person, he has vaguely felt that after more than half a year of being tortured by the power of exorcism, and the absence of his master, the contractual connection between Sleep Demon and Nocturne has been shattered, and he can have a new master. !

As he spoke, Russell raised his hand and drew the mysterious blue symbol representing the psychic contract on the screen of his mobile phone.

With the help of the spirit contract, Russell can force the spirit to serve him, even against the spirit's own wishes.

Of course, if the instruction makes the spirit body dissatisfied and the spirit body resists, the difficulty and consumption of driving will rise sharply. If the psychic is too much weaker than the contracted spirit, he may even be counterattacked. But for Russell, who is half a third-grade player, there is no need to worry about this problem at all.

As the Sleeper voluntarily accepted the contract, lines of text popped up on the phone:

[You have obtained the second contracted spirit—Sleep Demon]

[Current number of contracted spirits: 2/2 (full)]

[Estimated strength: late second grade]

[Extraordinary abilities: spying, hypnosis, weaving dreams, dreaming, spiritual claws, forced possession...]

[In the process of taming the spirit body, you practiced the way of channeling and received spiritual feedback]

"After you change your ways, work for me properly. Otherwise I'll throw you into that folder again."

As he spoke, Russell injected spiritual energy into his phone, took out the sleep demon from the folder, and created a new APP for the sleep demon to live in - right next to the wind chime's APP.

The wind chime also pretended to be an old employee and began to pua the new spirit body:

"That's right, work hard and I won't treat you badly. When this wave of influenza passes, I will take you to the haunted house to take up your position!

"When the time comes, we, a female ghost and a demon, will definitely scare those boys and girls into screaming!"

While receiving positive feedback, Russell felt that his spiritual river was surging and was blocked by a high dam called the "third grade level."

The water accumulates more and more in front of this dam. As long as it can accumulate to a certain level, it can climb over the dam and move to a new level!

Russell is now confident. With the help of two contracted spirits, and the secret blood potion that can forcibly upgrade his current strength to the third grade level, even if he meets Nocturne again, he has a high probability of winning! And no longer need the assistance of Subway and the old man.

Although he has not officially entered the third grade, he is not as capable of various dark magics as Nocturne. However, weird combat methods such as flying invisibility potions, driving ghosts of ancient creatures, and taking photos can make up for the gap in ability richness to a certain extent.

As for the gray spirit "Hidden One" that was previously parasitic on Russell's left hand, with the end of the undercover mission in Chaos Red, it has been returned to Professor Black Amber.

After newly conquering the Sleep Demon, Russell was in a good mood and continued to wait in front of the medical booth for patients who needed medical treatment.

The pale and hazy sleep demon and the female ghost wind chime floating around restlessly guarded both sides of him.

The red sun rose above the head, and the shadows became shorter and shorter.

Until noon, not a single student came to Russell's consultation booth.

Russell didn't care at all. He took out the packaged food from his pocket and started eating.

The wind chime possessed Russell, sharing his senses with him and enjoying the food together.

Just like that, in the afternoon, the first customer finally arrived in front of Russell’s consultation booth.

——He is a fair, fat man with a tall build. The black iron badge on his chest shows that he is a first-year student in the Department of Transfiguration and Transformation.

"Russell, are you really setting up a stall here?"

Looking at the guest's chubby face, Russell felt that the guest looked slightly familiar:

"Tarantula? It's you!"

"Yes, it's me." The tarantula said, having gained a lot of weight and its face became rounder.

"Are you still in the first grade?" Russell was a little stunned.

He remembered that when he met Wolf Spider at the beginning of the first school year, he already had the strength of the late first grade, and thought that he had already reached the second grade by now.

"I was so unlucky that I had to pay for the guarantee before shipping." Wolf Spider said concisely and concisely.

In Feng Ling's blank eyes, Russell immediately understood what the other party wanted to express:

The reason why Wolf Spider repeated the first grade was because he failed the final exam of last year's Principles of Witchcraft class.

"Are you here to see a doctor?" Russell asked.

"That's right," Wolf Spider's round face came to the table and lowered his voice, "The vice-vice president asked me to take care of his roommate's business."

The current vice president of the White Wolf Club is Subway, who also knows the secrets of Arctic Wolf and has the handle. His status is only lower than that of President Arctic Wolf and Vice President Clara.

Subway people are quite nice... Russell asked the tarantula who looked reluctant:

"So Wolf Spider, are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?"


"Why don't you come to see a doctor without you?"

"Your roommate asked me to come here." Wolf Spider looked innocent.

The wind chime behind his back covered his face: "Subway's idea is really... can medical treatment take care of business?"

Russell froze, but kept his expression unchanged and asked calmly:

"So Wolf Spider, is there anything else you need help or advice from a doctor on?"

Wolf Spider's round face twitched slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but he hesitated.

"This guest is fine, just think about it slowly."

Wind Chime was well prepared, took out a heart-shaped exquisite brooch, and quietly hung it on the Wolf Spider's chest:

"Mind-reading brooch".

Effectively deal with situations where patients hesitate to speak, are secretive, and hesitate!

Wind Chime, who had been tricked by a brooch before, only realized how embarrassed he was that day after learning the true function of the brooch. Since then, Feng Ling has always wanted others to enjoy the experience of having their minds read, and he finally succeeded today.

After Wolf Spider put on the brooch, his voice appeared in the ears of Russell and Feng Chime out of thin air:

“Is there anything I need medical advice or help with?

"Losing weight? It seems like this is the only thing?

“During the holidays, I was dragged by the Emerald Cat to eat big meals every day, and I still can’t get rid of it.

"But, how embarrassing it is to say this request! It's better to say it to Russell, who has had a fight with me before."

After understanding the customer's needs, Russell nodded slightly, then raised his chin slightly, and deliberately raised the volume so that everyone around him could hear:

"Okay. I understand your problem, just leave it to me.

"Because you are the first customer of this booth, there is no charge for this consultation and medication."

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