
Chapter 172 The magical effect of medicine

"Kuroba, your friend seems unreliable. Let's go to the clinic across the street." The boy wearing glasses pulled the roommate next to him.

"But, but..." Black Feather was obviously still quite hesitant. He still had a good impression of Russell, a classmate who had helped him.

"I think Russell is not joking. Classmate Russell is actually a very serious person. And the ingredients of occult medicines are always special - the medicines prescribed by the school hospital are often very special. How about we try it first? Kuroba suggested, forgetting to even sneeze as he spoke.

The boy wearing glasses rolled his eyes and saw the packaged Russell who had just ground the scraps of the used air conditioner into powder.

His glasses almost slipped off the bridge of his nose.

"But the medicine Russell prescribed is obviously even more outrageous than the school hospital!"

Although Kuroba was hesitant, he couldn't defeat his roommate, and he had no convincing way to refute, so he could only leave Russell's consultation booth with half a push.

The two of them touched their noses while walking towards the clinic opposite.

Russell's expression was indifferent and he didn't seem to care.

"Ah! Russell, your medicine actually works!"

Suddenly, a shout came from afar.

I saw a tall boy with lean limbs running hurriedly towards Russell's consultation booth.

"Who are you?" asked the wind chime that appeared out of nowhere.

"I am yesterday's Wolf Spider!" said the Wolf Spider who had successfully lost weight.

He turned to look at Russell, his eyes full of excitement:

"This medicine of yours, although the ingredients used are a bit strange, is really effective, and it doesn't have any side effects. It's amazing!"

As a first-year student in the Department of Transfiguration and Transformation, Wolf Spider is familiar with transformation magic and is very sensitive to his own physiological state. He is very sure that although the medicine prescribed by Russell yesterday was strange, it did not cause any harm to the body.

Russell's expression remained calm, looking unfazed.

As he spoke, Wolf Spider said with emotion: "My girlfriend was shocked when she saw me. She kissed and hugged me."

"I know you have a girlfriend, no need to go into details." Russell said.

Then Wolf Spider got to the point: "So can you prescribe two more medicines? Jade Cat wants it too!"

"Of course." Russell nodded lightly.

The cheerful look of the tarantula undoubtedly attracted the attention of those around it.

Whether they were pedestrians passing by, Kuroba and his roommates who were about to walk to the opposite clinic, or other patients in the clinic, they all cast their eyes in the direction of Russell's booth.

"Could it be that Russell's medicine is really effective, but the medicinal ingredients are special?" Kuroyu's roommate wearing glasses couldn't help but have similar thoughts in his mind.

He hesitated for a while, and then walked back to Russell's consultation booth with Kuroyu, completely ignoring the surprised looks of Xinyue and others behind him in the glass of the clinic.

Inside the clinic glass, Xinyue, dressed in off-white clothes, pointed to the stall outside the glass with a look of horror on her face:

"Wait a minute, isn't this Russell a quack? I've seen everything about how he makes medicine."

From this angle, you can clearly see Russell's prescribing process - the old air conditioner and old refrigerator are quite conspicuous!

Xinyue said, looking at the green-haired girl behind:

"Agave, you know herbal medicine, is this how you make medicine? Use old electrical appliances to prepare medicine."

The girl named Agave was a pharmacist sent by the Moss Green Sisters. She suddenly felt like her professional reputation was being victimized and waved her hands repeatedly:

"No. Although we can develop new drugs ourselves based on the witchcraft principles of herbal medicine, it's not so outrageous!"

Russell handed the newly prepared weight loss pills to Wolf Spider, accepted the fee, and then looked at Kuroyu and his roommate who had chosen him again.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, not particularly happy, but realized the problem.

"The timing of the tarantula's arrival is too good," Russell murmured.

"What do you mean?" Feng Chime, who was responsible for cooling and acting as a mobile air conditioner, didn't understand.

"It means that the seal Mr. Principal set on me has been loosened. My physique has become effective again." Russell said.

His tone was calm, and he couldn't tell whether he was happy or nervous.

Russell packed the cold medicine and handed it to Heiyu and his roommate wearing glasses:

"Just mix the air-conditioning granules prepared on site with water and drink them. Remember not to drink them on an empty stomach." Russell issued medical advice.

"Can I drink it now?"

"It's okay if you've had breakfast."

Black Feather hesitated for a moment, recalling Russell's pharmaceutical process in his mind, and couldn't help but feel a little nauseous. But because he believed in Russell's level of witchcraft, he still closed his eyes and drank the air-conditioning powder mixed with water.

The boy wearing glasses next to him stared at Kuroyu, as if his roommate would die suddenly in the next second:

"How's it going? How do you feel?"

Wearing a neat little dress, Kuroyu closed his eyes, entered a semi-meditative state, and felt his physical condition.

The nose is still stuffy, the low-grade fever has not gone away, the feeling of weakness in the whole body is still there, and it is difficult to gather spiritual energy. Under the influence of the flu, it is difficult to truly enter a spiritual state, and it will greatly affect the efficiency of learning spiritual practice, which is why so many students are eager to cure it.

Black Feather shook his head and said: "I don't feel anything."

Wolf Spider, who had already experienced it, guided beside him:

"Even the occult medicine may not be effective immediately. You have to wait for a while. If you wait for a long time, the flu may be cured."

Russell refuted Wolf Spider on the side: "No, Wolf Spider, their medicine is different from yours. It can take effect immediately. It just needs the help of the medicine introduction."

"What kind of medicine is needed?" Black Feather asked.

Russell said methodically:

"The principle of my air-conditioning granules is based on the effect of air blowing and cooling when the air conditioner is running. From this, the pharmacological effects of ventilation and cooling are derived. The required medicinal ingredients are naturally external substances that can induce this pharmacological effect."

"What is that?" Wolf Spider, Black Feather and their roommates asked in unison.

They felt that they could understand every word of Russell's words, but they couldn't understand them all together.

Russell remained silent, took out an air conditioner remote control from his pocket, and pressed the power button on Kuroba who had just drank the medicine!


The sound of the air conditioner came from within Black Feather's body, and he took a deep breath. The obstruction and itching in his throat and nose disappeared, the phlegm and nasal mucus disappeared, and his breathing became as smooth as water again.

"Really, ventilate, ventilate!"

Even though he had already experienced the magic of Russell's potion once, Wolf Spider was still amazed.

On the side, Kuroba's roommate who was wearing glasses was so shocked that he couldn't help himself and kept gasping.

Kuroyu touched his forehead again:

"But the low-grade fever seems to have not subsided for a while. Do we still need to wait for a while?"

"That's not right, the fever should be reduced immediately..." Suspecting that he had overlooked something, Russell held his chin up and meditated on the table.

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