Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1000: First time in the devil

At twelve o'clock, Lucia appeared on time.

She who traveled through space and came directly to Mu Hantian and the others...

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time...are you all ready?"

The tone and expression were obviously different from the lively Maria, and it was quite cold.

"Let's start." Mu Hantian nodded and replied.

This month, everyone has prepared for this journey. Everyone outside of Maria was wearing school uniforms, and even Walnut had changed into the uniform she had worn when she participated in the Seizaka Gakuen sports meeting the other day. Although Yuxi and Hu Tao can wear the battle suits of the brave clan, they think that they should avoid wearing clothes that easily stimulate the demons.

This time, the position of Mu Hantian and others is simply Mio's family and friends.

The amount of change of clothes and various necessities of life is estimated based on the foreign travel that I do not know how long I will stay. According to Maria, the clothes have to be washed everywhere, so it is not a problem. The weapons of Geng Xizi, Yuxi, and Hu Tao can be summoned at any time, and there is no worry about carrying them. Mu Hantian has system space, so it is no problem.

"Okay, then let's go."

As soon as Lucia finished speaking, a huge magic circle opened up in the space beside her, gradually merging with the space, and soon a pitch-black hole was opened in the space.

"Oh my God..." Hu Tao couldn't help but exclaimed.

No wonder Walnut is so surprised. Generally speaking, human beings must pass several conditions in order to travel to the Demon World. That's because the class of demons is higher than that of humans, and the dimension of the demon world is also higher than the dimension of the human world; constructing a channel connecting dimensions from high to low is completely different from the principle of going from low to high.

One of the methods is to use a small number of human worlds and demon world dimensions overlapping, causing space instability and the natural phenomenon of contact points - 'dimensional realm'.

There are also areas in Japan where the dimension realm occurs, and it is now strictly controlled by the "village" of the brave clan. Without permission, such as the exiled Kikiko and Mio, who inherited the blood of the demons, are absolutely not allowed to use. As for Mio when they first started living together, they pretended to go to Dubai but actually went to the demon world, and they should use the dimension realm abroad.

Although he was expelled from the Japanese hero clan, the hero clan of Xun, who was a hero in the war, still enjoyed it very much. It was naturally difficult for him to find a way to the devil world.

But now, Luqia is purely a demon, directly constructing a dimensional realm that Geng Xizi and other human beings can also pass through.

However, since she is the right-hand man of the moderate leader, she is expected to have such strength. Although he was beaten by Mu Hantian for a second, it only showed how powerful Mu Hantian was.

Mu Hantian whispered to the five of them, "Let's go."

Mio nodded along with them—the whole group entered the dimensional realm just like that.

An abyss-like darkness suddenly enveloped the surroundings, and there was a sudden loss of gravity, as if it were in space.

However, this feels extremely short-lived. The next moment, Mu Hantian and the others were already standing in an unfamiliar forest, surrounded by a faint scent of sweet grass; as the wind stroked the forest tops, the sunlight scattered on the ground kept changing.

"here is?"

"Aldora Forest."

Lucia turned her head and answered Mio's doubts. At this time-

"Aldora this here?" Hu Tao couldn't help shrinking and asked, which made Mio also startled.

"you know?"

"Yeah. Although we know very little about the geography of the Demon World—but everyone knows about the Aldora Forest."

Geng Xizi's knowledge of the demon world comes from the elders who participated in the previous war. At that time, the moderates controlled most of the demon world, and then they lost power rapidly due to the death of Wilbert, and ended up in the current situation. Compared with the war fifteen years ago, the power map must have changed a lot, but the moderates should never have occupied this forest, after all—

"Because this is the closest forest to Demon King Wilbert's Castle."

It can also be called a more suitable place for the moderate faction to invite Mu Hantian and others who came to the demon world to land. But--

"Sister Lucia—why don't you connect the space directly to Verda City?" Maria asked with a frown.

The nouns mentioned by Maria are the same as those in Aldora Forest, and Geng Xizi often heard people mention them before. It was the Demon King Castle where Wilbert used to be.

"I am based on the point of view of crisis management, and the judgment should try to avoid the direct connection between the inner and outer spaces of the city, so as to prevent the use of third parties and mislead the enemy to invade."

"That's right, but the current Demon Lord faction also wants Mio-sama's life—"

"Of course I know this, so I chose this forest. It's not far from the city, it's not easy to see from the outside, and it's hard to be detected by the nearby spaces connected to other dimensions."

Lucia said this to Maria who was still complaining without changing her expression——

"A short walk, and a carriage will take us into town—please come with me."

He walked away to the other end of the forest.

"I'm sorry, everyone..." Maria lowered her eyes in embarrassment.

Mu Hantian patted her on the shoulder and said, "Why say it like it's my own fault... Let's go too."

"it is good."

After Maria nodded, Mu Hantian followed Luqia's footsteps.

Not to mention paving stones here, there are not even bare paths. The group of people walked slowly on the grass. Soon-

"Well... At first I heard about the demon world, I thought it would be a dark and terrifying place, but it turned out to be the same as what Maria said, and it felt no different from our world, and the sun... I don't know the plant species. How much difference is there, such a number makes the air in the forest so fresh, it feels like the mountains in the countryside."

Mio expressed her thoughts directly on the natural forest scenery in front of her. Since it was his first visit to the Demon Realm, Mu Hantian asked Wan Liya for advice in advance, and had a certain degree of knowledge and information about nature and culture; but seeing the scenery with his own eyes was different from what he imagined, it was still very fresh. only……

"What fresh air... it's nice, aren't you afraid?"

"What do you mean, Hu Tao?" Hu Tao sighed at the back, causing Mio to turn around and ask.

"You have a demon bloodline, maybe you don't feel it... The natural landscape of the forest is very beautiful, yes, but the magic element here is so thick that it scares people to death. The fluctuation of the magic nature is so strong that it makes people come to the demon world very much. I feel." Mio was quite surprised to hear Hu Tao say that with a tense expression.

"Eh...really, brother."

"Yeah, the magic element here is very strong."

" can do it in such a natural place?"

Mu Hantian gave a wry smile to Mio, who was mumbling in disbelief, and then turned his eyes to the other side.

"Yu Xi, are you alright?"

"Well, I'm fine."

Yuxi, who was beside Mu Hantian, nodded and replied, her expression really felt no pressure.

Because she is a user of Sakuya. To put it simply, the spirit knife can purify her body at any time, which is of course helpful to the brave family, but being in the demon world is another problem.

'Sakuya' couldn't exert his original power at all here, and the one affected by the magic element the most was Yuki.


"What's the matter, Han Tian?"

"Eat this, and the two of you too." Mu Hantian took out three candies of different colors, and said to the three members of the brave family.

"Eh? Sugar?" Geng Xizi was a little surprised.

"This will help you." Mu Hantian nodded and motioned them to eat.

The three looked at each other and swallowed the sugar in their hands. Then the effect came out immediately.

"Big brother, this candy..." Hu Tao was very surprised. The body that was a little uncomfortable doesn't feel any discomfort anymore, it's not like coming to the devil world at all.

"Well, it's good to be useful." Mu Hantian nodded and smiled.

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