
Chapter 173 Miracle Doctor Russell

A few seconds later, Russell finally remembered what he had forgotten and immediately sat up straight again:

“Oh, I forgot to turn on the refrigeration!

"Now the air conditioner is in ventilation mode, which only has the effect of ventilation, not cooling!"

As he spoke, Russell picked up the air conditioner remote control and changed the air conditioner mode from ventilation to cooling.


With the sound of the air conditioner responding, Heiyu felt that his body suddenly felt much cooler. The original low-grade fever had subsided, and his body suddenly felt relaxed.

"I no longer have a fever, and my body doesn't feel as weak as before. The flu is completely cured!"

Black Feather marveled at the magic of Russell's medicine.

According to what he had heard before, the influenza epidemic in the college this time has occult elements and is weird and difficult to cure. It is difficult for the clinic jointly run by the All Things Society and the Green Moss Sisters to completely cure this strange disease. Basically It can only relieve symptoms.

Unexpectedly, Russell's medical skills were even better, and he was able to cure the disease with medicine.

Black Feather held Russell's hand and shook it repeatedly to express his gratitude:

"It's amazing, it's amazing, it's really a miracle doctor. I knew you had great medical skills, Russell, you are really amazing!"

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Russell felt that the air exhaled by Black Feather was a bit cool when he spoke.

Soon, Kuroba's bespectacled roommate also took the air-conditioning granules. With the help of the remote control medicine, he was able to get rid of the flu and regained his health.

"The price is one silver coin per person, including the cost of diagnosis and medical expenses." Russell deliberately raised his voice so that everyone around him could hear, "Today is the second day of opening, so there is a big discount."

This price is much cheaper than the gorgeous clinic directly opposite!

The occult flu this time was very difficult to treat, and several students even fell into coma due to serious illness and had to be hospitalized in the school hospital.

For extraordinary people, even if it is not a serious illness, the loss caused by the flu affecting the efficiency of spiritual practice and study is really too great. Spending a few college coins to solve the problem is undoubtedly a better choice.

With Kuroyu and his friends as examples, the surrounding pedestrians and even some stall owners looked at Russell differently.

"The medicine prescribed at this consultation booth is actually really effective."

"The treatment efficiency is too exaggerated. After drinking the medicine, I can cure it by pressing the air conditioner remote control twice."

"Only one silver coin? It's really that cheap!"

Ignoring the comments around him, Kuroyu, who had just recovered from his illness, sat in front of Russell's stall and asked:

"Russell, the occult disease in the academy is so strange this time. Do you know how it spreads?"

"What kind of strange things are you referring to?" Russell asked.

"For example, different people may show different symptoms; for example, even if they have not come into contact with someone who is infected, they will be infected inexplicably. Because my roommate and I have no classes, we have been staying in the dormitory during this period, and basically have no How could he be in contact with people, eat and drink food preserved in the dimensional bag, and still be infected?" Black Feather's eyes were full of doubts.

Russell frowned slightly.

He had heard similar statements from other students.

Could it be that the way the flu is transmitted this time is special? Russell thought for a while and expressed his guess:

“Occult diseases may also have infection methods based on mystical connections, which may not be easily avoided by not coming into contact with the pathogen.

“Of course, this is also one of the possibilities, and maybe this occult disease is not that special.

"After all, we cannot visually identify disease carriers who are not showing symptoms, as well as items that may have pathogens attached to them."

After hearing Russell's explanation, Heiyu nodded slightly and murmured: "Is it an infection method based on mystical connections..."

After bidding farewell to Black Feather, his roommates and Wolf Spider, Russell's reputation was officially established and business gradually improved.

"Dr. Russell, I also have the flu, but my symptoms are quite special. Can you check me out?"

"I came first, I came first!"

Patients constantly came to Russell's consultation booth and asked Russell to prescribe medicine.

Russell will also check each person's specific symptoms and select targeted drugs based on the corresponding symptoms.

During the diagnosis process, he will also ask for the opinions of the Bixian APP and use technical means to assist the diagnosis.

In front of the consultation booth, Violet, a second-year girl with purple hair from the Department of Elements and Energy, told her symptoms:

"I didn't expect to meet again, Roman. The last time we met we were hunting goats together in the gymnasium equipment room."

"Ever since I contracted the flu, I feel that my memory has become very poor, and I can't remember the witchcraft knowledge and spell structures I learned at all.

"When I woke up this morning, I didn't even remember how to cast the fireball!

"If this continues, I will forget all the spells I knew.

"You must help me, Doctor Ronaldo!"

After listening to the patient's description of symptoms, Russell carefully analyzed:

"You do have a bad memory. Because my name is not Roma, nor is my name Ronaldo."

Russell had a good impression of Violet, a companion who had fought alongside him.

After using his spiritual vision to examine Violet's body, he consulted the Bixian APP for advice and patiently derived a targeted prescription:

"If you have a bad memory, you can take a notebook, blog posts will enhance your knowledge, and you will have a photographic memory."

"Laptop?" Violet asked.

"Laptops. Computers are a bit expensive," Russell said.

A few minutes later, Violet was cured after taking notebook ash.

"Goodbye, Russell."

Violet and Russell waved goodbye.

The new patient is a boy from the ‘Wuxian’ Light and Shadow Art Club.

"Dr. Russell - wait, Russell, it's really you! I thought it was just the same name. We met when we were filming a ghost movie, do you remember me? The female ghost got out of the mobile phone, what a genius idea! Oops, the one behind you is...isn’t this the female ghost who plays the female ghost? Feng Chime, it’s been so long!”

"Describe your symptoms first." Russell was very calm.

"I have recovered from the flu, but since I recovered from the serious illness, I have become uninspired and can't think of a new short film script. What should I do? I suspect that this occult disease has extinguished the spark of my inspiration. .My current thinking is like wood soaked in water, and it is difficult to ignite the spark of inspiration!" The more the boy talked, the more frustrated he became.

"If you don't have inspiration, eat lighter." Russell's medical advice.

"Doctor, what do you mean?" The boy was a little confused.

"Light bulbs and lighters treat lack of inspiration. They help you ignite the spark of inspiration and there will never be a shortage of flashes of inspiration in your brain!" Russell explained the medical principle.

The boy suddenly realized it and was full of praise:

"A miraculous doctor, what a miraculous doctor!"

The reputation of the miracle doctor Russell spread from mouth to mouth and on the official website of the college.

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