
Chapter 216 Russell’s leaping thinking

Russell knew that after reaching the third level of spiritual cultivation, the lifespan of an extraordinary person would increase, but this was mainly due to stronger vitality, later failure of body functions, and immunity to most diseases. After all, life span has not significantly exceeded human limits.

Centenarians are not uncommon among outstanding extraordinary people, but the probability of living to be over 200 years old is extremely small.

Russell originally thought that by using specific spells, rituals and potions to rejuvenate himself, he could further extend his lifespan, but the cost was very high and ordinary extraordinary people could not afford it. But now it seems that is not the case.

Duncan spread his hands naturally:

"It's like this. Even in the supernatural realm, immortality is considered impossible. Spells, rituals and elixirs that extend lifespan do exist, but they conflict with each other. The limit is just a dozen more years of life. "

I see. This should be common sense in the extraordinary world. I was born into an ordinary family, and it has only been less than two years since I entered the extraordinary world. I still know too little... Russell secretly sighed and asked:

"But the campus hospital can perform operations to resurrect the dead. Is it effective for people who die of old age?"

"Those who died of natural causes cannot be resurrected." Duncan gave the answer that Russell had long thought of.

"Then if we kill the old man 10 minutes before he dies, can he be resurrected?" Russell is very capable of thinking in leaps and bounds.

"It can be resurrected." Duncan answered in the affirmative, "But it can only live for another 10 minutes after resurrection."

Fengchi was stunned as he listened to Russell and Duncan's questions and answers. He felt that everything was so reasonable and there were no bugs.

But Russell still didn’t give up:

"So for the great men and heroes who appear in every era, can we kill them in advance before their natural death and preserve their souls. When they are needed again, we can resurrect them. Such a situation thousands of years ago A great man or hero would be able to live to this day.”

"Wow, you are worthy of being a student of our college. What a great idea. I asked the school hospital the same way back then!" Duncan raised his thumbs to Russell, praising this college student.

"However, the campus hospital told me that even if the soul is preserved in the state of death, the soul will still age slowly, but not as fast as when alive." Duncan said.

Russell lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, and then said: "Okay, Mr. Principal, I have no other questions."

The Demon King next to him watched Russell and Duncan singing along, nodding his head with admiration.

It seems that when I wake up this time, I still have a lot to learn!

"Okay, Mr. Demon King, you can continue to tell your experience. About the Thorn Birds."

The Demon King nodded slightly and said:

"As you may have guessed, the Thorn Birds have apparently exceeded the limit of human lifespan.

"She is also a master alchemist. She often throws all kinds of strange materials into the boiler in her hut to prepare potions with supernatural powers.

"And her immortality is the effect of a certain pot of magic potion."

Russell was not surprised at all by the fact that thorn birds like to prepare potions in boilers.

This is the most standard witch image in fairy tales!

Of course, the medicinal materials used in the preparation are probably spider webs, toad eyes and other messy things, which are not like foods that can be imported anyway.

It was at this moment that Russell suddenly realized the fact that the magic skills of the necromancy and life systems had an even older origin, which could not only be traced back to witch doctors, shamans, and shamans, but was also closely related to the image of witches.

"That is to say, the thorn bird has the ability to create medicines that make people immortal or have an extremely long lifespan." Duncan keenly grasped the key points of the Demon King's words.

Drugs can be given to other people. If a method of immortality existed, it would definitely cause uproar in the entire world.

The Demon King sighed lightly and said;

“But that was just the result of an accidental refining of the medicine, a miracle that cannot be replicated.

"According to Thorn Bird, during a certain potion preparation process, she randomly added many medicinal materials and accidentally brewed a real elixir.

"A pot of potion allowed the Thorn Bird to rejuvenate, become the youthful and beautiful appearance it is now, and gain eternal life.

"However, she tried all the methods, but she could not reproduce the same pot of elixir. Even with the help of divination and prophecy, this was the case.

"This is also the basis for our cooperation - I hope to refine a medicine that can qualitatively change the life form of mortals, while the Thorn Bird wants to reproduce the pot of elixir. We hit it off immediately and started cooperation."

Feeling the huge amount of information in Demon King Xiaoming's words, Russell's thoughts were floating:

It turns out that Thorn Bird and Demon King Xiao Ming were once allies.

The occult medicine that the two of them want to refine together should ideally have two effects. One is to allow ordinary people to obtain extraordinary power, and the other is to make people immortal or have a long lifespan, corresponding to immortality and extraordinary respectively. Two ultimate human dreams.

By the way, the thorn bird can refine the elixir that allows ordinary people such as Arctic wolves to awaken spiritually. This is probably one of the research results during the cooperation. It's just that this elixir has a limited duration and must be taken regularly, otherwise it will turn back into an ordinary person.

As the electric head was spinning, Russell immediately asked again:

"Then how did you turn against each other later?"

The Demon King's face was a bit more solemn than before:

“After working together for a period of time, I discovered that this woman had bad conduct and was not a kind person.

"Once, she actually wanted to capture other extraordinary beings as ingredients for refining medicine, saying that only by using the lives of extraordinary beings as materials can elixirs that bring extraordinary power be refined.

"I had a big fight with her and we parted ways from now on!"

Using living people to make medicine is very consistent with the legend of cannibal witches. Sister Thorn Bird is indeed not a good person. She probably just hid it well when she entered school... Russell was thinking while listening.

When talking about living people refining medicine, the wind chime behind Russell twitched obviously, and many memory fragments flashed through the female ghost's mind, and her body shivered.

Russell raised his hand, his right hand glowing with blue light, gently touching the void, using the ability to control the spirit body to soothe the wind chime.

"After Thorn Bird and I parted ways, it took a long time, probably 15 years ago, before I learned that she had enrolled in the International Unified School of Magic and Supernatural, the only extraordinary school in the world, and had become the top student in the school. A fifth grade student." The Demon King said again.

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