Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1002: transition

"The room was fine this time, and I hope that doesn't happen again."

"I see." Lucia bowed her head respectfully, but her hands were still trembling.

"By the way, now, can you please take us to meet Ramsas, we also have our own life itinerary, and hope to go back as soon as possible."

After hearing Mu Hantian's words, Lucia shook her head and replied, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ramsas is currently out on official business and is not in the city. Please wait until tomorrow to meet again."

"Not here? Wasn't he himself the one who came to us?" Yuxi frowned and asked.

"Yes. If I visited the mansion a few days ago, there would be no problem with Mr. Ramsas' itinerary. However, just as you have your own itinerary, we also have various affairs. Especially now, Our moderate faction and the current Demon Lord faction led by Leohart are in a time of war.”

Lucia continued: "Lord Ramsas is the leader of the Moderate faction. He is usually busy with official business. Today, unfortunately, there is an important matter that must not be absent. We have waited for more than a month to cooperate with your schedule. Can't wait?"

"Okay, then we'll wait another day."

"Thank you for your understanding."

When Lucia said this to Mu Hantian, someone knocked on the door and entered the room.

"Everyone, please have tea."

It was a beautiful maid with brown skin. Mu Hantian knew the girl who was slowly approaching with a metal cart full of tea sets.

"Jeste, long time no see!" Mu Hantian called out her name.

"Hello." Jest nodded to Mu Hantian's call and said, "Long time no see, Mu Hantian—no, it should be Mr. Hantian."

Seeing Zest like this, Hu Tao leaned into Yuxi's ear and asked, "Is she that Zest?"

"Yes, it used to be Zokiel's subordinate." Yuki nodded and replied to the walnut who had never met Zest.

"You seem to be doing well here...that's great."

"Yes. Zest is grateful for your concern."

"Jeste will be in charge of Mr. Hantian's daily life during his visit. If you have any needs, please tell her directly, you don't have to be polite. Jeste - you will bring Mr. Hantian to his room later."

"Yes, Lord Lucia."

Seeing Jest saluting and taking orders, Lucia said "hello" and continued, "Everyone must be a little tired after coming all the way down. There is still a while before dinner, please stay in this room to rest for a while and have dinner. I'll let you know when it's ready. Farewell."

Lucia saluted and turned away—but she turned around in front of the door and said, "Maria—after drinking Jest's tea, remember to go to my room, and treat all of you over there. Action to make a detailed report."

"Okay, I see, Lady Lucia."

After Maria nodded lightly, Lucia really left the room.

Staying here to rest before dinner actually means not leaving this room.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, everyone had no other place to go, so they stayed here.

Mu Hantian drank the tea that Jest made for them. After sitting down on the sofa around the large table in the center of the room, Jest put the tea set in front of everyone, lifted the white porcelain teapot and poured tea one after another, and Mu Hantian immediately took a sip and tasted it.

"The aroma and taste are very similar to the black tea we usually drink."

"There are completely different types of tea in the Demon Realm. Considering that you are here for the first time, I will try to choose the type of tea that is closest to the taste of the Human Realm... Does it suit your appetite?"

"Yeah, it's delicious, Jest."

"That's it, that's great." Jest smiled happily.

"You guys are in a good atmosphere...I haven't even had the tea yet, why did I get hot first?" Mio, who was watching the conversation between Mu Hantian and Jest, said sarcastically.

"Sorry...I didn't mean that..." Zest apologized with a sad expression, pouring tea into Mio's cup.

After that—the atmosphere in the room became a little tense. Mio was convinced that she was the adoptive parents of her biological parents, but unfortunately was murdered by the high-ranking demon Zogir—and Zest was his subordinate.

Of course, Jest only obeyed the orders of the master Zogir, and had nothing to do with the death of Mio's adoptive parents; but feelings cannot be easily divided like this, and Mu Hantian entrusted Jest to her for this reason. Steady. It would be too cruel to Mio if Mio gave up killing her kinslayer Zogir with her own hands, and then asked her to live with the enemy's subordinate, Zest. Because of these reasons, when Jest was temporarily staying at Dongcheng's house, Mio hardly spoke to her, and Mu Hantian also left Mio.

