Leohart knew for a long time that Lars was a spy sent by the Moderates.

How early to say - it was known from the beginning. Leohart accepted Lass knowing the possible consequences, and Lass also became Leohart's subordinates knowing the possible consequences.

In the current Demon Lord faction, Russ is a rookie who left the Moderate faction to serve his comrade-in-arms Leohart in the previous World War; for the Moderate faction, he plays the role of a spy who successfully infiltrated the enemy camp. This is the mask that Russ voluntarily put on.

Right now—the only people who knew Rath's true identity were Leohart.

"Is that all right, Russ?"

Leohart asked:

"Aren't you the spy they sent, and the task of protecting Naruse Mio? For you who grew up with a moderate education, isn't Wilbert the most beloved person?"

"It's okay—that's all over."

Russ went on, "After all," and said, "I have already killed Zokyr with my own hands to avenge the big brothers... I have no obligation to do more for the Moderates."

That's right - Leohart and the others learned from Rath's mouth that he killed Zokiel.

Leohart would send Balfrea to investigate after Zokiel's reflexes disappeared because he had made an agreement with Lass beforehand. Leohart's goal was to annihilate the old thieves of the Cardinal—and Zokiel was one of them, and many of those whom Rath respected as older brothers and sisters died at his hands; so the two agreed that at that time As soon as the machine arrives, let Russ personally kill Zokiel.

Therefore, when Zokiel's spirit son's reaction disappeared, Leohart's first thought was that Lars had successfully avenged his revenge - and it was later confirmed by his own mouth, indicating that he had accomplished his greatest purpose. so--

"Didn't I tell you that from now on, I will continue to help you clean up those pests - those scumbags that are not much different from Zokiel, don't worry."

There was no lie in Ruth's words, but—

"Not always."

Leohart said lightly: "Las...you have been doing things for me until now, because I want to get rid of those old thieves, just to help you achieve your goal of killing Zokiel yourself? And you also achieved For this purpose - then, you really have no obligation to help any more, am I right?"

"As far as the facts are concerned - you chose to cooperate with Xun Dongcheng's son to kill Zokiel, not me. In this way, it should be a more natural result to continue to cooperate with him in the future, right?"

"Didn't I say it, I didn't choose him because I thought he was better than you..."

Russ sighed, then lowered his voice and said: "That's just because—if I sit back and watch, Mu Hantian, I'm afraid he will really kill Zokiel, and my plans for many years will also be in vain, so in order to personally After killing Zokiel, I had to cooperate with him, it's that simple."

"Does Dongcheng's son have this ability?"

Balfreya said suspiciously: "Marquis Zokiel is old, but he is still quite powerful when he was called the 'Sword King' in the past; and this young man named Mu Hantian... Really?"

"Ah, he's a big trouble, whether it's strength, wisdom, scheming, patience... He's not lacking, so he's completely accumulated through countless battles. Leohart, you'd better not take the initiative to provoke it. He, he is really terrifying, maybe even stronger than Xun Dongcheng."

Lars' serious tone made Leohart and the others naturally silent, and then——

"Besides—the chance to kill Zokiel just fell from the sky, how could I let it go?"

Lars said with a wry smile: "Okay, that's it anyway, you don't need to think about it yourself. Don't worry, when the war just ended, someone asked me to take good care of you."

"Who would ask you to do something like that—"

"It's Your Highness Riara."

"Sir, she...?" Leohart looked a little surprised.

"Who can refuse to be asked by that smiley face? If you need it, you can send me to take the heroic spirit to fight the moderate faction; on the other hand, if you really can't believe me and want me to leave, I will just leave. ."

"There's no need for that, I appreciate your kindness."

Lars' suggestion made Balfrea sigh and say, "I've known you for so many years since the war, of course I believe in you - just in case you take away the heroic spirit or drive you out, and you end up again Go back to help the Moderates. After all, Your Majesty Leohart and I both know how troublesome you are."

"Oh, is that so?"

When Russ shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the words—

"Leave the heroic spirit to me."

After saying that in a low voice, the giant man who could not help but look up stepped forward—it was Galdo.

"As an adjutant, Balfreya should try to stay away from Leohart as much as possible. Since Lars can't do it, then I'll be the only one left."

"I'm sorry, Galdo."

Leohart lowered his eyes and said to the older male demon who had recommended himself: "It was you who was supposed to be the demon king—no, it was you."

Galdo, a high-ranking demon of the same generation as Leohart, is a conservative other than the old people in the Cardinal, whose strength and blood are considered to be the most qualified to become a demon king.

However, in order to change the image of conservatives and radicals in the past, and to emphasize that the demon world will be a brand new era, the old people of the Cardinal still chose Leohart. And Galdo complied with this decision without any objection. And he volunteered to be the direct subordinate of the Demon King, assisting Leohart.

Such a selfless man smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'm here to help you. You want to remake this world that even Wilbert can't completely clean up, and the power is still concentrated in the cardinal. The situation of the hospital, then of course I will be happy to help you.”


Luca looked worried, and Galdo patted his head again.

"When Luca adjusts the heroic spirits, I will send troops to Velda City immediately - can they be shot down directly?"

"Of course, it's better for them not to be able to do anything wrong. But if that young man named Mu Hantian is really that strong, he should go back."

After Leohart nodded and said this, Balfreya also added "right": "But if you can, directly deal with their current leader Ramthas, don't let him escape. As a powerful Albert's brother seems to have attracted the support of some of the people; without him, the Moderates would have completely disintegrated."

"Got it—what about Wilbert's daughter?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Leohart replied to Galdo in a calm voice and said: "Take her back as much as possible. In order to gain enough strength to fight against the old thieves of the Cardinal, I still hope that the original plan will be effective. Harnessing the power of Wilbert that she inherited. It's definitely worth it."

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