Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 999: The beginning of the journey to the demon world

After a lively group competition in the afternoon, the Games ended successfully.

After going through various problems during the preparation period, and the suspension crisis of the tornado hitting the playground on the way, this game of its own has finally reached the final step. Seeing the closing ceremony start safely, Vice President Kajiura and Tachibana of the Student Council all burst into tears of joy; this scene also infected most of the general executive committee members such as Mio and Sakaki, and shed tears of accomplishment and moved.

On the other hand, Sakazaki's disappearance caused a little disturbance among the teachers; but since someone saw him after the tornado disappeared, it was not classified as an accident, and it was treated as a pure disappearance, and I believe that he will never be heard from again in the future.

After the closing ceremony was over and half of the students started going home, Mu Hantian and other executive committee members and teachers stayed in the playground to pack up all kinds of equipment, and it was all over when it was dark.

Since the celebration banquet of the executive committee was scheduled for later, everyone disbanded that day and went home to rest. After many twists and turns, the sports meeting finally ended safely, and the attacker who had been hiding in the dark was also defeated, and the matter finally came to an end. but……

"Everyone, I'm sorry."

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the living room, followed by the magic circle used to spread across the space on the ground, and a woman slowly stepped out of it. She was wearing a maid's dress and looked very beautiful.

"Lou-sister Lucia...!" Maria looked at the person who came in shock.

The beautiful maid's gaze followed as if she could freeze everything. Then, the cold voice sounded again.

"I'm here to convey the meaning of our moderate faction - I beg all of you present to appreciate your honor and come to the Demon Realm."

"Your attitude is really annoying."

"Oh, why do you say that?" Lucia looked at Mu Hantian with cold eyes.

"Just because of your attitude, you want us to go to the devil world? Dream it."

Hearing what Mu Hantian said, Luqia frowned, but she immediately relaxed, because she only needed to bring Mio back.

"So Princess Mio, what's your decision?" He turned his eyes to Mio.

Although Mio didn't understand what Mu Hantian meant, Mio still stood by Mu Hantian. So he said, "My brother's decision is my decision."

"Then I can only do it." Lucia said calmly.

"Heh, do you want to do something if you disagree? This is the so-called conservative faction, it's really disappointing." Mu Hantian said lightly, and the magic power on his body suddenly pressed against Luqia.

Feeling the pressure on her body, Lucia hurriedly used her magic power to resist. But all this was in vain, under the pressure of Mu Hantian's powerful magic, he knelt directly.

"Let me tell you, what you are facing is not the weak who want your conservatives to give charity, but the existence that you can't afford to offend, so put away your set."

How is it possible that there is such a strong person in the human world, and we never knew it.

"Let me tell you, if you weren't Maria's sister, I would have killed you long ago. Let me give you a piece of advice, change your attitude, or you will suffer." After speaking calmly, Mu Hantian relieved Using his own magic power, he pulled Lucia up.

"I'm rude just now. I'm just in a hurry to convey the order from the demon world, I'm sorry."

"Forgive you this time. We already know the matter, so let's take a month. We also need a little time to prepare, right, Mio?"

"Yeah, give us a month." Mio replied.

"I see, then look forward to meeting for a month." Lucia bowed and left.

"Mio, it's okay, my decision." Mu Hantian looked at Mio.

"No problem, I trust my brother. And I also want to go to Demon Realm to see."

"Have you come to this realization?"

"Yes. From the moment I awakened to my father's power, I have been enlightened."

"That's a good point. Leave it to me if something goes wrong. You can do what you want with confidence."


In this world, there is a place called "Magic World". It was a world constructed in another dimension by the exiled people in the former Protoss era.

They swore vengeance on the Protoss who drove them out of Paradise, changing themselves into a race relative to the divine.

That is, the demons.

The world in which humans live is said to be a buffer line of defense created by the Protoss to prevent the Demons from directly invading the Divine Realm.

After that - the 'first war of gods and demons' that severely damaged the two races of gods and demons ended, and both sides needed to sleep for a long time to recuperate.

After waking up from hibernation, the Protoss created a life form called 'human beings', and gave power and protection to humans with suitable aptitudes-a group of human beings who could resist the demons were born.

They have repeatedly fought against the demons who tried to invade the gods and reappeared, and possessed the power to maintain peace in the human world. After a long time, people began to call them - the brave family.

It's one knows if it's true or not.

Mio, who had just taken a bath, returned to her room wrapped in a bath towel, closing the door and thinking.

What she suspects is not the origin of the brave family, but the origin of the gods and demons, the gods and the demons.

Even though Mio is about to go to the Demon World, she spends most of her life in this world in the way of an ordinary human being.

Even if he has personally experienced the existence and power of supernatural powers, he is still a rookie with less than a year of experience. Therefore, there are still many things that she cannot fully believe.

Maybe—the myths and religious traditions that exist in this world are not all made up. Even if school-taught theories such as the origin of the universe, the birth of the earth, or the process of human evolution can be supported by science, it is impossible to know if that is the case.

Naruse Mio is very clear that there are many things in this world that science cannot prove. Demons, heroes, magic, etc., all do exist.

And today, on the night of December 25th, Mio and the others are going on a rare trip.

Under the guidance of Maria's sister Lucia, she went to another land - the Demon World.

The older sister Lucia, who belongs to the same conservative faction as Maria, came to Dongcheng's house to convey the invitation of the demon world. It was the night of the sports meeting... about a month ago.

It is said that because the decisive battle with the current Demon Lord faction is approaching, even among the Moderate faction, there is a voice that the power of Wilbert, which Mio inherited, should be taken out and protected, and there is a voice who wants to directly support Mio as the new Demon Lord. People are at odds and can't come to a conclusion, so I need to hear what Mio is saying now.

But having said that, Mio still has a life of her own to live - and she needs to go to school. For this reason, Geng Xizi resolutely stated that he was unwilling to take a long vacation for them or neglect the school life, such as taking a long vacation, so he just postponed the date to the end of the second semester.

"Oops, bad." Mio sat on the chair in front of the dresser and blew her hair with a hairdryer.

I specially went back to the room from the dressing room to get dressed, in order to carefully organize my appearance.

It's just after eleven o'clock in the evening, and in another hour, Maria's sister Lucia will come to pick them up; Mu Hantian and the others are all ready, only himself.

After putting on high knee socks and tying ribbons on both sides of her hair, Mio's usual look was completed. She turned around in front of the mirror, made sure that there was no problem with every angle, and then sorted out the details. Then, she tapped her chest and took a deep breath three times, and she was mentally prepared.

Before leaving the room, Mio put his hand on the light switch and looked back around the room. What I saw was a scene I had long been accustomed to.

Naruse Mio deeply branded the scene in front of her eyes, as if she wanted to never forget it. Be sure to come back here and never lose your way—and swear in your heart.

From the night when Lucia visited Dongcheng's house and notified the demon world of her invitation, she had enough time to think about various issues and prepare herself mentally.

Known as the strongest ever, the power of the former Demon Lord Wilbert. Even if she gave up her revenge against Zokiel, as long as she still had the power of her deceased father, it was impossible for Mio to leave the situation she was in. So——Mio decided to visit the Demon World.

"I'll be back as soon as possible." After Naruse Mio whispered to the empty room, she gently turned off the lights and closed the door.

After that, she didn't look back or stay. Move forward wholeheartedly and walk slowly down the stairs.

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