Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1010: Heart and Temptation

"Jeste, if this kind of thing happens in the future, you don't have to worry too much, just do it directly. After all, you are a girl." On the road, Mu Hantian taught Jeste.

At this moment, Mu Hantian felt that Jest's hand, which he was holding, trembled slightly.

He turned around in confusion and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Because Zest hugged him - hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry, but please... be patient for a while."

Jest, who hugged Mu Hantian tighter, trembled slightly.

"Alas." Mu Hantian sighed lightly.

It's no wonder that even if she is placed under the protection of witnesses, Jess, who once belonged to the current Demon King faction, has a much more complicated position in the moderate faction and is prone to face various difficulties; once she gets into trouble, she will immediately fall into difficulty Dilemma. Therefore, Zest endured the brutality of the guards in order to maintain her current situation.

"You're scared... but, it's all right." Mu Hantian also hugged Jest and stroked her back to comfort her.

Mu Hantian said directly into her ears: "Jeste—you are a girl, can you promise me that you will cherish yourself more in the future?"

Jest, who was held in Mu Hantian's arms, heard unbelievable words.

Mr. Han Tian said she was a 'girl' and worried about her. Does he recognize himself?

"I took action against those people just now... because they insisted on doing the thing that girls hate the most to you."

Hearing these words, Jest couldn't help but stop breathing in Mu Hantian's arms.

"Just now, I saw you being patient like that... Shouldn't you, have you often encountered such things since you came here?"

Jest shook her head in the arms of Mu Hantian, who was worried about her, and replied, "No. I always follow Lord Xue La, and I usually stay in the city."

"Would anyone in that city do that to you?"

"No...because Sheila-sama is very kind to me."


"Really—I haven't been touched by any other man, please believe me, Mr. Hantian!" Jest was getting more and more frightened by Mu Hantian's question, and she denied it nervously.

It doesn't matter who misunderstands her, only Mu Hantian must not. Jest trembled because her body was almost touched by a man other than Mu Hantian.

"Hold me like this, Mr. Hantian, you are also the first..."

"This, that's's fine." Mu Hantian smiled and nodded.

At this time, Zest suddenly felt that the strength of her whole body disappeared.

That was because the fear of Mu Hantian's misunderstanding that he had an affair with other men was dispelled - the reason why the tension that had been tense from the moment until now was completely broken in all this.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Mu Hantian quickly hugged Jest, who had almost collapsed with weak legs.

"is that OK?"

"I'm really sorry... As soon as I think of Mr. Hantian, you are willing to believe me, my strength suddenly—"

Zest tried to stand on her own, but somehow her waist and legs couldn't help herself.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Han Tian, ​​I'm really sorry... I'll stand right away...!"

She obviously didn't want to cause trouble to Mu Hantian, but she did it so anxiously that Jest was about to cry.

"There's nothing to apologize for, come on, I'll carry you."


Mu Hantian carried Jest, who couldn't move, on his back without saying a word.

"No, no, Mr. Han Tian... You can't do such a thing, please let me down."

You are the one who should take care of Mr. Han Tian, ​​how can you do this.

Seeing Jest's panicked appearance, Mu Hantian said with a wry smile, "How can that be? Didn't I just say it - you should cherish yourself more."


"If you don't want to be seen by others, then I'll let you down at the entrance of the alley. Just try to let me carry it on your back and think about what it means to cherish yourself." Mu Hantian said this, while carrying Jest on his back. Walk slowly, and then—

"It's not bad to rely on others occasionally, isn't it?"

Hearing Mu Hantian say this with a smile, Jest protested as if she couldn't tolerate such a joke: "My job is to take care of you, Mr. Hantian, and now you are taking care of you, how can I—"

"That's it, then there's no other way." Mu Hantian suddenly interrupted her in a low voice.

"If you don't like it, forget it - I don't want to be like those people, forcing you to do things you don't like."

Then she simply put Zest back on the ground.

In an instant——Jest suddenly thought that she was going to be left coldly by Mu Hantian——

"I—no, no!" She closed her eyes tightly, and subconsciously clung to Mu Hantian's shoulder, afraid of being separated from him.

However, after more than ten seconds, after realizing that Mu Hantian still hadn't let go, Jest opened her eyes nervously——


Then he couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice. Because in front of him was Mu Hantian's loving expression.

Just like what he has shown in front of Mio and the others from time to time. in addition--

I just... what did I do?

That hasty reaction was the real thought called sincerity that existed in Zest's heart.

Therefore, Zest could no longer hide herself. She clearly realized what kind of outcome she hoped to have with this young man Mu Hantian; and it was either someone else or Mu Hantian who brought this emotion to Jest, who made her heart tremble. Mu Hantian's feelings suddenly became stronger. However, with such a slightly tough approach to him——

"I only know now that you are so mean, Mr. Hantian." Jest put her cheek against Mu Hantian's back and said awkwardly.

Mu Hantian didn't look back, he smiled bitterly and sighed forward: "Okay, let's go back first."


"I really can't imagine that there are such people in the guards in the city..."

After meeting Mio a few times at the cafe and returning to the castle.

Hearing Zest's experience in the city, Noye's expression became very depressed.

