
Chapter 200 Plague Outbreak

Arctic Wolf put his hands in his pockets, raised his chin slightly, looked at the two groups of people with the attitude of a big boss looking down at mediocre people, and said coldly:

"I'm not an unreasonable person. I usually like to solve problems peacefully..."

Mainly because I can't solve the problem peacefully... The Arctic Wolf muttered silently as he spoke.

"Tell me, how did you start fighting?"

A girl from the White Wolf Club said angrily:

"It was the people from the Wanwuhui who took action first. They came to the door first, clamoring to find someone, and then attacked us when they disagreed!"

The 10 members of the Wuwuhui had also torn off the black cloth that covered their faces, and the illusions on their bodies had also been destroyed in the fierce battle just now. They were speechless when they heard this and didn't know how to refute.

"It seems that it was our people who did it first. But who did it? I don't remember." Guangbo and Xinyue leaned against each other and whispered.

"I don't remember either. I feel like this memory is very vague." Xinyue turned her head and lowered her voice.

Russell, who was munching potato chips among the crowd of onlookers, felt a little embarrassed and quickly lowered his head.

"So why do you people from the Wanwuhui come to our White Wolf Club booth to cause trouble?"

Arctic Wolf continued to ask in a condescending manner.

"Actually, we are here to find Russell..." Guangbo stepped forward and looked at the Arctic Wolf with a look of flattery.

"What kind of attitude do you have! To see a miracle doctor, you have to get a call in advance!" There were angry voices among the onlookers.

"Yes, yes, even if you are members of the All Things Society, you can't jump in line." Another unknown onlooker spoke righteously and added: "Unless you give me 5 academy copper coins, I will sell you my account."

"I only need 3 college copper coins to sell you my account." Another onlooker participated in the bidding.

No, I'm not here to see a doctor... Guangbo covered his face helplessly, feeling that there must be some misunderstanding here.

But with so many people watching at this time, you can't say that you are here to kidnap Russell, right?

"What are you talking about? We are here to kidnap Russell!" Xinyue muttered.

What are you talking about, miss? are you crazy? Guangbo was so angry that he wanted to stamp his feet. He felt that it was too much for the family to send him to take care of the young lady, and to join the All Things Society together.

Xinyue's words aroused the anger of the crowd, and the onlookers were extremely angry:

"It's so abominable that you dare to kidnap the miracle doctor!"

"I picked up the number early in the morning, and I didn't even have a chance to see a doctor. You just want to have Russell all to yourself."

"Russell belongs to all of us!"

"Which one of you is sick? Don't you know how to sneak in and jump in line?"

Guangbo felt that the misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper, but he would rather the misunderstanding was like this than tell the truth.

Arctic Wolf couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted the random speeches of the onlookers:

"I would like to ask you, why did you come to our White Wolf Club when you were looking for Russell? Does he have anything to do with us?"

Why are you getting involved with this kid Russell again?

"Isn't Russell a cadre of your White Wolf Club?" one of the members of the All Things Society asked.

"No, how could he be..." Arctic Wolf was about to say this but then shut up.

He thought hard for a moment and then remembered——

After defeating the Red Order of Chaos last year, when Subway pulled Clara in the library and threatened him with his own leverage, he also forcibly obtained a cadre title for Russell.

Arctic Wolf followed the words of passers-by and figured out the logic, and finally figured out the cause and effect of the matter, and asked 10 members of the Wuwu Society:

"So who among you is sick and is eager to seek medical treatment from Russell in this way?"

As he spoke, the Arctic Wolf secretly cursed:

Oops, Wanwuhui is too arrogant as the largest force in the academy.

Cutting in line for medical treatment can lead to such a big deal!

Xinyue also wanted to argue that they were not here to see a doctor and jump in line, but their mouths were covered by the light waves on the side.

"Okay, just treat us as if we are here to see a doctor. Do any of us have the occult flu?" Xinyue turned her head and asked Guangbo next to her in a low voice.

"I should count. I took a test before and found that I was indeed infected. It's just that I was in good health and didn't show any symptoms." Guangbo replied in a low voice.

After Guangbo finished speaking, he stepped forward bravely:

"I, I, I am a patient..."

As Guangbo walked, he thought about how to make his symptoms look more severe.

Suddenly, Guangbo froze on the spot.

His head was dizzy, his whole body went limp, as if all his strength had been drained, and his vision suddenly blurred.


Guangbo fell to the ground.

"It turns out that he is so seriously ill. No wonder he is so anxious to jump in line." said a passerby who was watching.

"Wait a minute, isn't this the accountant Guangbo from the United Clinic across the street? I didn't expect people from their clinic to seek medical treatment from Russell at the booth opposite." Another passerby onlookers sighed.

One of the boys from the White Wolf Club was dissatisfied: "He didn't look sick when he fought with us just now."

Another girl from the White Wolf Club reminded him: "Have you forgotten? This light wave kept coughing when he fought with us before."

The boy who spoke before suddenly realized: "Yeah! I thought he choked on the water? No wonder he was coughing while beating, it turns out he is seriously ill."

Russell, who was hiding among the onlookers, was eating potato chips and listening to the nonsensical speeches of this group of people.

How do I remember that the boy named Guangbo coughed because I choked him with the invisible flying potion? Russell thought.

Looking at Guangbo who fell to the ground, Xinyue couldn't help but sigh in her heart:

As expected of you, you look pretty good.

It was as if he was really sick and fell to the ground.

Russell looked at Guang Bo who fell to the ground, and was hesitating whether he should step forward. Suddenly, several thumps of falling were heard from the crowd of onlookers.

Thump thump.

In less than 10 seconds, seven or eight students fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Russell suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Guangbo, who was the first to fall, has slowly stood up. His face was pale and shocked. He raised his hands and looked around:

"My whole body has become so heavy, and my strength seems to have been drained away. My eyes, my eyes, can't see clearly! The world around me has become blurry!"

Several other students who fell ill at the same time also showed similar symptoms.

Several infected students fell ill at the same time in a short period of time. An atmosphere of fear suddenly spread among the crowd, and people became panicked.

"Could it be that..." Russell vaguely guessed what happened and stepped forward:

"Don't be afraid, everyone, I'm Doctor Russell, I'm here!"

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