
Chapter 199 Going to the theater is like looking at your own home

Listening to the words of the giant bear, the Arctic wolf's eyes were a little sad, and he had mixed feelings for a moment, and many emotions were always in his heart.

Arctic wolves and giant bears have always shared a secret.

They were all people who received the favor of the Thorn Bird. They were born in witchcraft families, but they did not have extraordinary talents. They relied on the medicine provided by the mysterious woman, the Thorn Bird, to achieve spiritual awakening. They needed to take medicine regularly to maintain their extraordinary power.

It was the medicine provided by the Thorn Birds that allowed them to integrate into this world of extraordinary beings.

The Arctic Wolf put his hand on his chest and said piously and solemnly:

"Thanks Thorn Bird!"

"Praise to the Thorn Bird!" The giant bear also made the same move, with a calm expression and a smile on his lips.

They are not worried about being eavesdropped by others. Even if the Thorn Bird is mentioned in front of others, other people will not be able to hear anything unless Miss Thorn Bird wishes it to herself.

After completing the simple gesture of praise, the giant bear put his hand down again and said:

"Miss Thorn Bird told us that we should not deliberately interfere with the occult flu epidemic in the junior college and let the situation develop on its own. We only need to report the situation to her.

"Some time ago, that Russell cured many patients, and his reputation was quite good, and he became a well-known miracle doctor. I also reported this matter to Miss Thorn Bird. She seemed very satisfied and asked us to continue to observe the trend. "

Miss Thorn Bird's intention is still so hard to detect... Arctic Wolf sighed in his heart and put his hand into a bag on his waist, intending to get this week's medicine.

That bottle of elixir that can maintain their extraordinary power!

"Strange? Where's the medicine? Didn't I bring it? Did I forget it in the villa of the High Court?"

The Arctic Wolf touched it for a long time but couldn't find it, and suddenly became a little panicked.

He hasn’t taken his medication this week!

"Forget it, I shouldn't lose my extraordinary power so quickly. It won't be too late to drink some medicine when I go back to the Institute of Higher Education." Arctic Wolf comforted himself.

The two chatted while walking, bathing in the cool evening breeze.

"By the way, Giant Bear, I remember that this tree-lined path is the offline trading area leading to the junior college. Our White Wolf Club's booth should still be operating. I wonder how it is doing now?" Arctic Wolf laughed. said.

Bang bang bang.

There was a violent explosion in front of the tree-lined path.

"What is this sound? Is there someone doing something in the trading area? Let's go and have a look." The Arctic Wolf, who always liked to watch the excitement, suddenly became interested and hurriedly ran along the tree-lined path.

"There's really nothing we can do against him." The giant bear sighed and quickly followed the Arctic wolf.

Behind the two, a short boy looked at the backs of the giant bear and Arctic wolf from a distance.

The boy lowered his body and picked up the medicine bottle dropped by the Arctic wolf from the grass. In the glass medicine bottle is a viscous medicine as red as blood.

"Is this the secret medicine that can enable ordinary people to awaken spiritually and become extraordinary people? Let me go back and study it for two days first." The boy murmured to himself as he looked at the medicine bottle.

The boy is none other than the principal of the college, a second-year student now aliased as Duncan!

Just now, Duncan used his ability to speak freely and weave the fate of the Arctic wolf, causing the Arctic wolf to accidentally drop the medicine, and then he picked it up again.

Duncan raised his chin slightly and looked at the arctic wolf and giant bear that were getting further and further away in the distance. His eyes and spirit were projected on the gradually blurring backs of the two people, and he thought thoughtfully:

"So that's it. The Arctic Wolf, the boss of the White Wolf Club, has the destiny of 'Dihua Halo'. No wonder no one around him has ever discovered that he is faking it."

The Arctic Wolf and the Giant Bear ran all the way to the end of the tree-lined path and entered the trading area. In order to prevent his status as a fourth-year student from causing unnecessary sensation in the junior high school, the Arctic Wolf wiped his face and slightly modified himself. facial features.

