
Chapter 217 The corpse of the wind chime

The Thorn Bird, who is already the world's top spellcaster, will definitely have a smooth journey to grade promotion after enrolling...

Just as Russell was thinking this, he saw Duncan's eyes light up:

"Oh, it's a pity that I was already locked up in the seal at that time, and I couldn't witness the time that Thorn Bird was in the academy with my own eyes.

"It's really hateful. This old woman is enrolled in the same school as ordinary students, starting from the first grade. What student can't compare with her!"

The devil said, with a bit of anger on his face:

“After knowing this, and combined with the fact that she wanted to capture an extraordinary person refining medicine, I was worried that some students in the college would be poisoned by her, so I immediately went to the college.

"This trip is a big deal. Sure enough, we discovered the crimes she committed in the academy."

Duncan and Russell's eyes suddenly narrowed.

The wind chime trembled gently, seeming to recall many episodes.

Russell quickly asked:

"What sin?"

The Demon King sighed softly and said slowly:

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place in the academy. It used to be the secret base of the Thorn Birds."

"Where?" Russell asked hurriedly.

The Demon King thought for a moment and said:

"I remember it was called Dream Chaser Tower. It shouldn't have been demolished yet, right?"

Dream Chaser Tower, what is this place?

Russell lowered his head and tried to remember.

"It's an abandoned tower that was once abandoned due to fire," Duncan explained.

Abandoned tower!

Russell felt as if electric current surged up from the end of his spinal cord, and his back felt slightly cold and numb.

This is where he found the wind chimes!



The rusty iron door was pushed open.

The Demon King led Duncan, Russell, and Wind Chime into the tower and climbed the creaking stairs.

Duncan summoned several levitating orbs of light that followed them all the way, illuminating the darkness of the stairwell.

The Demon King looked around as he walked, recalling the details of the past.

When he reached a certain floor, the Demon King suddenly stopped.

"This is it. The demiplane secret room should still be there."

I saw the Demon King tapping twice on the wall on the side of the stairs, injecting magic power into it.

A simple iron door suddenly appeared on the wall without a door.

Duncan recognized the supernatural technology at a glance:

“So that’s it, this is a small demiplane secret room created using space magic. It can only be entered at a specific entrance and through a specific method.

"It is very hidden. It is difficult to find it without astrology and numerology experts conducting a comprehensive inspection of the tower."

"Come in..." The Demon King pushed the door open and entered with two people and one ghost behind him.

An old and stale atmosphere, mixed with a chill, filled the air from the door.


The moment they entered the door, both Russell and Duncan's pupils suddenly opened wide, taking in a panoramic view of the interior of the secret room illuminated by a faint light ball.

In the secret room hall, which was only about 20 meters long and wide, tables and chairs collapsed, and rotten alchemy vessels were staggered here and there.

The ground was filled with dense piles of human bones. Human skulls and skeletons were stacked in staggered piles, covered with a dense layer of dust.

There were mottled blood stains on the walls, blackened by more than ten years of baptism.

Scratches can still be seen on the dusty walls. Russell could imagine that the deceased who had been trapped here used to scrape the walls with his fingernails, but in the end he could not leave this place.

Seeing this horrific scene, the bloody and cruel scenes from his life spanned time and flashed in Feng Ling's mind.

Wind Chime covered his head, shaking violently like an electric shock. His eyes were empty and blank, and he couldn't stop murmuring:

“That woman killed me, killed me.

“No, no, it’s not just me!

“She also killed a lot of people.

"All of us are forgotten, no one remembers us...

"I really want to see my former friends, like my parents, but they don't remember me anymore, and I don't remember them either..."

Looking at the trembling and desperate wind chime, the Demon King looked gloomy and said slowly:

"The Thorn Birds secretly imprisoned and captured many college students, using them as subjects for drug experiments and as ingredients for refining potions.

"In the view of Thorn Bird, the life, blood and soul of extraordinary people are the best medicinal materials. Only with the blood and life of extraordinary people can we refine medicine that sublimates life forms and allows ordinary people to obtain extraordinary abilities.

“It is difficult to find a place like the academy in the world that can gather so many outstanding young extraordinary people. Even if one of them disappears from time to time, it will not affect the normal operation of the academy.

"So this became the best hunting ground for that woman."

Russell suppressed the indignation in his heart, his slightly immature palms clenched into fists, and his nails dug deeply into his flesh.

Mr. Principal just gave himself the elixir obtained from the Arctic Wolf, and the bottle of crimson potion was stored in his dimensional pocket. Now that I think about it, that bottle of elixir that can make ordinary people spiritually awaken may have been refined with the blood of another transcendent person.

Duncan was silent for a long time and then said:

“But the college has never known anyone missing.

"The Thorn Bird is the pinnacle of spirituality and illusion in this world. I think that when she kidnaps a student and comes here, the student will be forgotten by the world, and the name of the missing person will not be recorded even in documents and computers.

"This spell is not perfect. The memory of the forgotten person may remain deep in the subconscious and be awakened in a dream. The mother may find that she, who has never given birth to a child, has a daughter in her dream. ; When a student from a certain college falls asleep, he may find that there is an additional student in the class photo that he has never seen before.

"Really, if I hadn't been sealed at that time..."

Duncan's voice became softer and softer as he spoke, and there was already anger in his tone that could not be concealed.

His eyes swept over the dusty skeletons on the ground, each skull representing a once-forgotten academy student.

Russell took a few steps forward, walked past the bones, and sighed:

“I didn’t expect that the weird rumors in the academy were true.

"There are really many students who quietly disappeared in the college, but no one remembers them."

At the beginning, Nocturne and the Red Order of Chaos had suspected that this strange story was indeed true, but their suspicions about the culprit were completely wrong.

The wind chimes also floated forward, and the spirit body passed through the cobwebs and bones, stopping in front of a certain skull in the corner.

There was no difference between this skull and the surrounding skulls, but the wind chime recognized it immediately.

"This is me when I was alive..."

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