Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 998: Solve the culprit behind the scenes

Mu Hantian came to the position where Ju and Hu Tao were standing. As soon as he arrived, he saw Ju knocked Hu Tao out.

Tachibana looked back and saw Mu Hantian coming - at this moment, a barrier opened, and the surroundings turned dark.

Except for Mu Hantian, there are only buildings left. I am afraid that Mu Hantian is alone in the barrier.

"It's amazing magic, Tachibana." Mu Hantian let out a sigh of relief, inexplicably a little annoyed.

At this moment, Mu Hantian frowned slightly, stepped back slightly, and at the same time a gust of wind passed by—no, correctly, it was not wind. On the other side of the line of sight, the five fingers sharpened and pierced the back of the right hand.

"You're amazing too, Han Tian-san." Tachibana Nanao's eyes shone red in the dark barrier.

The moment the two of them crossed their gazes—they both set off at the same time, and the moment they kicked off their feet almost at the same time, they fought with all their might from the first blow.

What Mu Hantian needs to do now is not to explain to Orange, but to make him realize that it is easy to kill him, and he doesn't need to use other means at all, because Mu Hantian saw the look in his eyes and knew that he had misunderstood him, but Now that the language is different, we have to use force first.

One blow, just one blow, under the powerful strength of Mu Hantian, Tachibana was defeated without the ability to resist at all.

The vampire race is quite difficult to deal with, among which the vampire is the most representative.

Not only can they turn their opponents into servants for themselves by sucking blood or blood transfusion, their physical strength is far superior to that of humans, and they also have the ability to use magic; in addition, they can also use magic eyes to hypnotize and manipulate the target's consciousness, and their bodies are more powerful. It can be freely transformed into fog or bat forms.

However, Tachibana's actual combat experience is too bad. It can be said that Sora has a strength but cannot fully exert it, which is completely similar to Mio at the beginning.

Therefore, in the face of Mu Hantian's overwhelming power, Tachibana could only helplessly look at the tall figure in front of him. With one blow, just one blow, without any other power, he was knocked down.

"Are you more awake now? Tangerine." Mu Hantian asked Tangerine looking as if in despair.

"I don't have anything to say now, you can do whatever you want." Tachibana closed her eyes as if appointed.

"I think you have misunderstood, and I don't want to explain too much. Now all you need to do is to lie down here quietly. As for the culprit behind this incident, I will find out. It is rare for me to participate in the sports meeting, really Yes, it's so troublesome to try to calm down."

"What do you mean?" Ju calmed down now, and carefully recalled Mu Hantian's actions. With Mu Hantian's power, he didn't need too much thought to clean himself up. Mu Hantian had already knocked him down with one blow. Come on, he is not his opponent at all, and he doesn't have to cause any turmoil to clean up himself.

"Some things you know are not good for you, but what I can tell you is that I already know who is behind the scenes." Mu Hantian said calmly.

"Then... why did that brave clan come to me?" Tachibana still didn't believe it, and asked quickly.

"I ask you, just now, everyone was flustered, but you were too calm. Shouldn't you have any other reaction besides being surprised? Wouldn't such a person attract the attention of others? Walnut came to check on you. Isn't it normal?" Mu Hantian was also a little speechless. Obviously hostile people are around, don't you know how to cover it up?

"That said, I caused all of this myself." Ju looked at his hands indifferently, not daring to look directly at Mu Hantian.

"We also have some responsibilities, don't worry, you can continue to study here with peace of mind. After all, I even have the daughter of the Demon King by my side, so I won't be able to tolerate you."

"Classmate Hantian..." Orange looked at Mu Hantian with a puzzled expression.

"Ah, stay here with peace of mind. And please take care of Hu Tao. I'll take care of the aftermath." After speaking, Mu Hantian ran to his destination, the teaching building. Hasegawa Chisato was already waiting there.

After seeing Chang Gu Chuan for thousands of miles, Mu Hantian nodded to her and walked towards her. At this time...

"Classmate Han Tian, ​​hurry up and escape!"

Hearing the sudden voice, Mu Hantian's mouth curled into a smile, and then quickly backed away.

At the same time, a huge pillar of fire surrounded Hasegawa with a rumble that shook the atmosphere.

Mu Hantian looked back, and standing there was a character Mu Hantian knew well - the class tutor Sakazaki Mori. At the same time, he is also the one to kill this time.

"What are you still in a daze, run!" Sakazaki followed and grabbed Mu Hantian's hand and ran, to force him away from the scene.

At this moment, a vortex was created in the air with a loud rumbling, sweeping away the pillar of fire that surrounded Hasegawa.

That's not wind. What swept away the flames of Sakazaki was the space that was forcibly distorted by the multi-dimensional magic circle. I saw that Hasegawa was still unscathed after being attacked by such a fierce flame.

