Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1009: a lot of trouble

"I really don't understand, how can those people above make such a stupid decision, what is it like taking in a pet raised by an oversized scum from the enemy army?"

"Maybe that's the way it is. If you get tired of serving your own maid, those big guys can't mess around. At this time, it's good to have different tastes to play, even if it's second-hand."

"It makes sense... So it means that I found a durable toy."

The insulting guard looked at Zest with increasingly wicked eyes, and wandered about her recklessly, finally stopping somewhere.

This strange look made Zest only feel sick.

"Hey, let's have a good time, okay?"

After the guard named Gulen said so, the others looked at each other and approached with laughter. see...


Jest nudged the little unicorn on the back and let it hide on the other side of the alley before confronting the guards in front of her.

"What kind of eyes do you have... You often serve those people in the castle, right?"

Zest didn't say a word to these guards with lewd smiles.

It's impossible for people to think that way. Jess sighed inwardly.

Zokiel's lewdness is well-known in the demon world, and there are not many people who can compare with him, so it's no wonder that other people think that Zest, who served him, is regarded as his object. But in fact, when Zokiel created Zest, she set the constitution that chastity and virginity are the source of strength, so she never asked Zest to do things with him. Although I don't know what he means...

But... now I'm very grateful to him for doing so. If Zokiel gets his hands on him - he will curse him for a lifetime.

Not having been touched by anyone, this is a very important hope for the current Zest. Jest was rarely given the task of taking care of Mu Hantian when he was in the demon world, so during this period, even if it was a whim or a joke, it didn't matter - I hoped that Mu Hantian would treat her as a woman.

This moment of happiness will become Zest's most precious memory, supporting her to keep going. Therefore, it cannot be arbitrarily spoiled by these guards in front of him.


With the help of Mu Hantian, he came to the Moderate Faction and became Xuela's subordinate. If something happened here, it might cause them trouble—this is even more unacceptable.

"That's right, that's right, it's right to be obedient like this. A maid is meant to be used for this kind of thing." A guard boldly stretched out his hand to Zest, who bit her lip in resentment.

"Do you just want to die like that?" A hand stretched out from the side following these words and grabbed the guard's arm tightly.

This sudden situation not only shocked the guard whose hand was caught, but the others were also stunned—

"Mr. Han Tian!"

Even Zest opened her eyes in surprise. The object of Jest's longing——Mu Hantian appeared beside her and winked at her——

"She is a maid sent to me by Shera, if you mess with her, you will be punished severely?"

One of the guards regained his composure and said, "What are you... this woman's companion?"

"Sarah, who knows."

The guard who was caught rudely threw away the smiling Mu Hantian, and said, "Just a servant, stop talking nonsense... Go and watch. Just be good, and I'll share with you later."

Seeing the guard "Ha!" smiling and then turning to Jest, Mu Hantian sighed deeply.

"No way, I can only teach you a lesson."

When Mu Hantian murmured so in front of Zest - the whole body of the guard was vacated.

Mu Hantian quickly grabbed the soldier's wrist and pulled it down, and then twisted it hard along the opponent's center of gravity - as a result, the guard who wanted to invade and offend Jest turned around in the air.

Although Mu Hantian didn't want to kill people indiscriminately, it was still okay to teach them an unforgettable lesson.

Therefore, when the guard fell from his back and groaned, Mu Hantian then pulled and twisted the hand he was holding in the opposite direction of the back joint. With two consecutive clicks, his shoulder and elbow joints were dislocated.

"Uh ah ah ah...!"

Mu Hantian kicked the guard who was wriggling and wailing on the ground mercilessly in the face. This lateral impact ripped apart the guard's chin, and the original sharp scream became a blur. then--

"A dignified soldier... Don't be called like this by a little servant who has removed a few joints? This will only make me look down on you!"

Mu Hantian lowered his eyes and stared at the guard, making fun of him deliberately. This is not only to frustrate his spirit, but also to make the other three feel fearful, hoping that they will be able to leave in this way - but the world is really not satisfactory. One of them was indeed frightened, but the other two drew their swords.

"What a stupid choice, don't you recognize the gap between each other?"

"Stinky brat, stop being arrogant! This uncle also came down from the battlefield, how could he possibly lose to you!" The guard slashed straight at him.

Seeing the guards in front of them drawing their swords, Mu Hantian just turned to one side to avoid them. The alley is so narrow, in order to prevent the sword from hitting the stone wall, the sword's path is bound to be limited.

"It's so obvious—hmph."

Mu Hantian leaned into his chest as soon as he swayed, and swept his left elbow diagonally upward toward the opponent's chin. The blow was impartial, and the impact from below made the upper and lower dentitions rattle.

The guard, whose brain was concussion and lost consciousness, collapsed on the spot—Mu Hantian kicked him in the chest again, causing him to bump into another guard who drew his sword.

"Go away, idiot!" "You are the idiot."

Once the action stops, that's what happens. When the opponent was a little confused, Mu Hantian kicked the left and right walls and jumped out of the opponent's line of sight and volleyed, his right heel kicked directly on the guard's forehead and made a muffled sound of "knocking", then retracted his right foot and landed on the ground. The guard who had been kicked abruptly rolled his eyes and slowly fell backwards.

At this moment, Mu Hantian felt the fluctuation of magic. The guard named Gu Lun, whose legs were weak due to the initial intimidation, stretched out his hands towards Mu Hantian and opened a magic circle.

The terrain here is narrow, next to a crowded shop, and they are still guards—I thought they would be conscious and not use magic so as not to affect the surrounding buildings or the people in them. I was probably in a hurry and lost my judgment.

Mu Hantian wanted to stop it, but there was no need for that. Because before Mu Hantian left, the magic circle opened by the guards had been destroyed, and—

"Ah... uh... ah...!"

The soldier trying to cast the magic is now slumped to the ground, his face contorted in fear. Mu Hantian naturally knew why this happened - so he did not turn around and said to his back, "Calm down, Jest, just let him go this time. If there is another time, kill him."

"But these people want to kill you."

From her icy voice mixed with anger, she could feel that Zest really had murderous intent. Looking back, Zest opened up multiple magic circles.

"Don't worry about me. What I'm trying to do is keep them from bothering you again, it doesn't mean - kill them. You don't have to do this and make yourself like the people who want to kill me."

After hearing what Mu Hantian said, Jest slowly eliminated the magic circle.

"I see. I will... follow Mr. Hantian's orders."

Mu Hantian nodded, then lowered his head to look at the guards on the ground. That was the one who wanted to violate Jest but was caught by Mu Hantian and taught him a lesson, warning the other guards not to mess around again.


The moaning guard noticed Mu Hantian's gaze, and his expression froze.

"Don't worry, I just removed your joints, and I didn't hurt the nerves. You feel pain now, and you rolled them on the ground yourself. Go back to the camp and let the doctor see them. You should be able to get the joints back completely."

"Oh... ah...?"

"Remember, don't do this kind of thing next time. If I catch you again, I won't spare you—even if Zest wants to kill you, I don't mind."


Seeing the guards keep nodding, Mu Hantian smiled and said, "Let's go. When the others wake up, remember to tell them what I said. Let's go."

After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he took Jest's hand and walked towards the cafe.

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