However——when Zest took a step back after pouring the tea, Mio picked up the teacup and said, "Really...I'm afraid that you will be abused here, I'm really worried."

This sentence with a "hum" surprised everyone present.

Zest froze completely.

"Eh—what, how...?" Mio frowned in confusion when he noticed that his eyes were focused on her.

Mio probably didn't realize it herself—what meaning she had just said. I don't know how much of a burden Zest can be relieved by a casual muttering.

Seeing such a cute Mio in Mu Hantian's eyes, he couldn't help but reach out and lightly touch her head.

"Hey, what are you doing, brother—why all of a sudden?"

"No, no reason. I just think you've grown up." Mu Hantian smiled and said to Mio, who didn't lift his hand even though he was confused.

"Could it be that I was a child in your eyes before?" Mio said with some dissatisfaction.

"That's right, although your body has grown up, some of your behaviors are really like a child."

"Hmph." Mio snorted proudly and turned around.

In this way, everyone tasted Jest's tea and discussed how to respond in the future.

It's a pity that I and others are obviously unpopular, so all the members agreed that they should return to the Human World after discussing important matters as soon as possible. However, at this moment, Mio still had difficulty judging whether or not to hand over Wilbert's power, and only knew that he had to make a decision that he would not regret.

Having said that, some of the moderates, like Ramsas, want Mio to hand over Wilbert's power, and some want Mio to become the new Demon King; even though Mio doesn't want to be a Demon King, he has to listen carefully to both parties. opinion in order to make the most appropriate judgment. Unfortunately, Ramthas was not in the city now, so he had to wait for him to come back tomorrow and ask him to explain the considerations of both parties.

"Brother Hantian, what are your plans?" A voice suddenly appeared in the room.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice, it was Mu Hantian's legs. Mu Hantian bowed his head with a wry smile, there was a young nightmare sitting on his lap at some point.

Mio and the others also noticed the existence of that young dream demon and gasped, and then——

"mom, Mom, Mom?"

After Maria screamed in astonishment, the young dream demon, Shera, smiled and said, "Aiya, Maria, why are you screaming like this? Are you so happy to see your beloved mother?"

"There's no... I was just startled when I saw you suddenly running out of there."

But Xuela ignored Maria's complaints, raised her head on Mu Hantian's lap, looked at Mu Hantian and said, "I'm sorry, little brother Hantian... Auntie also apologizes to sister Mio and everyone. Our family Luqia seems to be right. You are not polite."

After she finished speaking, she laughed twice.

"No, no... Long time no see, Sheila. You're still in good spirits."

"Yeah, but Lucia is also true, who is her indifference inherited from..."

Shera cupped her cheeks in one hand and sighed, "Rukia was originally a conscientious and responsible person...but after becoming Ramthus's adjutant, it got even worse~"

"She's very careful and capable...but that kind of personality is really good~ I'm afraid the physical and mental burden of the maid under Lucia is particularly heavy."

"Is that so... The maid's less experienced Zest is probably more difficult."

After listening to Xuela's words, Mu Hantian expressed concern for Jest who was waiting by the wall, and as a result——

"No, because I'm not under Lucia-sama here."

"Eh? That's you, Sheila? It's my last request."

"Ah, Brother Hantian is really smart."

Zest, who was behind her, also lowered her eyes and said, "I really don't know how to thank Mrs. Sheila for being a good servant... I still have a lot of inconsistencies in my work as a servant; fortunately, I followed Mrs. Sheila. to make it happen now.”

At this time, Maria drank the tea in one gulp. "Okay, it's time to find Sister Lucia."

After saying that in a calm tone, he stood up from the sofa.

"No problem, do you want me to accompany you?"

"No need, Mio-sama."

Maria shook her head at Mio who was worried about her——

"Please continue to rest, everyone - I will come when I go."

After saying this with a smile, he walked out of the room with a steady pace.

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