
Chapter 215 Duncan’s Age

"What expressions do you have? Am I not good at writing?" The Demon King said, opening the novel. "Let me tell you my creative ideas for each plot."

The Demon King just flipped through the novel in his hand, reading as he did so.

Turn and turn.

Turn and turn.

The more he turned, the more solemn his expression became.

At the end of the page, the Demon King's face was so solemn that he looked like he was about to drip.


The Demon King closed the book and swallowed before saying:

"Sorry, I just boasted...a little bit, exaggerated.

"Actually, this book is my first work after becoming a writer. It is my early work. The writing techniques and plot planning are not yet proficient enough, and the overall quality is average."

You're pretty good at talking... Russell and Feng Chime narrowed their eyes and watched the Demon King's performance quietly.

Both of them knew very well how messy and fragmented the plot of this book was. Often a line would suddenly break off in the middle of writing, and there would be no follow-up at all.

The perspective is also messed up, and there isn’t even a main character!

"Mr. Demon King. Is the book "Luo Qianqiu and the Elixir" we have now really the version created by you? I think the plot of this book is a bit weird. Are there any signs that it has been deliberately modified?" Russell said seriously. asked.

Combined with the previous abnormalities in this novel, Russell suspected that someone had deliberately modified the plot of the novel to accomplish certain occult purposes and achieve certain rituals or spells.

The thorn bird has extraordinary abilities related to the novel!

"No." The Demon King replied quite firmly:

"Although the quality is a little lower than I imagined, the specific plot is no different from what I remember, and I can even remember how I wrote each specific chapter.

“It must be that my current writing level and appreciation level have improved, so when I look at my previous works, I feel like ‘it’s just that’.

"Well, that must be the case."

Russell cast a suspicious look at the Demon King and muttered silently in his heart:

Mr. Demon King, have you really been able to write...such rubbish? is that OK?

It's not that he wants to ridicule Mr. Demon King, but the plot of this book is really too weird. There is neither a main line nor a branch line. It is like a hammer here and there. It is not something that carbon-based creatures can come up with.

Even though the Demon King had said this, Russell still suspected that there were secrets hidden in this book that he didn't know!

"Mr. Demon King, let's continue.

"You wanted to refine a medicine that would allow humans to sublimate their life levels. Did you succeed? What happened after that?"

Speaking of this, the vicissitudes of life reappeared on the Demon King's handsome and resolute face:

"I failed many times without success. Until one day, I met a partner. She claimed to have similar goals to me."

"Who?" Russell asked hurriedly, vaguely having an answer in his mind.

"Thorn Bird." The Demon King spit out this name.

Hearing this name, the wind chime awakened some memories of his life. The fragments of his tragic death were replayed in his mind, and he couldn't help but shudder.

The Demon King slowly said again:

“However, Thorn Bird was the code name she only used after enrolling in school.

"She is a spellcaster who appears frequently in many legends and myths. She has many names, the most famous of which is Baba Yaga."

Baba Yaga.

When Russell heard this name, he suddenly recalled a lot, and his thoughts were spinning.

Combined with what Arctic Wolf said when he was hypnotized, it seems that the mysterious woman who helped Arctic Wolf complete his spiritual awakening and controlled the White Wolf Club behind the scenes is definitely Thorn Bird.

In this way, when the thorn bird spoke to me, it did show some kindness and did not deceive me.

Well, there's no need to lie to me. As long as I have contact with the Demon King, I will know this information sooner or later, and if the Demon King had not appeared, I would have been captured by her.

Russell informed Duncan of his idea.

"That's it, Mr. Principal, the mysterious woman who helps Arctic Wolf cheat and directs Arctic Wolf behind the scenes is the Thorn Bird.

"Although we don't know what the real purpose of Sister Thorn Bird is yet, since she is already an enemy of the academy, I think it is necessary to keep Arctic Wolf under surveillance."

Duncan nodded slightly and approved Russell's suggestion.

Now that the college's protective barrier has been fully deployed, even all electromagnetic wave signals are being monitored. There is a high probability that the Thorn Birds will not be able to contact the Arctic Wolf or other informants in the college, but it is still necessary to monitor the Arctic Wolf.

Speaking of this, Duncan added:

"I have also reported the suspicion of Thorn Bird to the World Supernatural Council. If nothing else happens, this senior may become a wanted criminal soon."

After speaking, Duncan looked at the Demon King, the erudite college principal, with a bit of surprise in his eyes:

"Is the Thorn Bird, a former college graduate, the Baba Yaga in the Slavic fairy tale? Or is she just using the legendary name as her code name?"

"As far as I know, she is the prototype of those fairy tales. Of course, after being adapted and passed down by word of mouth from generation to generation, these legends have long been far from their true appearance." The Demon King replied.

Duncan's mouth opened wide, looking in disbelief:

"The question is, isn't the legendary Baba Yaga an old witch? She should be an old woman, right? Could it be that Baba Yaga used some powerful secret technique to rejuvenate her youth and stay youthful forever?"

Principal, isn't it a bit strange that you ask this question? Russell looked at the principal who looked like an immature boy in front of him with a speechless expression.

Sensing the strangeness in Russell's eyes, Duncan immediately explained:

"My situation is different. Although I used magic to rejuvenate my youth, it does not affect the aging of my soul, nor can I extend my lifespan for a long time. But the legend of Baba Yaga is at least thousands of years old, right? The Thorn Bird has been living until now. ?"

"Wait a minute, Mr. Principal, does that mean your rejuvenation is only for the body, but the soul is still aging?" Russell asked slightly surprised.

He had never deliberately learned the relevant knowledge before, and it was not taught in class.

"Yes, this is true for all rejuvenation spells in the world. Although I can always retain the appearance of a child, the aging of the soul is unavoidable, and immortality cannot be achieved." Duncan replied as if explaining a common sense.

As he spoke, a trace of pretentious vicissitudes appeared on the boy's face. Duncan pressed his slender hands on his chest:

"Even though I look young and beautiful, my hundred-year-old soul is already approaching twilight. It's normal for you children to not understand the state of mind of an elderly person like me."

The wind chimes on the side almost dropped their jaws:

"What, Mr. Principal, are you already a centenarian? I can't tell at all."

She couldn't connect the principal's daily performance with that of a mature and steady old principal.

Duncan quickly defended:

"I am affected by hormones. My body is still small, and the hormones of a child will definitely make me more lively, right? This definitely does not mean that I was like this before I rejuvenated. You must have a scientific spirit!"

Just as the Demon King was about to continue speaking, Russell hurriedly asked:

"Mr. Principal, doesn't it mean that the magic of rejuvenation can't significantly increase life span?"

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