Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1001: conflict

That's it—the guys followed Lucia for a while, and saw a wooden carriage with a window with classical decoration waiting for them in a relatively open place in the forest, big enough to easily fit more than ten people, and in front of them was waiting for them. There is a black horse that is harnessed. only--

"The horses in the Demon World are so big..." Mio said, raising her head.

There are also tall horses such as heavy-duty horses for farming in the Human World, but they are almost insignificant, because this horse is at least three meters tall, and its body shape is not heavy, and it is as strong as a thoroughbred racing horse.

"No, it's this horse that's special. Horses this big are rare in the Demon World."

Rukia answered while standing beside the giant horse that released an astonishing sense of oppression. Then, two maids appeared behind the carriage, most of them were Lucia's subordinates. They opened the carriage door and approached, and said respectfully, "Everyone, please get in the carriage and leave your luggage to us."

He put Mu Hantian's luggage on the shelf at the end of the carriage. At this time-

"Ah, no need for this, I'll take it myself." "Me too, it's fine for you to trouble you."

Walnut and Yuki gave the suitcase for clothes and sundries and left the other one. There are auxiliary props there, so it is natural to carry them with you.

Then the group got into the car one after another, sat down on the opposite seats on both sides, and finally Lucia, and then a maid closed the door.

Lucia made sure that the maids sat on the groom's seat, held the reins, and said softly, "Everyone, we're going."

At the same time, the carriage carrying Mu Hantian and the others slowly moved forward.

Shortly after leaving the forest open, the carriage began to pick up speed on the dry dirt road. Mu Hantian looked at the scenery outside the window for a while, and asked, "How long will it take to get to Verda City?"

"In terms of the units of each world, it's about an hour." Lucia, who was sitting on the edge, replied respectfully.

"Is that so?" Mu Hantian closed his eyes after speaking, not knowing what he was thinking.

Time passed slowly, and a dull silence ensued. The only sound in the car was the sound of horseshoes and wheels rolling across the ground.

"Ah, everyone, look to the right!"

Suddenly, Maria spoke up as if trying to resolve the embarrassment. When everyone followed the sound and turned their heads - the carriage ran out of the forest and came to the hills with a wide view; scattered under the window on the right, was a huge city panorama composed of large and small buildings.

Around the city, there is an outer wall that seems to be directly cut from a rock wall. It's a really spectacular picture. That was probably the former capital of the demons—Vilda.

"So the castle at the top of the city is Verda City?"

"Yes. That is Mio-sama's father, the castle that His Majesty Wilbert ruled in the past, and the current lord of the castle is His Majesty Wilbert's brother, Lord Ramsas."

After listening to Maria's explanation, Mio, who silently watched the scenery outside the window, held Mu Hantian's hand lightly, and Mu Hantian also held back the slightly cold, trembling hand.

While the scenery outside the window was still passing by, it gradually approached the castle in the distance.

The carriage that Mu Hantian and others rode went around most of the outer wall and arrived at the back door of the castle.

Mio is the only daughter of Wilbert, the spiritual leader of the moderate faction, while Genghiko and the others belong to the brave family. If you casually walk through the city and are recognized by the public, it may cause a big commotion. It should be a good choice to bypass the urban area and directly enter the castle.

After crossing the lowered lift bridge, the carriage passed the city wall and stopped.

Afterwards, the door of the car was opened from the outside, and Luqia got out of the car first, followed by Mu Hantian and the others. There were four maids waiting for them outside the car, who were supposed to come to pick up the wind. Lucia walked in front of the ladies and turned around——

"Mio-sama, Hantian-sama, and distinguished guests—Welcome to Velda Castle."

They gave a solemn salute as if they were officially welcoming, and said the welcome words softly, and the other ladies also bowed. Now the honored guests are Mio and Mu Hantian, and Geng Xizi is at most just an entourage. In fact, if Mu Hantian did not show his strength, he would also be regarded as an entourage.

"Uh... I'm Naruse Mio, I'm going to trouble you all these days." Mio, who was originally staying among the companions, took a step forward, not knowing how to answer. He wanted to bow, but was held back by Mu Hantian.

"Mio, you deserve it, so there's no need for this."

"Then, please go this way." After looking at Mu Hantian, Lucia said so, the maids who were waiting behind her immediately saluted, passed by Mu Hantian's side, and ran to the carriage. Probably to pick up luggage.

After handing over the clothes and luggage to them, Mu Hantian and the others entered the city under the leadership of Luqiya. Although it is the rear entrance, it is also quite high and the decoration is very luxurious.

The furnishings and lighting in the hallways have been meticulously crafted to reveal their historical style full of stories to those who see them for the first time. Of course, it's all spotless.

As expected of the castle of the moderate spiritual leader Wilbert.

Wangcheng is one of the indicators to show national prestige. Even if the Moderates' forces rapidly declined after Wilbert's death, from the carriage, the urban area was still full of vigor; that was mostly because in the eyes of the public, the castle, which symbolized Moderation, still maintained the appearance of Wilbert before his death. for the sake of it.

Mu Hantian and his party followed Luqia through the solemn corridor, and turned a few more corners—to the door of the room at the bottom of the corridor.

"This is the room where Mio-sama stayed during his visit. Hantian-sama's male room is elsewhere. Someone will show you the way later."

After Luqia finished speaking, she opened the door, and the scene behind the door made Mu Hantian speechless for a while.

It's not because of surprise - quite the opposite. The luxurious impression created by the high space and high-end furniture and other furnishings that you have seen along the way is completely absent in this room: only the most basic necessities such as simple beds, sofas, tables and chairs can be seen. After entering the room, I found that the sunshine was also poor and it was quite dark.

"Judging from the decorations on the road and the decorations of the rooms passing by, this is not a guest room at all, it's just a warehouse where excess furniture is usually piled up. We don't care, but is this really a room for the only daughter of the former Demon King?" Hu Tao looked coldly. asked.

"It was Lord Ramsas who asked everyone to use the room here." Lucia answered calmly, not caring about the gaze of Walnut.

That's right, here comes the set.

Mu Hantian had heard from Takikawa that Ramsas had no kindness towards Mio. The rivalry between siblings of the royal family to seize power was also quite common in the human world in the past - it seems that the so-called touching reunion of niece and uncle is not to be expected.

Mio lowered his eyes in despair, and there was a deep sadness in his eyes. She originally hoped to come to the demon world and feel a little warmth of family affection or the fetters of blood from family and relatives she had never met, but now she was greeted with such blatant coldness.

"I'll give you a chance to change the room immediately. I think there should be a guest room here." Mu Hantian said coldly.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Ramsas' order is the priority." Lucia said calmly without caring about Mu Hantian's words.

"Really, that's really a pity. I think even if we go to the Demon King faction, they won't arrange such a room for Mio." Mu Hantian's words were full of irony.

"I'm sorry." Lucia was still the same.

"Then there is no other way, I have to give you a little memory." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly and came outside the castle.

"Sa, if I turn this place into two halves, wouldn't it be fun?" Mu Hantian smiled and took out Restia. After all, she is the 'magic sword that penetrates the real', so she is the most suitable to use here.

"Please don't make such a joke." Lucia appeared opposite Mu Hantian, her magic power gathered, and she looked at Mu Hantian vigilantly.

"I'll ask you for the last time, do you want to change?" Mu Hantian said lightly, the power began to explode, and the power stronger than the last time instantly crushed Luqiya.

"I... understand... clear." Lucia said tremblingly.

"That's good." Mu Hantian smiled slightly and withdrew his strength.

Lucia stood up staggeringly and looked at Mu Hantian in fear.

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