Seeing this, Mu Hantian also broke free from Sakazaki's hand and looked at him coldly.

"Classmate Han Tian, ​​how are you..."

"Sakazaki-sensei, no. I should say Ornis of the Protoss, I'm sorry, you were fooled."

"When did you discover my identity? Could it be that... Your Highness told him?" Ornis sneered at Chisato Hasegawa.

"No, I didn't tell him anything about you, I don't know how he knows." Hasegawa shook his head and said.

Ornis turned his gaze to Mu Hantian.

"Well, don't think about it, how do you know your identity, I also have my way."

"Hmph, even if you know what to do, is it possible that you can kill me? It's ridiculous." Ornis looked at Mu Hantian with disdain.

"Or, do you think that you can defeat me with the little power that Aflea-sama has left?"

"Qianli, let him take a look, you have also set up a barrier here." Mu Hantian said coldly.

"I understand." After the short words, Hasegawa Chisato burst out in an instant, liberating all his power.

The dazzling golden aura turned into murderous aura, and the hair and eyes also turned golden and blue, returning to the posture of the past known as Avreana.

"Impossible, weren't you judged by the original ten gods when you came down? Why does your power..." Ornis looked at the magic that appeared in a daze and said in fear, knowing that Ornis always dared to do this because he had already It is believed that Chisato Hasegawa's full power has been sealed, and only protective magic remains. The result is...

"Isn't it easy to erode something like a seal? For example, through more advanced power." Hasegawa said lightly.

"How is that possible!" Ornis couldn't believe all this.

"Nothing is impossible, well, let me solve it." Mu Hantian said coldly, Esther had already appeared in his hand.

"Damn, do you think you can beat me? This time I'm going to kill you!"

"Okay. Qianli, don't take action, I'll deal with him myself."

"Got it," Hasegawa said, returning to his normal appearance.

"Sarah, let's begin, our battle."

"Hmph, then let me...what! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…"

Ornis' words turned into a wail before he could finish speaking. An invisible shock blasted him from the front, followed by a series of roars. It was the sound of Ornis flying like a cannonball, smashing through the wall of the home economics classroom and the multiple classrooms that were juxtaposed.

Ornis swept through the five classrooms one after another, knocking the hard blackboards, lecture desks, dotted desks and chairs, lockers, etc. into pieces—finally, the huge machine that collided with the craft classroom from his back finally stopped. after-


Sakazaki, who was groaning in agony, spat out a lot of blood, which clearly showed that his internal organs were broken, and even his ribs were not as simple as fractures, they had long been broken.

So, what happened...?

Sakazaki, whose vision was distorted by the pain, managed to concentrate, and a ball of golden light followed him and quickly repaired the physical damage. Despite this, Sakazaki couldn't move for a while and could only raise his head slightly.

And seeing a white flame-like aura in his original direction, he couldn't help gasping. In the dark enchantment, the aura of escaping bright spots of light was slowly approaching Ornis.

It was indeed Mu Hantian. On the ruins of the classroom that Sakazaki knocked out—the broken bricks and wood on the floor, he walked step by step with steady steps.

Mu Hantian looked at Ornis with a half-smile, but didn't make a move.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ..." The endless O'Neys high rose, released countless gold light ball in the air and released in the air, the light ball is so dragging the meteor-like light-strip speed level to Mu Han Tian …

But Mu Hantian drew the sword light of the slashing trajectory in the air, and completely wiped them out in an instant.

Impossible, how could such a thing happen, how could he be so strong!

At the moment when Ornis was thinking, Mu Hantian's figure disappeared in front of his eyes, leaving only scattered spots of light. In an instant—

The reflex twist saved Ornis's own life. The sword light that Esther slashed swept across the original position of Ornis' head. But this dodging was not complete, the left ear suddenly lost his hearing, and the thought of having the left ear cut crossed Sakazaki's mind.

In unprecedented shock, Ornis covered his ears and quickly distanced himself from Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian circled in front of Ornis in an instant - and the sweep he released immediately took away his right abdomen.

The next moment, Sakazaki, who was staggering from the severe pain, was grabbed by Mu Hantian's throat—


"Boring." Mu Hantian threw Ornis directly to the wall, making him embedded in the wall.

"Lord Avreya! I, I did it for you—" Ornis hurriedly begged Hasegawa who had come to Mu Hantian for a thousand miles for mercy.

"It's useless, when you're going to use me, and you're going to use a trick to make Han Tian suspect me, your end is already doomed, Ornis!" Hasegawa Qianli looked at Ornis indifferently.

"Then, goodbye, Ornis." Mu Hantian stabbed the sword in his hand into Ornis's heart without hesitation, and finally completely destroyed the corpse.

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