Now that Yuxi has gone back first, Mu Hantian, Mio and Jest came to visit the training ground east of Verda City.

Those who are training are selected elite soldiers from the moderate faction such as the knights of the guard.

"The soldiers in the castle are really decent."

"Of course! Here are all the proudest knights and apprentice knights of the Moderate faction!"

Noye was right, every one of them looked athletic. But——even if they were polite, this number was not a lot.

Of course, this kind of superpower war is different from the modern human world war that uses modern weapons to fill the lack of physical ability. The key lies in the powerful 'individual'; in the previous war, Xun, known as the **** of war, defeated countless demons, Historical facts such as Wilbert, who is known as the strongest demon king, unified the demon world with his unrivaled power are examples. The core of the current Demon King faction is a long history of radicals and conservatives, and it is also a good example of rapid expansion under the banner of Leohart, a young hero.

Among the Moderate factions are Maria, Takigawa and even Lucia. Wilbert's elder brother Ramsas can become the current leader of the Moderate faction, which shows that his strength is also very strong, and now there is Zest. exist. Even if the current Demon Lord faction has many high-level demons or people with comparable combat power, the battle situation will not be one-sided.

Therefore, the current Demon King faction will also try to avoid excessive consumption or loss of combat power, and will not let the battle situation evolve into a full-scale conflict. After all, the focus of the battle between power users is not necessarily the number.

However, that doesn't mean the numbers are completely meaningless. With the limited cutting-edge combat capabilities of both sides, the secondary factor that determines victory or defeat is still the number of troops.

The importance of soldiers is even more important in the defense of towns where it is necessary to protect the people. Because even if someone can annihilate all enemies alone, it is impossible to protect all comrades.

In the past—when Wilbert was still the Demon King, capable warriors from all over the Demon World came to him because of his traits and agreed with his ideals, making the Moderate faction the biggest force in the Demon World for a while. The city of Verda is a symbol of its glory days.

However, "quiet the war and create permanent peace in the demon world" - the goal that the moderates sing about is a great ideal that can only be achieved due to the existence of the strongest demon king Wilbert; therefore, after losing such an overwhelming monarch, the moderates sang The soldiers left the city of Verda one after another. At first, they had also made every effort to achieve Wilbert's unfulfilled ambition, but this ideal was too large and heavy for the remaining people to carry. then--

"So in the end, it was like taking in those people who were mixed with humans, so I had to recruit troops from the outside world. Brothers and the others encountered harassment in the urban area. Is it a drawback caused by cramming?"

"I'm really sorry, Mio-sama... I will ask the supervisor of the city guards to thoroughly implement moral education."

Noye bowed deeply to the displeased Mio. In order to fight against the current Demon King faction, whose forces continued to expand, the Moderate faction had no choice but to open its doors and recruit people from all walks of life in order to recruit enough troops. This is the bleak situation of the moderates who have been the most powerful force in Zeng Gui.

As a result, Mio was the trump card to break this predicament.

Whether it's determined to become the new Demon Lord or unleashed the power she inherited, Mio's presence can wield a Wilbert-like influence among the Moderates. If he wanted to fight the current Demon Lord faction while protecting the people of the city, he would probably have to use Mio, Wilbert's only daughter, to lure past combat power or allies back. Regrettably, the moderates are now being pushed to this point.

While Mu Hantian was silently organizing his thoughts and emotions, a carriage suddenly ran from the city to the main entrance of the castle. The white body is covered with luxurious golden decorations and carvings, and it can be seen from a distance that it is different from Mu Hantian.

"That is……"

Looking closely, Lucia and her maids stood in line in front of the main entrance, and the white carriage stopped in front of them. After the driver opened the door, a male demon knelt down to greet Lucia and the others and got out of the car.

Mio, who was standing beside Mu Hantian, immediately tensed up, because the man who got out of the car had a very similar posture to Wilbert in the portrait. The surrounding soldiers stopped training and knelt together, as did Noye and Zest. The male demon noticed what was going on here, and responded with a glance from a distance, and then—that gaze turned to Mio and Mu Hantian.

Both Mu Hantian and Mio were still wearing the deacon and maid uniforms they had put on when they visited the city, so they might be mistaken for servants with no manners. Just when Mu Hantian didn't know what to do, Luqia said something in the ear of the male demon, and the next moment——

The male Demon Race just glanced over here from a distance—and sent out an astonishing sense of oppression that went straight to Mu Hantian.

However, Mu Hantian didn't seem to care at all, folded his arms around his chest and looked at the man with interest.

The man frowned, but made no further move, and then entered the castle with Lucia and other maids.

As soon as the man left, the sense of oppression he exuded disappeared. Mu Hantian looked at Mio, Mio seemed to be completely shocked by the oppressive feeling poured out mercilessly, trembling finely and standing still.

"Mio...don't be afraid, he's already gone." Mu Hantian said softly.

Looking at the gate of the castle where the man disappeared, Mu Hantian asked, "Didn't it mean that Tian would come back - Jest, is he such a person?"

"Yes, Mr. Han Tian."

To Mu Hantian's question, Jess headed to answer:

"That's the current owner of the Moderate Sect - the elder brother of the former Demon King Wilbert, Lord Ramthas."

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