As soon as the two entered the trading area, they saw a large group of people crowding outside the barrier.

There were many people who had moved the benches and sat down, munching snacks and looking towards the center, not knowing what excitement they were watching.

"What's going on?" Arctic Wolf asked a passerby.

"Don't you know? There's a group fight!" The passerby gestured exaggeratedly.

"There are about 20 students on both sides, engaged in a huge spell battle. There are also several second-year top students. The fight is really exciting." Another passerby said.

"A group fight? There is such a good show. Giant Bear, let's go and see it too."

The Arctic Wolf also found it quite interesting. He found a stall, bought some snacks, moved two stools, and forced the giant bear to squeeze into the middle of the crowd.

After squeezing for a while, the Arctic wolf finally made his way to the front of the crowd, put down the bench, and sat down with the giant bear, crossing his legs and gnawing on the potato chips he just bought while watching the battle.

Inside the transparent barrier, a few people from the White Wolf Club were fighting fiercely with 10 people from the All Things Society.

Subway commanded several members of the White Wolf Club, and at the same time controlled the Yellow Turban Warriors to stand in front and absorb the damage.

Russell, who originally belonged to the Wanwuhui side, quietly left after the battle entered a fierce stage. Before leaving, he used the power of wind chimes to blur the memories of the Wanwuhui members so that they could not remember that there was a person in the team before. A man named Russell.

"Wow, a dozen or twenty students had a brawl, and it was really exciting." Arctic Wolf munched on potato chips and praised them repeatedly.

Putting another potato chip into his mouth, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

Why do so many of the people fighting look so familiar?

"Boss, the unmasked party on the left seems to be all members of our White Wolf Club?" The giant bear put his mouth close to the Arctic Wolf's ear and whispered.

The arctic wolf slapped his thigh.

No wonder it looks so familiar, I saw it on my own head while watching the show!

He wiped his face and released the spell that had just changed his appearance. He revealed his heroic and domineering face and shouted towards his family members in the transparent barrier:

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing? Why are you fighting with others?"

Arctic Wolf has never regarded the Subway who got the status of vice president by threatening him as one of his own, but the other boys are indeed members of the White Wolf Club. They were all happy, and the Arctic wolf was also a little distressed.

The members of the White Wolf Club stopped during the battle and looked outside the barrier.

They saw their boss Arctic Wolf and cadre Giant Bear sitting on the bench looking at them.

The boss also has a bag of potato chips in his hand.

"Hahaha, the boss is here." Carnival sounds rang out among several members of the White Wolf Club.

"Boss, you have to make the decision for us. The people from Wanwuhui are really bullying others." Subway also shouted at the top of his lungs, pointing at the 10 masked men from Wanwuhui.

"Boss, they will make the first move!" shouted another member of the White Wolf Club.

Arctic Wolf stood up with a swish, took out the gold badge that represented his identity as a fourth-year student, and shouted sharply:

"You are members of the Wanwuhui? Why don't you stop quickly?"

In an instant, the momentum brought about by Dihua's halo destiny exploded, shaking the 10 masked men in place.

When the members of the All Things Society saw the Arctic wolf, they were stunned:

"No, the leader of the White Wolf Club is here!"

Guangbo was also frightened and pulled Xin Yue's arm:

"We're finished. This Arctic Wolf is a fourth-year boss. I've told you, miss, don't be impulsive!"

Xinyue is also quite innocent: "Who knows how the Arctic wolf came at this time? What a coincidence!"

Seeing the fierce fighting, both sides stopped, and the shouts of the onlookers gradually subsided, and everyone moved away with chairs and watermelons.

"The fight is over, right? Let's go, let's go, let's go."

"Are you going to fight again later? Call me if you want to fight again."

"Pay attention and clean up the garbage on site."

But half of the people continued to watch the excitement, wanting to see how the boss of the White Wolf Club would deal with this group of people from the Wanwuhui.

The fourth-year powerhouse is not something you can just meet if you want to!

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