Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 1011: baby sad

After a long period of time, the meeting with the cardinals finally came to an end.

Leohart returned to his office, summoned several trusted subordinates, and explained the future policy requested by the Cardinal in the conference room, as well as the corresponding method.

This space, covered with a dense red carpet and surrounded by high-end furnishings, exudes a style worthy of the Demon King's office. After Leohart roughly explained the decision of the Goku meeting——

"Is it true that the Heroic Spirits just dug up will be put into actual combat to attack the Moderate faction?"

Among the summoned subordinates, the first to speak was the adjutant Balfreya.

"I can't stand it... Although it wasn't the first day that I was ordered to death by the geniuses of the Cardinal, but this time it was too much of a headache."

"Luka, how is the situation of the Heroic Spirit?"

The one who answered Leohart was a young demon boy holding a document in one hand.

"I'm sorry... As reported yesterday, the seal was successfully lifted, but—"

The boy named Luca lowered his eyes apologetically.

"We have encountered a little difficulty in releasing the contracts between those heroic spirits and their past masters. To conclude a contract with them, it will take a little time to adjust."

At this time, a large hand gently pressed Luka's head.

"Don't be sad... Those heroic spirits are relics from the era of the Demon God's War. Just being able to connect to those ancient weapons is very powerful. Don't look down on yourself so much."

"Galdo..." The comfort of the burly male demon standing beside Luca made him raise his head with tears in his eyes.

"Galdo is right, you have nothing to blame...and don't be too hasty."

Leohart said: "Then—— in your opinion, how long will it take to re-contract with those heroic spirits?"

"Four days... No, in just two days, I will definitely be able to do it!"

"Didn't I just tell you not to be too hasty. Don't talk about sleeping these days, you haven't even had a good rest, right? You are the only one who can deal with Heroic Spirits. If you are tired, it will be bad. This is related to our important battle. , don't be emotional."

"Since Your Majesty said so, then I should prepare the heroic spirit as soon as possible. No problem... Even if I fall, there are still many scholars in this royal city who are proficient in ancient magic techniques."

"Luca... His Majesty Leohart didn't mean that."

"Huh...?" Balfrea corrected with a wry smile, causing Luca to widen his eyes.

"There are indeed many scholars or technicians in this city who are familiar with ancient relics or weapons, but you are the only one Leohart can trust and fully entrust."

Listening to Galdo's explanation, Balfrea nodded and said, "That's it."

"It's good to not want to live up to the expectations and responsibilities you have received - but no matter how young you are, you are one of His Majesty Leohart's cronies just like us. You should not be too young to understand His Majesty's concern for your health, right?"

Balfrea's advice seemed to finally let Luca understand Leohart's intentions.


"You don't need to apologize. Everyone in the room knows that you did your best."

Leohart stared at the embarrassed Luca with serious eyes and said, "You are my servant, I don't allow you to drop your work halfway and hand over your achievements or achievements to others. I'll ask you again, Luca - if your physical strength can Under the load, how many days will it take for us to re-contract with the Heroic Spirit?"

"Three days, please give me three days. At that time, I will definitely make the heroic spirits ready to form a new contract! At the same time, I will also repair and adjust the body and spiritual core of the heroic spirits. After forming the contract, just do something simple. The test can be put into actual combat immediately.”

"Understood, I trust your judgment."

After listening to Leohart's words, Luca replied with a smile: "Yes!"

Galdo patted his head rudely, making him pouted in protest: "Oh! Don't treat me like a child!"

"Come on—how to justify the random attack orders of the Cardinal."

At this moment, Balfrea said with a sigh, a wry smile appeared on his straight face.

"Although the power of the Moderate faction is completely incomparable to the heyday after Wilbert's death... But there are still many people in the Demon World who have deep feelings for Wilbert that are close to faith. From the point of view of combat power alone, there is no doubt that our side Above the moderate - so you must find a legitimate 'name' before sending troops, so as not to cause the surrounding area to rebound."

Balfreya was right. Indiscriminately attacking moderates, it is easy to be regarded as a purely unilateral killing, which arouses criticism.

Wars are not just about strength or justice – they are also complicated and tangled with the deep political interests of all parties. If you give people a chance to play on the topic - other forces that have been observing so far are likely to rise up against the flag. Damn thief.

Those long-born high-level demons in the Cardinals do not even regard other people as the same creatures as themselves; the people are just tools for entertainment to them, life and death are not important at all, as long as they are happy . Therefore, these people must be eliminated.


Leohart deeply believed that now in the demon world, only his own group of people can accomplish this great task. For this reason, Leohart still needs to obey them in order to keep the status of the Demon King, but it cannot completely satisfy the Cardinals.

When Leohart thought deeply about the title——

"I have a reason for others to obediently see us attacking the Moderates."

People who also participated in the call but never spoke up spoke up. It was Naruse Mio's new monitor after Zokiel caused a problem.

That is, the young man who sneaked into the human world under the pseudonym Takigawa Yahiro and went to the same school as Naruse Mio.

"For what reason, Russ?" Leohart asked with a frown.

Russ replied simply: "Wilbert's daughter, Naruse Mio, is now in our Demon World."

"No way?"

Lars shrugged to Balfreya, whose eyes widened in disbelief: "What I said is the truth... After Wilbert's death, the Moderates have been burning their **** for a serious lack of combat power. Those people To the end, the solution I thought of was to bring Naruse Mio to the demon world. Although I don't know if she will be the orthodox successor of Wilbert and support her as the demon king, I will only use the power she inherited. ... In short, I want to use her to regain her former momentum."

"In that case - we just need to use their idea. The moderates want to use the former Demon King's daughter and the power she inherited to rule the Demon World again - Just saying that we sent troops to stop them from rebelling is enough to stop the mouths of other forces. Right."

"It turns out...if what you say is true, there is indeed a good reason to send troops."

Listening to Leohart's remarks -

"Alas, Your Majesty - don't you believe what your minister said?"

Russ replied jokingly. The irony of the comrades-in-arms of the previous war——

"Lass, it's just us here—don't make such a disgusting tone."

"Okay, okay... So, you still don't believe me, Leohart? This information is indeed top secret, and only a few people in the prudent faction know about it, so it's no wonder that they would be suspicious."

Leohart said to Russ, who smiled and said: "No, I believe you - you are a spy sent to us by the steady, and it is normal to receive classified information."

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